Stream We At Gay Tho -BreadBoy And GOTSOCKS ! by Got Socks | Listen onle for ee on SoundCloud

it ain't gay i got socks on

This is a phrase you ask someone if they do somethg dly gay to make sure you’re still a virg and not gay bee everybody knows if you have sex wh socks then u still a virg, but if you have sex wh another guy and you have socks on, ’s not gay. It don’t always have to be sexual tho, like if a homie licks you or hugs you and u have socks, then you not gay. This phrase is kd of like the send ndom to the phrase “no homo”. It’s jt extra protectn y’know." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn



If you have socks on ’s not gay, bee you’re not mted to the act. But if no socks are on then is gay bee you are mted to ." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * it ain't gay i got socks on *

If you have socks on ’s not gay, bee you’re not mted to the act. But if no socks are on then is gay bee you are mted to homie was upset about not gettg head last night so John said fuck I got socks on I’ll suck ! He took up the ass by 6 dus that shs gay!

Nah he had socks on so ’s okay bee of the sock the Sock le you have 'socks on' your feet any homosexual actns or statements beg ma holds a stat of beg unniably 'not gay'. This le appli to past, prent, and future events that socks are worn at the time someone challeng if dividual is mtg an act that is gay, the dividual qutn mt quickly claim whether or not they have 'socks on' or not. This is done to terme the orientatn(level of gay) of said event.


* it ain't gay i got socks on *

A third part is allowed to ask if socks where worn if 'socks on' stat is not an actn or event is challenged, and if the dividual partakg the event or actn only has one sock on, the dividual qutn has the right to terme the effectivens of their sock g the chart two socks on is unniably 'not gay'.

When I was 13 years old a buddy of me tried to nvce me to fool around. I wasn't to , and he told me 's not gay if you're wearg socks. I didn't believe him, went home, ... * it ain't gay i got socks on *

Havg one sock on or socks that are loted beyond the feet regardls of amount are nsired ambiguo and is the rponsibily of the wearer to terme if was 'gay', 'partially gay', 'half gay', or 'not gay'. Havg no socks on while performg or sayg somethg homosexual, will always hold the stat of one or more socks on your person while also not beg worn any way, holds no value.

Person2: "That's gay! "It a't gay if you're wearg socks" -Sharken 2017 (alias: Sharky)by LnCw October 7, 2021Get the Sock le you have socks on while takg part a homosexual actn is nsired not gay bee you are not fully mted to the act, however once those socks are removed the act and every member of the participatg party be as gay as Jam Charl due to the lack of socks which means that you are fully mted to said homosexual actnChad- “Bro I jt saw Larry give some du head, that’s so gay! R- “Then ’s not gay”.

The act of kissg your homie. It a't gay if you got socks on" name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * it ain't gay i got socks on *

R- “If a participant is wearg socks then ncels out the gayns and they are therefore not gay”. C- “Hmmmmm, ok seems leg”by AgLet- Augt 15, 2019Get the Sock Rule the creator of the Sock Rule I am here to rm you the rear that when wearg socks you have immuny om homosexualy. Therefore you may do any ordarily homo activy but will ncel out bee socks.

Stream We At Gay Tho -BreadBoy And GOTSOCKS ! by Got Socks on sktop and mobile. Play over 320 ln tracks for ee on SoundCloud. * it ain't gay i got socks on *

However if you have one sock on you are only half homo. Have a great day kgs and queens, and always remember to wear your Rule -To exclu yourself om any homosexual activi"yo I'm fna suck that dick" "you gay" "nah I got socks on.

""You didn't say no homo" *shows socks* "ight you good"Yo that guy over there is so fuck hot I thought you were straight?

I am but the SOCKS RULE sav me bee blocks anythg homosexual-AbakaGet the Sock Rule you have socks on ’s not gay, bee you’re not mted to the act.

Buy "It's Not Gay if You're Wearg Socks" by lil-schmidty as a Socks * it ain't gay i got socks on *

But if no socks are on then is gay bee you are mted to .

This is a phrase you ask someone if they do somethg dly gay to make sure you’re still a virg and not gay bee everybody knows if you have sex wh socks then u still a virg, but if you have sex wh another guy and you have socks on, ’s not gay.

It don’t always have to be sexual tho, like if a homie licks you or hugs you and u have socks, then you not gay. This phrase is kd of like the send ndom to the phrase “no homo”.

This is a phrase you ask someone if they do somethg dly gay to make sure you’re still a virg and not gay bee everybody knows if you have sex wh socks then u still a virg, but if you have sex wh another guy and you have socks on, ’s not gay. It don’t always have to be sexual tho, like if a homie licks you or hugs you and u have socks, then you not gay. This phrase is kd of like the send ndom to the phrase “no homo”. It’s jt extra protectn y’know." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * it ain't gay i got socks on *

Tristan:*shows me his money socks* Yeah, no homoGet the U got socks on? Why do people say “’s not gay if you have socks on”? I wasn't to , and he told me 's not gay if you're wearg socks.

That's 'gentleman's gay', hardly gay at all. If you wanted to do somethg private wh another man, your socks, wasn’t ‘gay’. It’s not gay if you wear socks.

It a't gay if you got socks on1. Promote your Instagram post on Urban Dictnary jt 3 clickshomie kissWhen one homie kiss another homie, but they're not gay or anythg, 'e they're like, homi.


"It's Not Gay if You're Wearg Socks" Socks for Sale by lil-schmidty | Redbubble.