Gay San Francis (1970) : Jonathan Raymond : Free Download, Borrow, and Streamg : Inter Archive

gay san francisco internet archive

It was a time before the rabow flag, before the Whe Night rts and before HIV and AIDS vastated a muny. This ABC7 special report, shown s entirety, giv a glimpse to what gay life was like San Francis 1976.



Shot between 1965-1970, Gay San Francis featur a llectn of credible footage of San Francis’s thrivg LGBTQ culture, wh a foc on the... * gay san francisco internet archive *

Shot between 1965-1970, Gay San Francis featur a llectn of credible footage of San Francis’s thrivg LGBTQ culture, wh a foc on the Tenrlo, San Francis’s first queer neighborhood.



Dcriptn: Gay San Francis by Jonathan Raymond, is a prevly lost documentary pictg queer life San Francis five s ago. Shot between... * gay san francisco internet archive *

lifornialightandsound, 1880-1889, Amatr films--California--San Francis, Archiv--California--San Francis--History, Gay muny, Gay liberatn movement--California--San Francis, Gay men, Gay men--California--Polil activy, Documentary, Personal/pennt works, San Francis (Calif. Dcriptn: Gay San Francis by Jonathan Raymond, is a prevly lost documentary pictg queer life San Francis five s ago. Shot between 1965-1970, Gay San Francis featur a llectn of credible footage of San Francis's thrivg LGBTQ culture, wh a foc on the Tenrlo, San Francis's first queer neighborhood.

Scen om gay bars are tercut wh fascatg terviews featurg gay men, lbians, and trans women discsg issu om harassment to sex to job secury. The film also clus a not-to-be missed Halloween drag show at On The Levee, one of SF's many historic gay bars that closed their doors long ago. Ma s before the legalizatn of gay marriage, before the legalizatn of homosexualy and before the AIDS crisis, this film shows a much more lighthearted, bohemian and unrground gay scene which is now only a memory.

It is difficult to terme to what gree this film was ma to document the gay scene of the late 1960s an unbiased manner and to what gree was meant to mock or mean s nizens. 01-the-gay-faln-1941. 01 The Gay Faln (1941) download.


Rerds Projects Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, Transgenr Historil Society, San Francis, CA $122,725 to support “Lavenr Godzilla,” a project to procs and create onle fdg aids for seven llectns (50.75 lear feet) related to LGBTQ Asian Amerin/Pacific Islanr people. Addnally, GLBTHS will digize material om the llectns and three addnal, * gay san francisco internet archive *

01 The Gay Faln (1941). Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, Transgenr Historil Society, San Francis, CA. $194, 860 to arrange, scribe, prerve, and make public some 767 lear feet of materials nstutg 99 archival or mancript llectns relatg to efforts to obta regnn and subsequently to tablish rights for gay and lbian Amerins the 20th century.

Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, Transgenr Historil Society. Openg s Goln Gate to a world of diverse culture, viewpots, and sexual 'I'm so glad I did this': Comg out, growg up at San Francis PriWe've been diggg through our archiv and found an amazg seri to give you a glimpse of gay life here late 1976.

It portrays San Francis as the gayt cy the untry. Though the seri foc only gay men, lbian, bisexual, and transgenr people were also fightg their own battl for public acceptance. "BAY GAYS" was shockg for s time and is stunng still today for how many of the issu still the vio above for the ABC7 special reports prented as they aired the text om the special reports below:The Queen Cy: San Francis 1977Durg the past six months or so, several of here at Channel 7 have been focg our attentn on the homosexual muny of the Bay Area pecially San Francis, wh the hope of prentg for you a report that would shed some light on the darkns of the gay scene and generally show that people of homosexual persuasn are no different except their sexual preference.


San Francis the Queen Cy of the Wt known to many for the Goln Gate Bridge and the ble rs known to far fewer as a haven for homosexuals. You n look around the cy's many districts and be sure that gays, as many homosexuals prefer to ll themselv, are part of the scene.

But when work is through one hundreds gather here what many are nvced as the largt and most signifint gay ghetto the Uned Stat if not the entire world.


Castro village the name given for roughly 20 square blocks of quat jobs vaguely Victorian stctur cut to livg quarters and more than 15 gay bars. Otherwise for gays om D Mo or Duluth, a sort of heaven on earth. Walk down the street this crossroad the gay muny and you're likely to meet your neighbor, your doctor, the guy who fixed your televisn set, or perhaps your boss.

Look at any crowd San Francis and the odds are that one out of three is gay. Mart Stoll, a former State Department official and now one of the most rpected lears of the San Francis gay muny, "I thk San Francis is attractive to all people who are particularly those mori and that this has always been known as a place that uld accept people wh different liftyl and certaly the gay liftyle is a different liftyle.


Gay San Francis (1970) : Jonathan Raymond : Free Download, Borrow, and Streamg : Inter Archive .