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gay mice study

Rults also reveal listeners uld distguish between gay and heterosexual men’s voic wh an accuracy of 62 per cent



Here's how Amerins have tracked over recent s rponse to "In your view, is beg gay or lbian somethg a person is born wh, or due to factors such as upbrgg and environment? In the late 1990s, nversatn around a "gay gene" was very ntroversial.

Among the endangered mice, homosexualy was observed and, at the same time, nnibalism creased, spe the fact that there was plenty of food. "Gay" seems like the wrong word here. " If the mice were gay, they wouldn't have ntued to try to have sex wh femal, right?

It's also probably a mistake to speculate that there's a lk humans between seroton levels and homosexualy, as Gawker's Seth Abramovch do. "Then you might be gay! "Really, 's a bad ia to e terms like "gay" and "straight" when talkg about mice at all.


"This, and the wispread nature of homosexual behavur animals, supports the ia that sexual preference is more of a ntuum. )Yong go on to quote the Columbia profsor Milton Waberg: As Waberg says, the assumptn that there’s a clear le between heterosexual and homosexual behavur “is out of step wh the field of sexualy rearch.

Prev rearch has found that if a populatn were allowed to exceed a fortable nsy level, then many tastrophic events occurred such as creased mortaly among the young, nnibalism, homosexualy, and lack of maternal functns.


There were six behavr variabl noted as the experiment proceed: (1) groomg, (2) homosexualy, (3) nt buildg, (4) retrievg of young, (5) fightg, and (6) mortaly of the young. It was predicted that groomg, nt buildg, and retrievg of the young would crease equency as the populatn creased, while fightg, homosexualy and mortaly of the young would crease wh the risg populatn nsy. Amics at the Universy of Sydney pared the voic of gay, straight and bisexual men a study volvg 160 the rearch led by clil psychologist Jam Morandi, people were reced to analyse the voic of 60 men, 20 of whom were gay, 20 straight and 20 bisexual.


There is no ‘gay gene.’ There is no ‘straight gene.’ Sexualy is jt plex, study nfirms | PBS NewsHour.