‎Gay Christmas Compilatn by Var Artists on Apple Mic

gay versions of christmas songs

Happy holigays!



The 21 Gayt Christmas Songs * gay versions of christmas songs *

They say Christmas is jt 'Straight Halloween, ' but the gays also do our fair share of celebratg! From classics to brand new songs, om tradnal vers to the gayt lyrics you n thk of, here are 23 of our favore Christmas songs by LGBTQ+ artists to get you the spir this holiday season! The ultimate gay Christmas classic.

That’s also why I have always believed that Christmas mic is super gay.


The songs really make the Yuleti <i>gay</i>. * gay versions of christmas songs *

“Make It Jgle” — Big Freedia“Make It Jgle” is the rare gay Christmas banger that explicly enurag you to shake your ass to . Of urse, helps that Gee Michael himself was gay. But the song is gay longg distilled to s purt form, om that synth riff to the sger’s own admissn that if his ex-lover kissed him now, he’d fool him aga.

“All I Want For Christmas Is You” — Mariah CareyIt’s ironic that one of the most inic Christmas songs of all time is one that explicly rejects much of the holiday hullabaloo, and that’s part of what mak so gay. “Merry Christmas, Darlg” — The Carpenters In addn to Karen Carpenter beg a gay in, the lyrics of this song are for every queer person who has had to swallow their sadns at beg unable to spend the holidays wh their loved one: “We’re apart, that’s te / But I n dream and my dreams / I’m Christmasg wh you. ” — Sufjan StevensAlthough n be difficult at tim to parse whether any given Sufjan song is gay or about God, I thk ’s safe to say that this one is fively gay.


Our playlist of holi-gay classics to get you through till the New Year. * gay versions of christmas songs *

Although “Gltery” sgs of a love that has already been fulfilled, there’s somethg about the moody edge to this song — pl Sivan beg there — that mak this song so gay my md. Look, you n say a lot of thgs about Glee, but let’s be real: havg two gay high school-aged characters ver this beloved, ually extremely heterosexual song on primetime TV 2010 was, dare I say, brave. Y, of urse, there’s the classic lyric “make the Yuleti gay.

Be gay, do crime, as the kids say.


* gay versions of christmas songs *

But ’s fely for many of the gays.

In the first verse, she fantasiz about dyeg her hair, movg somewhere, gettg a r, and drivg so fast that “they” all lose track — also known as some of the re gay pg mechanisms. Time to make the yuleti (and your playlist) gay.

We’ve lost track of how many tim we’ve heard this song the GAY TIMES office.


Here's the GAY TIMES roundup of the bt LGBTQ+ Christmas mic vios to get to the Christmas spir this year.  * gay versions of christmas songs *

Big Freedia – Santa Is A Gay Man. This recent entry onto our ftive playlists om sex-posive bisexual hyperpop star Slayyyter, who’s bee a favoure of the gays over the past year.

Listen to Queer Christmas by GAY TIMES on Apple Mic. Stream songs cludg "Christmas Bch", "Step to Christmas" and more. * gay versions of christmas songs *

It n be clever and morn and tchy and even a ltle rnchy (a sample le om Big Freedia's "Santa Is a Gay Man": "I'd love to grab ahold of that belly / And make jiggle like a bowl of K-Y Jelly") bt Christmas jams rejigger tired old standards to somethg marveloly origal, or they go back to the drawg board and dream up somethg entirely new--a h yuleti tune that be s own light of that, we've stng together some of our ftive favor.

In this massive 70-track playlist, you'll fd mic om the past seven s--om the ridiculo (Pansy Divisn's "Homo Christmas, " an o to gay sex unr the tree) to the sublime (Joni Mchell's "Blue, " perhaps the greatt untentnal Christmas song of all time).

Listen to Gay Christmas Compilatn by Var Artists on Apple Mic. Stream songs cludg "Last Christmas", "Jgle Bells" and more. * gay versions of christmas songs *

Christmas is a gay holiday, facts are facts. Sounds gay to me! And while the yuleti is herently queer, the gayt part has to be the mic.

Listen to Queer Christmas by GAY TIMES on Apple Mic. Stream songs cludg \'Christmas Bch\', \'Step to Christmas\' and more. * gay versions of christmas songs *

It don't really feel like Christmas until you start hearg your favore holiday bops on the rad -- but not all Christmas songs are created 's our official rankg of the gayt Christmas songs... What is gayer than a Dolly Parton Christmas song om a movie mil about big-haired sex workers? People always fet that this is a Christmas song and that is homophobia!

The only way this inic ver uld be gayer is if there was a hoe remix of playg at a GHB-soaked circu party, and you know what? Last week an elementary school teacher Michigan me unr fire when she cid to remove the word "gay" om the classic Christmas rol "Deck The Halls.

As you create bondg opportuni wh a new flg, enjoy a gay Christmas song durg the ftivi for a memorable experience. * gay versions of christmas songs *

After parents and others the muny got wd of the change -- and outrage ensued -- the teacher re-serted the supposedly troublome word back to the here at HuffPost Gay Voic believe that when people are aaid of or unfortable wh LGBT people or issu or even words (whether or not the word qutn is actually beg ed relatn to the LGBT muny), sometim the bt tactic is ph for an even greater prence hop of showg we won't be timidated, terred, or, we dug through our rerd llectns (and YouTube) -- to fd the gayt Christmas songs we uld get our hands (and ears) on a lighthearted effort to make thgs a ltle merrier -- and gayer -- this mpy offergs om The Weather Girls and Lady Gaga to songs by gay artists and ins like Gee Michael and Dolly Parton, this is our ltle gift to you this holiday season -- and the perfect playlist for a ftive gay out our selectns the followg slishow, rank them om rnit to most classic, and tell if we missed one of your favor the ments sectn below.

No matter what mak holiday mic jt so special, honor of the impendg days of celebratn, we've piled a list of the gayt Christmas songs ever.

Happy holigays! * gay versions of christmas songs *

"Mariah Carey, "All I Want For Christmas Is You"Mimi giv the holidays the ultimate diva treatment this song that's probably the closet thg we have to a ntemporary Christmas Gay Men's Chos, "Comg Out At Christmas"The London Gay Men's Chos's humoro take on "Hark!


‎Queer Christmas by GAY TIMES on Apple Mic .