Miss Gay Pri of Portland on 2023 Portland, OR Pri Ft, Para

day pride gay

The Marche s Fiertés lbienn, gays, bis, trans, queers, tersex (LGBTQI+), formerly known as Gay Pri, announc s return to Paris this summer, wh the 2023 edn schled for Saturday June 24. Fd out more about the para route!



Explore our 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world. * day pride gay *

Jam Lewis Stoll’s Birthday - January 18thDolly Parton’s Birthday - January 19thCelebrate this ally’s birthday by readg Dolly Parton’s most spirg quot — cludg about human rights and the LGBTQ+ munyTrans Prisoner Day of Actn and Solidary - January 22ndBrazilian Natnal Day of Transgenr Visibily - January 29thWeeks & MonthsNatnal Blood Donor MonthUse this day to advote for the rights of gay men to be able to donate bloodNo Name-Callg Week - Every third week of January‍‍FebaryHolidaysAnniversary of the Appotment of the First Openly Gay Uned Stat Feral Judge, Joseph Gale - Febary 6thNatnal Black HIV/AIDS Awarens Day - Febary 7thNatnal Freedom to Marry Day - Febary 12thAudre Lor’s Birthday - Febary 18thChosen Fay Day - Febary 22ndWeeks & MonthsAromantic Spectm Awarens Week - Week after Febary 14th‍‍MarchHolidaysZero Discrimatn Day - March 1stInternatnal Women’s Day - March 8thJa Mock’s Birthday - March 10thBayard Rt’s Birthday - March 17thInternatnal Day for the Elimatn of Racial Discrimatn - March 21stTwo-Spir and Indigeno LGBTQ+ Awarens to Celebratn Day - March 21stInternatnal Transgenr Day of Visibily - March 31stRead and share the ultimate gui on how to celebrate Transgenr Day of VisibilyWeeks & MonthsWomen’s History MonthRead and share our gui to celebratg Women’s History MonthBisexual Health Awarens MonthNatnal LGBTQ+ Health Awarens Week - Every last week of March‍‍AprilHolidaysGLSEN Day of Silence - April, Day VariNatnal Youth HIV & AIDS Awarens Day - April 10thNatnal Transgenr HIV Ttg Day - April 18thNonbary Parents Day - Every third Sunday AprilPhill Wilson’s Birthday - April 22ndLbian Visibily Day - April 26thWeeks & MonthsLbian Visibily Week - Full week after April 26thNatnal Deaf LGBTQ+ Awarens Week - Week Vari‍‍MayHolidaysInternatnal Fay Equaly Day - Every 1st Sunday of MayNatnal Honor Our LGBT Elrs Day - May 16thInternatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia - May 17thWorld AIDS Vacce Day - May 18thRead about the potential good news about an AIDS vacceAgenr Pri Day - May 19thWorld Day of Cultural Diversy for Dialogue and Development - May 21stHarvey Milk Day - May 22ndRead the bt quot om Harvey MilkPansexual and Panromantic Visibily Day - May 24thMeet the celebri you may not know are pansexualLaverne Cox’s Birthday - May 29thWeeks & MonthsMental Health Awarens MonthRead about how to celebrate Mental Health Awarens Month so you n better support the LGBTQ+ munyQueer and Transgenr Asian Amerin/Pacific Islanr Week - Every last week of May‍‍JuneHolidaysBrandi Carlile’s Birthday - June 1stTroye Sivan’s Birthday - June 5thRead about Troye Sivan’s actg but a film that fights HIV/AIDS stigmaHIV Long-Term Survivors Day - June 5thPulse Night of Remembrance - June 12thWorld Refugee Day - June 20thLearn about the anizatn Rabow Railroad is helpg LGBTQ+ refuge and this gui on how to celebrate World Refugee DayLarry Kramer’s Birthday - June 25thFirst Use of LGBTQ+ Pri Flag - June 25thLearn about the meang of the first Pri flag — and every LGBTQ+ Pri flag that’s e sceLGBTQ+ Equaly Day - June 26thLearn about the meang of LGBTQIA+ and other acronymsAnniversary of the Legalizatn of Same-Sex Marriage the U.


Gay Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts New York Cy of June 28, 1969. * day pride gay *

Repeal of ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ - September 20thAnniversary of the Foundg of It Gets Better Project - September 21stCelebrate Bisexualy Day / Bi Visibily Day - September 23rdNatnal Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awarens Day - Last Friday of SeptemberWeeks & MonthsBisexual Awarens Week - Starts on the Sunday before September 23rdAlly Week - Last week of SeptemberBanned Books WeekSupport LGBTQ+ thors wh our gui to how to fight book bansNatnal Suici Preventn WeekRead the bt quot about suici preventnNatnal Suici Preventn Awarens MonthRead and share this gui on how to take actn durg Suici Preventn Month — and read about how suici rat dropped when gay marriage was legalized‍‍OctoberHolidaysDan Savage’s Birthday - October 2ndInternatnal Lbian Day - October 8thNatnal Comg Out Day - October 11thMatthew Shepard Death Anniversary - October 12thInternatnal Pronouns Day - October 17thSpir Day for LGBTQ+ Youth - October 19thLearn how to support LGBTQ+ youth and take actnLGBT Center Awarens Day - October 19thIntersex Awarens Day - October 26thNatnal Transgenr Children Day - October 26thWeeks & MonthsLGBTQ+ History MonthRead about LGBTQ+ history om before StonewallNatnal Bullyg Preventn MonthAsexual Awarens Week (Ace Week) - Last full week of October‍‍NovemberHolidaysIntersex Day of Remembrance - November 8thRuPl’s Birthday - November 18thInternatnal Transgenr Day of Remembrance - November 20thInternatnal Day for the Elimatn of Vlence Agast Women - November 25thGivg Tuday - First Tuday after ThanksgivgLearn how to volunteer wh or donate to LGBTQ+ anizatns for Givg Tuday (and explore more ias to make a difference)Weeks & MonthsTransgenr Awarens Week - First two full weeks of NovemberNatnal Homels Youth Awarens Month‍‍DecemberHolidaysWorld AIDS Day - December 1stExplore good news about the fight agast HIV/AIDS the U.


By the time the Stonewall Rts end on July 2, 1969, the gay rights movement went om beg a ge issue largely ignored by policians and the media to ont-page news Gay Pri ParaOne year later, durg the anniversary of the Stonewall Rts, activists New York Cy marched through the streets of Manhattan memoratn of the uprisg.

The atmosphere at the events n range om r, rnivalque celebratns to strint polil prott to solemn memorials for those lost to AIDS or homophobic June 2000, Print Bill Clton officially signated June as Gay and Lbian Pri Month, regnn of the Stonewall Rts and gay activism throughout the years. 7-acre around the Stonewall Inn where the morn gay rights movement, Gay Pri paras many ci are enormo celebratns: The events Sao Plo, Sydney, New York Cy, Madrid, Taipei and Toronto routely attract up to 5 ln Pri Month has grown populary across the globe, cricism of the events has grown, too. Many early anizers now cry the mercial fluence and rporate nature of Pri paras—pecially when those rporatns make donatns to policians who vote agast gay, lbian and transgenr Pri events are nohels seen as val protts agast reprsn and isolatn plac such as Serbia, Turkey and Rsia, where Pri paras have been met wh antigay vlence.

In May 2019, Donald Tmp regnized Pri Month wh a tweet announcg that his admistratn had lnched a global mpaign to crimalize homosexualy, although crics have noted that actns speak lour than New York Pri Para is one of the largt and most well-known paras to take place, wh over 2 ln people timated to have taken part Month timele1946The First LGBT OrganizatnThe Netherlands Center for Culture adopts a vague name to mask s then taboo 28, 1969The Stonewall RtsNYC police raid the Stonewall Inn, stigatg the Stonewall 28, 1970First Official Pri ParaOrganized by pneerg bisexual activist Brenda Howard and a mtee she put together, the para se supporters march om Greenwich Village to Central 25, 1978The Rabow Flag Fli HighGilbert Baker's origal sign of the rabow gay pri flag is flown at the San Francis Gay Freedom Day 26, 2015Same Sex Marriage RightsThe U. It also giv you the chance to meet new like-md people, knowg that this is a celebratn of acceptance and sh a light on LGBTQ+ issuThe emphasis may be on fun, but 's also the perfect time to thk about and discs issu related to the gay rights movement, pecially as gets more attentn om the media durg this time — om gay marriage and adoptn to transgenr rights. The global landspe for LGBTQ+ rights, protectns and acceptance vari tremendoly by lotn, wh some statns attractg lns of visors to their events like Madrid Gay Pri, Sao Plo Gay Pri or San Francis Gay Pri, while more than 70 other untri have laws that allow discrimatn or persecutn of LGBTQ+ people.


Here are the fns to know:L: LbianG: GayB: Bisexual T: TransgenrQ: Queer, or sometim qutng+: Enpass other inti unr the rabow umbrellaDig eper: Learn the meangs, origs of Pri flagsPri Flag | Progrs Pri Flag | Lbian Pri Flag | Bisexual Pri Flag | Pansexual Pri Flag | Asexual Pri Flag | Intersex Pri Flag | Genr Inty Flags | Trans Pri Flag.

As they enjoyed the floats and affirmatns of support for LGBTQ+ persons, they also ponred polil headwds facg gay and trans Amerins portns of the the rner of Bnswick Street and Park Avenue Rochter, llege stunts cheered the Pri Para om their porch Saturday afternoon, watchg the last of the floats and marchers.


2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar .