1960S NHRA DRAG Racg-Don & Roy Gay-"Infy 4"-69 GTO AA/Funny Car-INDY 1969 - EUR 1,82. FOR SALE! This ctn is for a photo of Don & Roy Gay 's 1969 Pontiac GTO Blown Nro Funny Car named "Infy 4 " at the 1969 NHRA U.S. Natnals held at Indianapolis Raceway Park (INDY) . This r was powered by a Supercharged Nro Keh Black Hemi . Roy Gay 203817819238
- LOUD-PEDAL UNED STAT , CONRD , CALIFORNIA Добавить в друзья Мой друг PLEASE WA... BLOCK MEMBER Пожалуйста подождите... UNBLOCK MEMBER Спонсировать аккаунт Отправить подарок Обо мне Моя лента друзей Aльбомы FOTKI-Карта Новые фото HASHTAGS Комментарии MY WEB VIOS Моя Гостевая книга Избранное Основная папка > VINTAGE DRAG RACING > VINTAGE FUNNY CARS > DON ROY GAY VINTAGE FUNNY CARS
LOUD-PEDAL UNED STAT , CONRD , CALIFORNIA Добавить в друзья Мой друг PLEASE WA... BLOCK MEMBER Пожалуйста подождите... UNBLOCK MEMBER Спонсировать аккаунт Отправить подарок Обо мне Моя лента друзей Aльбомы FOTKI-Карта Новые фото HASHTAGS Комментарии MY WEB VIOS Моя Гостевая книга Избранное Основная папка > VINTAGE DRAG RACING > VINTAGE FUNNY CARS > DON ROY GAY VINTAGE FUNNY CARS
Jt fished this one. Roy and Don Gay were teenage brothers who ran at the lol drag strip Dickson Texas back the sixtys. Their father owned Gay Pontiac also loted Dickson Texas. Dickson is loted south east Texas, jt about half way om Hoton to Galvton on what was ... * roy gay drag racer *
Longtime drag racg fans know well the story of Meyer, how the Texas lad began racg nro Funny Cars as a teen and went on to bee a huge succs and today owns the fabled Texas Motorplex, but before we get to his story and the stori of the others the lumns ahead, let’s take a step back a earlier to another Texas teenage terror, Don Gay, who wowed fans Funny Car and, cintally, also beme a racetrack owner. He passed away June 30, 2007, at age 60, but his legacy liv ’s parents, Carl and Marie, owned the succsful Gay Pontiac alership Dickson, Texas, on the Gulf Highway halfway between Galvton and Hoton. As Detro began focg on high-performance rs, the Gays echoed their support by purchasg nearby Freeway Drag Strip, which they rechristened Hoton Drag Raceway (and later beme known as Hoton Int’l Speedway, then Hoton Int’l Raceway; check out a tribute to the track here) Don had been a fe athlete junr high, playg both baseball and basketball, but his terts changed the day that his father booked Hayn Profft and his Mickey Thompson-owned, 421-powered alumum Pontiac Catala factory experimental at the Hoton track 1961.
Don Gay SR. Pass Away Lounge * roy gay drag racer *
(Above) The Gay Pontiac fleet nsisted first of a tr of rs, an A/Stock Pontiac Catala sedan, an A/Modified Productn Catala statn wagon, and a B/Stock GTO. (Below) Don Gay won A/S class honors Indy Dickson High School stunt stunned everyone by wng A/S class Indy 1964, back when wng class was as big as (and, for some people, bigger than) wng the natnal event might well have stayed the Stock ranks had his father not changed his life aga by bookg Pontiac powerhoe Arnie Bwick and his blown GTO to the track 1964.
” (Gay later admted that his first choice for the r’s name was Satan’s Chart.
LOUD-PEDAL photos: Don Roy Gay * roy gay drag racer *
A lot of those same veterans would n at the Hoton track, wh full hospaly om the Gay fay. "For the 1966 season, the Gays ntracted famed chassis builr and racer Jay Howell to provi a new full tube-chassis r wh a fiberglass body (aga a GTO), and Roy got the hand-me-down origal r.
Bee NHRA did not yet regnize Funny Car as an official tegory, Gay and other early Funny Car mpaigners had to pete Competn elimator’s Fuel Dragster class at natnal events, but that wasn’t their ma foc – playg to tens of thoands of fans at wild match rac across the untry was. (Above) Although the Gays ran their Infy GTOs at NHRA natnal events -- petg Comp's Fuel Dragster class before the advent of Funny Car -- the real money was match racg (below).