What's Behd the Gay Agenda? | Uned Church of God

gay uitgaan agenda

Durg a staff meetg on Florida's recent enactment of the Parental Rights Edutn bill, an executive producer at Disney admted to advancg a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda" to sert queerns to children's animatn.



The startlg shift Amerin attus toward gays and same-sex marriage is not the rult of chance or random events. More than a quarter century ago, gay strategists laid out a plan to transform the natn—wh astoundg succs. * gay uitgaan agenda *

” There Kirk, a rearcher nropsychiatry, and Madsen, a public relatns nsultant, laid out a blueprt to fundamentally change Amerins’ attus toward homosexuals and homosexualy.


Welkom bij met plete ugaansagenda, gericht op LHBTQ+ gemeenschap en hun vrienn Nerland (gays and iends). Wij bien een actueel overzicht van relevante feten, circu parti, club-avonn en evenementen die (els) gericht zijn op een openmd ugaanspubliek, waaronr homo, lbo, bi, queer, transgenr) * gay uitgaan agenda *

Gallup polls 1989 showed that only 19 percent of Amerins believed people were born homosexual, wh 48 percent believg was due to environmental factors such as upbrgg. By 2015 those numbers had dramatilly shifted to 51 percent believg homosexuals were born that way and only 30 percent attributg to other factors. Well-rearched surveys (as opposed to some wh markedly skewed sampl and/or methodology) have nsistently placed the homosexual populatn of Ameri at around 2 to 3 percent—yet the fluence of homosexuals on Amerin culture is vastly out of proportn wh their actual numbers.

In the early stag of any mpaign to reach straight Ameri, the mass should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavr self.


Wtern societi are gog through many fundamental chang - perhaps none so far-reachg as those phed by promoters of the gay agenda. * gay uitgaan agenda *

A USA Today article last year reported 32 regularly appearg bisexual or homosexual characters primetime work scripted seri for the 2014-15 televisn season, wh another 64 appearg ble TV shows (Bill Keveney, “Y, You Really Are Seeg More LGBT Characters on TV, ” Oct. This means publicizg support for gays by more morate church, raisg theologil objectns of our own about nservative terpretatns of biblil teachgs, and exposg hatred and nsistency. They ntued: “Send, we n unrme the moral thory of homophobic church by portrayg them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step wh the tim and wh the latt fdgs of psychology.

Some who have stood up have been fed, orred to attend pro-homosexual “sensivy trag, ” lost jobs or had their bs sued out of existence by ernment agents and agenci that support the homosexual agenda. “If gays are prented, stead, as a strong and priful tribe promotg a rigidly nonnformist and viant liftyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that jtifi ristance and opprsn.

This means that jnty mtached mclemen would keep very low profile gay mercials and other public prentatns, while sympathetic figur of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured.


For LGBTQI+ visors and rints of Amsterdam, there are distct neighbourhoods where they n fd many iendly gay bars and diverse bs. * gay uitgaan agenda *

They then add this utn for those who would want to ph the gay agenda too far: “It almost go whout sayg that groups on the fartht marg of acceptabily such as NAMBLA [the North Amerin Man-Boy Love Associatn, which as s name suggts promot adult-child homosexual sex] mt play no part at all such a mpaign: spected child-molters will never look like victims... The gay muny should no longer be nsired victims the Uned Stat—and realy those the gay movement have bee aggrsive challengers of tradnal valu and biblil beliefs on many onts. “A media mpaign that sts gays as society’s victims and enurag straights to be their protectors mt make easier for those to rpond to assert and expla their new protectivens.


* gay uitgaan agenda *

But an addnal theme of the mpaign should be more aggrsive and upbeat: to offset the creasgly bad prs that the tim have brought to homosexual men and women, the mpaign should pat gays as superr pillars of society. To this end, they then suggted that those who oppose the homosexual agenda be lked wh imag such as the Ku Klux Klan, “bigoted southern misters droolg wh hysteril hatred, ” thugs and nvicts, and Nazi ncentratn mps.

This strategy—aid and abetted by sympathetic news media and ernment agenci—has led to enterg a stage of aggrsive attacks by some the gay muny agast those who scerely believe that homosexual behavr vlat the laws, stctns and prcipl of God. Yet at the same time, they ma a statement showg that gays really aren’t the opprsed, victimized group Kirk and Madsen advote they be portrayed as: “Bee those gays not supportg fai ually have more discretnary e than average, they uld afford to ntribute much more. Supreme Court’s lg legalizg same-sex marriage, ’s bee they regnize this simple fact: Homosexual upl, who typilly don’t have children, have substantially more discretnary e than fai who do.


The «gay agenda» is a rhetoril strategy ployed by the relig right and other social nservativ to magnify fear and hostily of queers. ... * gay uitgaan agenda *

The impact of this is also beg felt the polil arena, where wealthy gays help bankroll mpaigns for sympathetic ndidat who will advance their terts and fund ads attackg those who stand for tradnal and biblil valu. Kirk and Madsen go on to praise the fact that homosexuals have been able to filtrate Amerin news media to advance the e of issu important to them. “Bee most straightforward appeals are impossible, the Natnal Gay Task Force has had to cultivate quiet backroom liaisons wh broadst pani and newsrooms orr to make sure that issu important to the gay muny receive some verage.


The Gay Agenda buts Jan. 10 and will clu terviews wh actor Bex Taylor-Kls, thor Carmen Maria Machado and edian Fortune Feimster. * gay uitgaan agenda *

Those who believe the Bible and re about the future of Ameri should be aware that today’s issu regardg the gay liftyle have been orchtrated by activists for more than 25 years. A good example n be found on the webse of the Gay and Lbian Alliance Agast Defamatn (GLAAD) unr "GLAAD Media Reference Gui—Offensive Terms to Avoid":. "Notns of a so-lled 'homosexual agenda' are rhetoril ventns of anti-gay extremists seekg to create a climate of fear by portrayg the pursu of equal opportuny for LGBT people as sister...

Simply put, 's an anized effort to produce polil, social and relig change wh society that will lead to toleratg—and eventually acceptg as normal—homosexual relatnships. In this article, "gay" (or "lbian, " if female) refers to one who is actively engagg a homosexual liftyle, dulgg sexual relatnships and activy. We are not g the word "gay" to refer to someone who merely has a homosexual attractn or leang but do not act out on his or her temptatns by engagg sexual actns.


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To unrstand the stggl of those wh SSA who are scerely tryg to rist sexual temptatns and who are tryg to "be transformed" to follow "the perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2), please see "The Human Si of Homosexualy: From One Who Has Stggled").

While not all homosexuals support the gay agenda or are actively volved tryg to refe marriage, many gay anizatns are volved, as Michael Brown pots out his 2011 book A Queer Thg Happened to Ameri: And What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been.

As he documents, "There are well-fund, highly-motivated, sharply-foced gay activist anizatns such as HRC [Human Rights Campaign] and NGLTF [Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force] and PFLAG [Parents, Fai and Friends of Lbians and Gays] and GLSEN [Gay, Lbian and Straight Edutn Network] and GLAAD [Gay and Lbian Alliance Agast Defamatn] and Lambda Legal—jt to mentn a few" (p.


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"There is a gay revolutn, a gay liberatn movement, a plethora of gay activist anizatns wh clearly intified missns and goals, but no gay agenda...

Otherwise, s progrs will be thwarted and s succs greatly imped, bee the open, unambiguo, full disclosure of the goals and ramifitns of the gay agenda would stop that agenda s tracks" (pp. It's the view of many that the impact the gay agenda is havg on society is a bellwether ditor of jt how far society has morally generated and where 's ultimately head. The article not that "attus toward gays and lbians have changed so much jt the last 10 years that, as Gallup reported last week, 'half or more now agree that beg gay is morally acceptable, that gay relatns ought to be legal and that gay or lbian upl should have the right to legally marry.

In about a generatn we have seen society transformed om nsirg homosexualy to be a psychologil disorr to the pot that those who do not accept or affirm homosexualy are themselv lled homophobic and viewed as mentally abnormal!

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The term "tolerance" is now employed to mean the plete acceptance of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) liftyl and iology— the fay, the workplace, tn, media and relign.

The gay agenda, along wh the sexual revolutn that began half a century ago, has transformed Ameri's moral standard that was once based on biblil valu to one that accepts as monplace the homosexual liftyle and many other biblilly nmned behavrs. Ironilly, while gay activists mand tolerance toward themselv, they are quick to slam anyone who dar to disagree wh them as tolerant, biased, bigoted or homophobic.


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