15 everyday words ed as gay slurs different languag – BENDER

insults for gay

Quick qutn for the Amerins among . If you were a ignorant redneck neo nazi type biker ( Geia if matters) how would you scribe gays...



The followg is a list of LGBT-related slurs that are, or have been, ed as suatns or allegatns about lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr and non-bary people, or to refer to them a rogatory (that is, cril), pejorative (disapprovg or ntemptuo), or otherwise sultg man * insults for gay *

The followg is a list of LGBT-related slurs that are, or have been, ed as suatns or allegatns about lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr and non-bary people, or to refer to them a rogatory (that is, cril), pejorative (disapprovg or ntemptuo), or otherwise sultg manner. List of LGBT-related slurs - WikiMili, The Bt Wikipedia RearLast updated January 04, 2021The followg is a list of LGBT-related slurs that are, or have been, ed as suatns or allegatns about lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr and non-bary people, or to refer to them a rogatory (that is, cril), pejorative (disapprovg or ntemptuo), or otherwise sultg manner.

General Agast men Agast women Agast homosexuals Gay men Lbians Agast bisexual people Bisexual women Agast transgenr people Trans men Trans women Agast tersex people Intersex men Intersex women Agast cross-drsers Cross-drsg men Cross-drsg women Agast androgyno people Androgyno men Other Disputed or reclaimed age See also Not Referenc GeneralTermLanguageMeangNotRefsBenrEnglishSomeone who twists somethg [1] Deviant EnglishWrong and different [2] Agast menTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Sissy EnglishEffemate man [3] Girlie men EnglishEffemate man [4] PansyEnglishEffemate man [5] JanEnglishEffemate man [5] Sodome EnglishMan who has anal sex [6] NancyEnglishHomosexual or effemate man [7] [8] Poof/PoofterEnglishEffemate man [1] Fairy EnglishEffemate man [9] BrownieEnglishMan who enjoys beg anally perated [10] Pillow-berEnglishMan who enjoys beg anally perated [11] Bugger EnglishMan who has anal sex [12] Cola Chilean Spanish "Tail", man who enjoys beg anally perated [13] FudgepackerEnglishMan who enjoys to perate anally [14] NellyEnglishA feme man [15] Agast womenTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Fag hag EnglishWoman who lik to associate wh androphilic men [16] FishEnglish"Fish" as somethg smellg badlyUsed by some gay men to refer to women [17] Rug muncherEnglishA woman who performs cunnilg [18] MarimachoSpanishMascule woman [19] Agast homosexualsPrejudice agast homosexual people is lled homophobia TermLanguageMeangNotRefsHomoEnglishHomosexual [20] Homtern EnglishHomosexual advote, member of the so-lled "Gay Mafia"Used durg the McCarthyist sre [21] [22] InvertEnglish [23] BentEnglishCrooked or wrongUsed the Uned Kgdom [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Пидорас (Pidoras)RsianHomosexual [29] Gay menTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Faggot/FagEnglishHomosexual manUsed North Ameri. [lower-alpha 1] [32] FjollaSwedish Effemate homosexual man [33] MachobögSwedishMascule homosexual man [34] Viado Portugue Feme homosexual man [35] ShirtlifterEnglishA gay man who is sexually aggrsive towards young boys Based after the stereotype that gay men are sexual predators [36] BardashEnglishMan who is submissive durg homosexual actsDeriv om an Italian word for male prostute [37] [38] Bakla Several Used the Philipp [39] Batiman Belizean Creole "Butt man": a gay manUsed Belize. [40] [41] Flamer/FlamgEnglishExtroverted and obv homosexual man [5] FEnglishHomosexual man [36] Moffie English, Aikaans Homosexual man who bottoms Used South Ai [36] [42] PonceEnglishHomosexual man who is unmascule [36] TapetteFrenchHomosexual man who is emed wardly [36] [43] SteamerEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] NolaEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] FlEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] DaffodilEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] JockerEnglishMascule homosexual man [36] QueanEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] GreekEnglishHomosexual man who is mascule [36] TonkEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] LizzieEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] WonkEnglishHomosexual man who is not very mascule [36] DorianEnglishHomosexual man [36] PooveEnglishHomosexual man who is not very masculeOften ed prisons the past [36] SodEnglishHomosexual man [44] FairyEnglishHomosexual man [45] OgayEnglishA play on the brand Olay and rived om "gay" [46] Batty boy/batty manEnglishHomosexual manUsed the Anglophone Caribbean [47] [48] Nancy/nancy boyEnglishHomosexual or effemate man [8] WoofterEnglishHomosexual or effemate manAlteratn of poofter [49] Twkie/twk EnglishHomosexual or effemate man [50] SwishEnglishEffemate homosexual man [51] Nelly/nellieEnglishEffemate homosexual man [52] PédaleFrenchEffemate homosexual man [53] PD/PédérasteFrenchSynonymo to llg someone a pedophile Based after the stereotype that gay men are sexual predators [54] LbiansPrejudice agast lbians is lled lbophobia TermLanguageMeangNotRefs Dyke EnglishLbian, homosexual womanHas been partly reclaimed by some women.

[55] BolleraSpanishLbian, homosexual woman [56] TortilleraSpanishLbian, homosexual womaned Lat Ameri [57] LboEnglishLbian, homosexual woman [58] FlataSwedishLbian, homosexual womanOutdated and rarely ed as a pejorative the 21st century [59] Bofe Portugue Mascule lbianUsed Brazil [60] CamhoneiraPortugueMascule lbianUsed Brazil [60] GoueFrenchLbian, homosexual womanHas been partly reclaimed by some women.


* insults for gay *

May also refer to the Atralian band AC/DC [63] Swch hterEnglishDog both right and leftCom om baseball termology for a player who bats both right and left hand [64] Bisexual womenTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Lug English"Lbian until graduatn"Used agast women who have had homosexual relatnships the past but are now wh men [65] FxbiansEnglishFake lbian, often for attentnSometim ed agast bisexual women [66] Agast transgenr peoplePrejudice agast transgenr people is lled transphobia TermLanguageMeangNotRefs Tranny/TrannieEnglishDimutive of transvte or transgenrMostly targeted towards transgenr women, however n be ed towards all transgenr dividuals. Siar words other languag are the preferred term [lower-alpha 3] [92] QueanEnglish Drag performer Origally meant "a woman of low moraly" [93] Cross-drsg menTermLanguageMeangNotRefsPondan Malaysian Homosexual cross-drsg man [94] [95] TrannyEnglish [68] She-ManEnglish [96] OkamaJapaneCookg pot [97] Banci Indonian [98] BenngIndonian [98] Cross-drsg womenTermLanguageMeangNotRefsHommasseFrenchWoman who cross-drs, "hewoman" [99] [100] Hermaphrodi Early Morn English Mascule woman who cross-drsNot ed to refer to people wh the word hermaphrode [101] Agast androgyno peopleTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Berdache French"Boy prostute"Used by anthropologists as a term for Amerdian androgyno people, primarily men [102] [103] Androgyno menTermLanguageMeangNotRefsBreck girlEnglish [104] OtherTermLanguageMeangNotRefsFence-sterEnglishA Qutng person [105] Khra Urdu A transgenr woman, hijra, gay man, effemate man, or someone who lacks male reproductive ans.

"Aimed at emasculatg"; ed Pakistan [106] Kty Several Male bodied LGBT dividual who don't align wh social expectatnsMay not be rogatory outsi of Cambodia [107] Breer EnglishSomeone who reproduc blogillyUsed agast any person a relatnship which n produce blogil children [108] Disputed or reclaimed ageThe e of the word gay as a generalized pejorative adjective (e.

Related Rearch ArticlLbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) social movements are social movements that advote for LGBT people society. Social movements may foc on equal rights, such as the 2000s movement for same-sex marriage, or they may foc on liberatn, as the gay liberatn movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Begng the late 1980s, queer activists, such as the members of Queer Natn, began to reclaim the word as a liberately provotive and polilly radil alternative to the more assiatnist branch of the LGBT or GLBT, is an ialism that stands for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr.


In e sce the 1990s, the term is an adaptatn of the ialism LGB, which began to replace the term gay reference to the broar LGBT muny begng the mid-to-late 1980s. It n clu the prumptn that other people are heterosexual or that oppose-sex attractns and relatnships are the only norm and therefore slang, LGBT speak, or gay slang is a set of slang lexin ed predomantly among LGBT people.


Still others say non-heterosexual is the only term eful to matag herence rearch and suggt "highlights a shortg our language around sexual inty"; for stance, s e n enable bisexual culture is a culture shared by lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer dividuals.

It is sometim referred to as queer culture, while the term gay culture may be ed to mean "LGBT culture" or to refer specifilly to homosexual culture. Sexual aroal rearch has nfirmed that their rponse patterns are unlike those of gay men and remble those of heterosexual men, except that they are highly aroed by transgenr women addn to cisgenr women. Lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT)stereotyp are nventnal, formulaic generalizatns, opns, or imag based on the sexual orientatns or genr inti of LGBT people.

Homophobia enpass a range of negative attus and feelgs toward homosexualy or people who are intified or perceived as beg lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr (LGBT).


The Solutn to "Gay" Insults: Freedom of Speech | Psychology Today.