LGBT gui to Washgton, DC, cludg gay bars and nightlife

gay nightlife dc

Top Washgton DC Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Washgton DC, District of Columbia on Tripadvisor.



Wh our LGBT gui to Washgton, DC, disver all the bt lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr bars, clubs, nightlife and more * gay nightlife dc *

The natn's pal is home to a lively LGBTQ+ nightlife scene wh plenty of gay and lbian bars jt wag for you to jo on the fun. Larry’s Lounge is a gay neighborhood pub, wh always-affordable drks, solid happy hour specials, mouth-waterg pub fare (see: sweet potato tots) and one of the cy’s iendlit pats (you n brg your dog, too!). Number Ne to the btlg Logan Circle urty of -founr Ed Bailey, who helped DC’s gay nightlife scene to grow durg his days as a DJ.

Suated right the heart of Adams Man’s btlg 18th Street is Pchers, a gay sports bar, and A League of Her Own, the adjacent bar for lbian and queer women.

's evolvg gayborhood has shifted towards Logan Circle and U Street. In Febary 2016, the Washgton Bla noted an "unual flurry of activy" wh the openg of four new gay bars, the majory of which land the U Street/Shaw/Logan Circle area.


* gay nightlife dc *

Those spots and more sports bars, dance clubs, and cktail havens are all clud Eater's round up of the District's gay-iendlit bars and hangouts.


Owner Spencer Hurd moled Licht after his favore gay fé Mannheim, Germany * gay nightlife dc *

New gay dive bar Tra opened last year, urty of the team behd Town Danceboutique and Number Ne. New to the Shaw/U Street gay bar scene is Uproar, which buted last year. 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Green Lantern16Gay BarsUpper NorthwtBy laquentjA great and surprisgly great gay bar.


Bunker and The Ltle Gay Pub are slated to bee the latt addns to D.C.'s nightlife offergs for the LGBTQ muny. * gay nightlife dc *

The new project om Keaton Fedak, the outgog general manager at nearby gay bar Dirty Goose. ’s Gay Flag Football League).

“We’re hopg to make a gayborhood Shaw. Across the street om Kiki and Dirty Goose, unaffiliated gay tablishment Nellie’s Sports Bar ma negative headl this June after a secury guard asslted a Black woman.


Asslt Agast a Black Woman at Nellie’s Could Lead the Gay Bar to Lose Its Liquor License [EDC]. Tour historic LGBTQ+ s, grab a drk at the bt gay and lbian bars the cy, rock out at Capal Pri and so much more. Owner Spencer Hurd moled Licht after his favore gay fé Mannheim, Germany.

His dream: lnchg a cktail bar moled after his favore gay fé Mannheim, Germany.

“The goal is to foc on the classic cktails, rather than jt vodka-sodas and rose Kennedys, as you may get at other gay bars, ” he says. Licht Café is a reference to the spiratn om his go-to gay spot Mannheim, but also reflects his ial zy space.


“I love art and sign, ” Hurd says, “and I wanted to make the bar unapologetilly gay. “I want the to be a bid edgy—this is a part of gay culture. The U Street NW strip’s gay bar scene is on the up as of late.

Kiki owner Keaton Fedak, the former general manager at nearby gay bar Dirty Goose, will expand Kiki to the next-door space that formerly hoed dive Dodge Cy. “We’re hopg to make a gayborhood Shaw, ” he told Eater last month.

Meet Kiki, an Excg New Gay Bar Replacg a Pair of Shuttered Shaw Div.


The Bt Gay Bars Washgton, D.C. - PUNCH.