11627 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 | Redf

11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105

11624 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is currently not for sale. The 2,074 Square Feet multi fay home is a 4 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built 1925 and last sold on 2006-10-23 for $85,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow.


11628 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is currently not for sale. The 2,268 Square Feet manufactured home is a 2 beds, 1 bath property. This home was built 1927 and last sold on 2022-06-21 for $46,500. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

11628 Gay Ave is a 2, 268 square foot multi-fay home on a 5, 249 square foot lot wh 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Transportatn near 11628 Gay AveSome transTrans Sre®Somewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate wd risk rmatn for this Home sal (last 30 days)Market petn Mount PleasantCalculated over the last 3 months46Somewhat CompetiveRedf Compete Sre™Some hom get multiple average hom sell for about 6% below list price and go pendg around 32 hom n sell for around list price and go pendg around 15 days.

Compare to nearby neighborhoodsWhat is 11628 Gay Ave?

11628 Gay AveCleveland, OH 44105Corlett2 Beds1 Bath2, 268 sqft2 Beds1 Bath2, 268 sqftHom for Sale Near 11628 Gay AveLol InformatnDcriptnThis property is not currently for sale or for rent on Tlia. The scriptn and property data below may have been provid by a third party, the homeowner or public mobile / manufactured is loted at 11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH. 11628 Gay Ave is the Corlett neighborhood Cleveland, OH and ZIP 44105.

11628 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 4410511628 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

See sal history and home tails for 11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105, a 4 bed, 2 bath, 2,268 Sq. Ft. multi fay home built 1927 that was last sold on 06/21/2022. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

This property has a lot size of 5250 sqft and was built HighlightsHome Details for 11628 Gay AveInterr FeaturInterr DetailsBasementAtticNumber of Rooms: 10Typ of Rooms: Dg RoomHeatg & CoolgHeatg: Forced AirHeatg Fuel: Forced AirLevels, Entrance, & AccsibilyStori: 2Applianc & UtiliCable ReadyExterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturRoof: AsphaltExterr: OtherParkg & GarageGarageParkg Spac: 2Parkg: Garage DetachedProperty InformatnYear BuiltYear Built: 1927Year Updated: 1956Property Type / StyleProperty Type: Mobile ManufacturedArchecture: ColonialCommunyUns Buildg: 1Lot InformatnLot Area: 5250 sqftPrice History for 11628 Gay AveEvent DetailsPrice06/21/2022SoldN/A$46. 5KProperty Tax and AsssmentYear2021Tax$1, 129Asssment$42, 800Home facts updated by unty rerdsLGBTQ Lol Legal ProtectnsHom for Rent Near 11628 Gay AveOff Market Hom Near 11628 Gay Ave11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2, 268 sqft mobile/manufactured built 1927.

11628 Gay Ave is loted Corlett, Cleveland. 11628 Gay Ave was last sold on Jun 21, 2022 for $46, 500.


4 beds, 2 baths, 2268 sq. ft. multi-fay (2-4 un) loted at 11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 sold for $46,500 on Jun 21, 2022. View sal history, tax history, home value timat, and over... * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

Details for 11628 GAY AVE.

My Commute for 11628 GAY AVE.


11628 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is a 2,268 sqft, 2 bed, 1 bath home sold 2022. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

11627 Gay Ave is a 2, 076 square foot multi-fay home on a 5, 075 square foot lot wh 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Transportatn near 11627 Gay AveSome transTrans Sre®Somewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate wd risk rmatn for this Home sal (last 30 days)Market petn Mount PleasantCalculated over the last 3 months46Somewhat CompetiveRedf Compete Sre™Some hom get multiple average hom sell for about 6% below list price and go pendg around 32 hom n sell for around list price and go pendg around 15 days. Compare to nearby neighborhoodsWhat is 11627 Gay Ave?

11620 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

Take a closer look at this 4 bed, 2 bath, 2,268 SqFt, Duplex, Triplex, Quadplex, loted at 11628 GAY AVE CLEVELAND, OH 44105. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

11624 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

11620 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is currently not for sale. The 3,960 Square Feet multi fay home is a 5 beds, 4 baths property. This home was built 1928 and last sold on 2021-10-10 for $--. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

11702 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

* 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *

11627 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 4410511627 GAY AVE, CLEVELAND, OH 44105

11702 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 is currently not for sale. The 1,275 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 4 beds, 1 bath property. This home was built 1926 and last sold on 2013-07-18 for $4,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *


View tailed rmatn about property 11627 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. * 11628 gay ave cleveland oh 44105 *


11627 Gay Ave, Cleveland, OH 44105 | Redf.