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1.53-1.53.85-1.59 1.7-2.39 3.15-2.03l.02.01c1.66.4 2.28 1.89 1.84 3.69a5.467 5.467 0 01-2.2 3.2zM17.82 62.93l.65-1.77 8.06 2.94-.64 1.77-8.07-2.94zM23.69 59.41l-.03-.01c-2.16-1.12-3.05-3.75-1.83-6.1 1.22-2.35 3.85-3.13 6.01-2l.02.01c2.16 1.12 3.05 3.75 1.83 6.1-1.21 2.35-3.84 3.13-6 2zm3.29-6.34l-.02-.01c-1.31-.68-2.89-.29-3.59 1.07-.7 1.34-.12 2.83 1.18 3.51l.02.01c1.3.68 2.89.28 3.59-1.06.7-1.35.12-2.84-1.18-3.52zM26.41 45.75l1.05-1.39h6.63l-4.2-3.2 1.13-1.48 6.83 5.2-.98 1.28h-6.85l4.34 3.3-1.13 1.48-6.82-5.19zM36.19 34.22l1.27-1.19 8.6 3.77-1.44 1.35-1.89-.86-2.64 2.49.75 1.93-1.4 1.32-3.25-8.81zm4.91 2.32l-2.74-1.25 1.08 2.81 1.66-1.56zM43.14 28.32l1.56-1.08 3.91 5.64 3.52-2.44.97 1.41-5.07 3.52-4.89-7.05zM57.58 24.53l-.01-.03c-.91-2.26.1-4.82 2.52-5.79 1.43-.58 2.45-.54 3.57-.17l-.57 1.77c-.82-.26-1.48-.34-2.41.03-1.27.51-1.84 2.04-1.29 3.4l.01.02c.58 1.46 2.01 2.12 3.42 1.55.64-.25 1.14-.64 1.46-1.14l-.46-1.13-1.76.71-.61-1.51 3.46-1.39 1.4 3.46c-.54 1.02-1.43 2.04-2.89 2.63-2.49 1-4.9-.06-5.84-2.41zM68.3 20.46v-.03c-.51-2.38.96-4.74 3.54-5.29 2.59-.55 4.86.98 5.37 3.37l.01.03c.51 2.38-.95 4.74-3.55 5.29-2.59.55-4.86-.98-5.37-3.37zm6.99-1.49l-.01-.02c-.31-1.44-1.62-2.41-3.1-2.1-1.49.32-2.26 1.71-1.96 3.15l.01.03c.31 1.43 1.62 2.41 3.11 2.09 1.48-.31 2.26-1.71 1.95-3.15zM80.43 13.93l1.88-.1.38 6.85 4.27-.23.09 1.71-6.16.34-.46-8.57zM90.27 13.67l6.51.52-.14 1.71-4.63-.38-.15 1.83 4.08.33-.14 1.71-4.08-.33-.27 3.31-1.88-.15.7-8.55zM100.57 14.8l6.31 1.43-.37 1.63-4.48-1.01-.39 1.7 3.95.89-.37 1.64-3.95-.89-.4 1.75 4.55 1.03-.38 1.64-6.38-1.44 1.91-8.37zM110.85 17.44l3.65 1.42c1.02.4 1.69.99 2.02 1.34-.04 2.1l-.01.02c-.5 1.29-1.51 1.83-2.68 1.81l.84 3.61-2.06-.8-.72-3.22-.02-.01-1.36-.53-1 2.56-1.76-.69 3.14-7.99zm2.03 5.26c.85.33 1.52.07 1.78-.6l.01-.03c.29-.75-.08-1.34-.93-1.68l-1.75-.69-.89 2.3 1.78.7zM117.01 27.92l1.63-.61c.36.94.86 1.69 1.71 1.23.35 1.48-.09l.01-.02c.24-.42.1-.78-.96-1.8-1.28-1.24-2.01-2.2-1.17-3.69l.01-.02c.77-1.35 2.37-1.63 3.89-.76 1.09.62 1.82 1.49 2.23 2.53l-1.56.75c-.39-.83-.88-1.48-1.52-1.84-.63-.36-1.12-.26-1.33.1l-.01.02c-.28.49-.05.83 1.05 1.9 1.29 1.26 1.83 2.29 1.09 3.58l-.01.02c-.84 1.48-2.45 1.67-4.06.75a5.466 5.466 0 01-2.48-2.99zM127.16 29.19c.74.42 1.33.32 1.68-.29l-.62-.44 1.14-1.6 1.61 1.16-.97 1.34c-.94 1.31-1.98 1.37-3.18.54l.34-.71zM140.2 36.01l1.2 1.26-3.75 8.61-1.36-1.44.86-1.89-2.5-2.63-1.93.75-1.32-1.4 8.8-3.26zm-2.3 4.91l1.24-2.74-2.81 1.08 1.57 1.66zM139.69 46.55l1.73.15c-.08 1 .05 1.89.62 1.37.55l.02-.02c.39-.27.43-.65-.1-2.04-.62-1.67-.87-2.86.53-3.83l.02-.01c1.28-.89 2.84-.46 1.03 1 2.12.93 3.24l-1.72.01c0-.93-.17-1.72-.58-2.31-.42-.59-.9-.72-1.25-.48l-.02.02c-.46.32-.4.73.13 2.16.62 1.69.67 2.85-.55 3.71l-.02.01c-1.4.97-2.93.46-3.99-1.06a5.535 5.535 0 01-.96-3.78zM144.73 54.01l1.7.39c-.22.98-.21 1.88.24 1.29.74l.02-.01c.43-.22.51-.59.19-2.04-.39-1.74-.48-2.95 1.04-3.72l.02-.01c1.39-.71 2.87-.07 3.66 1.5.57 1.11.71 2.24.49 3.33l-1.71-.22c.12-.92.06-1.73-.26-2.37-.33-.65-.8-.83-1.17-.64l-.03.01c-.5.26-.5.67-.16 2.16.38 1.76.28 2.91-1.05 3.6l-.03.01c-1.51.78-2.96.06-3.8-1.59-.6-1.17-.79-2.55-.44-3.89zM151.77 61.47l.02-.01c2.32-.75 4.82.46 5.63 2.98.82 2.51-.47 4.93-2.79 5.69h-.02c-2.32.76-4.82-.45-5.64-2.97-.81-2.51.49-4.93 2.8-5.69zm2.21 6.8h.03c1.4-.46 2.23-1.86 1.76-3.3-.47-1.45-1.94-2.08-3.34-1.62l-.02.01c-1.39.46-2.23 1.86-1.76 3.31.47 1.42 1.93 2.06 3.33 1.6zM155.26 73.2l.02-.01c2.41-.35 4.66 1.17 5.04 3.78.24 1.6-.15 2.64-.81 3.54l-1.55-.99c.5-.74.76-1.46.64-2.31-.21-1.43-1.56-2.29-3.01-2.07h-.03c-1.45.22-2.52 1.41-2.3 1.51 1.32 2.08l-1.02 1.37c-1.06-.74-1.79-1.62-2.03-3.26-.37-2.48 1.29-4.62 3.73-4.99zM160.82 84.12l.05 1.88-8.57.25-.06-1.88 8.58-.25zM160.71 93.24l-.16 1.73-8.94 2.87.18-1.97 1.99-.61.33-3.61-1.84-.96.18-1.92 8.26 4.47zm-5.21 1.52l2.87-.88-2.67-1.39-.2 2.27zM157.5 102.64l.59-2.54 1.69.39-1.6 6.92-1.7-.39.59-2.55-6.67-1.54.43-1.84 6.67 1.55zM157.04 110.82l-.63 1.78-8.09-2.85.62-1.78 8.1 2.85zM151.21 114.4l.02.01c2.18 1.1 3.09 3.72 1.9 6.08s-3.81 3.17-5.99 2.07l-.02-.01c-2.18-1.1-3.09-3.72-1.9-6.09 1.2-2.36 3.82-3.16 5.99-2.06zm-3.22 6.38l.02.01c1.31.66 2.89.26 3.58-1.1s.09-2.84-1.22-3.51l-.02-.01c-1.32-.67-2.9-.26-3.58 1.1-.69 1.36-.09 2.84 1.22 3.51zM148.64 128.09l-1.04 1.4-6.63.07 4.24 3.15-1.12 1.49-6.89-5.12.96-1.29 6.86-.08-4.37-3.26 1.11-1.49 6.88 5.13z"></path></g><g><path fill="#00234B" d="M7.73 87.57c0 44.02 35.82 79.84 79.84 79.84s79.84-35.82 79.84-79.84c0-44.03-35.82-79.84-79.84-79.84-44.03 0-79.84 35.81-79.84 79.84zM87.57 8.96c43.34 0 78.61 35.26 78.61 78.61 0 43.34-35.26 78.6-78.61 78.6-43.34 0-78.6-35.26-78.6-78.6-.01-43.34 35.25-78.61 78.6-78.61z"></path><path fill="#00234B" d="M0 87.57c0 48.28 39.28 87.57 87.57 87.57 48.29 0 87.57-39.29 87.57-87.57C175.13 39.28 135.86 0 87.57 0 39.28 0 0 39.28 0 87.57zm4.62 0c0-45.73 37.21-82.94 82.94-82.94 45.74 0 82.95 37.21 82.95 82.94s-37.21 82.95-82.95 82.95c-45.72 0-82.94-37.22-82.94-82.95z"></path><path fill="#00234B" d="M87.54 27.11c-33.31 0-60.41 27.1-60.41 60.41 0 33.31 27.1 60.41 60.41 60.41 33.31 0 60.41-27.1 60.41-60.41.01-33.31-27.1-60.41-60.41-60.41zm.04 118.05c-31.65 0-57.41-25.76-57.41-57.42s25.76-57.41 57.41-57.41c31.66 0 57.41 25.75 57.41 57.41 0 31.66-25.75 57.42-57.41 57.42z"></path></g></g></svg></a><div class="MuiBox-root jss185"><button type="button" class="jss157" data-gtm-hamburger="te" data-cy="hamburger-menu" data-gtm-nav-em="ma"><span class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-overle" aria-label="open ma menu" style="font-weight:500">Menu</span><svg width="25" height="17" fill="none" xmlns=" style="marg-left:.5625rem"><path stroke="#001123" d="M0 8.5h25M0 16.5h25M0 .5h25"></path></svg></button></div></div></div></div></hear><ma class="MuiBox-root jss198" id="ma"><div class="jss199 jss200" data-gtm-dience="Socialize"><div class="jss201 jss202 MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthMd" data-cy="article-hear"><div class="MuiBox-root jss205 jss203 jss204"><h6 class="jss206 jss207" data-gtm-tegory="Game Changers">Game Changers</h6><h1 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h3 MuiTypography-gutterBottom" data-gtm-story="Takg Actn to Wele the LGBTQ+ Communy Into the Golf Indtry" data-cy="article-headle">Takg Actn to Wele the LGBTQ+ Communy Into the Golf Indtry</h1><div class="MuiBox-root jss208"><div class="MuiBox-root jss209" data-gtm-thor="Anthony Wrado">By <!-- -->Anthony Wrado</div><div class="MuiBox-root jss210">Published on <time dateTime="2021-06-15T15:27:06.354Z">Tuday, June 15, 2021</time></div></div></div></div><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="jss211 jss212"><div class="MuiBox-root jss213"><figure class="jss214 jss215" style="max-width:1600px"><img src="></figure></div><p class="MuiBox-root jss216"><span class="MuiBox-root jss217"></span></p></div></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss218"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg" data-cy="article-body"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-ntaer MuiGrid-spacg-xs-6 MuiGrid-jtify-ntent-xs-center"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-md-8"><div class="MuiBox-root jss219"><div class="jss220 jss221"><div class="rich-paragraph">The visn has evolved recent years, through natural progrsns and nsc efforts alike.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">Unrstandg the importance of greater cln and diversy wh golf, the PGA of Ameri has taken actn to be a more welg statn for the LGBTQ+ muny. From partnerg staable activi and engagements to spearheadg groundbreakg gtur, the PGA is workg to engage the historilly unengaged group beyond Pri Month, which ns throughout June and provis a chance to create better awarens for the unrserved muny.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">Recent reports peg the LGBTQ+ market’s global spendg power at nearly <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>$4 trilln</u></a>, and the Uned Stat, <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>Forb</u></a> has that number at more than $900 billn. </div><div class="rich-paragraph">The PGA’s actn is makg a difference for PGA Profsnals and the golf dtry as a whole. This was noted throughout the first-ever <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>Pri Day</u></a> virtual panel -- a discsn on ways to advance LBGTQ+ cln the sport, workforce and golf dtry -- last summer durg PGA Champnship Week at TPC Hardg Park San Francis, and ’s ntued through the PGA’s 2021 Champnships.</div><figure class="jss214 jss222" style="max-width:1000px"><img src=" alt="Pri Day Pro-Am at TPC Hardg Park."/><div class="MuiBox-root jss223">Pri Day Pro-Am at TPC Hardg Park.</div></figure><div class="rich-paragraph"></div><div class="rich-paragraph">“It really means so much to have the PGA’s support over the last few years,” said Greg Fzgerald, an openly gay PGA Profsnal the Northern California Sectn who started the<a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <u>Pri Pro-Am</u></a> at TPC Hardg Park 2019. “Personally, ’s benefted my life a posive way … bee I’ve fally been able to be myself. I’ve never felt more fortable at work and on the golf urse than over the past few years, and ’s bee of the PGA’s new visn.”</div><div class="rich-paragraph">Some of the actns haven’t been over the top, but they have been symbolic and meangful for golf and the LGBTQ+ muny. Durg Pri Day at last year’s Champnship and addn to a Pri Panel, Hardg Park’s entryways were led wh Pri flags, and Pri ps were proudly worn by some players and PGA employe alike. All of was part of the “Pri at the PGA” mpaign, a jot venture wh San Francis Pri to give the LGBTQ+ muny a platform for visibily and unrstandg, so that all felt wele to jo the game, the workforce and the dtry’s supply cha.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">The flags turned to a photo engagement opportuny durg the week, and the ps were swiped up a hurry.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">“In the past, I never would’ve thought I’d see a Pri logo and a PGA of Ameri logo si by si,” Fzgerald said, “but now that I have, I thk means that the future of the dtry om an cln standpot is bright.”</div><figure class="jss214 jss224" style="max-width:1000px"><img src="><div class="MuiBox-root jss225"></div></figure><div class="rich-paragraph"></div><div class="rich-paragraph">And ’s also gettg brighter part bee of PGA LEAD. PGA LEAD is a learship velopment program signed to help PGA Members om a variety of backgrounds, inti, and abili ascend to volunteer learship posns wh the PGA’s ernance stcture. Addnally, the PGA’s staff clus multiple people who are openly part of the LGBTQ+ muny and are proud to be part of the PGA team a variety of areas.</div><h6 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h6 MuiTypography-gutterBottom">An clive and welg environment for the LGBTQ+ bs and social muni.</h6><div class="rich-paragraph">Durg the 2017 PGA Champnship at Quail Hollow Charlotte, North Carola, the PGA worked wh the Carolas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce (CLGBTCC) to intify bs and muny engagement opportuni that uld be staed beyond the Champnship. Prr to the event, LGBTQ+-owned bs were featured at the Diverse Bs Supplier Opportuny Exchange, so they uld vie to be part of the Champnship’s operatns.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">In 2019, the PGA also partnered wh <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>Athlete Ally</u></a>, an anizatn foced on endg rampant homophobia and transphobia sport and to activate the athletic muny to exercise their learship to champn LGBTQI+ equaly. The PGA and Athlete Ally livered tn to PGA employe to advance tn, awarens and greater unrstandg about LGBTQ+ cln.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">The cln of small, lol and diverse-owned bs n drive creativy and spire novatn. That’s why durg last month’s PGA Champnship at Kiawah Island, South Carola, PGA VendorMatch and PGA JobMatch programs showed the PGA’s mment to cludg LGBTQ+-owned bs biddg opportuni and bs operatns, facilated through the Natnal LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) -- the PGA has been a member of the Chamber sce 2016 -- and CLGBTCC, among other strategic partnerships. This is ntug through the 2021 KPMG Women’s PGA Champnship Atlanta, the 43rd Ryr Cup at Whistlg Stras Kohler, Wisns, and future Champnship events.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">TP Corporate Lodgg, Inc., which provis hog servic for some of the PGA’s vendors around Champnship events, is one bs relatnship that has veloped out of the NGLCC partnership wh PGA VendorMatch.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">“The PGA actively participat both the NGLCC Procurement Council and the Corporate Advisory Council,” said Greg Shbur, Vice Print of Corporate Relatns for the NGLCC. “The uncils have allowed to engage discsns on LGBT-clive supplier diversy, supplier trends and promotg new opportuni among lleagu across all dtry sectors.</div><div class="rich-paragraph">“The PGA is helpg NGLCC advance the notn, profsnal sports and across every dtry, that an enomy that wel everyone benefs everyone. When LGBT people succeed at work, at home, and the marketplace we <i>all </i>do better.”</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss228 jss226 jss227"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="MuiBox-root jss229"><h4 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h4 MuiTypography-alignCenter">We also remend</h4></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss232 jss230 jss231"><div class="MuiBox-root jss233"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-ntaer MuiGrid-spacg-xs-4 MuiGrid-wrap-xs-nowrap MuiGrid-jtify-ntent-xs-center"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-4 MuiGrid-grid-sm-5 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><div class="jss234 jss235"><a data-gtm-ntent-type="Story" data-gtm-headle="How Golf Can Brg Us Together" data-gtm-tegory="Game Changers" class="jss32 jss34 " href="/story/chris-noble-how-golf-n-brg--together"><div class="MuiBox-root jss238 jss236 jss237"><div class="MuiBox-root jss239"><img src=" alt="How Golf Can Brg Us Together"/></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss240"><h6 class="jss206 jss241">Game Changers</h6><h6 class="MuiTypography-root jss242 jss243 MuiTypography-h6">How Golf Can Brg Us Together</h6><div class="MuiBox-root jss246 jss244 jss245"><span class="jss247 jss248"><time dateTime="2021-01-19T14:17:48.027Z">January 19, 2021</time></span></div></div></div></a></div></div><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-4 MuiGrid-grid-sm-5 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><div class="jss234 jss249"><a data-gtm-ntent-type="Story" data-gtm-headle="Greg Fzgerald: Why LGBTQ+ Reprentatn Matters the Golf Indtry" data-gtm-tegory="Game Changers" class="jss32 jss34 " href="/story/greg-fzgerald-why-lgbtq-reprentatn-matters--the-golf-dtry"><div class="MuiBox-root jss251 jss236 jss250"><div class="MuiBox-root jss252"><img src=" alt="Greg Fzgerald: Why LGBTQ+ Reprentatn Matters the Golf Indtry"/></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss253"><h6 class="jss206 jss254">Game Changers</h6><h6 class="MuiTypography-root jss242 jss255 MuiTypography-h6">Greg Fzgerald: Why LGBTQ+ Reprentatn Matters the Golf Indtry</h6><div class="MuiBox-root jss257 jss244 jss256"><span class="jss247 jss258"><time dateTime="2020-08-01T22:41:41.981Z">Augt 1, 2020</time></span></div></div></div></a></div></div><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-4 MuiGrid-grid-sm-5 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><div class="jss234 jss259"><a data-gtm-ntent-type="Story" data-gtm-headle="LPGA Star Mel Reid Is a Drivg Force Behd Makg Golf More Inclive" data-gtm-tegory="Game Changers" class="jss32 jss34 " href="/story/lpga-star-mel-reid-is-a-drivg-force-behd-makg-golf-more-clive"><div class="MuiBox-root jss261 jss236 jss260"><div class="MuiBox-root jss262"><img src=" alt="LPGA Star Mel Reid Is a Drivg Force Behd Makg Golf More Inclive"/></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss263"><h6 class="jss206 jss264">Game Changers</h6><h6 class="MuiTypography-root jss242 jss265 MuiTypography-h6">LPGA Star Mel Reid Is a Drivg Force Behd Makg Golf More Inclive</h6><div class="MuiBox-root jss267 jss244 jss266"><span class="jss247 jss268"><time dateTime="2021-06-09T23:13:24.187Z">June 9, 2021</time></span></div></div></div></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></ma><div class="MuiBox-root jss292 jss269" data-cy="footer"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss291 MuiGrid-ntaer"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss270 MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-sm-8 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><a href="/" class=" jss272"><img src="/imag/" alt="PGA Home Page" width="88"/> </a><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss283 MuiTypography-h5 MuiTypography-lorPrimary">PGA of Ameri</h5><p class="MuiTypography-root jss279 MuiTypography-body1">The PGA of Ameri is one of the world's largt sports anizatns, posed of PGA Profsnals who work daily to grow tert and participatn the game of golf.</p><div class="MuiBox-root jss293"><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss282 MuiTypography-h5">Follow Us</h5><div class="jss281"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="jss284" href="><svg class="MuiSvgIn-root jss285" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="img"><path d="M5 3h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2m13 2h-2.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12 8.5V11h-2v3h2v7h3v-7h3v-3h-3V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2V5z"></path><tle>Facebook

gay pga players

Montoya, who ddi for Brian Stuard, is believed to be the first openly gay ddie on the Tour



A very short gay golfers list on PGA tour, llege athlet, golf pros. Tadd Fujikawa is first ever out pro golfer. Also clu Greg Fzgerald and Chris Noble * gay pga players *

In fact, there’s been only one golfer ever to play on the PGA Tour — Tadd Fujikawa — to e out as gay. We’ve had an out gay player w the MLS Cup. I thk a lot of them probably don’t re if someone is gay, but if we don’t talk about the issue don’t get rolved.


By Sam WemanAn openly gay athlete the ttosterone-filled world of male profsnal sports isn't the radil thought was even a year ago. The NBA's Jason Colls, after g out a Sports Illtrated... * gay pga players *

On the flip si, var men’s profsnal golfers have been phed to apologi for homophobic or off-lor ments or slurs they’ve uttered — Jt Thomas beg the most-discsed recent years.

There was also an iative at the PGA Champnship a uple years ago where lol gay golf pro Greg Fzgerald had been anizg an entire Pri Day — That effort got turned to a virtual event the rponse to the COVID-19 panmic. Caddie Todd Montoya recently me out as gay, and Palm Sprgs-area golf pro Kyle Wn has also shared his story. Still, you n unt the number of out gay players at a Major men’s golf tournament on exactly zero fgers.


The anonymo ments about the PGA Tour havg a gay member are pretty tertg. * gay pga players *

Gay Golfers List: PGA Players, Pros, and College Athlet.


* gay pga players *

After our Grandma Aka read our post on Gay Wrtlers, she was like, “Ohhh, I didn’t know there are many of them. After all, there are probably thoands of wrtlers out there grapplg for the big dogs like WWE and the Lucha Unrground as well as the ls known on the die wa, this is supposed to be a gay golfers list, why are we gettg distracted by wrtlg?

” [Via The Guardian]Another gay golfer featured on Outsports is Chris Noble who played for the golf team of the Holy Cross College at Notre Dame. __An openly gay athlete the ttosterone-filled world of male profsnal sports isn't the radil thought was even a year ago. But the PGA Tour remas uncharted terrory for homosexuals.

While women's golf has had several openly gay players through the years, the men's tour is wag on s first. And, as Brandt Sneker said on the upg season premiere of Golf Channel's "Feherty, " that's probably not bee of an absence of gay golfers -- jt none willg to make their sexual preference public.


Let’s be clear right om the start. None of the athlet are nfirmed to be gay or anythg like that. The purpose of this list is to go a b more pth about some of the mors that are surro * gay pga players *

"I don't believe that at all, " Brandt Sneker said when host David Feherty remarked the tour don't have any gay players. "I don't thk a gay golfer is gog to be that big of a al.


When to LGBTQ+ reprentatn Amerin sports, men's golf is far (very far) behd the others. There's only ever been one out gay player on * gay pga players *

But Sneker said he would enurage a gay golfer to e out if he was ready.

"The fact that the tour don't have an openly gay player -- I don't know if there is or isn't, but odds are there probably is a gay person on the PGA Tour. On Tuday, Fujikawa beme the first profsnal golfer to e out publicly as gay, hopg to serve as “an spiratn and makg a difference someone’s life. “So…I’m gay, ” he wrote.


The Official PGA TOUR Profile of Brian Gay. PGA TOUR Stats, b, vio, photos, rults, and reer highlights * gay pga players *

Tadd Fujikawa has bee the first male pro to e out publicly as gay. So…I'm gay.

As of 2022, around 20 percent of WNBA players are openly gay.


A poll nducted by Pk News found that participants ranked tennis as the most gay-iendly sport. Though an timate om New Zealand Golf Magaze stat that anywhere om 10–14 percent of golfers are likely to be gay, the number of out profsnal golfers is low.

In 2018, Tadd once aga ma PGA history, beg the first male player to openly e out as gay.

Not only was I gettg ed to a new facily, I was also tryg to figure out which -workers I uld tst and which members might be OK wh me beg gay.


However, there have still been no openly gay men to play the PGA Tour or Masters.

So, is so shockg that homophobia would also be prevalent on the urse and the untry clubs? Homophobic and anti-trans sentiments seem to be a staple tradnal nservative valu, as shown by recent legislatn such as the “Don’t Say Gay” bills phed by Republin lears like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. In his article, Wn scrib the golf urse as “a place some people n ngregate and e racist, misogynist and homophobic terms and get away wh bee ‘they’re at a golf urse.


’” Look no further for proof than profsnal Jt Thomas sayg a homophobic slur at a tournament 2021.


This month the PGA of Ameri has been spotlightg gay members, and for several years has strsed that golf’s long-term health and enomy mands drawg a more diverse dience. Last year, Tadd Fujikawa beme the first male player of even morate promence to announce that he is gay. The LPGA Tour has long been a welg ward for lbians, but gay men are entirely visible on the PGA Tour and only slightly ls so the broar golf universe.

The only thg I re to hi golf is my wretched swg, not the fact that I am gay. There are numero proment figur golf wh gay children or siblgs.


In an terview wh David Feherty a few years ago, Brandt Sneker said he believed there were gay players on Tour. “I don’t thk a gay golfer is gog to be that big of a al. “It really means so much to have the PGA’s support over the last few years, ” said Greg Fzgerald, an openly gay PGA Profsnal the Northern California Sectn who started the Pri Pro-Am at TPC Hardg Park 2019.

Prr to the event, LGBTQ+-owned bs were featured at the Diverse Bs Supplier Opportuny Exchange, so they uld vie to be part of the Champnship’s 2019, the PGA also partnered wh Athlete Ally, an anizatn foced on endg rampant homophobia and transphobia sport and to activate the athletic muny to exercise their learship to champn LGBTQI+ equaly. In a recent anonymo poll of PGA, LPGA and Champns Tour players nducted by, 81 percent of PGA Tour players said they thk there are gay players on the PGA Tour. You know golf's day is g -- whether 's next week or next -- when a player out as gay, and will be tertg to see how players on the PGA Tour rpond.


PGA Tour ddie Todd Montoya has revealed he is gay.

Montoya ma the revelatn on the Golf Channel, and is believed to be the first openly gay ddie on the Tour.

In an emotnal terview, the New Mexin, who ddi for Brian Stuard, explaed his cisn to e out to reporter Kira K Dixon: “Somethg that you kept secret for so many years amongst people that you nsir your iends and your -workers - over the urse of time, you grow close to them and until people that I re about know that I’m gay, they really don’t know me for my entirety. "Montoya explaed that he told Doug LaBelle II, who he ed to ddie for, the news 2006, and his reactn gave him nfince: "I lled him up and said, 'Hey, Dougie, there's somethg really important I want to tell you, ' and I said, 'I'm gay'. '"Although Montoya is believed to be the first openly gay ddie on the PGA Tour, his news follows profsnal golfer Tadd Fujikawa, who also opened up about his sexualy 2018.


Stuard was referrg to Montoya g out to him as gay after beg his Tour ddie for four years. He is the first openly gay ddie on the PGA Tour and Montoya’s public g out was a way for him to try and spire others. ”I lled him up and said, ‘Hey, Dougie, there’s somethg really important I want to tell you, ’ and I said, ‘I’m gay’.


LGBTQ: PGA Tour’s first openly gay ddie hop story spir others .