I railed agast the sual racism of the gay datg scene and nsired myself a victim, then I had a closer look
The term "rice queen" refers to a gay man (non-Asian, and most monly Csian), who is explicly attracted to Asian men. Rice queen origat om "rice" beg the staple of most Asian dish, and "queen" beg a popular name ed to scribe a gay man. This term is ed primarily jt, and n also… * rice and beans gay slang *
Kty puncher or psy puncher wh both kty and psy referrg to a woman's vaga and puncher a variatn on var rogatory terms for gay men like donut puncher et al. Cockstctn worker (referrg to a gay man who is a nstctn worker)[36]. Gaysian, referrg to a gay Asian[52].
Gym Bunny, often referrg to a gay man who obssively works out at the gym. Oklahomo[65].
Bean queen (also ta queen or Salsa queen), gay man attracted to Hispanic men[61][70].
In gay slang, queen is a term ed to refer to a flamboyant or effemate gay man. The term n eher be pejorative or celebrated as a type of self-intifitn. Template:More catns need Ma article: Drag queen Template:Cross-drsg A drag queen is a person, ually male, who ... * rice and beans gay slang *
Brownie queen, obsolete slang for gay man terted anal sex (ed by men who disliked anal sex)[71].
Chicken queen, olr gay man terted younger or younger appearg men[72].
* rice and beans gay slang *
Curry queen, gay man attracted to Asian-Indian gay men[37]. Dge queen, gay man attracted to black gay men (offensive e of "dge" meang black)[73]. Drag queen, gay man to cross-drsg for performance[73].
Grey queen, a gay person who works for the fancial servic dtry (this term origat om the fact that the 1950s, people who worked this profsn often wore grey flannel sus).