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href=" rel="" target=""><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Maia McDonald</span></a></span></div></div></div><div class="timtamp__TextWrapper-sc-1uu26yx-0 fBbNtW article-meta__post-timtamp le-mon__post-timtamp le-mon__post-timtamp--timtamp"><div class="post-date">8:00 AM CDT on Jun 30, 2021</div> </div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-featured-image irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt" id="sgle_media"><figure class="article__FigureWrapper-sc-7s8aer-0 enkhzk irvg__post-featured-image irvg__post-featured-image--article"><span style="paddg-bottom:56.25%" class="article__ImageWrapper-sc-7s8aer-1 cLpHBB"><img alt="" height="675" loadg="lazy" src=" srcSet=" 6000w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" siz="(max-width: 350px) 350px, (max-width: 1058px) 768px, (max-width: 1700px) 1080px, 2400px" width="1013" class="article__ImageTag-sc-7s8aer-2 ehmVhs"/></span><div class="article__ImageMeta-sc-7s8aer-3 eBXNjs"><figptn class="article__ImageCaptn-sc-7s8aer-4 hrwttr">Jamal Junr, owner of the Jefey Pub.</figptn><span class="article__ImageCred-sc-7s8aer-5 ieDIYX">Maia McDonald/Block Club Chigo</span></div></figure></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent-ntaer irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__CredibilyInditorsWrapper-sc-18725oc-0 iUZmNj le-mon__credibily-ditors le-mon__credibily-ditors--flt"><ul class="credibily-ditors__list"><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA credibily-ditors__tle irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Credibily:</span></li><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><div class="flt__PopoverWrapper-sc-19b13eh-0 aA-dxY le-mon__popover le-mon__popover--flt"><div class="popover" aria-modal="false" aria-hidn="te" role="dialog" 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12v1H2.304s-.759-.017-1.087-.426C1.096 12.42 1 12.055 1 11.857l9.247.143zM9.818 1H1.982C1.442 1 1 1.43 1 1.957v.25c0 .526.442.957.982.957h8.265v2.979L9.818 1zm-.752 0s-1.357 1.214.637 2.286L9.066 1zm.637 5.143c1.502 0 2.72 1.279 2.72 2.857 0 1.578-1.218 2.857-2.72 2.857-1.502 0-2.72-1.279-2.72-2.857 0-1.578 1.218-2.857 2.72-2.857z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path><path d="M9.16 8.802l.525.77 1.106-1.143" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path></svg><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Sourc Ced</span></button></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div><div class="articleContent__Wrapper-sc-1rqfqf-0 bDtujo le-mon__article-ntent pi-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent--articleContent" id="pi"><p>SOUTH SHORE — For Black and Brown LGBTQ Chigoans, fdg belongg on the North Halsted strip formerly known as Boystown long has been a stggle.</p><p>But they’ve long found a home and fellowship si an unassumg bar South Shore — one of the only Black-owned LGBTQ bars Chigo. </p><p>Stg across om <a href=">a former bank</a>, Jeffery Pub has been a neighborhood stalwart sce the 1960s. It quickly beme a safe haven for Black and Brown queer people, particularly on the South Si, and ’s mataed s notoriety large part bee there are no other tablishments like . Plac like Jeffery Pub, 7041 S. Jeffery Blvd, are pecially notable as <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Black-owned LGBTQ bars vanish across the untry</a>.</p><p>By fillg a much-need cultural void, the bar cemented s place Chigo history, owner Jamal Junr said.</p><p>“This area here was filled wh, like, doctors and lawyers and a lot of other profsnals,” Junr said. “And teachers, you know. So, back then, this was their place to e, where they felt safe the neighborhood. Now, I would say ’s still the same thg.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 6000w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-435429" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Maia McDonald/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn>Jeffery Pub. </figptn></figure><p>Junr, a longtime bsman, took over Jeffery Pub fifteen years ago after the prev owner of the pub asked if he’d like to add another bs project to his repertoire. </p><p>“We were actually havg an alrmanic noff mpaign party for the alrman of the 16th ward at the time, Shirley Coleman, and we were at my grandmother’s origal bs, the one I’m rebuildg her honor,” Junr said. “The prev owner, he was at the event and he asked me ‘hey, would you be terted takg on another project.’ I said ‘well, I’m lookg at some thgs now; what are we talk’ ‘bout?’”</p><p>Tento Stephens, a iend who helps Junr manage and mata the bar, says one reason has remaed popular over the years is bee of s lotn. </p><p>“A lot of people that live south have to travel north to Northalsted [to fd a gay bar],” Stephens said. “Also, we ter to all but also specifilly to the Black LGBTQ part of the muny. I thk ’s important bee if we’re spendg our time or our money at a place, then they should be terg to our needs, our lik.”</p><p>The buildg is all-black woon slats and iron bars, ont-facg wdows givg the cur a peek si. Insi, is filled wh multi-lored lights and pulsg beats, and rabow flags whippg around while patrons dance and mgle.</p><p>The days, the bar matas s legacy wh weekly events. Longtime bartenrs — “startenrs” as they’re affectnately lled — like Tahha, Lee, Smoke and Gee have all been workg at the bar for at least 10 years, and attract regular patrons who e back weekly to chat and enjoy specially-ma drks. Dance parti wh lol DJ’s spng beats often go to the early morng hours.</p><p>The bar draws people across all ag, Junr said. Regardls of who is there, Junr says they appreciate havg somewhere they n be themselv. </p><p>“Everytime I see them, they say: ‘Hey, man. Thank you for keepg this place open for ,'” Junr said. “Bee a lot of a lot of them don’t feel fortable other plac. And they feel that they’re not rpected other muni. But I try to let them know this is a safe haven for them.”</p><p>Stephens says spe the progrs that’s been ma, plac like Jeffery Pub are greatly need, pecially wh so many people like the bar’s ctomer base facg hardships and stggl. </p><p>“It’s still very difficult for a lot of members of the Black and Brown LGBTQ muny, wh beg homosexual or jt beg who they are,” Stephens said. “It’s still very difficult our muny — our own hom. So seeg somethg posive like Jeffery of somethg like will help, I believe, the Black and brown part of the LGBTQ be more acceptg of themselv and dream bigger and better.”</p><h2>Takg on the historic pub and beg a bs owner</h2><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignright size-large is-rized"><img siz="(max-width: 414px) 100vw, 414px" srcSet=" 300w, 72w, 114w, 254w" height="274" width="414" class="wp-image-435412" alt="" src=" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Maia McDonald/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn>Jeffery Pub ctomers enjoy their weekend on Saturday, July 26.</figptn></figure></div><p>When Junr stepped to lead the bar, was another step cultivatg his reer as a bs owner, somethg he saw himself dog sce he was young. </p><p>“I e om a history of fay-owned bars,” Junr said. “My fay has been the dtry throughout the years wh different bs. </p><p>Junr spent a lot of time wh his grandmother and her bs, William’s Inn Pizza, which she opened 1969. The rtrant which specialized ep-dish pizza has sce closed, but as a child, Junr often would go wh his grandmother on her errands for the pizzeria. He remembers gog wh her to pick up the liquor license, gog to the bank and beg around for other key bs moments. </p><p>“I was, like, the grandchild she kept around,” Junr said. “I’d get out of school. She’d pick me up. If she had to make a bs n, I was wh her.”</p><p>His grandmother gave him more rponsibily as he got olr, like bartendg and managg, until he eventually beme the owner. While he didn’t see himself beg this reer field, Junr says where he always end up returng. The work remas rewardg, pecially gettg to see people have a good time a place they feel fortable. </p><p>“[I’ve done] a lot of jobs, a lot of different thgs,” Junr said. “But for some reason, I always keep gettg pulled back.”</p><p>Like for many bars and rtrants, the panmic posed several challeng for Jeffery Pub.</p><p>Junr’s bartenrs uldn’t work due to cy-mandated bs closur. Hours were shortened. Several ctomers died om COVID-19. Sce the pub don’t serve food, that layed s reopeng. </p><p>But Junr and his staff have slowly been gettg back on track recent months.</p><p>“We’ve been very fortunate,” Junr said. “Bs is pickg back up. People are happy. When, we were first allowed to open back up, was a b sketchy. You only had vaccated people. Folks still had to wear their masks and thgs of that nature. A lot of people still qutn if we’re open. We get a lot of those phone lls. But thgs are pickg back up. It’s beg good aga.”</p><p>Junr also is workg to reopen his grandmother’s origal pizzeria, which was prevly loted at 5701 S. Ashland Ave. The new lotn will be at 2210 S. Michigan Ave. the South Loop and he’s wag on cy licens to proceed.</p><p>Junr would also like to expand the pub to a “much granr space” but there aren’t any ncrete plans jt yet. Though, he’d still like to see happen. He says Chigo’s Black LGBTQ+ muny serv . </p><p>“I thk this place has done good by for many, many years. But, I’d like to be the one to take to the next level,” he said. </p><p><em><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href=" target="_blank">Subscribe to Block Club Chigo</a>, an pennt, 501(c)(3), journalist-n newsroom. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods.</em></p><p><em>Already subscribe? Click <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href=" target="_blank">here</a> to support Block Club wh a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href=" target="_blank">tax-ductible donatn.</a></em> </p><p class="has-medium-font-size"><strong><em>Listen to “It’s All Good: A Block Club Chigo Podst” here:</em></strong></p><iame class="" style="width:100%" width="640px" height="377px" src=" allowfullscreen=""></iame><div style="height:1px;left:0;marg:0 to;posn:absolute;poter-events:none;right:0;top:50%;width:1px" id="wp-irvg-gtm-article-midpot"></div></div></div></div><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv article-meta article-meta--bottom irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li 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mcdonald's near gay club

Explore the bt gay bars and rtrants Chigo's Downtown, Near North, and South Si, cludg one of the olst gay clubs the midwt." emprop="scriptn



A Goln Arch anchise will help a gay night club qualify to reopen by servg their meals wh the bar's drks. * mcdonald's near gay club *

The Pri EBN (formerly known as McDonald’s Gay, Lbian & Alli Network) was found 2005 and striv to build awarens, equy, cln and opportuni for employe and ctomers om the LGBTQ+ muny. In a marketg masterstroke, McDonald's (MCD) has found a way to give a welg warm fuzzy to gays and lbians whout angerg Amerin right-wgers.


In a marketg masterstroke, McDonald&#039;s has found a way to give a welg warm fuzzy to gays and lbians whout angerg Amerin right-wgers. The pany recently began airg a tasteful ad which a gay teen viss a McDonald&#039;s wh his dad. The trick that mak the strategy work: The ad, viewable below, is only airg on French televisn -- and on YouTube, where &#039;s bee an ternatnal sensatn and been viewed more than 1 ln tim. By stayg off U.S. televisn, McDonald&#039;s has done a reach-around to the dience wanted and an end-n around right-wgers who might e a stk over the ad. * mcdonald's near gay club *

The pany recently began airg a tasteful ad which a gay teen viss a McDonald's wh his dad. Msage: McDonald's is a place where you n be yourself -- even if you're gay.

The pany is a member of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce and has supported Out & Equal Workplace Advot, a natnal anizatn that helps build gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr muny the workplace. The ad isn't a viral h jt bee 's gay-iendly -- 's partly bee 's simply a really well-executed ad that's more enjoyable to watch than a typil Amerin McDonald's ad.

Although Chigo has among the greatt selectn of gay nightspots the untry, the majory of the hangouts - om bars and diss to LGBT-popular rtrants - are popular mixed rintial-mercial neighborhoods on the north si of the cy. You n fd extensive lists of tablishments the Chigo Lakeview Gay Nightlife Gui and the Chigo Anrsonville Gay Nightlife Gui. Fortunately, there are a uple of very fun gay nightspots right the heart of downtown, not to mentn an almost endls supply of terrific rtrants, many of them wh mixed gay/straight followgs.


Addnally, on the cy's South Si, you'll fd a pair of gay bars that ter predomantly to Ain-Amerin patrons, Club Espe and Jeffery Pub. It's also a b of a distance to reach the bars, but they're both legendary nightspots that are well-worth checkg out, pecially given that many of the natn's gay Ain-Amerin hangouts have steadily disappeared over the years. Here's a more -pth look at the Downtown and South Si Chigo gay social tablishments.

Also take a look at the Chigo Gay Bathhoe and Sex Club Gui, which has plenty of advice on where to meet guys lookg to hookup around Chigo. Club Espe, South Si - gay bar.

75th St., 773-667-6454) is one of two long-nng gay bars on Chigo's Southsi, terg largely to the cy's sizable Ain-Amerin GLBT crowd (the other is the Jefey Pub).


Vis our Wt Chter, 701 E Gay St, PA Lotn | McDonald's .