THE 5 BEST Mosw Gay Clubs & Bars (Updated 2023) - Tripadvisor

the sims 4 gay club

Gay Events & Parti. The bt gui to gay dance parti, gay pris and other LGBT events USA, Europe and Asia. Updated regularly.



* the sims 4 gay club *

Well you make your own Sim to date whoever you want agast their will, but Sims generated the world do have a pre-fed genr preference ( fact, the game would generate towni four togori: straight, gay, bi and "uncid"). Well you make your own Sim to date whoever you want, but Sims generated the world do have a pre-fed a genr preference ( fact, the game would generate straight, gay, bi and uncid towni).

Even my gay sim had a few female lovers when I rotated to him aga. I will do a gay club and another lbian on. Of urse they will have all the sims that I know are homosexuals.


Some of the Sims we created are trans, they’re non-bary, they’re asexual, they’re bisexual, they’re lbian, they’re gay.

Back 1999, the game was beg shown to the public at the E3 event Los Angel and, unexpectedly, clud a gay kiss between two female Sims.


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Well kd of... this is jt a ty update for this mod to tch up wh a few game updat and to fix a few thgs I promised I would fix a while ago. I plan to make a bigger update May, so look out for some polls regardg that update! </p><p>* Si note* Thanks to everyone who has reached out ncern due to my activy, I assure you I am fe, I have jt had multiple fay emergenci that have taken up my time and energy. I really appreciate the ntued support you have all given me spe me beg so absent! <3 </p><p><u><strong>Changelog</strong></u></p><p><strong>- [09/14/21] Updated for the latt patch and add Italian and Portugue translatns</strong></p><p>- [08/16/21] Add Polish translatns</p><p>- [07/21/21] Updated for the latt patch, fixed issu wh tonomy, fixed buff equency, and other mor bugs</p><p>- [05/10/21] Add German translatns</p><p>- [05/04/21] Add Rsian and Spanish translatns</p><p>- Updated Lbian Flag</p><p>- Fixed issu wh buffs happeng too equently</p><p>- Add small chance of gag a LGBT tra when ponrg sexualy</p><p>- Fixed other small bugs</p><p><br /></p><p><u><strong>Dcriptn</strong></u></p><p>The LGBT mod adds many LGBTQ+ gameplay tras to your game which provi new teractns and buffs to create a more pth experience for your sims. It also adds lot tras, events, and holiday tradns. This mod is a work progrs, and will perdilly have updat for bug fix and to add new featur.</p><p><br /><u><strong>Tras</strong></u><br />When you add any of the LGBT sexualy/genr tras to a sim, they will now tomatilly also receive an In The Closet tra. If you clu the optnal homophobia file, this will prevent homophobic/transphobic sims om beg unfortable around sims that haven't e out yet.</p><p><br />- Ally<br />- Aromantic <br />- Asexual<br />- Bisexual<br />- Demisexual  <br />- Gay<br />- Genr Fluid  <br />- Lbian<br />- LGBT Activist<br />- Non Bary <br />- Pansexual<br />- Transgenr<br />- Drag Queen/Kg <br />- Qutng<br /><strong>Includ optnal file:</strong></p><p>- Homophobic  <br />- Transphobic<br /><br /><u><strong>Interactns</strong></u><br />LGBT teractns n be found unr the LGBT Mod menu when you click on another sim.  All LGBT sims n e the followg teractns:</p><p><br />"Ask About Sexualy/Inty"<br />"Ask About Pronouns"<br />"Get Exced About Pri"<br />"Enurage to Come Out"<br />"Come out as..."<br />"Discs Current LGBT Issu" <br />"Ask to Donate to LGBT Chary" <br />"Rell Enunter wh Homophobic Sim" <br />"Enurage to Be Open Md"<br />"Rearch About LGBT Communy" (Computer teractn)<br />"Wre An Article About LGBT Rights" (Computer teractn)<br />.. more!<br /><br />Dependg on your relatnship wh the other sim and/or their tras, the teractns uld have different rults. Some teractns will give your sim and/or the other sim posive or negative buffs/moodlets! Each tra has exclive social teractns as well, some may only appear after talkg to sims for a certa perd of time.<br /><br /><u><strong>Social Events</strong></u><br /><u>LGBT Meetup</u><br />This event allows you to ve any (or all) sims wh a LGBT tra to hang out. It is a ee event and there are no rewards, is jt a great way to meet sims the muny. <br /><u>Comg Out Party</u><br />This is a goaled event. You n e out to your iends n fay a ftive environment. You n earn money as a reward upon pletn.  <br /><u>LGBT Chary Gala</u><br />This is a goaled event. Host a gala to help raise money for a LGBT chary. If you get gold on this event you will receive a new gameplay tra, <strong>LGBT Activist</strong>, which giv you two new teractns: <strong>"Talk about Prottg for LGBT Rights" </strong>and <strong>"Ask to Jo Cse" </strong>which has a chance of turng other sims to LGBT Activists as well. (Note that cy livg is required for some of the goals the event to be pleted)<br /><u>LGBT Prott</u><br />This is not a goaled event. You need cy livg orr for this event to work. You simply ve other sims to a lot and start a prott. (You may have to click on sims and select "ask to jo prott" unr iendly > polil reer to get the prott started).<br /><u>Drag Show</u><br />This is a goaled event where you n w money and also the <strong>Drag Queen/Kg</strong> tra. The goals are mostly performance based, so giv you the eedom to n the show how you'd like.<br /><br /><u><strong>Lot Tras</strong></u><br /><u>LGBT Hot Spot</u><br />The LGBT hot spot spawns LGBT sims your world to that lot (as long as you have given sims the LGBT tras). <br /><u>Gay Hot Spot</u><br />The gay hot spot spawns gay sims your world to that lot (as long as you have given sims the gay tra). <br /><u>Lbian Hot Spot</u><br />The lbian hot spot spawns lbian sims your world to that lot (as long as you have given sims the lbian tra).<br /><br /><u><strong>Holiday Tradns</strong></u><br /><u>Pri Spir</u><br />This holiday tradn is pleted by g LGBT teractns wh other sims, so you n make your own pri holiday (I figured this was better than an event bee will e up every year on the lendar). <br /><u><strong>Aspiratns</strong></u><br /><u>LGBT Activist<br /></u>This aspiratn is for sims who wish to advote for LGBT rights around the muny. This aspiratn do require you to have Cy Livg and Get Famo orr to plete the goals.<br /><br /><u><strong>Optnal Fil</strong></u><br />The<strong> Homophobia </strong>file<strong> </strong>is tomatilly clud the zip folr. If you do not want any sims to experience homophobia or transphobia please lete the file. The tras were created for story tellg purpos only, as some people like their game to reflect realy or wish to feat homophobia game.<br />The <strong>LGBT Prott Signs Overri </strong>file is also optnal. This will replace all prott signs wh Simlish signs prottg for LGBT rights. If you do not wish to replace them all, lete this file.<br /><br /><u><strong>Known Issu</strong></u><br />Some people have reported an LE when lbian sims woohoo, I have tried my bt to fix this but keeps g back. It is not game breakg however, so you n jt ignore for now.<br /><br />******<br /><br /><br /><u><strong>Installatn</strong></u> <u><strong>Instctns</strong></u> <u><strong>(UPDATED,</strong></u> <u><strong>PLEASE</strong></u> <u><strong>RE-READ)</strong></u><br />1. Delete all prev versns of this mod. <br />2. Download the mod om the lk below.<br />3. Move ZIP folr to your mods folr <br />4. Extract fil om the Zip folr g a program such as Wrar or Wzip (if you have multiple folrs wh your mods folr, make sure the file is no more than 1 folr ep).<br />5. You n lete the ZIP folr now if you want. You n also lete the Homophobic tra if you wish.<br />6. Start your game and your game settgs make sure mods are enabled and that script mods are on. If they are not, check the box and then rtart your game. <br />7. To give/remove sims LGBT tras you simply click on the sim you wish to give a tra. <br />8. Unr the settgs the LGBT Mod menu you n select what tra(s) to give the sim. You n also remove the tras om a sim this way.<br />9. Enjoy! <br /><br /><br /><br /><u>Translatns</u><br /></p><p>German - Includ (Cred - Aenel)</p><p>Rsian - Includ (Cred - Origamika)</p><p>Spanish - Includ (Cred - JeyStiv)</p><p>Polish - Includ (Cred - Szewczykienko)</p><p>Italian - <a href="> </a>(Cred - Nduja Sims)</p><p>Portugue - Includ (Cred - FlaSimsBR)</p><p><br /><u>Addnal Creds</u><br />In Game Ins - AquamareGem</p></div></div><div class="sc-fotOHu kiXanF"><div class="sc-fotOHu fVqz"><div class="sc-fotOHu gAmnzy"><div aria-hidn="te" class="sc-jRQBWg ekdaPh"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M17.23 11.846a.758.758 0 0 1 1.068 0c. 1.057l-.004.004-6.815 6.776a4.548 4.548 0 0 1-6.405 0 4.485 4.485 0 0 1 0-6.368l9.376-9.322a3.41 3.41 0 0 1 4.804 0 3.364 3.364 0 0 1 .019 4.757l-.02.02-7.495 7.448c-.887.88-2.316.88-3.203 0a2.243 2.243 0 0 1-.013-3.171l.013-.013 4.983-4.95a.758.758 0 0 1 1.067 0 .748.748 0 0 1 0 1.062l-4.982 4.95a.747.747 0 0 0-.005 1.056l.005.005a.758.758 0 0 0 1.067 0l7.496-7.45a1.869 1.869 0 0 0 0-2.653 1.895 1.895 0 0 0-2.669 0l-9.375 9.322a2.99 2.99 0 0 0-.017 4.229l.017.017a3.032 3.032 0 0 0 4.27 0l6.815-6.776z"></path></svg></div></div><div class="sc-fotOHu cgcUuO"><div class="sc-fotOHu iAzwdg"><a href=" class="sc-hBUSln bKDJnw">[PimpMySims4] LGBT Mod </a></div></div></div></div><div data-tag="post-tags" class="sc-fotOHu fqVFTV"><div class="sc-fotOHu fVqz"><div class="sc-rcywpx-5 iIUGpi"><div class="sc-fotOHu hAWXrI"><a data-tag="post-tag" href=" class="sc-rcywpx-6 crbBfh"><p lor="gray2" class="sc-ikJyIC LVabT">lgbt</p></a></div><div class="sc-fotOHu hAWXrI"><a data-tag="post-tag" href=" class="sc-rcywpx-6 crbBfh"><p lor="gray2" class="sc-ikJyIC LVabT">mod</p></a></div><div class="sc-fotOHu hAWXrI"><a data-tag="post-tag" href=" class="sc-rcywpx-6 crbBfh"><p lor="gray2" class="sc-ikJyIC LVabT">update</p></a></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-fotOHu hPzg"><div class="sc-fotOHu dYHjZE"><svg aria-label="Loadg" viewBox="0 0 64 64" 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