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data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name"><a href=">Matt Laviet</a></span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class="">A Florida middle school teacher is claimg that she was fired March for discsg sexualy wh her stunts.</p><p class="">Casey Stt, a first-year art teacher, <a href=" target="_blank">told NBC affiliate WBBH-TV</a> on Tuday that the events that led to her termatn started when stunts began askg qutns about her sexualy. Stt, who is married to a man, said she told her stunts that she is pansexual, meang that she’s attracted to all genrs.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><div id="taboolaReadMoreBelow"></div><p class="">She said LGBTQ stunts then began askg if they uld create art exprsg their own sexuali and inti, and that she hung on her classroom door. Stt said she was told by school officials Lee County — which is roughly 40 north of Napl — to remove the artwork. She said she was then sent home and fired over the phone. </p><p class="">“A discsn happened class and bee of that, now I’m fired,” Stt <a href=" target="_blank">told WBBH-TV</a>.</p><p class="">The Lee County School District said a statement to NBC News that Stt was fired bee she "did not follow the state mandated curriculum." The district also shared plats om parents who were ncerned about the nversatn and the artwork, acrdg to the NBC affiliate.</p><p class="">Stt's firg amid a natnwi discsn over whether LGBTQ issu or inti should be discsed at school.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">The bate was igned earlier this year by the newly enacted Florida law, which crics have dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill. </p><p class="">Officially tled the <a href=">Parental Rights Edutn bill</a>, the legislatn bans teachg about sexual orientatn or genr inty “ krgarten through gra 3 or a manner that is not age appropriate or velopmentally appropriate for stunts acrdance wh state standards.”</p><p class="">Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis <a href=" target="_blank">signed the bill to law</a> late March, several days after Stt's firg. The law tak effect July.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend" data-ttid="remend-wrapper"></div><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend" data-ttid="remend-wrapper"></div><p class="">Proponents of the measure have ntend that giv parents more discretn over what their children learn school and say LGBTQ issu are “not age-appropriate” for young stunts.</p><p class="">Kev Daly, who is the print-elect of the Teachers Associatn of Lee County, <a href=" target="_blank">told WBBH-TV</a> that the new bill uld pose problems for tors and suggted led to Stt's firg.</p><p class="">“There is kd of a heightened state of where is the boundary? And what are employe supposed to do? Or allowed to do, when a topic up discsn,” he said.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">LGBTQ teachers Florida have <a href="" target="_blank">prevly told NBC News</a> that they fear talkg about their fai or LGBTQ issu more broadly wh the new law place.</p><p class="">Beyond Florida, <a href=" target="_blank">19 other stat have troduced siar legislatn</a> this year that would prohib how tors n talk about or teach LGBTQ issu school, acrdg to the Movement Advancement Project, or MAP, an LGBTQ thk tank that has been trackg the bills.</p><p class="endmark"><strong><em>Follow </em></strong><a href=" target="_blank"><strong><em>NBC 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gay florida teacher fired

A fifth-gra teacher said she is beg vtigated by the Florida Department of Edutn after she showed her stunts "Strange World," a 2022 animated Disney movie featurg a character who is biracial and gay.



* gay florida teacher fired *

A former Miami-Da schools teacher who says he was fired bee of his past gay porn is takg his se on the road. A fifth-gra teacher said she is beg vtigated by the Florida Department of Edutn after she showed her stunts “Strange World, ” a 2022 animated Disney movie featurg a character who is biracial and gay. DeSantis and other supporters phed the measure as a form of “parental rights, ” while opponents said tried to erase LGBTQ people om schools and dubbed the law “Don’t Say Gay.

The movie also featured Disney’s first-ever out-gay character, voiced by edian Jaboie Young-Whe. Florida Teacher Unr Fire for Showg Disney Movie wh Gay Character.

A teacher Florida says she's unr vtigatn for showg her class an animated Disney film featurg a character who is gay. A Florida teacher is unr vtigatn by the state's Department of Edutn after she showed her stunts a Disney movie that featur a gay character. The law — which crics have dubbed "Don't Say Gay" — bars classroom stctn related to sexual orientatn and genr inty krgarten through third gra.


A teacher Florida says she’s unr vtigatn for showg her class an animated Disney film featurg a character who is gay. The parent who reported her also happens to be on the lol school board. CNN’s Isabel Rosal has the tails. * gay florida teacher fired *

She fears that if she mentns , she will get trouble unr the Parental Rights Edutn bill (known as the “don’t say gay” law) backed by Florida’s ernor, Ron the summer holidays approach, Florida teachers are feelg anx, nfed and beaten down by new laws, champned by DeSantis, that lim how issu of race n be tght, what teachers n say about sex, pecially about homosexualy, and what books are permted schools.

” When DeSantis signed the “don’t say gay” bill, he said parents “should be protected om schools g classroom stctn to sexualize their kids as young as five years old”. Schools have banned many books about gays. The “don’t say gay” law bars any classroom stctn on sexual orientatn or genr inty before fourth gra, and om fourth gra on such stctn mt be “age-appropriate or velopmentally appropriate” “acrdance wh state standards”.


In 2020, South Carola agreed to no longer enforce s 1988 "Don't Say Gay" law. * gay florida teacher fired *

” In April, a state board expand Don’t Say Gay, banng lsons on sexual orientatn and genr inty gras fourth through twelve unls they’re mandated by state standards or are part of reproductive health lsons that stunts n opt out of takg. ”Cleaver is gay and says that adds “a ltle extra anxiety for me”.

“I’m not allowed to talk about anythg gay, but I’m teachg a roomful of kids that are hyper-aware of the LGBTQ+ muny and have a billn qutns, ” she said.


Teachers Florida are returng to school unsure how to abi by the state’s new so-lled ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law. * gay florida teacher fired *

Am I supposed to pretend that gay people don’t exist? ”Michael Woods, a special tn high school teacher Palm Beach unty who is gay, remembers havg a miserable experience as a high school stunt.

”“In my 29 years of teachg, my number one goal has always been to provi safe spac to kids, ” Woods cricized the “don’t say gay” law for beg vague. ”Woods worri that the new laws will make gay stunts feel timidated and bullied the way he was high school.

A South Carola teacher was fired for distributg an article on gay bear subculture to stunts her class.


Steven Arz was dismissed om his $49,000-a-year posn at Fort Lake Edutn Center shortly after featurg an article published by onle news se Gays Wh Kids. * gay florida teacher fired *

In Febary 2020, a aln of LGBTQ+ anizatns filed a lawsu to stop South Carola om enforcg a 1988 law that bans schools om discsg “alternate sexual liftyl om heterosexual relatnships, ” specifilly “homosexual relatnships. Ugandans flee as Kill the Gays gas momentum across Ai. DeSantis expand his “Don’t Say Gay” law this year, and the Florida Board of Edutn voted Wednday for l that took even further — cludg by barrg teachers om askg stunts their preferred pronouns.


One tor found her llg. The climate of homophobia surroundg Florida's "don't say gay" law upend . * gay florida teacher fired *

A Florida fifth-gra teacher says she is unr vtigatn by the state Department of Edutn for “appropriate nduct” after showg her fifth-gra class Disney’s 2022 animated movie Strange cisn to show the film as a “bra break” followed a rigoro morng of standardized movie featur an openly gay character named Ethan and explor a romantic si plot between Ethan and his csh, took to TikTok to fend her choice, statg that she selected the film bee aligned wh the class’s curriculum, which currently foc on esystems. ”Followg the circulatn of Barbee’s vio and the letter on Twter, numero dividuals have lled on Disney to support the teacher by providg fancial or legal vtigatn occurs amidst Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to crackdown on LGBTQ+ issu, stemmg om his ntroversial Parental Rights Edutn law, which crics dub as ‘Don’t Say Gay. WASHINGTON – A feral appeals urt has led that a Catholic high school Indianapolis was ee to fire a gay guidance unselor bee she performed at least some relig duti, the latt legal setback for LGBTQ+ rights when they nflict wh Fzgerald had worked for 14 years as a guidance unselor at Ronlli High School when school officials disvered she was married to another woman.

Michael Woods, a high school special tn teacher Palm Beach unty, Florida, wh 30 years of experience teachg and who grew up as a stunt the area who was bullied for beg gay, said he cried the night before this school year began Augt 2022 bee of anxiety related to Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill that went to effect July 2022. “As a gay teacher, as a queer male, ’s been paful for me, ’s been very paful and very upsettg, ” said Woods.


“The bills are all based on false pretens, they’re li, they’re based on li, they make assumptns that somethg is happeng our schools area, that teachers are somehow doctratg our stunts, teachg them to be gay, or whatever the se may be, ” said Andrew Spar, print of the Florida Edutn add: “I thk the biggt thg gog to the school year is the unknown, bee this bill and the other bills that are out there, give parents the abily to brg plats agast teachers, brg lawsus agast school districts, and we jt don’t know how ’s gog to play out.

”Ron DeSantis, the ernor of Florida, signg the ‘don’t say gay’ bill March 2022. ” This fall is the first school year which teachers and school admistrators mt follow Florida’s HB 1557—lled the “Parental Rights Edutn” statute by lawmakers and dubbed the Don’t Say Gay law by crics—that banned public school districts om teachg about sexual orientatn or genr inty krgarten through the third gra, or “ a manner that is not age-appropriate or velopmentally appropriate for stunts acrdance wh state standards. ) “All we want as tors is to create a safe space for our stunts and teach them to rpect each other, ” says Brian Kerek, a gay high school math teacher Osceola County, Florida.

Cory Bernaert, a gay krgarten teacher Parrish, Florida, says his curriculum has never clud discsns of genr inty or sexual orientatn.


) “The fact that someone has to say to the teachers that you n have a picture of your spoe on your sk, shows the environment they’re havg to work , ” says McCracken, who is gay.

Michael Woods, a gay high school special tn teacher Palm Beach County, says he terpreted Palm Beach’s school district’s guidance to mean that if a stunt tells him somethg about their genr or pronouns, he mt notify the kid’s parents. " The district also shared plats om parents who were ncerned about the nversatn and the artwork, acrdg to the NBC 's firg amid a natnwi discsn over whether LGBTQ issu or inti should be discsed at bate was igned earlier this year by the newly enacted Florida law, which crics have dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill. A teacher Florida was fired om his posn at a school n by an Adventist anizatn for beg Arz was dismissed om his $49, 000-a-year role as a sixth-gra teacher at Fort Lake Edutn Center (FLEC) Longwood, central Florida, on June 23 shortly after featurg an article published by onle news se Gays Wh, who has an adopted son, told the Orlando Sentel newspaper he had hoped the terview would lead to more children Florida's foster re system fdg lovg fay hom.

"Arz went on to tail how the supertennt of schools for the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists had ntacted him via email followg the publitn of the Gays Wh Kids article, notg the piece had intified him as a "gay father" who was datg another the email, which Arz shared wh the Orlando Sentel, Frank Runnels wrote: "You are aware that this nduct, if te, do not port wh the Seventh-day Adventist church's standards and the tn program at FLEC. "The Bible mak no acmodatn for homosexual activy or relatnships, " acced the statewi Adventist anizatn of unjtly dismissg him wh their move, which me ltle more than a week after June's watershed U. Supreme Court lg held that discrimatn agast gay and transgenr workers was illegal unr the 1964 Civil Rights particular, he highlighted that FLEC had received public money the form of state scholarships as well as feral ronavis Lake relied on state scholarships for at least 40 percent of s stunts last year, acrdg to the Florida Department of Edutn and Step Up For Stunts, a non-prof anizatn which admisters many of the scholarships, which see parents provid wh state-backed vouchers to pay for their children's tun, brought the facily nearly $1.


7 ln addn to scholarship money, the Longwood school received $82, 700 feral Coronavis Aid, Relief, and Enomic Secury Act money, acrdg to the Orlando rerds meanwhile show the Florida nference, which says t some 4, 600 stunts statewi, also received between $350, 000 to $1 ln fivable loans unr the feral Paycheck Protectn Program, another ronavis panmic relief effort, the newspaper while Florida's scholarship law prohibs schools that take the vouchers om discrimatg agast stunts based on "race, lor or natnal orig, " do not explicly protect gay law also do not protect LGBTQ people om employment discrimatn, meang is unclear whether the termatn of Arz's ntract uld be succsfully challenged. Last October, Covenant Christian School mil theater teacher Moni Toro Lisciandro said she was fired after school admistrators learned she was gay. Four years ago, the Palm Bay Cy Council rejected a human rights ordance that would have protected LGBTQ people om beg unfairly fired om jobs or evicted by 'You n be Christian & you n be gay.


An employer who fir an dividual for beg homosexual or transgenr fir that person for tras or actns would not have qutned members of a different sex. Crics were already llg the “don’t say gay” bill. She thought about the handwrten letter one of her first stunts, a boy, once hand her: “So I have a secret that is that I am gay!

In that role, which she started jt after graduatg om Florida Internatnal Universy wh a gree psychology, Solomon traveled to schools and unseled LGBTQ stunts, helpg transgenr children change their nam and gay, lbian or queer children e out to parents and, Solomon realized her favore part of the job was beg si schools, spendg time wh young people. “I remember one cint, she did have a stunt who was gay, ” Arriete said.


‘Bee she’s gay’From the start, there was a part of her life that Solomon hid om her the first three years of her teachg job, no one told her explicly to nceal the fact she was married to a woman.


“No one else was gay at the school, you know — no one else knew anythg about that.

”Over the years, a half-dozen children me out to her as gay or transgenr.


A Florida teacher felt she had to qu amid "Don't Say Gay" rhetoric - The Washgton Post .