List Of Gay UFC Fighters (Out & Proud Men & Women)

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Are there any gay UFC fighters? Here is a pilatn of male and female gay fighters the apex MMA promotn.



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Are there any gay UFC fighters?

From male and female gay UFC fighters to enuragg closet members to reveal their inty to the world, the MMA muny embrac Pri month a spectacular welg as the MMA is to LGBTQIA+ members, at the apex MMA promotn, rervatns persist regardg the acceptabily of members to the doubt LGBTQIA+ members abound the women’s UFC; is a different realy the UFC domated by article explor the realy of the LGBTQIA+ muny the UFC and also prents the list of male and female openly gay UFC fighters. Before we lve to our list of UFC gay fighters, the recurrg qutn regardg why no gay fighter exists the male divisn of the promotn has to be fairly answered.

Why are there no Openly Gay Male UFC fighters? In 2009 UFC print, Dana Whe was ptured a vio blog posted on the UFC webse which he took swiped at women and obsceny-lan vio was a rponse to a story by a longtime MMA reporter Loretta Hunt of, which he claimed rrectly reported on UFC polici and crentialg of managers and agents relatn to their vio stck the nerve of the members of the LGBTQIA+ muny, such as the Gay & Lbian Alliance Agast Defamatn (GLAAD), who requted that Whe apologize. Though Dana Whe apologized, this was the first major ht potg to a rocky relatnship between the UFC as well as Whe and the gay there were doubts about Whe and the promotn’s stance on gay fighters UFC, those doubts were effectively cleared Febary Whe revealed that should a UFC male fighter e out openly as gay, he would support such fighters and help wh any potential down the le, spe the reassurg words of Whe on supportg male UFC gay fighters, the UFC male divisns boast of no openly gay, however, is not a reflectn of anti-gay sentiments the fact, the UFC star Marc Diakie dubbed the Bonecsher, beme the first UFC star to appear a gay fact that no openly gay UFC star exist is not an issue unique to the MMA general, pecially male sports, do not have gay top-flight sports which generate lots of buzz and tert boast of few to zero athlet who openly intify as members of the gay muny This, th, is no issue peculiar to the UFC but to sports Complete List of Gay UFC Fighters 1.


Are you wonrg if there are any gay UFC fighters? * ufc gay shirt *

Amanda Nun The Brazilian MMA star is no stranger to the UFC or the world of mixed martial Nun is one of the most ement members of the gay muny the UFC but also bee she is credibly talented what she of May 2022, Amanda Nun currently holds the UFC Women’s Featherweight to fightg the UFC, Amanda Nun fought the Strikeforce promotns, where she effectively tablished herself as one of the tought MMA fighters the reputatn she created was tegral her short stt wh Invicta Fightg Champnships before she moved on to the UFC. Raquel Penngton is one of the lbian UFC fighters who is vol about her revealed to fans ndidly how she me out as a lbian and also nveyed her thoughts on the stggl of beg a gay athlete. Tecia TorrPhoto: @teciatorrOne of the current gay fighters UFC who is openly lbian, Torr, is no stranger to the MMA star, who is one of the top-rated stars the UFC female strawweight divisn, began her MMA reer over a ago and has tablished herself as a ntenr for the UFC Strawweight ’s major troductn to the sport started October 2012 when she ma her promotnal but the Invicta Fightg stt at Invicta was short, as her potential ught the attentn of the UFC, who offered her a place the ele December Torr was one of the first 11 women signed to the UFC strawweight divisn and also was a st member The Ultimate Fighter realy show.

Concln There you have —the list of the openly gay fighters there are no openly gay male UFC fighters, the promotn, through s print Dana Whe has ma known how supportive they will be should any male MMA fighter tak the brave step of g the current members of the LGBTQ muny the UFC, there has been mostly no difference their reers pared to their straight Out The Intertg Articl on BiglySports:Top 20 Hottt Female UFC Fighters Of All TimeHow Much Do UFC Rg Girls Make? This left ltle room for clivy, and allowed homophobia to fter.

” Though Whe never apologized to Hunt, he apologized to the gay muny, statg that he “never meant to hurt anyone the gay or lbian muny at all, ” but still went on to say that he “absolutely, posively meant to attack the reporter, Loretta Hunt om Sherdog.


In 2010, former UFC light heavyweight champn Quton “Rampage” Jackson, while filmg the A-Team Vanuver, told the Los Angel Tim that actg “is kd of gay. ” The paper also reported that Jackson had a nontatn wh one of the film’s crew members, durg which Jackson reportedly lled him “every nceivable gay slur.

” In 2011, legendary Brazilian fighter Anton Rodrigo Nogueira revealed that he has “no prejudice agast the gays” but “wouldn’t tra wh someone who’s gay.


Former UFC welterweight champn Ge St-Pierre spoke out agast homophobic bullyg, and his ach, Firas Zahabi, implemented a strict policy agast hate speech wh his gym. In 2013, Liz Carmouche beme the first openly gay fighter to pete the UFC when she challenged Ronda Roey for the women’s bantamweight champnship. Later that same year, former UFC light-heavyweight champn Rashad Evans—at the time one of the UFC’s most popular fighters—me out support of gay marriage.

He explaed to Outsports that he is a “heterosexual guy a tough macho sport, which is exactly the reason I feel a duty to say I support gay marriage and gay rights. ”Kyle Kgsbury bent over durg a weigh- ceremony to reveal pk briefs wh a pro-gay marriage msage; UFC flyweight Joseph Benaviz stated (somewhat cly) that, “It would be ol to see a gay guy beat the sh out of somebody.

” The UFC even troduced a “Protect Yourself” HIV/AIDS awarens mpaign llaboratn wh the Lato Commissn on AIDS, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and the LGBT Communy Center. It also spend Nate Diaz for 90 days after he tweeted a gay slur. The ont-facg nods toward clivy and creased rpect for LGBTQ+ people are meangful, but they n’t nceal the UFC’s ntued willgns to mata bs relatnships wh people and ernments that promote homophobia and m harrowg human rights ab agast the gay 2010, Flash Entertament, a subsidiary of the Uned Arab Emirat ernment, purchased a 10 percent stake the UFC’s parent pany, ZUFFA.


The UFC would go on to vis the UAE on three separate ocsns, and each vis was met wh cricism regardg the UAE’s labor standards and stutnalized homophobia, among other ncerns. The latt reports of rekdled state-sanctned vlence agast gay Chechens me ls than two years after the 2017 crackdown on Chechnya’s LGBTQ muny, where over 100 gay men were taed and subjected to torture.

Kadyrov himself refed to acknowledge the existence of gay men Chechnya to HBO Real Sports July 2017, before addg that if any do exist his republic, they should be sent to “Canada” to “purify our blood.


FIrst Openly Gay Male UFC Fighter? | MMA Foms .