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class="Episo_sgle-episo-tle__v3XV_">The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards</div></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">The Red Cross’s lifeguard certifitn program is nsired the gold standard water safety, but an vtigatn to the nonprof reveals alleged gaps s oversight of lifeguard trag. </p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Monday, July 17, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards"/></div></div><div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-player__e57gs"><div class="h-sm"><svg aria-labelledby="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria" role="img" height="32" width="200" viewBox="0 0 250 40" class="db"><tle id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria">Loadg...</tle><rect role="prentatn" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-diff)" 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class="Episo_photo-cred__kKutI">(Derek Abella for The Washgton Post)</span></div><div class="Episo_episo-scriptn__xjxJk"><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">In 2019, Doug Forb and his wife left their 6-year-old dghter, Roxie, at Summerkids Camp, an idyllic day mp the Los Angel area. Ls than an hour later, they got a phone ll om the mp director. Roxie was beg transported to a nearby hospal. The next day, Roxie was pronounced ad; she had drowned.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Forb would spend the next four years tryg to unrstand how his dghter’s tragic ath uld have happened. What he – and The Post’s rporate acuntabily reporter, Doug MacMillan, disvered – is a seri of loophol the Red Cross’s lifeguard trag program that allegedly allows lifeguard trae to go rogue and skip lifavg trag protols.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Today, Doug MacMillan tak si The Post’s vtigatn of the Red Cross, the story of a father who lost his dghter to drowng, and why one whistleblower om si the anizatn says he don’t tst lifeguards to protect his children.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-subscribe-ntaer__QjQCe"><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-subscribe-tle__QKK_a">Add to a podst app</div><div class="unfed AddToPodstApp_podst-hear__VIWKA"><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-standard-sub-wrapper__wZD9R"><div><div class="AddToPodstApp_subscribe-actn-ll__a_ZHO">Listen to new episos on your smartphone or other vice.</div><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-sublks__d02mX"><div 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class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards"/></div></div><div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-player__e57gs"><div class="h-sm"><svg aria-labelledby="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria" role="img" height="32" width="200" viewBox="0 0 250 40" class="db"><tle id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria">Loadg...</tle><rect role="prentatn" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-diff)" style="fill:url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-animated-diff)"></rect><fs><clipPath id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-diff"><rect x="50" y="8" rx="3" ry="3" width="200" height="24"></rect><circle cx="20" cy="20" r="20"></circle></clipPath><learGradient id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-animated-diff"><stop offset="0%" stop-lor="#f0f0f0" stop-opacy="1"><animate attributeName="offset" valu="-2; -2; 1" keyTim="0; 0.25; 1" dur="2s" repeatCount="fe"></animate></stop><stop offset="50%" stop-lor="#e9e9e9" stop-opacy="1"><animate 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Ls than an hour later, they got a phone ll om the mp director. Roxie was beg transported to a nearby hospal. The next day, Roxie was pronounced ad; she had drowned.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Forb would spend the next four years tryg to unrstand how his dghter’s tragic ath uld have happened. What he – and The Post’s rporate acuntabily reporter, Doug MacMillan, disvered – is a seri of loophol the Red Cross’s lifeguard trag program that allegedly allows lifeguard trae to go rogue and skip lifavg trag protols.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Today, Doug MacMillan tak si The Post’s vtigatn of the Red Cross, the story of a father who lost his dghter to drowng, and why one whistleblower om si the anizatn says he don’t tst lifeguards to protect his children.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="PrevNext_podst-next-prev-feature-ntaer__JunJJ"><div class="PrevNext_podst-next-prev-ntaer__b_JgB PrevNext_grid__x3tGD"><div><div class="PrevNext_tle__jUPM5">Prev Episo</div><div class="PrevNext_prev-next-episo__cQxcB"><div><div style="box-shadow:5px -5px 0 0 null"><div class="Episo_podst-episo-ntaer__7PRqK"><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" alt="Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived."/><div><h3 class="Episo_podst-next-prev-episo-tle__R8Ysi"><a class="Episo_podst-episoClicked__MnSA6" href="/podsts/post-reports/ep-reads-a-gay-uple-ran-a-rtrant--peace-then-new-neighbors-arrived/">Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived.</a></h3></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">This is the send bon stallment of "Deep Reads," the bt of The Post's narrative journalism. It's a story about iologil differenc, accatns of harassment and the monopolizg of town rourc.</p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Saturday, July 15, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived."/></div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="PrevNext_tle__jUPM5"> Next Episo</div><div class="PrevNext_prev-next-episo__cQxcB"><div><div style="box-shadow:5px -5px 0 0 null"><div class="Episo_podst-episo-ntaer__7PRqK"><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" alt="Hollywood’s existential crisis"/><div><h3 class="Episo_podst-next-prev-episo-tle__R8Ysi"><a class="Episo_podst-episoClicked__MnSA6" href="/podsts/post-reports/hollywoods-existential-crisis/">Hollywood’s existential crisis</a></h3></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">Hollywood is facg a crisis. Almost every wrer and actor is on strike agast major studs, haltg productn. Massive protts have taken over LA and New York. Today, we unpack the upheaval that will change Hollywood forever.</p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Tuday, July 18, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="Hollywood’s existential crisis"/></div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="PodstCaroel_sgleEpiso-podstCaroel__pLXsk"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-list-ntaer__4LHCp"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-ntaer__drsOj"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-hear__8qoJk"><div class="roel-ntaer relative overflow-hidn PodstCaroel_roel__aR7zg" dot="never"><a href="#end-react-aria-1" class="sr-only">Prs Enter to skip to end of roel</a><div class="absolute right-0 pa-md h-100 z-1 poter-events-none fa-overlay" style="top:0;background-image:lear-gradient(to left, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0))"></div><div class="flex-ns jtify-between ems-center"><a class="PodstCaroel_roelHear__hNVnb" href=">More podsts</a><div class="arrows mb-sm flex-ns dn dn-m"><button class="pa-0 flex-shrk-0 brad-50 borr-box transn-lors duratn-200 ease--out bg-gray-lighter gray ml-xxs mb-xxs h-sm w-sm not-allowed b-none" disabled="" tabx="-1" data-qa="sc-roel-arrow-left" aria-label="Navigate to the left"><div class="flex ems-center jtify-center h-100 w-100"><svg class="ntent-box fill-current" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img"><tle>ArrowLeft

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Hundreds of photographs om the 19th and 20th centuri offer a glimpse at the life of gay men durg a time when their love was illegal almost everywhere.



McLennan County Jtice of the Peace Dianne Hensley filed a lawsu after a state agency warned her about refg to marry gay upl. She hop a recent U.S. Supreme Court se about relig eedom helps her e. * gay couple twitter *

The bsman and his wife, Melissa, first plaed to the Front Porch proprietors about pre-dawn vendor liveri 2019, not long after the nservative Christian uple moved their fancial firm right next door to the rtrant, which fli a gay Pri flag. (Front Porch Market and Grill)What’s more, the Washers say, the ad rat was jt one more sult that the uple, who once planted an “all liv matter” sign their ont yard, have endured sce movg next door to a rtrant owned by a gay uple. They married 2020, five years after they opened the Front Porch, which quickly beme a statn The Front Porch has been flyg a Pri flag on s pat sce 2016, not long after a gunman killed 49 people a gay bar Orlando.

“I had so many threats agast me that even the Dallas police statned squad rs outsi our home, ” Waybourn an activist, Waybourn says, his goals were clear: same-sex marriage, gays and lbians the ary, accs to lifavg medic. To the activist, feels like a step backward after a lifetime of fightg for gay pack the seats at the Board of Zong Appeals hearg hosted at Grace Epispal Church. “I have que a few gay iends, clients and a fay member, and I have patronized a gay-owned rtrant for years, ” he whether the Washers are tryg to remake The Plas to their image of Ameri — Whe, nservative, Christian — Melissa said, “I n see where you’re g om.

Power and David Philpott had to make their own ke topper by glug groomsmen figur togetherFrom “partner” to “hband”: meet one of the first married gay upl N. Adam* said was dangero to e out as gay his home untry and feared beg forced to an arranged marriage wh a said he was "so lucky" to wed his soulmate, Ray, Manchter and wish everyone uld marry who they love.


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There are more than 60 untri wh laws that crimalise same-sex sexual acts acrdg to the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn, cludg Sdi Arabia.


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'Authentilly myself'Ray said he had also stggled growg up gay the 1970s and 80s England, which was "tough" said his relig school "dmmed to you, 'you are gog to hell'" Adam returned home to Sdi Arabia, spe beg more than 3, 000 apart and later rtricted by the Covid-19 panmic, they kept touch daily and the romance years ago, Ray proposed on a vio ll and after succsfully applyg for a UK fiancé visa, Adam moved to Manchter December 2022.


Our ultimate list of the 25 bt gay m s clus ee gay ms, live ms, and a ltle somethg for everyone lookg for qualy gay ms onle! We also answer your prsg qutns about gay ms, read on... * gay couple twitter *

Adam said he had been aaid to even wear lours his home untry so the first thg he did when he moved was start to "grow my mullet, got my ears pierced and booked appotments for tattoos" relled how, ntrast, one of his gay iends Sdi had been forced to marry a woman, addg: "It has ed not only his life but the life of his wife.

The uple, who live London, said a "really betiful memory" was on the way home when one of their sons shouted out of the black b wdow to Trafalgar Square, "My dads jt got married" and cheered "Yay, gay marriage". SiegedSec, a self-scribed group of gay furry hackers, took s skills to state ernments late June, breachg agenci across five stat and releasg a wealth of data.The stat targeted on June 27 were Texas, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and South Carola. "Uwu gay furri pwn you~ We'll be back aga soon to ntue our chaos and stctn!"Some news outlets, such as Them, raised ncerns that the group's actns uld expose random people to harm, not jt the targeted ernments.

All Post podstsThe Post's premier daily podst, featurg unparalleled reportg, expert sight and clear analysis, every weekday Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Saturday, July 15, 2023In the ty town of Plas, Va., the nservative Christian neighbors of the gay-owned Front Porch Market and Grill have been workg to shut down the rtrant. Acrdg to the Texas judicial missn’s 2019 warng, Hensley referred gay upl who wanted her to pri over their marriage ceremony to other people who would officiate.


From Neil Patrick Harris to Ricky Mart, learn more about your favore celebry gay upl who have the most romantic love stori. * gay couple twitter *

If you want a dashg hunk of a man that provis you wh no holds barred gay porn ntent, then Adam Coss is the bt OnlyFans gay acunt that you should check out right now. Not only that, but this isn’t jt your typil thot posts, eher – Adam mak sure that everythg he sends you is done wh some nice productn valu, so don’t expect a bunch of blurry, crappy photo and vio qualy om this top gay OF creator. Add that to the fact that he nsistently provis you wh some of the hottt pennt gay porn around and you have yourself one of the absolute bt OnlyFans gay creators active on the platform right now.

Ben Dudman is unniably one of the biggt (pun absolutely tend) OnlyFans creators right now, regardls if you’re talkg about gay acunts or jt the active creators on the platform general.


TWO Premier League players the same team are a relatnship — and open about beg a gay although ’s no secret the drsg * gay couple twitter *

What we know for sure, though, is you won’t get a shortage of hot dick pics om this top OF gay creator that you’d ls likely want to gobble up than take your sweet time swirlg your mouth until the big boy juice out. For almost half a now, Dano has been nsistently ld as one of the hottt men on OnlyFans, and all fans of gay porn out there are for a treat should you ci to follow his acunt. Granted, you’re gog to have to spend around $10 a month if you want to see his general ntent, but he regularly ns promos for long-term subscribers to help lsen the load on your wallet and, well, keep you load wh hot gay porn ntent.


As far as gay 18+ ntent is ncerned, you n make damn sure that Jason Genis is the absolute bt providg you wh some of the nastit, rnchit gay porn stuff that even big productn pani and studs n’t give you. This kky SOB do everythg: he provis elaborate roleplay vios that fulfil your gay fantasi; his cute ass n take any type of anal punishment like a total champ; and this du is one of the unmon creators on OF that don’t shy away om steamy public gay sex! An unniable gay porn in, this du is equally happy to squirt his load on mera, suck ck on OnlyFans, fuck one of his hot gay iends, or get railed hard the ass for your personal enjoyment.

And now that he’s graced OnlyFans wh his prence, you’ll fely be treated wh some of the bt die porn you n get om one of the bt gay performers workg the bs right now. All you have to do is h him up wh a msage on his OnlyFans, pay his rat, and you’re all set to get some of the meatit and hairit gay porn that you n’t fd anywhere else on the ter. Whereas most OnlyFans creators, whether they’re gay on or otherwise, opt to go wh pre-rerd ntent that you n purchase, Zs specializ more hands-on ntent to provi you wh great stuff featurg his juicy ck.

Asi om that, you’d be thrilled to fd out that even his general ntent post offergs feature lots of gratuo nudy (and some hardre gay porn, for that matter) that primarily foc on his manly orific. Should you ci to subscribe to his page, then you n rt assured that you’re gog to be treated to some of the most elaborate and hottt gay porn ntent that you n fd on the platform or anywhere else. However, gettg a reply om your favore gay OnlyFans creator isn’t a sure thg unls they provi a tip msage service that guarante rpons when you pay to chat wh them.


Now that we’ve ma you privy to some of the bt gay creators on OnlyFans right now, fdg the right type of adult ntent and XXX stuff on the platform don’t have to be a chore anymore. While this is the preferred adjective, n be ed posively (“Grant, may gay iend, is an amazg fashn gu”), ntrally (“My iend Grant is gay”), or negatively (“Don’t hang out wh Grant or you might bee gay too”). “Fag/faggot/dyke” – The words have a history of beg ed a rogatory manner and are wily nsired sultg; however, you may see two gay men affectnately ll each other “fag” or an activist group that rporat the word “dyke.

”Here are some Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgenr, Genrqueer, Queer, Intersexed, Agenr, Asexual, and Ally muny nicknam:NicknamMeangAcidAn energetic iend who never stops movgArnAn experienced iend who has recently e out as queerAlmond JoyA sweet, good-natured gay iendAmazonA tall iend wh strong, feme featurAngelA feme-featured manATMA rich iendBabyAn affectnate name for someone you feel tenrly towardBaby-faceA young male wh feme featurBachelorSomeone livg on their own, whout a partnerBarbie boyA man who lov fashnBeanstalkA very tall iendBearA big, hairy, iendly gay manBearetteA woman wh a mascule meanorBlue SteelA iend wh blue eyBooA large iend who is cuddly and iendlyBoxerA stocky iendBright EyA young gay man recently outBubblyAn animated personalyBurlyA large, mcular iendButchA woman wh a mascule meanorCabbage PatchA iend wh a round figureCactSomeone wh an abrasive characterCakeA person who is sexually attractiveCaptaSomeone who tends to take the leadCare BearA large gay man who is affectnateCarrotsA iend wh red hairCatA ol iendCheekyA wty and clever iendCheerful CharlieA synonym for the old e of “gay, ” which meant “happy”CheekeA iend who mak a lot of jokChefA iend who lik to okClassy CatA gay man who drs impecblyCobraA shrewd iendComplete PackageA iend wh all of the elements one sir a partnerCookA iend who lik to okCool RabowA well-liked queer iendCornflakA iend who is always clowng aroundCowboyA mascule person who is old-fashnedCoy BoyA shy iendCubA young, gay manCucumberA lm iendCuddly BearA large iend who is affectnateCupkeA small, attractive iendDaddy BearAn olr gay manDaffy DuckA silly iendDaggerA vilishly handsome manDatyA small iend wh lite featur or tastDaisyA feme iendDapper LadA well-drsed gay iendDashgA handsome iendDosrA very old personDisA hippieDiva DaddyA man wh a dramatic airDocA rpected iendDollyA sweet-faced iend wh small, feme featurDrag RaceA iend who enjoys cross-drsgDragonA iend who lik to drs dragDragonflyA iend who lik to drs dragDreamyA good-lookg iendEagle-EyeSomeone wh exceptnally good visn, or someone who wears glassElfA cute iendEye CandySomeone wh attractive featur, regardls of their personalyFabulosoA gay man wh a feme meanorFancy PantsA iend who puts on airsFemmeA man wh a feme meanorFierce BabeA woman wh tough qualiFe WeA partner (or potential partner)FluffyA large, iendly iendFoxyA vilishly hot iendFrecklA iend wh ecklF LoopA iend who acts jt a ltle crazyFurryA hairy iendGay BurroA gay iend who is a good huggerGentlemanA pole iendGgerbreadA iend wh red hairGogglA iend who wears glassGoln BoyA tall, mcular, blon man who is attractive to gay menGranolaA iend who is very healthyGrapeuA iend who acts silly all the timeHamsterA iend who is like a petHandsomeA good-lookg iendHappy CatA synonym for the old e of “gay, ” which meant “happy”Hard MetalA iend wh many piercgsHeartbreakerA good-lookg iend who is not attracted to the people attracted to themHelltA iend who is always gettg to troubleHont AbeA iend who is very ncerned wh the tthHot DogA man known for his sexual explosHot StuffA physilly attractive iendHulkA very mcular mascule iendHky DkA iend wh a rough, sexy voiceHyenaA iend wh an exceptnal lghIcy HotA iend wh blue eyJolly RogerA gay man wh good spirKikiA gay iend. Gay porn is all well and good, but you n’t ny ’s missg an important factor to give you an experience that not jt turns you on, but mak you feel good about yourself: more timacy please!

And if you thk that lookg for the right m boy to watch is difficult, then there’s no need for you to worry: JM gay has a nice pairg algorhm that allows you to nnect wh the right du that n be, well, your jerk mate.


It also don’t hurt that each and every mol here—om the young, h fac to popular nam—is a profsnal, which means you won’t get any subpar gay ms once you enter any of the rooms, pecially when you ci to go private wh them. It’s also notable, though, that Chaturbate don’t require you to sign up for an acunt to watch the gay ms on this se: you n simply head over and check out who’s performg. If you do plan on payg for your shows, you’d be glad to disver that Chaturbate has one of the most affordable on-se currenci around, which will allow you to tip more and, ultimately, have your chosen gay m mol perform more fun stuff ont of their webm!


Focg on their gay ms, though, you’re gog to fd that although the overall number of mols here might not be as humongo as, say, Chaturbate, they make up for by providg topnotch performanc whenever they start streamg. However, once you fally ci to give to your temptatns and spend money on their relatively pricey ImLive creds, then you’ll disver that ’s well worth the expense: all the gay m mols here are profsnal and fun to watch. But perhaps the bt part is how ImLive is one of those rare live sex m s that lets you take advantage of a multi-m feature, which allows you to watch two or more gay m shows all at once.


Everythg’s random, but you’re more likely to fd a penis ont of your screen than a snizz, which mak easier for gay guys to hook up wh other gay guys for some hot, onle fun.

The HD vio qualy alone might not be enough to warrant their rat, but add the nice chat room featur and the top-tier gay m mols and you’re actually gettg ntent at a steal wh XLoveGay. And next year is gog to be even the first major stud gay rom-, to queer-clive horror, to Harry Styl playg a queer p, the next year will have a ton of great LGBTQ+ ntent on the big screen.

Billy Eichner wrote and starred this gay rom- wh an all LGBTQ+ prcipal st, cludg Bowen Yang, Ts Madison, Guillermo Diaz, and Le Macfarlane as Eichner's love tert. ExclivePublished: 20:30, 12 Nov 2022Updated: 11:28, 13 Nov 2022TWO Premier League players the same team are a relatnship — and open about beg a gay uple.


It after we told earlier this earlier this year how a gay former England and Premier League player is talks about beg the first to e out a TV documentary.

” Wh marriage equaly won years ago, they expected to be able to have a nventnal married months before their weddg, a targeted ad om an anisatn lled Gay Parents to Be land Maggipto’s Instagram feed, offerg ee nsultatns wh a fertily doctor who’d give them “the whole ndown” on how they uld start a fay. “We had the appotment and we were 100% on the same page – let’s move forward wh this, ” says ’s when they first beme aware of the eye-waterg st of blogil parenthood for gay men.

That meant straight people and lbians workg for the Cy of New York would have the sts of IVF vered, but gay male upl uld never be isn’t an oversight, ’s discrimatn, Brisk says.


If they w, employers and health surers across the US will be unr prsure to change their polici to give gay men the same accs to fertily benefs as anyone else. But brgg a fertily equaly claim that took eventual surrogacy for granted, they had unwtgly stumbled to the le of fire of one of the great culture wars of our age: whether anyone – but gay men particular – should be able to pay to e a woman’s body. In England and Wal, the number of parents g a surrogate has quadpled over the past 10 years, but is always ntroversial: high-profile gay men om Brian Dowlg to Tom Daley have been acced of exploatn, “womb rental” and even “child abe” when they go public about creatg their fai wh a surrogate.


Texas judge still fightg to ny weddg ceremoni to gay upl | The Texas Tribune .