‘Gay Pri was vented here’: The origs of Pri the Tw Ci

den første gay pride

Fotoudstillgen ’Gay Greenland’ er n første visuelle dokumentatn i vern om homoseksualet her i lant



Gay Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts New York Cy of June 28, 1969. * den første gay pride *

Ien med at markere homoseksuell eksistens tager udgangspunkt i en hænlse i New York i 1969, hvor t amerikanske poli jævnligt hav chikanere homoseksuelle, bl.


* den første gay pride *

Juni 1971 gik første homoer i Danmark i monstratn ned ad strøget i København, og i følgen år stod Forbunt af 1948 (i dag LGBT Danmark), i samarbej med nye græsrodsbevægelser som Bøssern Beielsont (BBF) og Lbisk Bevægelse (LB) bag årlige Christopher Street-arrangementer i Fælledparken.


translatns ntext of "GAY PRIDE" Danish-english. Gay Pri bliver lige så trist og våd som sædvanlig. - Gay Pri will be gloomy and wet as ual. * den første gay pride *

Bøssern Beielsont (BBF) var en dansk seksualpolisk anisatn, r først hed Bøsseaktivisterne og senere fik nav Bøssern Beiels Front (BBF), som skulle s som en dansk udgave af t amerikanske Gay Liberatn Front. Europri’96 have store problemer med at skaffe sponsorer, da r stadig var berørgsangst over for homoseksuelle, og nogle virksomher og virksomhedslere var nervøse for, at r prodter ville blive associeret med bøsser og lbiske. De flte kenr nok nav i dag, for Carlsberg sælger en øl, r har nav ”Brooklyn Stonewall Inn”, r har et regnbuesign på baren var et tilholdssted for homoseksuelle og drags, hvilket i 1969 var forbudt i flere henseenr på gnd af foræl love.

Gay Pri, also lled LGBT Pri or LGBTQ Pri, byname Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts, which began the early hours of June 28, 1969, after police raid the Stonewall Inn bar New York Cy’s Greenwich Village neighbourhood.

Gay Pri typilly volv a seri of events and is often pped by a para volvg marchers and lourful floats om the LGBTQ muny and s the Stonewall rts, LGBTQ dividuals had generally not broadst their sexual orientatn or inty, but the event galvanized the gay muny and sparked greater polil activism (see gay rights movement). In 1970, on the first anniversary of the rts, several hundred monstrators marched along Greenwich Village’s Christopher Street, which ns past the Stonewall, what many nsir the first Gay Pri march (though other memoratns were also held that year).

1) Zie BLGP (2) De Gay Pri is een jaarlijks tegkerend fet waar gelijkheid van homo-, lbo- en transgenrgemeenschappen wordt gevierd, en ie... * den første gay pride *

Early Gay Pri events (often lled Freedom Day or Gay Liberatn Day) were often sparsely attend and enuntered protts, particularly bee of the outlandish stum that some marchers wore. As acceptance of the LGBTQ muny creased among the straight muny, policians sympathetic to the views of the LGBTQ muny and gay-iendly bs and rporatns began participatg the march. The total number of people participatg—both gay and straight—mhroomed, and Pri events were held many part of the globe, cludg ci where they sometim enuntered stiff ristance (e.

Origs of Pri MonthThe roots of the gay rights movement go back to the early 1900s, when a handful of dividuals North Ameri and Europe created gay and lbian anizatns such as the the Society for Human Rights, found by Henry Gerber Chigo the 1920s. Followg World War II, a small number of groups like the Mattache Society and the Dghters of Bilis published gay- and lbian-posive newsletters and grew more vol mandg regnn for, and prottg discrimatn agast, gays and lbians.

In 1966, for example, members of the Mattache Society held a “sip-” prott at Juli, a bar New York Cy, where they mand drks after announcg that they were gay, vlatn of lol laws agast servg alhol to gays and lbians.

Der er sket meget for t danske isd over for n enkelt ret til selv at vælge s seksuelle orienterg, sin n første Gay Pri para gik gennem København og Freriksbergs gar for 21 år sin. Så meget, at Prins LBGT-ftival for mange i dag nok mere står som en farverig ft end en nødvendig maniftatn af, at i et orntligt samfund har enhver ihed og ret til at fere, hvem og hvad man vil være som mennke. * den første gay pride *

Dpe some progrs the postwar era, basic civil rights were largely nied to gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr people—until one night June, 1969, when the gay rights movement took a fur step forward wh a seri of vlent rts New York Cy. Stonewall RtsAs was mon practice many ci, the New York Police Department would ocsnally raid bars and rtrants where gays and lbians were known to gather.


Grønlandske homoseksuelle til islandsk Gay Pri | .