Dragon Age: Inquisn to Feature BWare's First 'Fully Gay' Male - IGN

dragon age inquisition is dorian gay

Some hours to Dragon Age: Inquisn, long after I'd ma out of the Hterlands, I realized somethg that really surprised me. My character had taken on a life of his own, and turns out he's gay.



Dragon Age: Inquisn's latt party member has been revealed as Dorian, a mage who is veloper BWare's first "fully gay" male party member. * dragon age inquisition is dorian gay *

A motached mage named Dorian, he is the first "legimately gay" character BWare lead seri wrer David Gair has ever wrten and he's already dmmg up some ntroversy. ""I suppose this aspect of Dorian will make him ntroversial some rners, but I was glad to clu " -- David GairIn this post on the Dragon Age Inquisn webse, Gair ially referred to Dorian as "fully gay, " which led some level of cricism over this label. He has sce apologized, explag that he meant to say "legimately" gay, that Dorian will only romance men.

"I was tryg to be clear--many people nsir the bi characters we've done to be 'gay, '" Gair said. Another fan suggted that "fully gay" and "legimately gay" have the same nnotatns, but Gair don't see that way. Dragon Age: Inquisn's latt party member has been revealed as Dorian, a mage who is veloper BWare's first "fully gay" male party member ever.

"Dorian is gay—he is, fact, the first fully gay character I've had the opportuny to wre, " Gair explaed. "Though gay and bisexual characters have appeared BWare gam before, Dorian is set to take the stage as the first gay male party member. Though Mass Effect 3 feature both Samantha Traynor and Steve Cortez as gay characters, neher was playable, while Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic's Juhani was a lbian (though a dg bug ially ma her bisexual).


For Dragon Age: Inquisn on the PlayStatn 4, a GameFAQs msage board topic tled "Is Dorian the first tly gay character a game?" - Page 6. * dragon age inquisition is dorian gay *

Earlier this year Gair took the opportuny to talk about gay protagonists gam, explag that spe ristance om some parti wasn't much to clu, and was surely worth so those who feel alone and don't see anyone like them reprented gam n feel we recently dissected why we need more gay characters gam, one of the key pots we brought up was that while we see more lbians, gay mal rema absent om many vio gam for a multu of reasons.

David Gair, the lead wrer on the anchise at veloper BWare, has shared that the newt game the seri, Dragon Age: Inquisn, will feature the anchise’s first gay character.


* dragon age inquisition is dorian gay *

Dorian, troduced on the Dragon Age: Inquisn webse on Friday, is wrten as a gay character and will be a romance optn exclively for male protagonists. In Dragon Age: Origs, released 2009, players uld make the ma character gay, straight, or bisexual by virtue of which non-player character or pann the player chose to romance.


BoardsDragon Age: InquisnIs Dorian the first tly gay character a game? Kharnthebetray 8 years ago#51OldKye bull says nothg lol your reachg really really hard now gog "I like your armor" don't make you any more gay then "I like your top" mak you straight he don't make the slightt ht or move unls your a du and flirtg you flirted wh him and that set wh Leliena and Josie don't say one thg unls you flirt wh her she don't know what kissg is and one le only when you flirt mak you thk she's a lbian ugar e on now Leliena also spends hours ghg about the Warn if you romanced her before to so gus she's 100% straight now by your - gayIron Bull - Down right playerBull talks about beg pegged(volved an y and a leather harns wh a rod attached) when you ask him about the tamasr which isnt a flirt choice if was a flirt choice would have had a big <3 in next to was a general qutn if you through his qutns about life unr the qunalso her a vio of bull and dorian aga show that bull likg dus dont e out of nowhere Josie talks about sneakg out of the part wh leliena when you ask her how they met which aga isnt a romance choiceand I never claimed she was a lbian ugar im jt sayg her beg to woman didnt e pletely out of nowhere (dto wh bull likg guys as well)also I never claimed leliena was straight eher nor would I nsirg she pretty much ghed about women origs unls you flirted wh her as a guyand where did I imply dorian was anythg but gay? Only reason I brought him up is bee he and bull get together if you dont romance eher of themJam_N_Mason 8 years ago#52If we're gog by RPGs, the tactil RPG Front Missn 2 cir 1996 had a scerely, non-stereotypil homosexual character (Rocky) who out of the closet late the game and sentially asks the ma character out, and surprisgly he tak him on his offer at the end of the game!

This was possibly the reason why the game was never lolized durg the PS1 8 years ago#53kharn the betrayer bull says nothg lol your reachg really really hard now gog "I like your armor" don't make you any more gay then "I like your top" mak you straight he don't make the slightt ht or move unls your a du and flirtg you flirted wh him and that set wh Leliena and Josie don't say one thg unls you flirt wh her she don't know what kissg is and one le only when you flirt mak you thk she's a lbian ugar e on now Leliena also spends hours ghg about the Warn if you romanced her before to so gus she's 100% straight now by your - gayIron Bull - Down right playerBull talks about beg pegged(volved an y and a leather harns wh a rod attached) when you ask him about the tamasr which isnt a flirt choice if was a flirt choice would have had a big <3 in next to was a general qutn if you through his qutns about life unr the qunalso her a vio of bull and dorian aga show that bull likg dus dont e out of nowhere Josie talks about sneakg out of the part wh leliena when you ask her how they met which aga isnt a romance choiceand I never claimed she was a lbian ugar im jt sayg her beg to woman didnt e pletely out of nowhere (dto wh bull likg guys as well)also I never claimed leliena was straight eher nor would I nsirg she pretty much ghed about women origs unls you flirted wh her as a guyand where did I imply dorian was anythg but gay? I'm not doubtg they put a ht here or there to jtify but as I said don't prove anythg anymore then wearg pk mak you wh Josie didn't say one thg when I didn't flirt wh her said somethg when I did and thank you for pot out the flaw your logic Leliena go on and on about girls, girls, girls, girls and girls unls you were a guy and flirted wh her then all of a sudn sh' straight as a 's Shoved there for their perfect balance of sexual orientatns if you want a gay character give me Dorian or Sera not this "well you flirted one time now I'm gay" shoe horned BS and shame on you for fendg .


Kharnthebetray 8 years ago#55hontly I hate the "you flirted wh me now Im gay/straight" bull crap they have pulled prev gamhowever there are referenc(or outright blatant the dorian/bull se) this game are still along way om never mentng the other/same genr at all bi characters (like Zevran/leliena/sky) n be better? Hontly I hate the "you flirted wh me now Im gay/straight" bull crap they have pulled prev gamhowever there are referanc(or outright blatant the dorian/bull se) this game are still along way om never mentng the other genr at all (like Zevran/leliena/sky)and y I would like more characters like Dorian/Ar+Veroni om new vegas (also if I didnt know Sera was lbian beforehand I wouldnt have known sce I never picked the flirt optn wh her as a guy and she never mentned/hted at likg women our I never had her my party so I nt ment on her banter)It's "better" but that's not the same as "good" if they are tly bi I want to here them gog "I take all ers" om the start not this tryg to nvce me they are 100% straight or gay after I dite whether I'm straight or gay mak for shallow characters and do nothg to show "Inclivens.

Serly s so easy to make them look like an adult jt throw on a beard(or not if the next game this enge bee holy hell do facial hair suck this game) or manly bh of cht hair like varricBoardsDragon Age: InquisnIs Dorian the first tly gay character a game? My character had taken on a life of his own, and turns out he’s gay. I knew the send I saw him, even though took me by surprise: that person is Dorian and my Herald of Andraste is gay.

I didn’t sign my character to be gay, but then ’s never really a choice, and when I realised this I actually felt as if he’d e out to me, his creator. As I ntue tryg to save the world the latt (and possibly greatt) Dragon Age game, liverg people’s letters and chasg Dorian’s well-motached tail, I’m not steppg to the game world self, but to the sho of a gay man who already liv there.


22 rpons to “How I Realised My Dragon Age: Inquisn Character Is Gay”. Or the weird motache gay du – arent all his jok funny and totaly appropriate? Sure, thats good for many people, but for those who still thk that relatnships are srs bs, the lack of choice is nearly sultg pared to the Gay, Bi, Inter-special romanc.

Hontly I’m not 100% across the equency of gay/bi relatnships gam, but I don’t thk that I’m gog out on a limb when I say that there are almost certaly vastly fewer out there currently than there are straight relatnships. This game out, which do the reverse of the norm (not only beg clive but actually havg more optns for gay/bi characters than for straight), and you e out and bag like they’ve done you a personal disservice, sentially bee you’re straight and you haven’t been tered for the manner you feel acctomed to.


Anyway, on the pl si, hopefully you n now beg to unrstand how i’d image many gay/bi/trans people feel when they play gam which have no optns for them at all. Not everyone is gay.

It’s not all sunshe and rabows for GLBTI gamers eher though… those lookg for a Male/Male relatnship are given the choice of a flamboyant stereotypil gay character or a sado masochist who’s to BDSM two extrem of the spectm that don’t su everyone. We all know that s not the character thats gay. The character is not gay.

The choic ma by the player ma him gay aka yourself ?. “I am not gay, never have been, never will be!


(Like the sophomoric exampl who nsir weird for a guy to play a girl an MMO, or thk playg a gay vio game character is a sign of beg closeted yourself. "Dorian is gay–he is, fact, the first fully gay character I've had the opportuny to wre.


Gair would later expla that his e of the term "fully gay" was meant to munite that Dorian would only be a love tert for male characters, where prev romance optns would be open to romance om both men and women. Apart om all of that, Dorian is also gay. Dorian has been scribed as a “breakg gay game character”, wh which the matter of LGBTQ reprentatn gam.


However, some read him as a gay stereotype and stated that storyle foc too much on his sexualy.

Pelson argu that “Dorian n be posned beyond the bate between stereotyp and a “te” gay inty, and ultimately recuperated as a queer figure. In the article a few exampl of readg Dorian as gay stereotype is prented. One of them is when his motache is pared to Freddie Mercury’s, this se the motache is read as a gay characteristic.


Among other opns that ments stated, few gamers saw Dorian’s distc narrative as another stereotype of a gay narrativ. He se the Tevter mage as an example of “posive gay reprentatn” and he should be approached as such.

Pelurson se this terspeci uple as “unknown realm”, bee Iron Bull n’t be approached as a “gay human”. Adoribull is another “discrete promotn of this queer relatnship”, falls beyond any gay and straight stereotyp.

There probably isn’t any other gay character, who would be more known and discsed than him, sce 2014, when the game was released. Gaspard Pelson me wh ep analysis of player’s ments and shows how they see this gay character. In this post on the Dragon Age Inquisn webse, Gair ially referred to Dorian as "fully gay, " which led some level of cricism over this label.


Reprentatn of Dorian Pav as gay character Dragon Age: Inquisn – Super Masaryk Bros and Sisters .