gay fn: 1. sexually or romantilly attracted to people of the same genr and not to people of a different…. Learn more.
gay - WordReference English dictnary, qutns, discsn and foms. All Free. * wordreference gay *
Gay suggts a lightns of heart or livels of mood that is openly manifted:when hearts were young and dit a good-humored, natural, expansive gaiety of mood or disposn:a jolly crowd at a suggts gladns, happs, rejoicg:joyful over the good is often terchangeable wh gay:a merry disposn; a merry party; suggts, even more than the latter, nvivial animated enjoyment. In addn to s origal and ntug sens of "merry, lively'' and "bright or showy, '' gay has had var sens alg wh sexual nduct sce the 17th century. After World War II, as social attus toward sexualy began to change, gay was applied openly by homosexuals to themselv, first as an adjective and later as a noun.
gay /ɡeɪ/ adj homosexual of or for homosexuals: a gay club reee and merry: a gay temperament brightly loured; brilliant: a gay hat given to pleasure, p social entertament: a gay life n a homosexualEtymology: 13th Century: om Old French gai, om Old Provençal, of Germanic origˈgayns n USAGEGayns is the word ed to refer to homosexualy. Inflectns of 'gay' (adj): gayeradj parative gaytadj superlative WordReference English-Spanish Dictnary © 2023:Prcipal TranslatnsInglésEspañol.
gay - Translatn to Spanish, pronunciatn, and fom discsns * wordreference gay *
Note: Some gay people e this sense to refer to themselv, but may be bt to e the adjective--ie, "he is gay" or "gay people"--to avoid g offense. gayWordReference English Ths © 2023Sense: Adjective: relatg to same-sex attractnSynonyms:homosexual Collotns (dated, sometim offensive), lbian Collotns, queer Collotns (sometim offensive, slang), LGBT, LGBTQ, same-sex, homoerotic, Sapphic (lerary), uy (US, slang), bent Collotns (UK, offensive, dated, slang)Sense: Adjective: happy or lively - datedSynonyms:happy Collotns, merry Collotns, vivac, lively Collotns, cheerful Collotns, jovial, joyful Collotns, effervcent, jolly Collotns, lighthearted, gleeful, sprightly, cheery, good spirsSense: Adjective: amg or lighthearted - datedSynonyms:Sense: Adjective: bright - datedSynonyms:.
We have labeled exceptns as gay [man, woman, senator, player, prit, uple]a gay [rort, club, magaze, movie, hotel]gay [pri, rights, associatns, marriage, relatnships]gay [sex, porn]gay and [straight, lbian]I am (so) gay for [you, my bt iend]offensive: this is so gay! Wh gay abandondated: () gay [spirs, humor]dated: gay [lors, ornaments, ratn]dated: had a gay old timedated: [young, reee] and gaynNote: The plural gays is often nsired pejorative or offensive, and general the term gay people is preferred. Discrimatn agast [gay people, gays]allow [gay people, gays] to marry[rights, privileg] for [gay people, gays][rights] for [gay people, gays] and [lbians, trans people][bars, clubs, rorts] for [gay people, gays]a popular rort [among, for] [gay people, gays].
Inflectns of 'gay' (adj): gayeradj parative gaytadj superlative WordReference English-French Dictnary © 2023:Prcipal traductnsAnglaisFrançais. I don't thk I've ever heard "gay" ed as a sgular noun (as your example "he is a gay"), although 's sometim so ed the plural ("he favors equal rights for gays"). " Although some dislike this age, is mon, such as the se of "LGBT" ("lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr"), and particularly the nam of var anizatns such as Parents, Fai and Friends of Lbians and Gays (PFLAG) and Children Of Lbians And Gays Everywhere (COLAGE).
gay - Traduccn gl diccnar gl * wordreference gay *
If you want him to sound more "foreign" and non-native, then by all means, keep enuragg him that "he is a gay" is somehow worthy of repeat. In the Anglosphere, this nnotatn, among younger speakers, has a risive meang equivalent to bbish or stupid (as "That's so gay.
In this e, the word do not mean "homosexual", so n be ed, for example, to refer to an animate object or abstract ncept of which one disapprov. I thk the changeover of meang me around the 1970s/1980s, and the sense of "merry" still exists* a few set phras such as "a gay old time" and "merry and gay" as well as the adverb gaily. In slang, when you say "that was so gay" you mean that was so "lame/stupid/ridiculo (and many more adjectiv that are subjective).
gay - WordReference ths: synonyms, discsn and more. All Free. * wordreference gay *
" Even when you see as referrg to a group of people whout the explic noun, 's wrten as "LGBTs, " which I would expand as "lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people.
"He's a gay man" is fe as is "She's a black woman" but "He's a gay" (or "She's a black") is Maybe 's somethg to do wh takg a full, plited person and rcg him or her to one qualy. Inflectns of 'gay' (adj): gayeradj parative gaytadj superlative WordReference English-Italiano Dictnary © 2023:Prcipal Translatns/Traduzni prcipaliIngleItaliano. Nota: Some gay people e this sense to refer to themselv, but may be bt to e the adjective--ie, "he is gay" or "gay people"--to avoid g offense.
Inflectns of 'gay' (adj): gayeradj parative gaytadj superlative WordReference English-Greek Dictnary © 2023:Κύριες μεταφράσειςΑγγλικάΕλληνικά. Σχόλιο: Some gay people e this sense to refer to themselv, but may be bt to e the adjective--ie, "he is gay" or "gay people"--to avoid g offense.
gay - traductn ançais-anglais. Foms pour discuter gay, voir s form posé, s exempl et poser vos qutns. Gratu. * wordreference gay *
) abbreviatn of pédéraste, origally meang someone who lov young boys (nowadays we would say pédophile), and by extensn homosexual. I thought there would be a term which is more mon than others (like gay English) and I assumed that would have an olr meang, before acquirg the meang "homosexual".
For stance, I've jt found out that schwul, the German word for 'gay' om a Low German form of 'schwül', a word meang 'sultry, hot and humid'. It's very much the same wh the French term pédé--on the one hand, 's severely offensive if ed by a straight person but on the other you'll hear gay men referrg to each other wh . alert, agile, nimble, sprightly, lively, vivac, brisk, jnty, gay, cheerful, rejoicg; betiful, fe, elegant, neat, tidy, well-drsed, flourishg.
The terms хомосексуалец (homoseksualec) [xɔmɔsɛksu'alɛt͡s] for a male, and хомосексуалка (homoseksualka) [xɔmɔsɛksu'aɫka] for a female, are ed too. That same year, Pieters beme a natnal spokperson for AIDS awarens and gay polil activism after his historic terview wh televangelist Tammy Faye on her broadst, which fied the work's homophobic tennci.
gay - mon phras and exprsns where native English speakers e the word ntext * wordreference gay *
Rapoe, who is gay, is an outspoken advote for LGBTQ+ rights and was a lear the natnal team’s fight for genr equaly, which paid off last year when U. Jenna Lyons, the first openly gay hoewife, and Jsel Taank, the first Indian hoewife, jo the diverse st tend to better reprent all of the different kds of New Yorkers.
gay - traductn anglais-ançais. Foms pour discuter gay, voir s form posé, s exempl et poser vos qutns. Gratu. * wordreference gay *
Anmerkung: Some gay people e this sense to refer to themselv, but may be bt to e the adjective--ie, "he is gay" or "gay people"--to avoid g offense. Inflectns of 'gay' (adj): gayeradj parative gaytadj superlative WordReference English-Arabic Dictnary © 2023:ترجمات رئيسيةالإنجليزيةالعربية.
ملاحظة: Some gay people e this sense to refer to themselv, but may be bt to e the adjective--ie, "he is gay" or "gay people"--to avoid g offense. I've jt read the gay French mag "Tetu" that the UK and the US the word "gay" tends to be now ed a pejorative way like "'s so gay" = 's so bad.
Thanks, but while g this word do people thk "homosexual" the same time, I mean do "gay/borg" om the fact that people thk gay people are borg or is jt the same word wh no lk between them?
I know the mon sayg is, "He is gay." However, gay is a untable noun, so isn't "He is a gay" more grammatilly appropriate? * wordreference gay *
I thk a lot of people may e whout directly associatg wh homosexualy - as a kid I don't thk that I did - this may jt have been childish naivete however My spicn however is that s history is related to the sult of gay as "effemate", then beg broaned to a more generic disparagg term.
In my opn "that's so gay" is the kd of spontaneo rebelln that occurs when elists try to dictate language e, whether for Polil Correctu or any other reason.
gay - Traduzne l vobolo e i suoi posti, e discsni l fom. * wordreference gay *
To me had sexual meang, and to my ears the remark sound like a slam to whatever was beg discsed and a slam to gays at the same time. If is ed a jokg manner is, maybe even subnscly, negative is as sultg as llg someone short ass, spastic, nigger, to be jewish (for mean) a slut, gay etc even if the speaker don't 'mean '.. Maybe I wasn't clear enough how I terpreted what you said - my qutn is - if is not homophobic to e "gay" that way is not racist to e the terms "black" or "Jewish" the same way?
Maybe so - but then maybe we have a different terpretatn of the word "homophobic" (and equally "racist" I would therefore gus). As far as I am aware is a synonym of "homosexual" I am hontly not aware of beg a phemism for anythg, and I severely doubt that any playground e is such. (I'm not sayg that the exprsn always shows exprsed homophobia, but imo has fely stemmed and blossomed om the perceptn of a certa group of people's sexualy).
Firefoxbrand, as a ntemporary, I jt have to say that while we've ma enormo progrs sce the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, we have one vil of a long way still to go, particularly the area of gay rights.
gay - WordReference English-Greek Dictnary * wordreference gay *
Jt bee one societal factn (social engeers, not gay people) ci we need a "nicer word" for somethg-- don't mean the origal word, or the thg not, is "bad. For me, sce you prs so sistently for an answer, I'd have to say "gay" is a phemism for any other word meang homosexual, cludg "homosexual. If you are suggtg that bee playground bully Mark has been told that he mt not ll ltle Lucian a faggot bee he lik ballet and knows how many stich to drop to create a sateen weave and that he should e the polilly rrect term "gay" this nstrictn on his exprsn is such an outrage to him that he the term "gay" to scribe the next bbish film he se as an ironic rebelln then I thk you're wrong.
I thk that morn youngsters will view the term "gay" as the primary term for "self-sex cled" (whatever their views of that clatn). I also thk that another ntext they e the term wh ltle thought as to the fact refers to homosexualy but unthkgly bee has bee a term to mean "bbish".
The meang of GAY is of, relatg to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attractn to people of one's same sex —often ed to refer to men only. How to e gay a sentence. Usage of Gay: Usage Gui Synonym Discsn of Gay. * wordreference gay *
I image (and here of urse we are really gettg to the realms of supposn, but I still believe ) that stems om overt homophobia the first stance - the sire to prove that you are most certaly not gay.
gay - Wörterbuch Englisch-Dtsch. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen. * wordreference gay *
I gus that more than not believg the supposed post-morn irony of g a polilly rrect term a disparagg way and not believg is a polilly rrect term anyway I thk about the kids growg up beg gay and hearg the term ed as a tch-all for bbish - the effect on their self-teem.
Actns which e kids to feel like that are homophobic, my opn, whether through lack of thought (which I thk probably is) or a lguistic polilly rrect backlash (which I don't thk is). I wre as someone who, more than once, has had his opn dismissed wh "you're so gay" (not far om "'s so gay") by someone who knew I was.
That mt have been really hurtful, Jim, but here I don't thk (and you know I'm playg vil's advote sce I've been que vol opposn above) that anyone is sayg is OK to e the term "gay" as an sult wh an overt meang of "homosexual". And I have fely heard ed that way - the person scribg whatever is as "gay" would have been bemed to have is suggted that they were makg any sort of ment on sexualy (jt as my 8-year-old self would have been surprised to know that llg someone spastic for gettg a sum wrong was makg a reference to physil handip (I doubt I knew what a "spastic" lerally was then)).
gay - قاموس إنجليزي - عربي * wordreference gay *
I simply do not see how the phrase n be heard as anythg but a homophobic slur by those old enough to unrstand , even if the slur was uttered by someone who was too young to know the full import of the phrase he or she had learned. To me, equatg "gay" wh "crap" is jt such a problem today, more so than most precisely bee open and unashamed homophobia is far more prevalent today than open and unashamed racism. While may sometim be said nocence or ignorance, I don't thk that's really often the se an age when ( the USA, at least) the word "gay" meang sexual orientatn issu om TV sets wh regulary.
The kids are extremely gay-iendly and void of bigotry toward ethnic groups or people wh disabili, or whatever-- you name , if 's PC they have pretty unanimoly bought to . I agree wh you that people g the phrase probably don't mean to sult anyone and are probably not makg any lk between llg a film gay and homosexualy - jt like llg a film lame mak no lk to hobblg.
I've jt read the gay French mag "Tetu" that the UK and the US the word "gay" tends to be now ed a pejorative way like "'s so gay" = 's so... * wordreference gay *
As poted out above gay children will have a lot of problems and the rat of suici are high - they will probably be nfed and prsed. Usg "gay" such a way is jt beg nasty to a group of people (whether you've thought through and are dog on purpose or not) (like my "that's so Amerin" example above).
I've explaed above why I thk uld be very hurtful for a gay child growg up already very uncerta and vulnerable to hear the term nstantly ed this way, and I thk if were poted out to your iends and children that they might severely nt someone's self-teem at a time they are particularly vulnerable by g such terms they would probably be horrified, but would neverthels want to know. for me (and for most of who e the word gay also our own language), non-native English speaker, the first and domant meang of the word gay is homosexual: I'd thk of any other possible meangs (cheerful, bright, dissolute.. I jt wanted to pot out that gay is one of those tricky words which should be ed refully by nativ when talkg or wrg to a foreigner, each time you want nvey a different meang om the most mon one.
* wordreference gay *
I uld image a ntext where I'd say "This vio game is so gay, " if I'm really annoyed at the AI, and I'm around a foreigner where he might misnste the meang.
On the other hand I dont thk many of my stunts ARE homophobic, I've heard really nice kids who I knokw are gay-iendly e -- so I n see the logic both pots of view here, on this age-old topic of how language reflects thought and vice-versa! If someone is gay OK they're gay, if they're Jewish they're Jewish fe, if they've got cerebral palsy they've got cerebral palsy BUT you start g the words to signify negative thgs then subnscly you are velopg negative ias about certa groups society who already 'don't have easy ' a young child hears don't be so gay/such a spastic/ a Jew etc that child is NOT gog to say to himself., beg gay is good..
They never took advantage me, acted pletely like regular human begs, and I never nsired gay people "those people" bee to me they've always been part of ".
gay - WordReference English-Romanian Dictnary * wordreference gay *
I thk my attu is pletely removed om hatred as I ntue to have old iends and fd new iends who are gay (though I n't generally hang out wh the particularly effemate on for the same reason I n't always hang out wh girls).
gay - překlad do angličty a diske ve fó, k můžete klást otázky * wordreference gay *
you start g the words to signify negative thgs then subnscly you are velopg negative ias about certa groups society who already 'don't have easy ' a young child hears don't be so gay/such a spastic/ a Jew etc that child is NOT gog to say to himself., beg gay is good.. I am not gay., image livg a world that was predomantly gay and a phrase like ' that's so hetero' was ed to equal 'that's bbish'....
The word is ntral enough (you likely might e a talk wh your gay iend whout offendg him), but homophobia may be safely lled a norm on the post-Soviet area.