2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar

mumbai gay pride 2023

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2023 / 2024 Gay Pri Calendar and Para Gui. Gui to many of the biggt and bt LGBTQ+ Pris Europe, USA and beyond. When is Pri? * mumbai gay pride 2023 *

Here's a list of the excg events takg place throughout the month:Gaysi FayJoyland: June 1, 6pm & 9pmQueer ma weekend: June 10-11, 5pm-10pmTheatre Show + Afterparty: June 24, 5pm-1amColour PosiveThe Natnal Pri Para: June 24, 3 pm at Azad MaidanThe Gay GazeSummer Renaissance: June 4, Vikhroli SocialHike to Kalmanvi Waterfall: June 10Bombay Pri History Walk: June 11Cocktail Hour wh Anuja & Rupa: June 14, Woodsi Inn, BandraDi Pri Weekenr: June 16-18, Veranda, BandraQueer Contagn wh LIactuallee: June 21, Method Art, BandraQueerisland Pune: June 24, Antisocial, Pune. The month is dited to those who were volved the Stonewall Rts, seri of gay liberatn protts 1969.


* mumbai gay pride 2023 *

The Stonewall Inn which is a popular gay bar NYC was raid by police the early morng hours of June 28, 1969. This was not unual for the time, but on this particular eveng, the patrons of the bar fought back, startg the Stonewall Rts that went on for days and igned a long stggle to brg lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr people to the Amerin mastream guaranteeg their rights.

After a long history of protts and proud rilience, was only 1999 that former US print Bill Clton officially proclaimed June as “Gay and Lbian Pri Month''. It was later 2011 that print Barack Obama unrled and emphasised the clive nature of the Pri movement by re-tlg as Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr Pri Month and also clared Stonewall Inn a historic one 2016.

The onset of the Pri movement India is associated wh the disurse around Sectn 377 of the Indian Penal Co, an antiquated impact of the Brish era that crimalised homosexualy. The first prott for gay rights India took place on Augt 11, 1992, outsi police headquarters Delhi’s ITO area.


The protts were led by AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA), opposn to the police who had arrted men om Central Park Connght Place on the spicn of homosexualy.


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