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The new members show "there is LGBTQ life outsi of Boystown," one said.</p></div><div class="articleMeta__ContaerWrapper-sc-mnxmjt-0 kiZEZ article-meta article-meta--top irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--articleMeta"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe article-meta__social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ redd"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq redd"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on redd</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M15.57,15.284 C14.673,15.284 13.91925,14.5565 13.91925,13.6595 C13.91925,12.7625 14.673,12.011 15.57,12.011 C16.467,12.011 17.1945,12.7625 17.1945,13.6595 C17.1945,14.5565 16.467,15.284 15.57,15.284 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Timmy Knudsen, Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth and Lamont Robson. Middle row: Alds. Jsie Fuent, Bent Lawson and Maria Hadn. Bottom row: Alds. Ray Lopez, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa and Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez.</figptn><span class="article__ImageCred-sc-7s8aer-5 ieDIYX">Provid and Jake Wtich/Col Boyle/Block Club Chigo</span></div></figure></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent-ntaer irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__CredibilyInditorsWrapper-sc-18725oc-0 iUZmNj le-mon__credibily-ditors le-mon__credibily-ditors--flt"><ul class="credibily-ditors__list"><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA credibily-ditors__tle irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Credibily:</span></li><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><div class="flt__PopoverWrapper-sc-19b13eh-0 aA-dxY le-mon__popover le-mon__popover--flt"><div class="popover" aria-modal="false" aria-hidn="te" role="dialog" style="posn:fixed;visibily:hidn;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0">This article ntas new, firsthand rmatn unvered by s reporter(s). 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No openly transgenr or nonbary alrpeople have been elected Chigo.</p><p>The reprentatn grew even as Alds. Tom Tunney (44th) and Jam Cappleman (46th) retire this month.</p><p>New to the LGBT Cc are alrpeople-elect <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lamont Robson</a> (4th), <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Jsie Fuent</a> (26th), <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Bent Lawson</a> (44th) and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth</a> (48th).</p><p>The four h fac jo Ald. <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Timmy Knudsen</a>, who won his first electn sce beg appoted to the 43rd Ward seat last fall, and reelected Alds. <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Raymond Lopez</a> (15th), <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez</a> (33rd), <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Carlos Ramirez-Rosa</a> (35th) and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Maria Hadn</a> (49th).</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 5184w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-622763" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">A aln of LGBTQ-intifyg elected officials and muny members cricized mayoral ndidate Pl Vallas for his rerd on LGBTQ rights durg a prs nference March 8, 2023.</figptn></figure><p>Chigo now has the most LGBTQ-intifyg officials out of any cy uncil the Uned Stat, acrdg to the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, a polil actn mtee dited to helpg elect LGBTQ-intifyg ndidat.</p><p>All ne of Chigo’s LGB-intifyg alrpeople talked to Block Club about why this reprentatn is signifint, what prri they hope to tackle and how they thk Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson’s admistratn will support the LGBTQ muny.</p><p>“This is a great thg bee mak the cy of Chigo more reflective of the te diversy our neighborhoods,” said Lopez, who will now be the most senr member of the uc, which formed 2015. “Issu that have long gone unrolved or unnsired simply bee they weren’t someone else’s issu may actually be addrsed.”</p><h2>Buildg LGBTQ Rourc ‘Across The Whole Cy’</h2><p>The electn further diversified the LGBT Cc terms of genr, race and ethnicy, as well as the parts of the cy they reprent, rporatg more of the South and Wt sis. </p><p>Manaa-Hoppenworth is the first openly queer Asian-Amerin alrperson and first Filipa on Cy Council. She tak over for retirg Ald. Harry Osterman, reprentg Uptown and Edgewater.</p><p>“I’m really proud to be part of the Asian-Amerin muny, which has rallied behd me across the globe,” Manaa-Hoppenworth said. “The LGBTQ muny cross race, class, ethnici and wards, so ’s excg to be part of a Cy Council that reflects that.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 1650w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 508w, 1014w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-637406" alt="" src=" height="681" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Col Boyle/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">Alrwoman-elect Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth (48th) pos for a photo near Bryn Mawr Avenue the 48th Ward on April 25, 2023.</figptn></figure><p>Robson is the first Black, openly gay man on Cy Council. He tak over for Ald. Sophia Kg, reprentg parts of South Loop, Bronzeville, Kenwood and Hy Park.</p><p>Robson said he wanted to work closely wh Hadn, the first queer Black alrperson, to “be the voice that the queer Black muny needs Cy Council.” Hadn’s ward clus Rogers Park and the Far North Si.</p><p>As a state reprentative, Robson helped <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">secure $15 ln fundg for Black-led anizatns tacklg HIV</a> and $15 ln state fundg <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">for Howard Brown Health to build a South Si LGBTQ Center</a>.</p><p>“The Black LGBTQ muny still fac high rat of unemployment, HIV and hog stabily, so those are all issu that I want to be able to work on,” Robson said.</p><p>Fuent jos Lopez, Ramirez-Rosa and Rodriguez-Sanchez as the LGBT Cc’ fourth Latx member. Her 26th Ward clus Humboldt Park and parts of Logan Square, Hermosa, Wt Humboldt Park and Wt Town.</p><p>“This allows for to thk about the typ of stutns and spac that we need to be buildg across the whole cy,” Fuent said. “When we thk about safe spac for LGBTQIA+ members, we often thk about Boystown, but [the LGBT Cc’] wi geographil reprentatn lls on to thk about how we build spac like that all our muni.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 5184w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-622759" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">Jsie Fuent, alrman-elect of the 26th Ward, speaks durg a Wednday, March 8, 2023, prs nference about mayoral ndidate Pl Vallas’ track rerd on LGBTQ rights.</figptn></figure><p>Lopez, who had been the only gay alrman south of North Avenue, said he agre the broar diversy of the LGBT Cc n “raise awarens that there is LGBTQ life outsi of Boystown.”</p><p>Issu like LGBTQ muny relatns wh police need to be tackled om a cywi lens now, stead of actg “like LGBTQ police officers are somethg only for the Wrigleyville district,” Lopez said. </p><p>North Si LGBTQ anizatns also need to put the work to reach people on the South and Wt sis, Lopez said.</p><p>“You nnot simply say anymore that LGBTQ issu are jt a North Si thg,” Lopez said.</p><p>Lawson, whose ward reprents the Northalsted LGBTQ district wh the Center on Halsted and Howard Brown Health, said he would prrize makg sure social servic for LGBTQ people are available everywhere.</p><p>“We need to work together to take those servic that I host Lakeview that are welg, affirmg and culturally petent and make sure people have accs to them throughout the cy,” Lawson said. “Havg a uncil that is tly cywi and multiracial will help wh that missn.”</p><p>Knudsen, who found a pro bono practice at his law firm to reprent LGBTQ asylum seekers before jog Cy Council, also said he hop to llaborate wh the other alrpeople on immigratn-related issu.</p><p><a href=">Another wave of migrants</a> om Central and South Ameri are beg bsed to the cy om Texas, tensifyg the need for more hog, rourc and servic to help them.</p><p>“I’m really gog to lean substantively on how we n make the procs for asylum and the transn to Chigo life easier,” Knudsen said. “We are a sanctuary cy for immigrants, but I have plenty of stori of people who have applied for asylum and still n’t get here.”</p><p>While many of the alrpeople see eye-to-eye on some ial prri, the new LGBT Cc has iologil differenc that uld pose challeng as they llaborate, Lopez said.</p><p>“We n the polil gamut here, probably wh me to the furtht right of everybody the group,” Lopez said. “We’re a reflectn of the larger LGBTQ muny, and if we want to show people what means to lead love, that’s gog to be the challenge for all ne members.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 1650w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 508w, 1014w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-625018" alt="" src=" height="681" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Col Boyle/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th) looks on at a Cy Council meetg on March 15, 2023.</figptn></figure><h2>How Will The New Mayor Put His LGBTQ Platform Into Actn?</h2><p>Many of the LGBT Cc’ members rallied behd Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson throughout his mpaign, and the ne alrmen said those nnectns will help them enact polici that strengthen Chigo’s reputatn as a welg cy for LGBTQ people.</p><p>Hadn, Fuent, Manaa-Hoppenworth, Ramirez-Rosa and Rodriguez-Sanchez endorsed Johnson, praisg the ndidate’s <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">LGBTQ platform</a> durg a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">March news nference nouncg challenger Pl Vallas</a>.</p><p>Lawson, Tunney’s long-time chief of staff, followed the outgog alrman’s steps by endorsg Vallas, as did Lopez. Knudsen and Robson did not endorse a ndidate.</p><p>“A lot of Brandon Johnson’s supporters have been stalwarts the uc already and active on raisg LGBT issu,” Lawson said. “I thk their support of Johnson will be a fe benef for the work that we do on the uncil.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 1650w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 508w, 1014w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-637420" alt="" src=" height="681" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Col Boyle/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">Alrman-elect Bent Lawson (44th) pos for a photo at the Center on Halsted on April 25, 2023.</figptn></figure><p>Ramirez-Rosa, one of Johnson’s fierct supporters, said the uc should meet early to ci which issu s members want to prrize. He also said the uc uld partner wh Johnson to enact the LGBTQ agenda he mpaigned on.</p><p>“Mayor-elect Johnson ran on a bold platform that had a very robt policy agenda for the LGBTQ muny that was created wh the support and put of LGBTQ lears, so I’m really exced to see him move forward wh that agenda,” Ramirez-Rosa said.</p><p>Johnson’s platform emphasized the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislatn across the natn and promised to further vt Chigo as a “regnal hub for LGBTQ muny and culture.”</p><p>At the top of Johnson’s plan is a promise to protect LGBTQ people by ensurg hate crim are fully vtigated and solvg more murrs of transgenr people Chigo, which have been on the rise recent years, acrdg to <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">data llected by the Human Rights Campaign</a>.</p><p>Several alrpeople highlighted the murrs of trans women of lor as one of the top issu Chigo needs to addrs. More than a dozen trans women of lor have been killed Chigo sce 2010, acrdg to a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">recent Tribune analysis</a>. Of that, only a small percentage of their murrs have been solved.</p><p>“That vlence is occurrg wh impuny, and mt stop,” Ramirez-Rosa said. “Protectg trans women, particularly trans Black women, needs to be at the top of the list.”</p><p>Part of this work is preventative, Johnson said <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">durg a March fundraiser at Sitrack</a> Northalsted. The cy n protect transgenr people by makg sure they are affirmed and have accs to mental health, hog and other supportive servic, he said.</p><p>Manaa-Hoppenworth said ensurg transgenr people have stable jobs is also ccial. Her ward clus the Chigo Therapy Collective, a nonprof that lnched the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Hire Trans Now iative</a> to promote transgenr cln work opportuni. Hire Trans Now was also listed Johnson’s LGBTQ Rights platform.</p><p>“I’m so proud that the Chigo Therapy Collective’s Hire Trans Now iative is beg phed up at the cy level,” Manaa-Hoppenworth said. “But n’t stop there. We need to keep gog and make sure transgenr people are fed all the thgs that we do.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 1650w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 508w, 1014w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-625026" alt="" src=" height="681" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Col Boyle/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn class="wp-element-ptn">Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez (33rd) reacts at a Cy Council meetg on March 15, 2023.</figptn></figure><p>Rodriguez-Sanchez, who worked on the Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary Ordance aimed at protectg people who e om other stat to get an abortn, said she hop to work wh the LGBT Cc to ntue passg legislatn that strengthens Chigo as a safe place for vulnerable people.</p><p>“The ntext of that ordance was the reversal of Roe v. Wa, but also was a rponse to all the transphobic laws that are beg passed around the untry to prevent genr-affirmg re,” Rodriguez-Sanchez said. “I thk dog thgs like this is gog to be part of our agenda.”</p><p>Hadn said she expects LGB alrpeople will work to tablish Chigo as a mol for other ci lookg to protect LGBTQ people.</p><p>“Jt like wh the bodily tonomy ordance, we’re gog to have to be lled upon to ntue affirmg Chigo as a safe place to have a ntued posive fluence on polici,” Hadn said.</p><p class="pi__hi-for-payg"><em><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Subscribe to Block Club Chigo</a>, an pennt, 501(c)(3), journalist-n newsroom. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods.</em></p><p class="pi__hi-for-payg"><em>Click <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">here</a> to support Block Club wh a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">tax-ductible donatn.</a></em> </p><p class="pi__show-for-payg"><em>Thanks for subscribg to Block Club Chigo, an pennt, 501(c)(3), journalist-n newsroom. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods</em>.<em> Click <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">here</a> to support Block Club wh a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">tax-ductible donatn.</a></em></p><p><a href="><strong>Watch our “On The Block” TV show on The U, CW26 and MeTV.</strong></a></p><p><strong>Listen to “It’s All Good: A Block Club Chigo Podst”:</strong></p><iame class="" style="width:100%" width="640px" height="377px" src=" allowfullscreen=""></iame><div style="height:1px;left:0;marg:0 to;posn:absolute;poter-events:none;right:0;top:50%;width:1px" id="wp-irvg-gtm-article-midpot"></div></div></div></div><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv article-meta article-meta--bottom irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li 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chicago and gay

Explore the bt gay bars and rtrants Chigo's Downtown, Near North, and South Si, cludg one of the olst gay clubs the midwt." emprop="scriptn



Feel the pri and get to know LGBTQ+ Chigo. Explore our gay travel gui to Chigo, cludg historic landmarks, neighborhoods, and nightlife. * chicago and gay *

And we celebrate all year the Chigo Pri Para JuneExplore welg neighborhoodsExperience Chigo's vibrant LGBTQ+ muni, cludg the first official gay neighborhood the at Sitrack BoystownKeep explorgDisver more Chigo LGBTQ+ gems, om historic landmarks to ol boutiqu to top drag shows. June’s Chigo Pri Ftival, one of the largt annual gay pri ftivals the untry, and Chigo Pri Para, which attracts an timated one ln spectators, are among the summer’s stars. A century ago, and long before Lori Lightfoot was elected the first openly gay mayor of Chigo, the cy was home to LGBTQ rights fluencers such as Henry Gerber and Pearl Hart.

Known as the “Guardian Angel of Chigo’s Gay Communy, ” Hart is one of the first female attorneys to practice crimal law Chigo and equently fends untls gay men arrted bars and tea rooms.

(Handout)1924: The first Amerin gay rights anizatn, The Society for Human Rights, is created by German immigrant and Chigo rint Henry Gerber. ”1950: Jazz tmpeter Ernte “Ty” Davis opens the club Ty & Ruby’s Gay Spot wh her partner Ruby Lus the 2700 block of South Wentworth Avenue Chigo.


Lbian, gay, transgenr, queer, bisexual — however you intify, you’ll f right . Check out the ultimate LGBTQ+ Chigo gui om Choose Chigo. * chicago and gay *

30, 1956, psychologist Evelyn Hooker livers her paper “The Adjtment of the Male Overt Homosexual, ” which was published a year later, at the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn Conventn Chigo.


Lbian, gay and bisexual alrpeople now are one-fifth of the Cy Council — and they reprent all rners of the cy. The new members show "there is LGBTQ life outsi of Boystown," one said." class="" style=" * chicago and gay *

(Chigo Tribune)1965: Lbian pulp novelist Valerie Taylor and lawyer Pearl Hart, among others, tablish Mattache Midwt, the cy’s first succsful gay rights anizatn. The se mak to the Supreme Court and Klepak is Liberatn Front members march through Bughoe Square (now Washgton Square Park) on their way to a rally at the Civic Center (now Daley Plaza) on June 27, 1970, as part of Chigo's first Gay Pri Week.

(Anthony Robert La Penna/Chigo Tribune)1974: The Chigo Gay Medil Stunts Associatn creat Howard Brown Memorial Clic, a place where gays and lbians n receive unselg and sexually transmted fectns ttg and treatment. 1977: On June 14, 1977, thoands gather outsi the Medah Temple to prott Florida orange juice spokwoman Ana Bryant, who opposed gay Harold Washgton attends a gay rights rally Lln Park on July 1, 1984. 1991: The Gay and Lbian Hall of Fame, later renamed the Chigo LGBT Hall of Fame, is created Chigo, honorg people and anizatns who have ntributed to the cy’s LGBTQ muni.

(Alex Garcia/Chigo Tribune)1992: The Universy of Chigo begs to offer benefs to gay and lbian upl, one of the first lleg to do so. 1995: Judg on a state appellate urt note, “nothg the (Adoptn) Act suggts that sexual orientatn is a relevant nsiratn, and lbians and gay men are permted to adopt Illois.


* chicago and gay *

Brown/Chigo Tribune)2007: On June 1, 2007, The Center on Halsted, which began 1973 as Gay Horizons, opens s doors on the rner of Halsted Street and Waveland Avenue. Whether you’re searchg for thrivg nightlife or unrground culture, check out the bt gay neighborhoods that Chigo has to offer. However, as a gateway for immigrants s past, this gay-iendly Chigo neighborhood has always remaed welg to newers of any background.

While you won’t fd the same flamboyant nightlife scene as Boystown, Pilsen has plenty to offer those seekg the bt gay areas Chigo.


Chigo queer bars like Nobody's Darlg Anrsonville and pop-ups like Peach Prents parti are evolvg beyond lbian and gay bars of the past. * chicago and gay *

As one of the most excg ci the USA, Gay Chigo is home to Boystown, the first signated gay neighborhood Amerin history.

Head up to Anrsonville, Chigo's shop lol pal and one of the largt LGBT+ muni the cy, for bnch, shoppg, gay bars, and more!

The hotel is walkg distance to Riverwalk, the Archecture Tour, Millennium Park and The Bean, Art Instute of Chigo, shoppg along the Magnificent Mile, Navy Pier, and the Lakeont Trail where you n grab a Divvy bike and head up to Boystown, Lln Park, or the Hollywood gay beach!


All the latt rmatn + rourc you will need when movg to LGBTQ Chigo, cludg the bt gay neighborhoods, muny groups, gay realtors, and more. * chicago and gay *

It’s the perfect lotn as well to rerve before a night out at Sitrack, Rose’s Tavern, and dare we say late night at the Shoe–but let’s not jump ahead as we’ll ver all of the more tail below Where to fd gay nightlife!

Where to fd gay nightlife – Savg the bt for last, we are super exced to share our list of the bt gay bars, loung, and clubs Chigo! We took Trai’s mom to Out at Wrigley (a gay pri event to watch a Chigo Cubs baseball game as a muny) and then to show tun at Sitrack. Although the erary above is perfect for a night out Boystown, don’t fet Chigo has a send huge gayborhood about 2-3 north of Boystown that we haven’t even vered yet!


Several Chigo gay bars will stop sellg Anhser-Bch products to prott the pany's handlg of an anti-transgenr boytt. * chicago and gay *

As a bon, if you are stayg at LondonHoe or Freehand or nearby, there is one old school gay bar downtown lled Send Story. Barbershop – To keep h, Edgewater’s Father and Son is perhaps the bt barbershop Chigo and is nsistently by wh gay men. CHICAGO — The new Cy Council will soon have Chigo’s hight-ever reprentatn of lbian, gay and bisexual alrpeople, offerg key opportuni to strengthen the cy’s reputatn as a bean for LGBTQ rights while protectg the most vulnerable members of the muny, they number of openly LGB-intifyg alrpeople Chigo will grow om seven to ne, prisg one-fifth of the uncil, when members are sworn May 15.

”Cred: Jake Wtich/Block Club ChigoJsie Fuent, alrman-elect of the 26th Ward, speaks durg a Wednday, March 8, 2023, prs nference about mayoral ndidate Pl Vallas’ track rerd on LGBTQ, who had been the only gay alrman south of North Avenue, said he agre the broar diversy of the LGBT Cc n “raise awarens that there is LGBTQ life outsi of Boystown.

“We provi an teractive entertament experience, ” says Ariyanayakam — pl a long and dreamy cktail and marti list rangg om The Ruby Slipper (vodka, triple sec, and by red grapeu juice) to the Berry Manillow (vodka, creme ssis, and a splash of lime), K Kat Lounge also featur a drag bnch, durg which you n people watch and soak “all the gay realns on the street, ” says Ariyanayakam.


Kg Lil Jay has nied allegatns of him beg gay after a prison vio began dog the rounds which one male mate is seen stg on the lap of another. * chicago and gay *

“Big Chicks has always been a iendly meetg place for gay men and women, neighborhood iendli, and out-of-towners, ” Fire explas. The popular venue has also anized var LGBTQ+ iendly events, cludg Homolatte, a queer all-clive dance party, and much more. Although Chigo has among the greatt selectn of gay nightspots the untry, the majory of the hangouts - om bars and diss to LGBT-popular rtrants - are popular mixed rintial-mercial neighborhoods on the north si of the cy.

You n fd extensive lists of tablishments the Chigo Lakeview Gay Nightlife Gui and the Chigo Anrsonville Gay Nightlife Gui. Fortunately, there are a uple of very fun gay nightspots right the heart of downtown, not to mentn an almost endls supply of terrific rtrants, many of them wh mixed gay/straight followgs.


Addnally, on the cy's South Si, you'll fd a pair of gay bars that ter predomantly to Ain-Amerin patrons, Club Espe and Jeffery Pub.

It's also a b of a distance to reach the bars, but they're both legendary nightspots that are well-worth checkg out, pecially given that many of the natn's gay Ain-Amerin hangouts have steadily disappeared over the years. Also take a look at the Chigo Gay Bathhoe and Sex Club Gui, which has plenty of advice on where to meet guys lookg to hookup around Chigo.

75th St., 773-667-6454) is one of two long-nng gay bars on Chigo's Southsi, terg largely to the cy's sizable Ain-Amerin GLBT crowd (the other is the Jefey Pub). Jeffery Blvd., 773-363-8555) opened on this cy's South Shore more than 40 years ago and has been ground zero for the cy's Ain-Amerin gay muny ever sce. One of the longt-nng gay clubs the Midwt, the que fabulo Baton Show Lounge is also one of the untry's most illtr female impersonatn barets.


Gay Travel Chigo | LGBTQ Neighborhoods, Events & Nightlife | Choose Chigo .