gay fn | French fn dictnary | Reverso

gay definition in french

The meang of GAY is of, relatg to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attractn to people of one's same sex —often ed to refer to men only. How to e gay a sentence. Usage of Gay: Usage Gui Synonym Discsn of Gay.



gay translate: gay, homosexuel/-elle, gay [mascule-feme], homosexuel/-elle [mascule-feme…. Learn more the Cambridge English-French Dictnary. * gay definition in french *

Our dghter Leyla has always been a gay right activist. How To Say Gay In French?


How do you say "gay" French? Learn the French LGBTQ+ vobulary, wh explanatns and English translatn + cultural thoughts. * gay definition in french *

To refer to sexual, romantic or emotnal attractn, you’ll see both spellgs ed French: the English “gay” as well as the French “gai(e)”. We also e the word homosexual to scribe a sexual, romantic or emotnal attractn to someone of the same sex: “un homosexuel”, “une homosexuelle” (short: “homo”).

It n be a noun or an t homo. He/she is homosexual.

Some may e mostly the word “gay” as a “summary” of all the possibili. A bear (slang) scrib a hairy, heavy-set (sometim mcular) gay or bisexual man: “un ours” (do pronounce the fal “s”)non-bary person: somebody who intifi as neher male nor female, or some batn of both: “une personne non-baire”, “une personne bi-genrée”.


gay translate: gay, gay, cheerful, gay. Learn more the Cambridge French-English Dictnary. * gay definition in french *

The LGBTQ+ muny: (f) “la munté LGBTQ+”sexual orientatn: (f) “l’orientatn sexuelle”homosexualy: (f) “l’homosexualé”heterosexualy: (f) “l’hétérosexualé”gay rights: (m) “l dros s homosexuels”gay marriage: (m) “le mariage gay”homoparental adoptn: (f) “l’adoptn homoparentale”misgenrg: (v) “mégenrer” or “malgenrer”genr dysphoria: a state of unease or generalized dissatisfactn wh life – Genr dysphoria is experienced by people whose genr inty do not align wh their assigned sex: (f) “la dysphorie”sex assigned at birth: (m) “le sexe assigné à la naissance”breast bdg: (v) “se banr l ses”sex reassignment surgery: (f) “une chirgie réassignatn sexuelle”ttosterone shots: (f) “s jectns ttostérone”to be the closet: to be gay but whout sayg openly: “être dans le plard”, “être secrètement homosexuel”, “ne pas révéler s préférenc / son inté sexuelle(s)”to e out: to announce publicly that you are gay: “faire son g out” be outed: when someone else divulg your sexual orientatn or inty whout your nsent: “révéler l’orientatn ou l’inté sexuelle quelqu’un ntre son gré”. Depuis que je suis pete, l dros s homosexuels m’ont térsée, et j’ai toujours pensé que to l typ d’amours vraient être acceptés, tant que tout le mon t nsentant. Sce I was a ltle, gay rights have been an tert of me, and I’ve always thought that all typ of lov should be accepted, as long as the all people volved are nsentg.

C’éta assez surprenant pour moi, et j’ai souvent défendu l dros homosexuels dans la ur d’éle, quand j’entendais s enfants utiliser s sult me “pédé”. It was pretty surprisg for me and I often spoke up fense of homosexual rights the school yard when I heard kids g sults such as “faggot”.

Selon moi, l’acceptatn s homosexuels t en tra d’évoluer en France. In my opn, gay acceptance is evolvg France.


Need to translate "gay" to French? Here's how you say . * gay definition in french *

Comparé à la génératn m grand-parents, être ouvertement gay ou même sexe intifiable t beup pl accepté qu’avant. Compared to my grandparents’ generatn, ’s now much more accepted to be openly gay, or even fluid genr wise.

Mais je pense que pour beup personne, être homosexuel, ça passe, tant que ça ne ncerne pas la fale ou l amis proch. Yet, I feel that for many people, beg gay is okay as far as ’s don’t ncern their own fay or close iends.


gay translatn English - French Reverso dictnary, see also 'gray, GA, gaydar, gayns', exampl, fn, njugatn * gay definition in french *

4 Gay French Exprsns. To say someone is gay, one may say “il/elle/iel t la jaquette” or “il/elle/iel t du bâtiment”. Homophobic French Insults.

French Insult to Say “Gay”. French Song About Gays & Transvt – Charl Aznavour.

At that time beg gay, or even talkg about was still que a taboo France, and I admire Aznavour for takg the risk to sg about that subject and create such a betiful, sensive, rpectful and lovg song, pecially sce he was not gay himself. I thk this may have been to avoid potential censorship (homosexualy was still illegal those days) yet ’s so poetic!


gay translatn French - French Reverso dictnary, see also 'gaye, gayo, gray, ga', exampl, fn, njugatn * gay definition in french *

I live alone wh MomIn a very old apartmentOn Sarasate StreetI have to keep my panyA turtle, two nariAnd a psytSo that mom n rtI very often do the grocery shoppgAnd the okgI clean, I wash, I swipeOcsnally I also sewOn the sewg macheWork don’t sre meI’m a b of a ratorA b of a stylistBut my real jobIt’s at nightthat I do transvteI’m an artistI have a very special showThat ends fully nakedAfter strippgAnd the showroom I n see thatMal n’t believe their eyI’m a homo Like they sayAround 3AMWe go out to eat among iendsOf every genrIn a random barAnd there, we have a blastAnd whout any plexWe gossip the tthAbout people we n’t standWe stone themBut we do wh humorWrapped punsWet wh acidWe meet stupid peopleWho to amaze their tableWalk and waveMimickg what they thk is Coverg themselv, the poor foolsWh ridiculeThey gture and speak loudThey act like divas, tenorsOf stupidyAs for me, their bad jok and mean wordsDon’t get to me, sce is teI am an homoLike they sayAt the time when a new day I go back to fd my routeLonelsI take off my eyelash and my hairLike an old clown sadof wearsI lay down but I don’t sleepI thk about my unhappy lovSo ludicroAbout this boy handsome as a godWho did nothg yet sat fireTo my memoryMy mouth will never dareAdm to him my sweet secretMy tenr dramaBee the reason of all my tormentsSpends most of his timeIn women’s bedsno one tly has the rightTo blame me, to judge meAnd let me pot outThat is ed naturewho is the only rponsible ifI am an homoLike they say.


* gay definition in french *

What's the French word for gay? More French words for gay.

gai translate: cheerful, cheerful, gay, gay. Learn more the Cambridge French-English Dictnary. * gay definition in french *

(=homosexual) homosexuel (le) → I've told them I'm gay. Gay sex s rapports mpl homosexuels a gay man un homosexuel lbians and gay men l lbienn et l homosexuels → discrimatn agast lbians and gay men.

by Jordan Redman Staff Wrer  Do you know what the word gay really means? The word gay dat back to the 12th century and om the Old French “gai,” meang “full of joy or mirth.” It may also relate to the Old High German “gahi,” meang impulsive. * gay definition in french *

(=cheerful) gai (e) → I am good health, gay and ee. → a gay pann.


gay | translate English to French - Cambridge Dictnary .