First, there was 'Datg for Dummi', then, there was 'Men are om Mars, Women are om Ven', ! The Gay Man's Gui! Each episo will feature current news relevant to the LGBT muny, as well as hot topic discsns, terviews, special guts, and Reann Ballslee's Consumer Prod…
From LGBTQ&A to Food for Thot, the are the podsts you should listen to. Expect lghs, pop culture chats, gay hosts, and tertg LGBTQ history lsons. * gay advice podcast *
Start here:Roxane Gays talks about soulmat, how she's jt enterg to her sexual prime at 44, and why the stori of trma her rears share keep her up at night. Inially rerd for his 1992 book of the same name, Makg Gay History documents the oral history of those on the ontl of the LGBTQ movement om 1945-1990, cludg Randy Shilts, Evelyn Hooker, Vo Rso, Larry Kramer, and Ann Northrop.
Makg Gay History back for s fifth season on June 6th wh all new episos foced around here: Talkg about growg up as an effemate child, leavg home at 10, and of urse, Stonewall, this is a si of Sylvia Rivera you won't hear anywhere else.
Krist Rso (thor of This Is A Book For Parents of Gay Kids and host of the wildly popular podst, Bufferg The Vampire Slayer) and Rie Bernard (CEO and EIC of the sential onle home for queer women, Autostraddle) are the perfect pair to take you through every episo of the inic lbian seri. Here are our favore podsts that reprent the diversy wh the LGBT podstg muny om gay news podsts and queer travel shows to lbian terviews and gaymer podsts, there’s somethg here for everyone no matter which flag you fly.
Beg gay isn't as simple as seems. I'm Paz and I'm explorg what 's like to be gay through analysis of news, travel, pop culture, and terviews wh other gay men. It's que storytellg, chillg and chattg wh my listeners. So listen and lgh along. Episos are released bi-weekly… * gay advice podcast *
Gay Pulp is arguably one of the most important gay podsts around and is fely the gay fictn podst that everyone should be listeng to, pecially those wh an tert gay history and gay lerature.
Queer Podsts Network, your ultimate statn for the most prehensive and up-to-date list of the bt gay podsts on the ter! * gay advice podcast *
Each episo featur a sual terview wh a new dividual or uple and the nversatns that rult provi some tly unique sights to different g out experienc across generatns, gay travel, onle datg, and nng a bs wh your same-sex partner.
There are a number of gay history podsts available to listen to on Spotify, iTun, Anchor, and the numero other podstg platforms but none are as creative as Bad Gays which foc entirely on explorg gay and queer historil figur wh bad reputatns. Both of Bad Gays’ two hosts are credibly well-sued to their rol, both are published thors wh one also beg a rearcher who teach queer history, lerature, and visual cultur.
You won’t hear any sassy gossip on Bad Gays, which is actually rather rehg, but you will get high qualy weekly easy-to-listen one hour episos that feel like a ee dbook download right to your podst app. Beg a daily podst, Gay Travel Today boasts a lot of variety subject matter and s episo list has bee a pretty good rource that you n browse through to fd a lotn or topic to learn more about. By far one of the largt tegori of podsts is gamg but there rema very few shows hosted exclively by LGBT gamers (or gaymers) and wh a foc on reprentatn wh the medium.
Gay and Lbian Relatnship Advice: LGBTQ+ affirmg therapist share strategi to promote growth & healg for gay & lbian upl. * gay advice podcast *
Travis and Mike are attemptg to fill that gap wh Rabow Road, a gay gamg podst named after the inic fal urse each Super Mar Kart vio game. The story self is a gay romance, though as you may have gused by now, ’s not an erotic gay story tend for gay male listeners but rather a fictn for others who aren’t gay who enjoy listeng to such stori.
As a rult, the ma protagonists act more like ialized portrayals of gay men as seen by straight women stead of actual gay men but this is part of the parcel when to this genre and fans of such tal will fd a lot to like here, pecially those who enjoy their gay romance wh a touch of dragons and magic.
* gay advice podcast *
In today’s episo of Gay Men Gog Deeper, Michael v Jarrod Bce Lee to answer that very qutn, as well as discsg:▶ Where body nfince actually om▶ Dealg wh the prsure to look a certa way ▶ What prevents om feelg more nfint our bodi▶ Motivatg yourself wh self-love stead of self-loathg ▶ Balancg external validatn wh self-validatn. Agg is an evable part of life, but we each have a unique relatnship wh of embrace wh open arms and don't buy to the ia of a "gay ath" at a certa stggle wh agg and clg to our youth and relevance as each year this episo of Gay Men Gog Deeper, we’re talkg about our own relatnship to agg and what means to “age well.
- Connect wh -Jo the private Facebook munyTake our "Buildg Better Relatnships" urseTake our "Healg Your Shame" urseInstagramGayMenGogDeeper. We explore the topics the episo:The wounds gay men may experience their velopment Toxic ShameAttachment trma Gay men and spirualyWhat advantag do we have as gay men Some thgs we n do to start healg our woundsSensivy The GoHigher Summ (hosted by Theo) is about elevatg the rabow muny by fdg the gift of growth and healg that ris wh each of . Watch this ep on YouTube- Connect wh -Jo the private Facebook munyTake our "Buildg Better Relatnships" urseTake our "Healg Your Shame" urseCoachg CollectnInstagramGayMenGogDeeper.