The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall</tle><meta name="tle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta name="scriptn" ntent="Digal Spy ranked the very bt LGBTQ+ characters on TV to celebrate posive queer reprentatn on screen." /><meta name="keywords" ntent /><meta property="og:type" ntent="webse" /><meta name="theme-lor" ntent="#000000" /><lk href="/_assets/sign-tokens/digalspy/static/imag/" rel="in" /><meta property="og:se_name" ntent="Digal Spy" /><meta name="fb:app_id" ntent="131928163488848" property="fb:app_id" /><meta name="article:publisher" ntent=" property="article:publisher" /><meta name="twter:se" ntent="@digalspy" /><meta name="google-se-verifitn" ntent="yOsKGKJADzRlk-FrptJIoYYaNs5pgoJx2J0ie4bWE" /><meta property="og:tle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta property="og:scriptn" ntent="The queer ins serve to be celebrated all year round." /><meta name="robots" ntent="max-image-preview:large,max-snippet:-1,max-vio-preview:30" /><lk rel="apple-touch-in" href="/_assets/sign-tokens/digalspy/static/imag/" /><meta property="og:image" ntent="" /><meta property="og:image:width" ntent="1200" /><meta property="og:image:height" ntent="600" /><meta name="thumbnail" ntent="" /><meta name="" ntent="" /><meta name="" ntent=" /><meta name="twter:image" ntent="" /><meta ntent=" property="og:url" /><meta name="to-publish" ntent="timely" /><meta property="og:type" ntent="article" /><meta name="twter:rd" ntent="summary_large_image" /><meta name="article:opn" property="article:opn" /><meta ntent="US TV" property="article:sectn" /><meta ntent="2022-02-17T11:12:00Z" property="article:modified_time" /><meta ntent="2021-06-21T11:00:00Z" property="article:published_time" /><meta name="sailth.excerpt" ntent="Much has changed sce our queer forebears fought for LGBTQ+ rights the 1969 Stonewall rts. In fact, uld be argued that most of those rights have now been won. Gay marriage is now legal the UK, same-sex upl n adopt children and the Brish ernment plans to" /><meta name="" ntent="tv,TV,tv,US TV" /><meta name="" ntent="2021-06-21 11:00:00" /><meta name="sailth.socialtle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta name="ntenttype" ntent="standard-article" /><meta id="m1" name="m1" emProp="cssSelector " ntent=".ntent-hed" /><meta id="m2" name="m2" emProp="cssSelector" ntent=".ntent-k p" /><lk href="/" emSpe emType=" emRef="m1 m2" /><lk rel="preload" as="image" src=" /><lk rel="prefetch" href="" as="image" /><lk rel="preload" as="image" image-src-set=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" image-siz="100vw" /><meta name="next-head-unt" ntent="47" /><meta name="next-font-prennect" /><script id="vice-tect" data-nscript="beforeInteractive">(()=>{nst o="ontouchstart" wdow||!!navigator.maxTouchPots||("__touch"),t=wdow.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 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em{font-style:alic;font-fay:CharterItalic,Geia,Tim,Serif;}</style><div size="large" class="css-a8zbna e1a0jkxd2">Digal Spy | Dign by <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=">Le Marsh</a></div></div><style data-emotn="css aeyldl">{font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;font-size:1.1875rem;le-height:1.6;} strong{font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;font-weight:bold;} em{font-style:alic;font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;}</style><p data-no-id="1" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Much has changed sce our queer forebears fought for <style data-emotn="css nu68ka">{-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn-thickns:0.0625rem;text-ratn-lor:#83EAD7;text-unrle-offset:0.25rem;lor:#000000;-webk-transn:all 0.3s ease--out;transn:all 0.3s ease--out;}{lor:#000;text-ratn-lor:borr-lk-body-hover;background-lor:#83EAD7;}</style><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="LGBTQ+" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">LGBTQ+</a> rights the 1969 Stonewall rts. In fact, uld be argued that most of those rights have now been won. Gay marriage is now legal the UK, same-sex upl n adopt children and the Brish ernment plans to abolish gay nversn therapy.</p><p data-no-id="2" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But are queer people now treated equally? No. Transphobia is rife the media and vlence agast the LGBTQ+ muny is on the rise. Thgs are not equal, and they might not be for a very long time. But that don't mean all hope is lost.</p><p data-no-id="3" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Reprentatn matters, and although n't change everythg for the better overnight, posive LGBTQ+ role mols still make a difference. And 's not jt about tg bigots. The right kd of reprentatn n make margalised groups feel seen. It n spire people to live their tth. And the right circumstanc, posive LGBTQ+ characters n even save liv.</p><p data-no-id="4" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">We here at <strong>Digal Spy</strong> thk that's somethg worth celebratg, and not only Pri Month. The 50 LGBTQ+ characters we've chosen to rave about here serve to be celebrated all year round for makg lgh, for makg cry, and most importantly of all, for spirg people the real world to make a difference. </p><p data-no-id="5" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">(And if you're upset that one of your favour didn't make the cut, we're sorry, but also, take a moment to celebrate the fact that we even have more than 50 characters to choose om, bee that certaly wasn't the se back 1969).</p><style data-emotn="css yprepy">{font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:900;marg-bottom:0.625rem;marg-top:0.625rem;}@media(max-width: 48rem){{font-size:1.875rem;le-height:1.1;}}@media(max-width: 64rem){{font-size:1.75rem;le-height:1.2;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{font-size:2rem;le-height:1.2;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{font-size:2.25rem;le-height:1.2;}} b, strong{font-fay:her;font-weight:bold;} em, i{font-fay:her;font-style:alic;}</style><h2 data-no-id="6" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">50 Gar, <em>Steven Universe</em> (Estelle)<strong><br /></strong></h2><style data-emotn="css 1736von">{--data-embed-display:flex;-webk-align-ems:center;-webk-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-ems:center;clear:both;display:-webk-box;display:-webk-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;marg-bottom:0.9375rem;marg-left:to;marg-right:to;width:100%;}@media(m-width: 20rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 30rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 40.625rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 73.75rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 75rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 90rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}} a span{right:1rem;} img{width:to;height:85vh;} a{display:-webk-le-box;display:-webk-le-flex;display:-ms-le-flexbox;display:le-flex;posn:var(--posn, relative);} img:not(.ewcw41w1){display:block;width:100%;height:to;-webk-align-self:flex-start;-ms-flex-em-align:flex-start;align-self:flex-start;}</style><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="7" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><style data-emotn="css uwraif">{width:100%;display:-webk-le-box;display:-webk-le-flex;display:-ms-le-flexbox;display:le-flex;-webk-flex-directn:lumn;-ms-flex-directn:lumn;flex-directn:lumn;marg-left:to;marg-right:to;-webk-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webk-jtify-ntent:center;jtify-ntent:center;}</style><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="gar, steven universe" tle="Gar, Steven Universe" loadg="lazy" width="1080" height="940" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><style data-emotn="css swqnqv">@media(m-width: 20rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 30rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 40.625rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 73.75rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 75rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 90rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}</style><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><style data-emotn="css 1am3yn9">{paddg-left:0rem;le-height:1;}</style><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><style data-emotn="css ugzt81">{paddg-right:0.3125rem;font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;le-height:1;} a{lor:#000000;-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;}</style><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Cartoon Network</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="8" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="9" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">One of the biggt misnceptns that surrounds queerns is that children are too young to be queer and therefore exposg them to LGBTQ+ experienc is somehow appropriate. </p><p data-no-id="10" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">This kd of bigoted notn is exactly why <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Steven Universe" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Steven Universe</a></em> creator Rebec Sugar cid to feature geoly queer characters like Pearl and Bismuth throughout their rtoon. And that's also why they fought so hard to do the impossible and broadst the first same-sex weddg animated history. </p><p data-no-id="11" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Together, Ruby and Sapphire are stronger than they are apart, and that's why Gar, a fed batn of the two, serv to be celebrated here today. Also, her visor is jt really ol. </p><h2 data-no-id="12" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">49 Judy Hale, <em>Dead to Me</em> (Lda Carlli) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="13" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lda rlli as judy hale, ad to me" tle="Lda Carlli as Judy Hale, Dead to Me" loadg="lazy" width="3728" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Saeed Adyani / Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="14" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="15" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">After Judy's no-good ex Steve end up ad Jen's pool, the next relatnship she veloped was wh a woman named Michelle. It was anic, tenr and heartfelt, and saw Judy get some much-served happs. </p><p data-no-id="16" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But there was no big g-out speech. In fact, Judy never once felt the need to fe herself or her sexualy. This type of sual reprentatn may seem trivial, but was a breath of h air for many of . </p><p data-no-id="17" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sadly, we still live a society that assum heterosexualy as the flt. As a rult, anyone that don't explicly out themselv as otherwise, or who is a straight-passg (for lack of a better phrase) relatnship, is ually assumed to f that perceived 'norm'. But life jt isn't like that – queerns is a betiful and diverse rabow of experienc, label or no label, each one of them as valid as the next. </p><p data-no-id="18" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In among s absurd twists and lgh-out-loud one-lers, <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Dead to Me" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Dead to Me</a></em> highlighted that a person's inty should never be assumed. Moreover, do not need to be jtified, fend or explaed around. It n jt <em>be</em>. </p><p data-no-id="19" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">While g out stori and the varied stggl of LGBTQ+ people are val narrativ that still need to be told, Judy's journey was a simple yet powerful bean of what we n strive towards. </p><h2 data-no-id="20" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">48 Mateo Liwanag, <em>Superstore</em> (Ni Santos)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="21" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ni santos as mateo liwanag, superstore" tle="Ni Santos as Mateo Liwanag, Superstore" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="667" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="22" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="23" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Queer Asian reprentatn is still sorely lackg on our telly screens, but <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Superstore" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Superstore</a> </em>is phg that envelope – particularly through s beloved character Mateo Liwanag. He's a gay Filipo man, and this is explored great pth on the show and through his dividual storyl. But, equally as importantly, Mateo is also afford the same treatment as the rt of his retail store lleagu.</p><p data-no-id="24" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Actor Ni Santos lled <em>Superstore</em>'s st "one of the most diverse" on televisn (via <em>Today</em>), also potg out that "people are wakg up to the possibily of this beg the new normal of jt the world beg reflected the way is and the way should be". </p><h2 data-no-id="25" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">47 Elena Alvarez, <em>One Day at a Time</em> (Isabella Gomez)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="26" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="isabella gomez as elena alvarez, one day at a time" tle="Isabella Gomez as Elena Alvarez, One Day at a Time" loadg="lazy" width="3080" height="2248" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Mike Yarish/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="27" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr</strong></p><p data-no-id="28" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From Ellen g out the '90s to recent seri like <em>Morn Fay </em>explorg the ia of gay parenthood, ss are arguably the most groundbreakg genre when to on-screen pictns of morn LGBTQ+ life.</p><p data-no-id="29" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The first season of <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="One Day at a Time" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">One Day at a Time</a></em>, the now-ncelled reboot of the '70s s phenomenon, may tread faiar ground when to Elena Alvarez' (Isabella Gomez) g out story, but explor the trma of the closet wh an unexpected pth.</p><p data-no-id="30" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the cultural nservatism of olr Lato fay members to straed relatnships wh the homophobic men of the fay, <em>One Day at a Time </em>don't sugar-at s trma, even as handl s exploratns wh a lightns of touch. It mak Elena so much more than the live actn Lisa Simpson clone she otherwise uld have been. </p><h2 data-no-id="31" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">46 Darryl Whefeather, <em>Crazy Ex-Girliend</em> (Pete Gardner)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="32" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="pete gardner as darryl whefeather, crazy ex giriend" tle="Pete Gardner as Darryl Whefeather, Crazy Ex Giriend" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="1283" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">CBS</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="33" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="34" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Darryl's journey om supportg character to bi-in is one of <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Crazy Ex-Girliend" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Crazy Ex-Girliend</em></a>'s crowng achievements. Bisexual people are rarely given the room to exprs and explore their sexualy a way that don't feel tokenistic TV land, so the fact that <em>CxG</em> gave Daryl the space to e out his own episo (spe his relatively low profile up to that pot) is absolutely noteworthy.</p><p data-no-id="35" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The importance of that episo is amplified by the way olr members of the LGBTQ+ muny, and bisexual men, are nearly non-existent on TV – makg Daryl's journey and character arc doubly important. Ultimately, across the show's n, Pete Gardner and the wrers were able to give some much-need reprentatn while also havg a ton of fun wh this adorably dorky character.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="36" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">45 Shane McCutcheon, <em>The L Word</em> (Kathere Moennig)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="37" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="sleeve, style, bangs, necklace, premiere, pocket, feathered hair, srf, fashn sign, layered hair," tle="Sleeve, Style, Bangs, Necklace, Premiere, Pocket, Feathered hair, Srf, Fashn sign, Layered hair, " loadg="lazy" width="2112" height="2992" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">KPA/Zuma</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="38" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="39" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Few people n fet the first time they saw Shane McCutcheon make her but the <em>L Word</em>. Although was her sex appeal that attracted a lot of fans, Shane quickly beme an inic lbian character for more than her flirtat nature and good looks. Unashamedly out and proud, her character gave an -pth portrayal that mastream entertament had prevly lacked, pecially when to the trope of womanisg lbian. </p><p data-no-id="40" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Although she slept wh <em>a lot </em>of women throughout the duratn of the seri<em>, </em>Shane was allowed to grow beyond the nf of 'player' and bee a relatable character; she was shown to be more than her sensualy. For someone such as myself, who approached life a siar way, was rehg to see that Shane's character was given nuance.</p><p data-no-id="41" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Before characters like Shane, lbian reprentatn was limed, often stgglg to break the mould of the stereotype had been forced to bee. By havg a character who was as equally chaotic, scere, loyal, and troubled, allowed viewers to feel seen. We were given a chance to be unrstood as more than the popular misnceptn that all queer women are promiscuo. </p><p data-no-id="42" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Moreover, Shane allowed the show to challenge the notn that sexual ownership and assertivens are tras to be ashamed of. Arguably, that's why Shane's cln <em>L Word: Generatn Q </em>was so well received – we were able to once aga engage wh a relatable character. </p><h2 data-no-id="43" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">44 Callie Torr, <em>Grey's Anatomy</em> (Sara Ramirez) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="44" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="sara ramirez as llie torr, grey's anatomy" tle="Sara Ramirez as Callie Torr, Grey's Anatomy" loadg="lazy" width="2496" height="1918" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Tony Rivetti</span><style data-emotn="css zrl62v">{paddg:0 0.3rem;paddg-right:0.3125rem;font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;le-height:1;} a{lor:#000000;-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;}</style><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="45" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Stefania Sarbba</strong></p><p data-no-id="46" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Grey's Anatomy" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Grey's Anatomy</em></a>'s rint bisexual Dr Callie Torr has put the B of "badass" to LGBTQ+. Played by non-bary bi actor Sara Ramirez, Callie is a brilliant orthopaedic surgeon and an out-and-proud queer Lata. Wh 11 seasons of <em>Grey's</em> unr her belt, Callie is one of TV's longt-nng queer characters – and the first-ever accurate portrayal of my sexualy on screen.</p><p data-no-id="47" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a teen, I jumped on Meredh Grey's bandwagon early on and started watchg the show 2005. I didn't immediately nnect wh Callie when she joed the seri s send season. However, this changed when she went through a nfg, relatable bisexual awakeng season five. I admired this woman who wasn't aaid to love her body and enjoy sex, and seeg her figurg out who she was felt new and excg for me.</p><p data-no-id="48" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a late bisexual bloomer, I had no ia back then that I would relate to Callie so much after my own g out. Jt like Ramirez's character, I'd always seen myself as *mostly* straight. Did I also thk I uld be gay after havg been wh a woman? Y. Was that te? Hell no.</p><p data-no-id="49" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Callie beg so outspoken about her bisexualy and fendg wh iends, fay and lovers anticipated what I'd al wh my mid- and late-20s whenever I'd discs my inty wh both straight and gay people. I was sad to see her leave the show but glad she didn't go out wh a vastatg ath à la <em>Grey's </em>tradn and got her happy endg. </p><h2 data-no-id="50" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">43 Yorkie and Kelly, <em>Black Mirror</em> (Mackenzie Davis and Gugu Mbatha-Raw) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="51" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="gugu mbatharaw as kelly, mackenzie davis as yorkie, black mirror san junipero" tle="Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Kelly, Mackenzie Davis as Yorkie, Black Mirror San Junipero" loadg="lazy" width="2512" height="1821" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="52" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="53" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">'San Junipero' remas one of the greatt <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Black Mirror" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Black Mirror</a></em> episos five years after release thanks to s heartbreakg romance, classic twist and pellg lead performanc om Mackenzie Davis and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as two young women love.</p><p data-no-id="54" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Yorkie and Kelly's love story, and the reveal that is actually happeng at the end of both characters' liv, was a tone for the sci-fi juggernt. It's the first (and last) time openly queer characters were featured on the show and has remaed a classic for fans. Thanks to the technologil twist at s re, the story of Yorkie and Kelly's relatnship feels expansive. We see them meet, fall love, argue, and eventually stay together forever. </p><h2 data-no-id="55" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">42 Oliver Hampton, <em>How to Get Away wh Murr</em> (Conrad Wayne Rimora) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="56" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nrad rimora as oliver hampton, how to get away wh murr" tle="Conrad Rimora as Oliver Hampton, How To Get Away Wh Murr" loadg="lazy" width="2012" height="1895" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="57" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="58" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="How to Get Away wh Murr" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">How to Get Away wh Murr</a></em> might have been a fatly ridiculo show on a lot of onts, but when me to reprentatn was not playg. In fact, s queer legacy is one that's been <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="celebrated by GLAAD" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">celebrated by GLAAD</a>, and Oliver's storyle was a momento part of that. </p><p data-no-id="59" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">His relatnship wh Connor was central, wh the pair fast-beg fan favour, but Oliver's stat as a HIV+ man was particularly groundbreakg, largely bee there is a severe lack of posive pictns of HIV on our screens. After his diagnosis, Oliver went about his life happily and normally – or as normally as got for any of them, what wh all the murrs! His relatnship wh Connor flourished, and they got their happy endg. Other shows (<em>13 Reasons Why</em>, <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="we're lookg at you" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">we're lookg at you</a>) uld learn somethg. </p><h2 data-no-id="60" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">41 Taylor Mason, <em>Billns</em> (Asia Kate Dillon)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="61" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="asia kate dillon as taylor mason, billns" tle="Asia Kate Dillon as Taylor Mason, Billns" loadg="lazy" width="2953" height="2538" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Showtime/JoJo Whiln</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="62" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="63" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Showtime's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Billns" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Billns</a> </em>ma history when st Asia Kate Dillon for s send season, makg them the first non-bary actor to have a starrg role on US TV. Dillon's character Taylor Mason – a smart and amb tern, ready to shake thgs up the male-domated space of fance – was also non-bary, markg a groundbreakg moment for genr non-nformg reprentatn on TV. </p><p data-no-id="64" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Their portrayal highlights the importance of thenticy. "That a non-bary character was gog to be on a show like <em>Billns</em>, on a work like Showtime, and they were gog to be tegral to the plot and their genr inty was jt one of many parts that ma up the character – that really drove me to want to play this part," Dillon <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="explaed to EW" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">explaed to <em>EW</em></a> back 2017. "I feel very proud to reprent somethg on televisn that hasn't been reprented before. I know would have meant a lot to me, as a younger person, pecially." </p><h2 data-no-id="65" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">40 William Hill, <em>This Is Us</em> (Ron Cephas Jon) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="66" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ron cephas jon as william hill, this is " tle="Ron Cephas Jon as William Hill, This is Us" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="1536" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="67" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="68" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ron Cephas Jon livered a new perspective of not only what means to be a Black and bisexual man, but an <em>elrly</em>, Black and bisexual man as William Hill – father to Randall Pearson (Sterlg K Brown) <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="This Is Us" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">This Is Us</a></em>. </p><p data-no-id="69" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Although William's time on the show was short-lived (let's not talk about that tear-jerkg sendoff), there was never any doubt for his first love Lrel, Randall's mother, his votn to his partner Jsie (Denis O'Hare), and the new-found relatnship he formed wh his son Randall – but most of all, the everlastg imprsn he ma on his granddghter Ts, which helped her to realise her self-intifitn and to e out to her fay the season three fale, as well as remag a champng voice for the LGBTQ+ muny. </p><h2 data-no-id="70" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">39 Jt Suarez, <em>Ugly Betty</em> (Mark Inlito)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="71" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mark lito as jt suarez, ugly betty" tle="Mark Inlito as Jt Suarez, Ugly Betty" loadg="lazy" width="2395" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Andrew Eccl</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="72" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner </strong></p><p data-no-id="73" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the early 2000s, Betty Suarez's nephew Jt was the gay reprentatn that many young people craved and whose g out storyle spired a generatn. He was larger-than-life and self-assured, embracg his love of fashn and mils om a young age and showg others that you n be yourself unapologetilly.</p><p data-no-id="74" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Actor Mark Inlito is said to have opened up about the fan mail he received while on the show, revealg that a lot of kids who felt they didn't f had reached out to him to say how much Jt had helped them. <strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="75" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">38 Ben Mchell, <em>EastEnrs</em> (Charlie Jon, Harry Reid, Max Bown) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="76" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="max bown as ben mchell, llum highway weddg, eastenrs" tle="Max Bown as Ben Mchell, Callum Highway, Eastenrs" loadg="lazy" width="3260" height="2884" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Kieron McCarron/Jack Barn</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="77" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="78" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Ben Mchell" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Ben Mchell</a> has been a mastay on Albert Square on and off for nearly 25 years. Across those three s, the first son of Walford has livered more meme-worthy l than most ("you need slappg down") and has been portrayed by a val of actors. But those aren't the only reasons Phil Mchell's progeny will go down history.</p><p data-no-id="79" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ben's inty as a gay man, om bullied schoolboy to revenge-seekg hardman to fiancé, has always been tied to his plot l and his populary. Durg Ben's adolcence and childhood, he was the perfect foil to Phil's extreme toxic masculy, and their rocky relatnship would go on to provi the ln's share of Ben's character velopment. </p><p data-no-id="80" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Over the subsequent years, their father-son bond has grown a way that, while not beg glamoro, feels reflective of the way LGBTQ+ people are often forced to rebuild their fay dynamics.</p><p data-no-id="81" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In recent years, Ben's populary and storyl have been more closely tied to his romantic relatnships. First there was his teenage love Pl Coker, who was tragilly murred bee of his sexualy as part of a storyle that shed a grim light on vlent homophobia. Nowadays, Ben is most famo for beg one half of social media power uple #Ballum, alongsi the formerly-closeted (and currently-a-police-officer) Callum Highway. </p><p data-no-id="82" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ben's volvement the #Ballum saga also gave the <em>EastEnrs </em>wrers a new angle to explore sexualy and g out – which triumphantly clus Phil Mchell punchg an angry homophobe square the face. </p><h2 data-no-id="83" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">37 Rue Bent, <em>Euphoria</em> (Zendaya) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="84" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="zendaya as e bent, phoria" tle="Zendaya as Rue Bent, Euphoria" loadg="lazy" width="3000" height="2220" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="85" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="86" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Euphoria" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria</em></a>'s Rue Bent don't have a big g-out moment. Those two words don't pass her lips at all across the show's 10 episos. Her sexualy is never announced, jt is, which mak her such an important addn to the roster of gay characters on telly. </p><p data-no-id="87" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">We love when people scream their queerns om the rooftops but equally, we dig when no explanatn is necsary, wh no ristance or fanfare. There's space for every aspect of the queer experience to be reflected on-screen, and Rue is here to show you that there is no one-size-fs-all approach when tellg LGBTQ+ stori. </p><h2 data-no-id="88" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">36 Ryan Hay, <em>Special</em> (Ryan O'Connell) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="89" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ryan o'nnell as ryan hay, special" tle="Ryan O'Connell as Ryan Hay, Special" loadg="lazy" width="2400" height="2099" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">BETH DUBBER/NETFLIX</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="90" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="91" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ryan O'Connell's portrayal as a fictnalised versn of himself <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Netflix's Special" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Netflix's <em>Special</em></a> is unique, not jt bee of the show's foc on a gay man wh cerebral palsy, but bee of the sheer amount of self-pretn that ntas. As "Ryan Hay'', we see O'Connell (who also created and wrote the show) nont a range of hilar problems due to both his sexualy and his disabily. </p><p data-no-id="92" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Across 10 episos, and 15-mute segments, he bickers wh -workers, als wh body-image issu the glamoro world of Los Angel and learns how to manage a particularly chaotic boss. </p><p data-no-id="93" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Among the jok, the show also fds other ways to be both progrsive and heartfelt. The episo where Ryan los his virgy to a sex worker is a particularly tenr moment, dispellg both Ryan's own prejudice and the dience's wh ease. </p><h2 data-no-id="94" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">35 Maxxie Oliver, <em>Sks</em> (Mch Hewer) </h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="95" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mch hewer as maxxie oliver, sks" tle="Mch Hewer as Maxxie Oliver, Sks" loadg="lazy" width="1283" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="96" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="97" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Mch Hewer might not have found the same succs as some of his other <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sks" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Sks</a></em> -stars, and by that, we mean no disrpect to all of the <em>Brannia High</em> loyalists out there. But still, his character Maxxie meant more to an entire generatn of queer men than all the other characters bed.</p><p data-no-id="98" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back, <em>Sks </em>spoke to Brish teenagers ways that few other shows have managed to replite sce. And for a lot of stgglg or closeted queer teens, Maxxie particular spoke to their own personal experienc at a time when posive LGBTQ+ role mols were few and far between.</p><h2 data-no-id="99" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">34 Nia Nal, <em>Supergirl</em> (Nile Ma)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="100" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nile ma as nia nal, supergirl" tle="Nile Ma as Nia Nal, Supergirl" loadg="lazy" width="2200" height="1713" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Warner Brothers / Sergei Bachlak</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="101" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="102" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The Arrowverse has been rponsible for a lot of credible firsts on TV, but perhaps none are more important than Dreamer, the first trans superhero ever picted on screen.</p><p data-no-id="103" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">First troduced <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Supergirl" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Supergirl</em></a>'s fourth season, Nia Nal really is a dream e to life for so many ic book fans who have longed to see themselv reprented the stori they love. It also helps that The CW st Nile Ma, an spirg trans activist who fights for LGBTQ+ rights out of stume too. Dreamer and Nile herself are the hero we need right now.</p><h2 data-no-id="104" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">33 Rosa Diaz, <em>Brooklyn Ne-Ne</em> (Stephanie Beatriz)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="105" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="stephanie beatriz as rosa diaz, brooklyn ne ne" tle="Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn Ne Ne" loadg="lazy" width="2175" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="106" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="107" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Brooklyn Ne-Ne" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Brooklyn Ne-Ne</a></em> may be known for s slapstick yet heartfelt humour, but also als wh some heavier htg issu. For Rosa Diaz, g out as bi was an important character arc. That was veloped by the actrs who plays Rosa, Stephanie Beatriz, who is herself bisexual, mak all the more meangful. </p><p data-no-id="108" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Rosa brgs a level of realy to the life of bi characters. She isn't portrayed as "slutty" or "greedy", and her relatnships wh men and women are taken as serly as each other. The ght relatnship wh her parents isn't ham-fisted or naive, but rather plex, and full of growth. She mak no bon about who she is, and for that reason she's worth celebratg. </p><h2 data-no-id="109" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">32 Anissa Pierce, <em>Black Lightng</em> (Nafsa Williams)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="110" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nafsa williams as anissa pierce, black lightng" tle="Nafsa Williams as Anissa Pierce, Black Lightng" loadg="lazy" width="1555" height="1333" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Warner Bros.</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="111" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="112" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the first Black lbian superhero on TV, Nafsa Williams' <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Anissa Pierce" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Anissa Pierce</a> ma TV and LGBTQ+ history. Anissa, or Thunr, is unapologetilly her – an activist who stands up agast police btaly and fights for Black liv, a queer woman wh superhuman abili (and she's anythg but aaid to e them), a lovg dghter and sister, and, most of all, a lbian woman who boldly unrstands and is unashamed of her sexualy. A rary morn televisn.</p><h2 data-no-id="113" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">31 Mae, <em>Feel Good</em> (Mae Mart)<br /></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="114" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mae mart, feel good" tle="Mae Mart, Feel Good" loadg="lazy" width="1459" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="115" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Kate Goodacre</strong></p><p data-no-id="116" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Feel Good" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Feel Good</a></em> manag to pack so much to 12 short episos, and s nuanced, raw, full-fledged examatn of queer love and relatnships is sential viewg. Drawg om the same fluenc as Mae Mart's personal stand-up shows, the power of this semi-tobgraphil seri is only heightened by s unrelentg honty. </p><p data-no-id="117" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Mae's abily to pture the joy and tensn of new love, wh all s ups and downs, n't help but make you thk. And their nstctn of addictn, revery and inty ("I'm not jt an addict, I have my very own dazzlg personaly") ptur why tailed, nuanced reprentatn is so val. </p><h2 data-no-id="118" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">30 Xena, <em>Xena: Warrr Prcs</em> (Lucy Lawls)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="119" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lucy lawls as xena, xena warrr prcs" tle="Lucy Lawls as Xena, Xena Warrr Prcs" loadg="lazy" width="3731" height="2811" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">M Tv/Renaissance/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="120" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="121" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Not only was <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Xena" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Xena</a> a warrr of imable strength and passn, and who one fights for jtice, she has been ced by many as a trailblazg femist and lbian in, pavg the way for characters like Buffy and Sydney Bristow of <em>Alias</em>. Though now the ambiguy of her and Gabrielle's relatnship might be termed queerbag, was tly more subtext that eventually was nfirmed as non by Xena herself. </p><p data-no-id="122" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">She told <em>Lbian News </em>that Xena was: "Gay. Defely... [I]t wasn't jt that Xena was bisexual and kda liked her gal pal and they kd of fooled around sometim, was, 'Nope, they're married, man.'" That outspokenns and pri fed Xena, and is what mak her so inic. </p><h2 data-no-id="123" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">29 T Andromedon, <em>Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt</em> (Ts Burgs) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="124" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ts burgs as tandromedon, unbreakable kimmy schmidt" tle="Ts Burgs as T-Andromedon, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" loadg="lazy" width="3025" height="2278" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Eric Liebowz/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="125" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="126" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">T Andromedon might not be the tle character <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt</a></em>, but he's undoubtedly the ma event. His penchant for histrnics is endlsly entertag to behold and he needs ltle to no exce to burst to song – his parody of Beyoncé's 'Lemona' is Grammy-worthy. 'Peeno Noir: An O to Black Penis' is a masterpiece.</p><p data-no-id="127" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">T is a te dividual who bangs the dm for flyg your eak flag all day, every day bee there is no greater power on this earth than beg your thentic self. When doubt, be more T. </p><h2 data-no-id="128" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">28 Bill Potts, <em>Doctor Who</em> (Pearl Mackie) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="129" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="pearl mackie as bill potts, doctor who" tle="Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts, Doctor Who" loadg="lazy" width="1363" height="1130" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="130" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Christian Tob</strong></p><p data-no-id="131" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Doctor Who" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Doctor Who</em></a>'s stellar seri 10 is a smic love story – not between the Doctor and a pann (for once), but between Pearl Mackie's wi-eyed adventurer Bill Potts and Heather, the girl she falls for at St Le's Universy. Sure, over the urse of their relatnship one of them be a Cyberman and the other transmogrifi to sentient oil, but every uple has bumps the road, right?</p><p data-no-id="132" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Bill was the long-nng BBC show's first openly gay regular pann, and someone a large sectn of the show's fanbase uld intify wh. (Mackie herself told <strong>Digal Spy</strong> that the character was "a huge talyst" helpg many viewers e out to their fai.) Ccially, Bill wasn't a shape-shiftg alien or a time-travellg superhuman – she was jt a girl servg chips a nteen before she got swept up the Doctor's orb, like so many viewers have too.</p><p data-no-id="133" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a humany to Mackie's performance that elevat the seri to s warm and clive bt. The scene which Bill brgs a nervo date home only to be terpted by the actual Pope emergg om the TARDIS works bee we're rootg for Bill to fd happs jt as much as we are the Doctor to save the world.</p><p data-no-id="134" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What's more, Bill and Heather get somethg that's prsgly rare for an LGBTQ+ uple sci-fi fantasy shows – a happy endg, as the pair go off to travel the universe wh one another before settlg down and growg old together. </p><h2 data-no-id="135" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">27 Kwame, <em>I May Dtroy You</em> (Paapa Essi)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="136" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="paape si as kwame, i may stroy you" tle="Paape Essi as Kwame, I May Dtroy You" loadg="lazy" width="3668" height="2772" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Natalie Seery</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="137" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="138" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The importance of Kwame's sexual asslt storyle Michaela Coel's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="I May Dtroy You" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">I May Dtroy You</a> </em>nnot be overstated. It's a realy that vast swath of gay men have endured and yet pop culture has largely given a wi berth. Alongsi that, you have those who do not report what has happened to them for fear of judgement, prejudice and ridicule. </p><p data-no-id="139" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sadly for Kwame, his experience wh the thori is How Not to Treat Victims of Rape and Sexual Asslt 101. It monstrat exactly why so many gay men are reluctant to volise what they have suffered, and should be broadst police statns up and down the land to prevent such occurrenc om not only beg a rary, but extct altogether. </p><h2 data-no-id="140" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">26 Theo Putnam, <em>Chillg Adventur of Sabra</em> (Lachlan Watson) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="141" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lachlan watson as theo putnam, chillg adventur of sabra" tle="Lachlan Watson as Theo Putnam, Chillg Adventur of Sabra" loadg="lazy" width="2324" height="2089" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="142" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Sam Moore</strong></p><p data-no-id="143" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Theo's path to g out as trans is one that's rmed by his past as much as his future. Early on <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Chillg Adventur of Sabra" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Chillg Adventur of Sabra</a></em>, he's able to munite wh Dorothea, a pneer anctor om his fay's history. Dorothea challenged nventn, wore men's cloth and served as a sprgboard for Theo to explore his own inty. </p><p data-no-id="144" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The moment of Theo's actual "g out" among iends is low-key, a simple acknowledgement of a new name, and that's one of the thgs that mak feel so rehg; that g out no longer needs to fe a person's journey or inty but n simply be the next step forward. </p><h2 data-no-id="145" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">25 Eric Effng, <em>Sex Edutn</em> (Ncuti Gatwa) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="146" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ncuti gatwa as eric effng, sex tn" tle="Ncuti Gatwa as Eric Effng, Sex Edutn" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3488" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="147" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="148" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a moment <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sex Edutn" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Sex Edutn</a></em> when Eric, who is ually the life and soul of every party, dazzlg and effervcent wh a lgh that uld power the Natnal Grid, los himself. He be unregnisable followg a trmatic oral that shak his foundatns to the re. He is pa and we are, too, as the light that once burned <em>so</em> brightly wh him is almost extguished. Almost.</p><p data-no-id="149" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But after a chance enunter and some ser soul-searchg, there is no doubt Eric's md that he will live his life the way <em>he</em> wants to, haters be damned, and he throws on an emerald green gele and some heels and march to prom wh his head held high. </p><p data-no-id="150" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">"Everyone lov you," says Mrs Effng to her son. Never have ter words been spoken. </p><h2 data-no-id="151" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">24 Patrick Murray and Richie Donado Ventura, <em>Lookg</em> (Jonathan Groff and Raúl Castillo Jr.) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="152" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="jonathan groff as patrick murray, rl stillo as richie donado ventura, lookg" tle="Jonathan Groff as Patrick Murray, Rl Castillo as Richie Donado Ventura, Lookg" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3338" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="153" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr </strong></p><p data-no-id="154" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The will-they, won't-they relatnship between Patrick and Richie <em>Lookg</em> was one of the most tratg recent TV history. Patrick, played by Jonathan Groff, didn't e out until llege but his entire life out of the closet has been fed by the lgerg anxieti om when he was si ; a straed relatnship wh nservative parents back Denver, to the strs of nformg to a body type the gay muny would see as ial.</p><p data-no-id="155" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Richie (Raúl Castillo) has an even more ayed relatnship wh his father due to the lgerg homophobia of his eply relig fay jt outsi the cy. Their attempts to bond, such as the Andrew Haigh-directed season one standout 'Lookg for the Future', show the pair n velop chemistry and bond over their experienc – but Patrick's self-sabotage and unnsc bias always get the way.</p><p data-no-id="156" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em>Lookg</em> was a genuely groundbreakg show for how litely explored prevly unr-discsed topics like the subnsc racism of whe gays, brgg those to the foreont of a drama about morn gay relatnships. It's through this lens that Patrick be a more fascatg character. Inially troduced as an dience surrogate who'd rather have the "straight" ial of a healthy relatnship his parents uld approve of, he be all the more tertg when his flaws are unvered.</p><p data-no-id="157" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The reason he and Richie have been jotly selected for this entry isn't bee of how much we rooted for them to get together (and we did – Kev was a bad choice, Patrick!), but bee of how much they exist as unterpots the gay muny, their experienc as outsts so siar and yet a world apart.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="158" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">23 Will Tman, <em>Will and Grace</em> (Eric McCormack)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="159" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="eric mcrmack as will tman, will and grace" tle="Eric McCormack as Will Tman, Will and Grace" loadg="lazy" width="1449" height="1716" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Bill Rezel</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">NBC Universal</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="160" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Tom Chapman</strong></p><p data-no-id="161" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In 1998, Max Mutchnick and David Kohan took a gamble wh <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Will & Grace" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Will & Grace</a></em> at a time when the s <em>Ellen</em> had jt been axed by ABC for beg "too gay". <em>Friends</em> was gog strong, while <em>Frasier </em>and <em>Everybody Lov Raymond</em> had ultra-hetero men as their leads. It was a gamble to make one half of the show an out gay man, but whout Will Tman, the show <em>& Grace</em> don't have the same rg to . </p><p data-no-id="162" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Unlike Grace, Karen, and Jack, Will was the stoic figurehead of the group. It would have been easy for the wrers to take him to the OTT realms of Jack McFarland and rerce some negative gay stereotyp. Instead, Will remaed a nstant to the re st and a much-need shoulr for the dzy Grace to cry on. Importantly, Will wasn't fed by his sexualy. </p><p data-no-id="163" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Showg you n be a succsful lawyer who balanc relatnships and the odd nrotic moment, Will was a relatable (if a ltle stuffy) lead that even the non-LGBTQ+ muny uld relate to. </p><p data-no-id="164" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">He was out there livg his bt metropolan life but not aaid to adm he was far om perfect. Add to this, he spired a generatn of alli that would go on to be a Grace to their Wills. </p><p data-no-id="165" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the years sce, Eric McCormack has admted that as a straight man, he don't thk he'd land the part of Will. However, as much more than jt a name a s, we n't image anyone else takg the role of Grace's better half. </p><h2 data-no-id="166" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">22 Rose Babatun, <em>It's a S</em> (Omari Douglas) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="167" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="omari douglas as rose babatun, 's a s" tle="Omari Douglas as Rose Babatun, It's A S" loadg="lazy" width="2847" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="168" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong><br /></p><p data-no-id="169" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">It's rare to see Brish queerns on screen, even rarer to see Black Brish queerns. Rose Babatun (played by <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Omari Douglas" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Omari Douglas</a>) is a very wele exceptn to that. He's part of an emergg trend where Black gay men are fally appearg on TV shows the UK, along wh the lik of Kwame om <em>I My Dtroy You</em> and Eric om <em>Sex Edutn</em>. Flamboyantly drsed and polilly powerful, Rose giv a fiant mol of Black queerns to spire a new generatn. </p><h2 data-no-id="170" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">21 Todd Chavez, <em>BoJack Horseman</em> (Aaron Pl) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="171" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="todd chavez, bojack horseman" tle="Todd Chavez, BoJack Horseman" loadg="lazy" width="3583" height="2160" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="172" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="173" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">After battlg wh his inty for que some time, Todd me out as asexual to his bt iend <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="BoJack Horseman" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">BoJack Horseman</a> an emotnal season four scene. After arrivg at that realisatn and sharg , Todd then ntued to explore what this particular label meant to him the g episos. </p><p data-no-id="174" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">While everyone's experienc are different, 's a part of the LGBTQ+ muny that's rarely given time and nuance on screen, so for to feature such a popular and award-wng seri, particularly through one of s most central characters, shouldn't be overlooked. </p><h2 data-no-id="175" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">20 Blan Rodriguez-Evangelista, <em>Pose</em> (Mj Rodriguez) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="176" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mj rodriguez as blan rodriguezevangelista, pose" tle="MJ Rodriguez as Blan Rodriguez-Evangelista, Pose" loadg="lazy" width="3454" height="2814" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Mall Polay/FX/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="177" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong><br /></p><p data-no-id="178" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Founr and hoe mother of the Hoe of Evangelista, Blan is a font of love and support. Played by the fantastic <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Mj Rodriguez" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Mj Rodriguez</a>, she fights for those who she lov and protects them doggedly no matter what. </p><p data-no-id="179" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In many ways, she is the embodiment of what means to be muny wh other trans people of lour. It's a rough and plited love, which isn't easy. She's alg wh HIV the height of the HIV/AIDS epimic, while also beg trans and racialised. Yet she still fds the space her heart to form that unique love and solidary.</p><h2 data-no-id="180" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">19 Ana El-Am, <em>The Bold Type</em> (Nikohl Boosheri)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="181" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nikohl boosheri as ana el am, the bold type" tle="Nikohl Boosheri as Ana el Am, The Bold Type" loadg="lazy" width="1583" height="1764" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Universal Televisn</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="182" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Rachel Charlton-Dailey</strong></p><p data-no-id="183" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the moment she appeared on the screen was clear that <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="The Bold Type's Ana El-Am" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>The Bold Type</em>'s Ana El-Am</a> was a strong woman who wasn't ashamed of who she was. She reprents somethg that is rarely seen on screen – a Mlim, queer woman who, spe attempts om the relig muny to stop her work as an activist, still has a ep nnectn to her fah.</p><p data-no-id="184" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As Ana is fully aware, her sexualy uld have lerally got her killed her home untry, but she saw the attempts to silence her and refed to be held down by the patriarchy. The storyle which featured her visa beg nied durg the Tmp admistratn was powerful and heartbreakg, but she stood firm and strong. </p><p data-no-id="185" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a partner, she stands by Kat's si and guis her through the new world of queerns when she needs a lovg hand to hold. She don't jt empower herself – through her work as a photographer, she rais up other women and giv them a voice a society that tells them to be quiet and don't e trouble. As a femist, she is an in to me and so many others, and to see a queer woman livg her life and tth so wholeheartedly is revolutnary.</p><p data-no-id="186" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In a world that expects her to hi her te self, Ana ref to be kept down and is unapologetilly herself. She ma me a better activist and femist and remd me that I should never have to promise my beliefs for others. </p><h2 data-no-id="187" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">18 Hayley Cropper, <em>Coronatn Street</em> (Julie Hmondhalgh) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="188" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="julie hmondhalgh as hayley cropper, roy cropper ronatn street" tle="Julie Hmondhalgh as Hayley Cropper, Coronatn Street" loadg="lazy" width="1582" height="1109" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">ITV/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="189" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="190" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">When Hayley Cropper first appeared on our TV screens 1998, ltle did dienc know how signifint her character would be. This was the first time Brish soap opera history where a trans character had been clud, and for a lot of viewers, Hayley was their first troductn to the trans muny. </p><p data-no-id="191" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What mak her such an credibly important character beyond her transns, is that she beme a regular and beloved part of <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Coronatn Street" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Coronatn Street</a></em>. Although her character portrayal may be far om perfect, pecially when pared wh trans portrayal today, Hayley Cropper enuraged other programm to improve their clivy.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="192" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">17 Stuart Alan Jon, <em>Queer as Folk</em> (Aidan Gillen)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="193" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="aidan gillen as stuart alan jon, queer as folk" tle="Aidan Gillen as Stuart Alan Jon, Queer as Folk" loadg="lazy" width="1920" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="194" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Sam Moore</strong></p><p data-no-id="195" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Stuart Alan Jon me to my life like a force of nature. <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Queer as Folk" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Queer as Folk</a></em> was the first explicly "queer" TV I'd ever seen – I'd watch alone, on a laptop, keepg close like a secret – so seeg someone like Stuart who was so unapologetic, aggrsively, fiantly out, h me like a bolt of lightng. </p><p data-no-id="196" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back on him now, his uhil, illegal behavur is strikg for the way that at once charg at and challeng the stereotyp associated wh the ia of predatory queer men. At uni, a few years after I'd watched <em>Queer as Folk</em>, some people I knew plaed that they didn't like the show, that the men were too stereotypil, but I uldn't see that way. I still haven't seen anyone que like Stuart on TV ever sce I first watched <em>Queer as Folk</em>. </p><p data-no-id="197" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's one image of him that remas vividly my md: at the end of the first episo, he driv 15-year-old Nathan, last night's hook-up, to school. His Jeep is tagged wh the word "QUEER" red spray-pat. At no pot do Stuart try to hi this, or try to hi om what reveals about him; that's what was, and is, so important about Stuart Alan Jon: the fact that, no matter what, he refed to hi, and refed to be silent. </p><h2 data-no-id="198" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">16 Jack McPhee, <em>Dawson's Creek</em> (Kerr Smh)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="199" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="kerr smh as jack mcphee, dawson's creek" tle="Kerr Smh as Jack McPhee, Dawson's Creek" loadg="lazy" width="1567" height="1253" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Sony Pictur</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="200" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="201" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">More than 20 years after Jack McPhee profsg his love to Ethan Brody first aired, the moment has bee enshred as one of the most important landmarks of LGBTQ+ reprentatn on TV.</p><p data-no-id="202" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The moment, the fale of <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Dawson's Creek" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Dawson's Creek</em></a>'s third season, se Jack clare "I want to show you that I n, and that I'm not aaid to... oh hell... this" before plantg (what would bee known as) the first "passnate" kiss between men on US primetime TV. It's also not too much of a stretch to read that le the ntext of what meant to show two men love at the time.</p><p data-no-id="203" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">More than jt this one moment however, Jack McPhee holds a special place for beg one of the first openly queer characters a teen drama – pavg the way for shows like <em>The OC</em> and <em>Riverdale</em> years later. </p><h2 data-no-id="204" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">15 Anne Lister, <em>Gentleman Jack</em> (Suranne Jon) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="205" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="suranne jon as anne lister, gentleman jack" tle="Suranne Jon as Anne Lister, Gentleman Jack" loadg="lazy" width="2583" height="2503" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="206" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="207" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The history books have, on the whole, disregard the LGBTQ+ muny, so the story of Anne Lister probably me as a surprise to many who settled down to watch Sally Wawright's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Gentleman Jack" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Gentleman Jack</a></em>. The perd drama stars Suranne Jon as the fearls, bold and brilliant lbian Anne Lister, a landowner and bswoman who rerd her pas secret diari, aspects of which were wrten . </p><p data-no-id="208" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Wawright picked them up and spun her words to a seri which plac Lister's sexualy ont and centre, wearg as a badge of honour. She is a woman who knows <em>exactly </em>what she wants – bs <em>and </em> pleasure – and she fac down numero hurdl the boardroom and the bedroom pursu of life on her own terms. </p><p data-no-id="209" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The word inic is so often chucked around wh ease, but Anne Lister is tly worthy of such a tle. </p><h2 data-no-id="210" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">14 Nomi Marks, <em>Sense8</em> (Jamie Clayton) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="211" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="jamie clayton as nomi marks, sense8 season 2" tle="Jamie Clayton as Nomi Marks, Sense8 season 2" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3238" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Murray Close/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="212" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie </strong></p><p data-no-id="213" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sure, <em>The Matrix </em>is great, but n we all agree that <em>Sense8</em> is the bt thg that the Wachowskis have ever ma? A lot of that is down to how betifully queer the show is and also how betiful the nnectn is between each sensate. </p><p data-no-id="214" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Pickg one favoure out of this extraordary st isn't easy – they're lerally separable – but if we had to choose someone, our vote go to Nomi Marks, a transgenr lbian who fought to protect the people she lov wh her imprsive hackg skills. <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Jamie Clayton's performance" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Jamie Clayton's performance</a> here is jt as charismatic as is groundbreakg. </p><h2 data-no-id="215" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">13 Enrique 'Rickie' Vasquez, <em>My So-Called </em>Life (Wilson Cz) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="216" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="wilson cz as enrique vasquez, my so lled life" tle="Wilson Cz as Enrique Vasquez, My So Called Life" loadg="lazy" width="2058" height="2692" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Abc Prods/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="217" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="218" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Millennials may know Wilson Cz om <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Star Trek: Disvery" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Star Trek: Disvery</a></em>, but for a whole other generatn, he burst onto our screens wh teen-angst abound as Rickie Vasquez <em>My So-Called Life</em>. The show self was groundbreakg for s thentic portrayal of the ner liv of teens ( also starred Claire Dan and Jared Leto). </p><p data-no-id="219" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Through Rickie, them of homelsns, poverty, and homophobia were handled wh nuance and btal honty. As an out actor, this role ma Cz the first openly gay actor to play an openly gay character a leadg role an Amerin televisn seri. It's worth watchg, and the Rickie-centric Christmas Eve episo will make you openly weep. But what's bt, Rickie fds acceptance and guidance. </p><h2 data-no-id="220" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">12 David Fisher, <em>Six Feet Unr</em> (Michael C Hall) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="221" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="michael c hall as david fisher, six feet unr" tle="Michael C Hall as David Fisher, Six Feet Unr" loadg="lazy" width="2492" height="2048" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="222" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lrence Mozafari</strong><em><br /></em></p><p data-no-id="223" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Six Feet Unr" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Six Feet Unr</a></em> boasts one of the greatt TV show endgs ever, but also centred a gay lead character an terracial relatnship back 2001. The show ankly picted life and ath for a reprsed mortuary-owng fay, while focg on the relatnship between mortician David Fisher (Michael C Hall) and policeman Keh Charl (Mathew St Patrick), which subverted TV stereotyp of gay men. </p><p data-no-id="224" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">David battl to accept his sexualy both personally and wh his fay, but evolv his arc wh a ep and flawed love story wh Keh, battlg fily, tacklg adoptn, and pictg one of US TV's first gay marriag.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="225" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">11 David Rose, <em>Scht's Creek</em> (Dan Levy)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="226" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="daniel levy as david rose, scht's creek" tle="Daniel Levy as David Rose, Scht's Creek" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3306" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">CBC/ITV/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="227" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="228" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Not only is David Rose a style, and anxiety, in, but his journey to fd te love throughout <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Scht's Creek" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Scht's Creek</a></em> is one of joy, excement, and epic lip-synch performanc. The show was rightly herald for s lack of homophobia. Depictg queer love whout stigma and hatred is still somethg lackg mastream media, but through David Rose – and his slacks-wearg partner Patrick – we were treated to a blossomg, betiful love story. </p><p data-no-id="229" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">If you're doubt of the impact that David's character has had on the real world, all you have to do is watch the Netflix documentary <em>Bt Wish, Warmt Regards</em>. In , a group of moms of LGBTQ+ kids wre to <em>Scht's Creek</em> creator Dan Levy, who of urse plays David, to thank him for his work – particular, his explanatn of his sexualy. "I like the we, not the label" has bee a betiful metaphor for fluid sexualy, breakg down the strict bari wh which we've viewed sexualy and genr for so long.</p><p data-no-id="230" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But equally, David is also extremely relatable. He ets and fawns over the smallt tails. He has anxiety and secury that mak him a iled sprg, but a ep well of empathy, too. His character is more than jt a "queer guy", but a wholly round person that fally giv others a mirror to see themselv reprented on TV. <strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="231" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">10 Santana Lopez, <em>Glee</em> (Naya Rivera)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="232" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="naya rivera as santana lopez, glee" tle="Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez, Glee" loadg="lazy" width="3364" height="2388" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Fox</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="233" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ey Browne</strong></p><p data-no-id="234" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From her vastatg quips to her show-stoppg performanc, <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Naya Rivera's Santana Lopez" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Naya Rivera's Santana Lopez</a> was a breath of h air for lbian reprentatn on televisn. While most of who lived through the <em>Glee</em> Tumblr years of the 2010s now look back and crge, Santana endur as one of the show's brightt stars. While origally st on the show as the bchy Lata cheerleadg sikick to Dianna Agron's Qun Fabray, Rivera's impecble edy timg and unniable sgg voice ma her an stant fan favoure. </p><p data-no-id="235" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Always able to read between the l, queer viewers swiftly picked up on the romantic tensn between Santana and her bt iend Brtany (Heather Morris), makg the "Brtana" ship one of the anchors of the show, wh the uple eventually gettg married the show's sixth season. </p><p data-no-id="236" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Furthermore, Santana's season two arc was, and still is, one of the bt exampl of the g out trope done well; the highlights clu the scene wh her homophobic grandmother, admtg her love for Brtany at the Hurt Locker, and her highly emotnal performance the 'Rumour Has It/Someone Like You' mash-up. What's more, Santana Lopez was always played wh great sensivy and rpect by Naya Rivera, which is why her sudn ath last year was absolutely vastatg to a muny that sought so much fort om her character over the years. </p><p data-no-id="237" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Through <em>Glee, </em>we still have an opportuny to wns Rivera's exceptnal talent and heart, helpg Naya's legacy live on and cementg Santana as one of the muny's most beloved queer TV characters. </p><h2 data-no-id="238" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">9 Lafayette Reynolds, <em>Te Blood</em> (Nelsan Ellis) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="239" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nelsan ellis as lafayette reynolds, te blood" tle="Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds, Te Blood" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="2981" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="240" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr</strong></p><p data-no-id="241" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Once everybody managed to get over jt how much vampire shaggg there was, viewers quickly agreed that Lafayette Reynolds was the breakout character HBO's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Te Blood" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Te Blood</a></em>. Nelsan Ellis' performance beme a fan favoure not jt for his skill wh a darkly ic one-ler, but for beg one of the more empowerg gay characters on TV – unashamedly open and ready to fight back at any homophob who pass through the nservative town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. </p><p data-no-id="242" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the book seri the show was adapted om, Lafayette died at the start of the send stalment, while on the small screen, he was one of only four characters to appear every episo, and servedly so. </p><p data-no-id="243" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The seri ran out of steam towards the end of s n as the vampire boom of the late 2000s died out, wh Ellis' performance beg the only reason to keep tung every week.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="244" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">8 Pray Tell, <em>Pose</em> (Billy Porter)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="245" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="billy porter as pray tell, pose" tle="Billy Porter as Pray Tell, Pose" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3299" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Michael Parmelee/FX/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="246" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong></p><p data-no-id="247" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Pray Tell, played by the effervcent Billy Porter, is a fashn signer and the master of ceremoni the balls that we see throughout <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Pose" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Pose</a></em>. </p><p data-no-id="248" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the first moment that you see him he is drsed up to the n – somethg you see paralleled wh Billy Porter's real-life looks on the red rpet. While Porter's performance mak him an excg and loud figure who knows how to put on a show, there's also a much softer si to him. Behd the glamour and bravado there is a kdns. </p><p data-no-id="249" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Black manhood is so narrowly fed when to televisn. Black men get to be ps and bisers. Even when sympathetic, their olns is almost always rooted machismo and vlence. Pray Tell is somethg pletely different. </p><p data-no-id="250" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">He's femme and fierce, never shrkg himself or forcg his voice to barone. When he is cuttg he don't do through btish physily, he do through sha and reads. In his rejectn of the prenceived notns of what a Black man n or should be, there is a real power which we rarely get to see on screen. </p><p data-no-id="251" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What I get om Pray Tell is that tim will be tough, but you n always fd the joy and face down the world a fabulo outf. </p><h2 data-no-id="252" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">7 Annalise Keatg, <em>How to Get Away wh Murr</em> (Vla Davis)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="253" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="vla davis as annalise keatg, how to get away wh murr" tle="Vla Davis as Annalise Keatg, How To Get Away Wh Murr" loadg="lazy" width="2406" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="254" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="255" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Annalise Keatg" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Annalise Keatg</a> is one of the most plex female characters ever to grace our screens; she's strong, vulnerable, flawed, spiratnal – and a bisexual Black woman. </p><p data-no-id="256" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As is relatable to many, took Annalise que some time to realise and accept herself, battlg agast ternalised homophobia and the prsur of society's heteronormative expectatns. </p><p data-no-id="257" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Annalise's sexualy was not foced on as a fg part of her character, which has spurred cricism om some over the years. But for those whose queerns is more fluid and whout a label, this was a wele experience to highlight wh the ntext of a show that wily embraced and champned varied LGBTQ+ storyl. </p><h2 data-no-id="258" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">6 Rchie Tozer, <em>It's a S</em> (Olly Alexanr)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="259" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="olly alexanr as rchie tozer, 's a s" tle="Olly Alexanr as Rchie Tozer, It's A S" loadg="lazy" width="2319" height="1888" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="260" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="261" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Movg away om his remote fay home to the Big Smoke, we watched as <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Rchie" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Rchie</a>, timid and unsure of himself, slowly started to ga nfince and acceptance who he was: a gay man who loved to lgh, sg and have sex. Set agast the '80s AIDS epimic, Rchie was one of the unlucky on – but, turng homophobic notns of promiscuy on their head, he refed to feel shame for livg his life thentilly, nor did he want to be fed by his illns. "That's what people will fet," he said his fal moments. "That was so much fun."</p><p data-no-id="262" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the tle of Rsell T Davi' drama not, queerns often hand--hand wh feelgs of shame. Rchie showed the world that there's not only power and strength to be found self-acceptance, but that – even the midst of stggle – there's joy, celebratn and love to be embraced too. </p><h2 data-no-id="263" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">5 Jul Vghn, <em>Euphoria</em> (Hunter Schafer)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="264" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="hunter schafer as jul vghn, phoria" tle="Hunter Schafer as Jul Vghn, Euphoria" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3015" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="265" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="266" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Authentic trans characters are still few and far between on screen, which is what mak <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Euphoria" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria</em></a>'s Jul so val. She is pictg a lived realy that has predomantly been ignored by popular culture favour of cisgenr characters and their stori, even though there is plenty of room for both. To disregard the trans muny so extensively is ak to erasure. It's TV execs and broadsters bellowg, "You're of no tert to anyone. You don't matter," before slammg the door the fac of those who are simply askg to see themselv reflected on telly every now and aga. </p><p data-no-id="267" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ccially, Hunter Schafer, who plays Jul, is a trans woman, and she also liaised wh a trans nsultant, which imbu her performance wh a legimacy that simply wouldn't have had whout that real-world knowledge and, specially, unrstandg of what tly means to be a trans woman. Caritur should never be tolerated. Speculatn that n so often bubble over to the perpetuatn of harmful trop should always be shown the door.</p><p data-no-id="268" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria </em>was never any danger of fallg to those traps bee unrstands s rponsibily to accurately pture this experience, om hormone therapy to Jul' <em>Euphoria</em> special episo, which was spired by a poem that Schafer wrote when she was a teenager. The beatg heart of Jul is Schafer herself, which is why the character works so betifully and has ronated wh viewers young and old, some of whom will undoubtedly be grapplg wh their own inti. It sets the benchmark sky high for how the tths should be explored, but given the arth of reprentatn we have seen, we shouldn't accept anythg ls.</p><h2 data-no-id="269" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">4 Sophia Burset, <em>Orange Is the New Black</em> (Laverne Cox)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="270" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="laverne x as sophia burset, orange is the new black" tle="Laverne Cox as Sophia Burset, Orange is the New Black" loadg="lazy" width="2941" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">JoJo Whiln/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="271" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="272" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Laverne Cox's Sophia Burset livered one of the most grippg storyl TV and transgenr history durg her time on <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Orange Is the New Black" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Orange Is the New Black</a></em>.</p><p data-no-id="273" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In an emotnal backstory, we saw a pre-transng Sophia (played by Cox's tw brother M Lamar) mtg cred rd d to fund her genr transn, which land her jail.</p><p data-no-id="274" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sophia ma the bt of prison life by workg as a hairdrser and beg the light-hearted yet strong-willed agony nt to her fellow mat, often alg wh their dramas om everyday arguments and scraps, to the most timate of qutns, such as how to fd your cloris.</p><p data-no-id="275" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sophia's time prison was not whout s hardship. As the only transgenr mate Lchfield, she was the target of timidatn, harassment and vlence om other prisoners, as well as beg repeatedly nied hormone therapy by the prison's admistratn and beg thrown to the SHU (Solary Hog Un), "for her own protectn". Sophia spent days, if not weeks, alone a nfed space whout so much as a blanket to keep her warm at night.</p><p data-no-id="276" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Cox's character had arguably the least amount of screen time of all the mat but had the most powerful and impactful storyle, which was stmental highlightg the isolatn, discrimatn and abe that transgenr mat face when sent to prison.</p><h2 data-no-id="277" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">3 Omar Ltle, <em>The Wire</em> (Michael K Williams)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="278" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="michael k williams as omar ltle, the wire season 1" tle="Michael K Williams as Omar Ltle, The Wire season 1" loadg="lazy" width="2554" height="1922" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="279" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lynda Cowell</strong></p><p data-no-id="280" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a scene <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="The Wire" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">The Wire</a></em>, that semal Baltimore crime seri of the 2000s, which always sticks wh me. It featur Omar Ltle, the area's rint Rob Hood, wakg one morng only to fd himself h out of cereal. He jumps up, packs a piece, and heads out to the store, his blue, silky drsg gown flappg the breeze.</p><p data-no-id="281" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">I'd never seen anyone like Omar (Michael K Williams) on televisn before. No-one had. In the pre-<em>Wire</em>world, we were force-fed a diet of flimsy, one-sid ps and robbers who had even fewer dimensns if they were Black. But here was Omar: strong, dangero, funny and pensive, a quirky crimal who was as fortable stickg a gun someone's face as he was rtg his grandma to church. He was also rare as hell TV terms. Beg an out, gay Black man whose sexualy wasn't his fg characteristic was a wele first.</p><p data-no-id="282" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back, nearly 20 years after <em>The Wire</em> first aired, Omar's very existence seems even more bizarre, prec and unique now than was then. To show the very bon of a character who is Black, gay and livg the qutsential thug life whout much ment om his peers, was the kd of brave, brilliant risk you jt don't get anymore.</p><p data-no-id="283" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But perhaps Omar's biggt acla was his effect on attus. Williams remembers real-life gangsters ghg to him about the character. They didn't mentn his sexualy, or his penchant for trench ats, or the old-fashned saygs he dropped to nversatn. They jt talked about Omar, the man, which was, and still is, no small thg. </p><h2 data-no-id="284" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">2 Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay, <em>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</em> (Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="285" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="amber benson as tara, alyson hannigan as willow, buffy the vampire slayer" tle="Amber Benson as Tara, Alyson Hannigan as Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer" loadg="lazy" width="937" height="735" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">20th Century Studs</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="286" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="287" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In 1999, <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Buffy the Vampire Slayer" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a></em> fans watched as Willow Rosenberg fally admted her feelgs for Tara Maclay episo 'New Moon Risg''. Although Willow's sexualy had been hted at prevly, was an aspect of her that hadn't been explored any further. </p><p data-no-id="288" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Durg a time when Sectn 28 was still effect, beg able to see a lbian uple on TV screens felt like a huge moment. One which has given the uple cult-like stat among s fandom, even spe Tara's tragic ath season six. Although they didn't get their happily ever after, Willow and Tara are two inic queer women televisn history.</p><h2 data-no-id="289" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">1 Elektra Abundance-Wtour, <em>Pose</em> (Domique Jackson)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="290" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="domique jackson as elektra abundance wtour, pose season 3" tle="Domique Jackson as Elektra Abundance-Wtour, Pose season 3" loadg="lazy" width="3000" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">FX</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="291" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="292" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">"I look too good not to be seen." Elektra ma this abundantly clear om the moment we first met her at the very start of <em>Pose</em>. And she's right. To look at Elektra is to gaze upon perfectn. The words 'elegant' and 'regal' are pafully aquate when to scribg Ms Abundance. But bety alone is not enough to w the top spot here. </p><p data-no-id="293" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Jt like every ball she attends, Elektra received tens across the board om here at <strong>Digal Spy</strong> too bee there's no-one else que like her on TV right now. But ccially, Elektra herself uld very soon change that. </p><p data-no-id="294" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the standout performer the largt trans st ever assembled on TV, Domique Jackson mak history every time she steals a scene. And 's safe to say that she steals every scene she's .</p><p data-no-id="295" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Along wh her <em>Pose </em>sisters, Domique is an absolute force to be reckoned wh. Across jt three seasons, her now-legendary role has helped she a light on the trans women of lour who have historilly been ignored or mocked by stg agents, Hollywood, and society at large. </p><p data-no-id="296" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">When Elektra says, "You are not on my level," 's te every sense of the word. And hell, even if only half of what we've said here was te, Elektra would still serve the top spot for *that* inic read alone. <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="You know the one" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">You know the one</a>.</p><style data-emotn="css iawkp2">{borr:0;borr-bottom:0.1875rem solid black;marg:1.875rem 0;clear:both;}</style><hr data-no-id="297" class="css-iawkp2 et3p2gv0" /><p data-no-id="298" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>This month, Digal Spy Magaze unts down the 50 greatt LGBTQ+ TV characters sce the Stonewall rts. Read every issue now wh <a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="a 1-month ee trial, only on Apple News+" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">a 1-month ee trial, only on Apple News+</a>.</strong></p><p data-no-id="299" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Interted Digal Spy's weekly newsletter? </strong><a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sign up" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><strong>Sign up</strong></a><strong> to get sent straight to your box – and don't fet to jo our </strong><a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Watch This Facebook Group" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><strong>Watch This Facebook Group</strong></a><strong> for daily TV remendatns and discsns wh other rears.</strong></p></div></div><style data-emotn="css 6b9rfj">{display:block;-webk-flex-basis:lc((100vw - 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gay female characters on tv

Longtime TV cric Dan Avery charts the history of gay, queer, and transgenr reprentatn popular Amerin seri om 1971 to today, om Ellen to Pose.



From Catwoman to Ursula, the female characters movi and TV have gone on to be gay ins thanks to their fashn, humor, and absolute ditn to mp. * gay female characters on tv *

Lnel is the smartt person any room, he’s adorable, and his nflict revolv more around his own datg foibl than any homophobia he may experience. Rpondg to cricism that their Netflix show wasnt gay enough, “GLOW” creators Carly Mensch and Liz Flahive satisfied fans by troducg wrtler Yolanda Season 2. Though Chigo’s redhaired gay heartthrob was wrten out of the send half of the show’s nth season, Ian (Cameron Monaghan) is returng for Season 10 of the Showtime seri.

” Gay and Filipo, Mateo shoulrs some heavy burns, cludg the secret that he is an undocumented immigrant, and Santos rri off wh equal parts panache and sensivy. It’s easy to see why so many gay viewers found themselv drawn to strong, funny female characters, who got to live the liv they wanted to live and not suffer as much for . This is somethg very relatable for LGBTQ people, and whout actual queer characters to root for, women beme the facto stars of the gay muny.

Thanks to their fierce humor, great strength, termatn to own their sexualy, and some s, some credibly obv queer dg, the 10 female characters ronated wh LGBTQ viewers and beme gay ins.


The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall</tle><meta name="tle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta name="scriptn" ntent="Digal Spy ranked the very bt LGBTQ+ characters on TV to celebrate posive queer reprentatn on screen." /><meta name="keywords" ntent /><meta property="og:type" ntent="webse" /><meta name="theme-lor" ntent="#000000" /><lk href="/_assets/sign-tokens/digalspy/static/imag/" rel="in" /><meta property="og:se_name" ntent="Digal Spy" /><meta name="fb:app_id" ntent="131928163488848" property="fb:app_id" /><meta name="article:publisher" ntent=" property="article:publisher" /><meta name="twter:se" ntent="@digalspy" /><meta name="google-se-verifitn" ntent="yOsKGKJADzRlk-FrptJIoYYaNs5pgoJx2J0ie4bWE" /><meta property="og:tle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta property="og:scriptn" ntent="The queer ins serve to be celebrated all year round." /><meta name="robots" ntent="max-image-preview:large,max-snippet:-1,max-vio-preview:30" /><lk rel="apple-touch-in" href="/_assets/sign-tokens/digalspy/static/imag/" /><meta property="og:image" ntent="" /><meta property="og:image:width" ntent="1200" /><meta property="og:image:height" ntent="600" /><meta name="thumbnail" ntent="" /><meta name="" ntent="" /><meta name="" ntent=" /><meta name="twter:image" ntent="" /><meta ntent=" property="og:url" /><meta name="to-publish" ntent="timely" /><meta property="og:type" ntent="article" /><meta name="twter:rd" ntent="summary_large_image" /><meta name="article:opn" property="article:opn" /><meta ntent="US TV" property="article:sectn" /><meta ntent="2022-02-17T11:12:00Z" property="article:modified_time" /><meta ntent="2021-06-21T11:00:00Z" property="article:published_time" /><meta name="sailth.excerpt" ntent="Much has changed sce our queer forebears fought for LGBTQ+ rights the 1969 Stonewall rts. In fact, uld be argued that most of those rights have now been won. Gay marriage is now legal the UK, same-sex upl n adopt children and the Brish ernment plans to" /><meta name="" ntent="tv,TV,tv,US TV" /><meta name="" ntent="2021-06-21 11:00:00" /><meta name="sailth.socialtle" ntent="The 50 greatt LGBTQ+ characters on TV sce Stonewall" /><meta name="ntenttype" ntent="standard-article" /><meta id="m1" name="m1" emProp="cssSelector " ntent=".ntent-hed" /><meta id="m2" name="m2" emProp="cssSelector" ntent=".ntent-k p" /><lk href="/" emSpe emType=" emRef="m1 m2" /><lk rel="preload" as="image" src=" /><lk rel="prefetch" href="" as="image" /><lk rel="preload" as="image" image-src-set=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" image-siz="100vw" /><meta name="next-head-unt" ntent="47" /><meta name="next-font-prennect" /><script id="vice-tect" data-nscript="beforeInteractive">(()=>{nst o="ontouchstart" wdow||!!navigator.maxTouchPots||("__touch"),t=wdow.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 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2021</time></addrs></div></div></div></hear><style data-emotn="css k008qs">{display:-webk-box;display:-webk-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}</style><div class="css-k008qs ewisyje0"><style data-emotn="css 7ce51e">{marg-bottom:0.9375rem;posn:relative;}@media(max-width: 64rem){{max-width:lc(100vw - (1rem * 2));marg-left:1rem;marg-right:1rem;} .e152u5os0{width:100vw;marg-left:lc(-1 * 1rem);}}@media(m-width: 48rem) and (max-width: 61.25rem){{marg-left:to;marg-right:to;} .e152u5os0{width:100vw;marg-left:lc((100vw - (lc(20.625rem * 2 - 1rem) - 2 * 1rem)) / -2);}}@media(m-width: 61.25rem) and (max-width: 90rem){{max-width:lc(20.625rem * 2 - 1rem);marg-left:lc((100vw - lc(20.625rem * 2 - 1rem) - 1rem - 20.625rem) / 2);paddg-left:1rem;paddg-right:1rem;} .e152u5os0{width:100vw;marg-left:lc(lc((100vw - lc(20.625rem * 2 - 1rem) - 1rem - 20.625rem) / -2) - 1rem);}}@media(m-width: 90rem){{marg-left:lc((100vw - lc(20.625rem * 2 - 1rem)) / 2);max-width:lc(20.625rem * 2 - 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em{font-style:alic;font-fay:CharterItalic,Geia,Tim,Serif;}</style><div size="large" class="css-a8zbna e1a0jkxd2">Digal Spy | Dign by <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=">Le Marsh</a></div></div><style data-emotn="css aeyldl">{font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;font-size:1.1875rem;le-height:1.6;} strong{font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;font-weight:bold;} em{font-style:alic;font-fay:Charter,Geia,Tim,Serif;}</style><p data-no-id="1" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Much has changed sce our queer forebears fought for <style data-emotn="css nu68ka">{-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn-thickns:0.0625rem;text-ratn-lor:#83EAD7;text-unrle-offset:0.25rem;lor:#000000;-webk-transn:all 0.3s ease--out;transn:all 0.3s ease--out;}{lor:#000;text-ratn-lor:borr-lk-body-hover;background-lor:#83EAD7;}</style><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="LGBTQ+" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">LGBTQ+</a> rights the 1969 Stonewall rts. In fact, uld be argued that most of those rights have now been won. Gay marriage is now legal the UK, same-sex upl n adopt children and the Brish ernment plans to abolish gay nversn therapy.</p><p data-no-id="2" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But are queer people now treated equally? No. Transphobia is rife the media and vlence agast the LGBTQ+ muny is on the rise. Thgs are not equal, and they might not be for a very long time. But that don't mean all hope is lost.</p><p data-no-id="3" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Reprentatn matters, and although n't change everythg for the better overnight, posive LGBTQ+ role mols still make a difference. And 's not jt about tg bigots. The right kd of reprentatn n make margalised groups feel seen. It n spire people to live their tth. And the right circumstanc, posive LGBTQ+ characters n even save liv.</p><p data-no-id="4" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">We here at <strong>Digal Spy</strong> thk that's somethg worth celebratg, and not only Pri Month. The 50 LGBTQ+ characters we've chosen to rave about here serve to be celebrated all year round for makg lgh, for makg cry, and most importantly of all, for spirg people the real world to make a difference. </p><p data-no-id="5" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">(And if you're upset that one of your favour didn't make the cut, we're sorry, but also, take a moment to celebrate the fact that we even have more than 50 characters to choose om, bee that certaly wasn't the se back 1969).</p><style data-emotn="css yprepy">{font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:900;marg-bottom:0.625rem;marg-top:0.625rem;}@media(max-width: 48rem){{font-size:1.875rem;le-height:1.1;}}@media(max-width: 64rem){{font-size:1.75rem;le-height:1.2;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{font-size:2rem;le-height:1.2;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{font-size:2.25rem;le-height:1.2;}} b, strong{font-fay:her;font-weight:bold;} em, i{font-fay:her;font-style:alic;}</style><h2 data-no-id="6" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">50 Gar, <em>Steven Universe</em> (Estelle)<strong><br /></strong></h2><style data-emotn="css 1736von">{--data-embed-display:flex;-webk-align-ems:center;-webk-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-ems:center;clear:both;display:-webk-box;display:-webk-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;marg-bottom:0.9375rem;marg-left:to;marg-right:to;width:100%;}@media(m-width: 20rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 30rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 40.625rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 73.75rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 75rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}}@media(m-width: 90rem){{width:100%;marg:0 to 0.9375rem;}} a span{right:1rem;} img{width:to;height:85vh;} a{display:-webk-le-box;display:-webk-le-flex;display:-ms-le-flexbox;display:le-flex;posn:var(--posn, relative);} img:not(.ewcw41w1){display:block;width:100%;height:to;-webk-align-self:flex-start;-ms-flex-em-align:flex-start;align-self:flex-start;}</style><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="7" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><style data-emotn="css uwraif">{width:100%;display:-webk-le-box;display:-webk-le-flex;display:-ms-le-flexbox;display:le-flex;-webk-flex-directn:lumn;-ms-flex-directn:lumn;flex-directn:lumn;marg-left:to;marg-right:to;-webk-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webk-jtify-ntent:center;jtify-ntent:center;}</style><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="gar, steven universe" tle="Gar, Steven Universe" loadg="lazy" width="1080" height="940" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><style data-emotn="css swqnqv">@media(m-width: 20rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 30rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 40.625rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 48rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 64rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 73.75rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 75rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}@media(m-width: 90rem){{paddg-left:0rem;}}</style><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><style data-emotn="css 1am3yn9">{paddg-left:0rem;le-height:1;}</style><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><style data-emotn="css ugzt81">{paddg-right:0.3125rem;font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;le-height:1;} a{lor:#000000;-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;}</style><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Cartoon Network</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="8" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="9" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">One of the biggt misnceptns that surrounds queerns is that children are too young to be queer and therefore exposg them to LGBTQ+ experienc is somehow appropriate. </p><p data-no-id="10" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">This kd of bigoted notn is exactly why <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Steven Universe" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Steven Universe</a></em> creator Rebec Sugar cid to feature geoly queer characters like Pearl and Bismuth throughout their rtoon. And that's also why they fought so hard to do the impossible and broadst the first same-sex weddg animated history. </p><p data-no-id="11" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Together, Ruby and Sapphire are stronger than they are apart, and that's why Gar, a fed batn of the two, serv to be celebrated here today. Also, her visor is jt really ol. </p><h2 data-no-id="12" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">49 Judy Hale, <em>Dead to Me</em> (Lda Carlli) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="13" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lda rlli as judy hale, ad to me" tle="Lda Carlli as Judy Hale, Dead to Me" loadg="lazy" width="3728" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Saeed Adyani / Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="14" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="15" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">After Judy's no-good ex Steve end up ad Jen's pool, the next relatnship she veloped was wh a woman named Michelle. It was anic, tenr and heartfelt, and saw Judy get some much-served happs. </p><p data-no-id="16" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But there was no big g-out speech. In fact, Judy never once felt the need to fe herself or her sexualy. This type of sual reprentatn may seem trivial, but was a breath of h air for many of . </p><p data-no-id="17" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sadly, we still live a society that assum heterosexualy as the flt. As a rult, anyone that don't explicly out themselv as otherwise, or who is a straight-passg (for lack of a better phrase) relatnship, is ually assumed to f that perceived 'norm'. But life jt isn't like that – queerns is a betiful and diverse rabow of experienc, label or no label, each one of them as valid as the next. </p><p data-no-id="18" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In among s absurd twists and lgh-out-loud one-lers, <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Dead to Me" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Dead to Me</a></em> highlighted that a person's inty should never be assumed. Moreover, do not need to be jtified, fend or explaed around. It n jt <em>be</em>. </p><p data-no-id="19" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">While g out stori and the varied stggl of LGBTQ+ people are val narrativ that still need to be told, Judy's journey was a simple yet powerful bean of what we n strive towards. </p><h2 data-no-id="20" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">48 Mateo Liwanag, <em>Superstore</em> (Ni Santos)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="21" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ni santos as mateo liwanag, superstore" tle="Ni Santos as Mateo Liwanag, Superstore" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="667" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="22" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="23" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Queer Asian reprentatn is still sorely lackg on our telly screens, but <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Superstore" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Superstore</a> </em>is phg that envelope – particularly through s beloved character Mateo Liwanag. He's a gay Filipo man, and this is explored great pth on the show and through his dividual storyl. But, equally as importantly, Mateo is also afford the same treatment as the rt of his retail store lleagu.</p><p data-no-id="24" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Actor Ni Santos lled <em>Superstore</em>'s st "one of the most diverse" on televisn (via <em>Today</em>), also potg out that "people are wakg up to the possibily of this beg the new normal of jt the world beg reflected the way is and the way should be". </p><h2 data-no-id="25" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">47 Elena Alvarez, <em>One Day at a Time</em> (Isabella Gomez)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="26" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="isabella gomez as elena alvarez, one day at a time" tle="Isabella Gomez as Elena Alvarez, One Day at a Time" loadg="lazy" width="3080" height="2248" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Mike Yarish/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="27" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr</strong></p><p data-no-id="28" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From Ellen g out the '90s to recent seri like <em>Morn Fay </em>explorg the ia of gay parenthood, ss are arguably the most groundbreakg genre when to on-screen pictns of morn LGBTQ+ life.</p><p data-no-id="29" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The first season of <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="One Day at a Time" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">One Day at a Time</a></em>, the now-ncelled reboot of the '70s s phenomenon, may tread faiar ground when to Elena Alvarez' (Isabella Gomez) g out story, but explor the trma of the closet wh an unexpected pth.</p><p data-no-id="30" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the cultural nservatism of olr Lato fay members to straed relatnships wh the homophobic men of the fay, <em>One Day at a Time </em>don't sugar-at s trma, even as handl s exploratns wh a lightns of touch. It mak Elena so much more than the live actn Lisa Simpson clone she otherwise uld have been. </p><h2 data-no-id="31" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">46 Darryl Whefeather, <em>Crazy Ex-Girliend</em> (Pete Gardner)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="32" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="pete gardner as darryl whefeather, crazy ex giriend" tle="Pete Gardner as Darryl Whefeather, Crazy Ex Giriend" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="1283" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">CBS</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="33" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="34" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Darryl's journey om supportg character to bi-in is one of <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Crazy Ex-Girliend" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Crazy Ex-Girliend</em></a>'s crowng achievements. Bisexual people are rarely given the room to exprs and explore their sexualy a way that don't feel tokenistic TV land, so the fact that <em>CxG</em> gave Daryl the space to e out his own episo (spe his relatively low profile up to that pot) is absolutely noteworthy.</p><p data-no-id="35" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The importance of that episo is amplified by the way olr members of the LGBTQ+ muny, and bisexual men, are nearly non-existent on TV – makg Daryl's journey and character arc doubly important. Ultimately, across the show's n, Pete Gardner and the wrers were able to give some much-need reprentatn while also havg a ton of fun wh this adorably dorky character.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="36" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">45 Shane McCutcheon, <em>The L Word</em> (Kathere Moennig)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="37" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="sleeve, style, bangs, necklace, premiere, pocket, feathered hair, srf, fashn sign, layered hair," tle="Sleeve, Style, Bangs, Necklace, Premiere, Pocket, Feathered hair, Srf, Fashn sign, Layered hair, " loadg="lazy" width="2112" height="2992" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">KPA/Zuma</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="38" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="39" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Few people n fet the first time they saw Shane McCutcheon make her but the <em>L Word</em>. Although was her sex appeal that attracted a lot of fans, Shane quickly beme an inic lbian character for more than her flirtat nature and good looks. Unashamedly out and proud, her character gave an -pth portrayal that mastream entertament had prevly lacked, pecially when to the trope of womanisg lbian. </p><p data-no-id="40" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Although she slept wh <em>a lot </em>of women throughout the duratn of the seri<em>, </em>Shane was allowed to grow beyond the nf of 'player' and bee a relatable character; she was shown to be more than her sensualy. For someone such as myself, who approached life a siar way, was rehg to see that Shane's character was given nuance.</p><p data-no-id="41" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Before characters like Shane, lbian reprentatn was limed, often stgglg to break the mould of the stereotype had been forced to bee. By havg a character who was as equally chaotic, scere, loyal, and troubled, allowed viewers to feel seen. We were given a chance to be unrstood as more than the popular misnceptn that all queer women are promiscuo. </p><p data-no-id="42" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Moreover, Shane allowed the show to challenge the notn that sexual ownership and assertivens are tras to be ashamed of. Arguably, that's why Shane's cln <em>L Word: Generatn Q </em>was so well received – we were able to once aga engage wh a relatable character. </p><h2 data-no-id="43" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">44 Callie Torr, <em>Grey's Anatomy</em> (Sara Ramirez) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="44" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="sara ramirez as llie torr, grey's anatomy" tle="Sara Ramirez as Callie Torr, Grey's Anatomy" loadg="lazy" width="2496" height="1918" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Tony Rivetti</span><style data-emotn="css zrl62v">{paddg:0 0.3rem;paddg-right:0.3125rem;font-fay:Montserrat,Helveti,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;le-height:1;} a{lor:#000000;-webk-text-ratn:unrle;text-ratn:unrle;}</style><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="45" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Stefania Sarbba</strong></p><p data-no-id="46" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Grey's Anatomy" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Grey's Anatomy</em></a>'s rint bisexual Dr Callie Torr has put the B of "badass" to LGBTQ+. Played by non-bary bi actor Sara Ramirez, Callie is a brilliant orthopaedic surgeon and an out-and-proud queer Lata. Wh 11 seasons of <em>Grey's</em> unr her belt, Callie is one of TV's longt-nng queer characters – and the first-ever accurate portrayal of my sexualy on screen.</p><p data-no-id="47" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a teen, I jumped on Meredh Grey's bandwagon early on and started watchg the show 2005. I didn't immediately nnect wh Callie when she joed the seri s send season. However, this changed when she went through a nfg, relatable bisexual awakeng season five. I admired this woman who wasn't aaid to love her body and enjoy sex, and seeg her figurg out who she was felt new and excg for me.</p><p data-no-id="48" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a late bisexual bloomer, I had no ia back then that I would relate to Callie so much after my own g out. Jt like Ramirez's character, I'd always seen myself as *mostly* straight. Did I also thk I uld be gay after havg been wh a woman? Y. Was that te? Hell no.</p><p data-no-id="49" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Callie beg so outspoken about her bisexualy and fendg wh iends, fay and lovers anticipated what I'd al wh my mid- and late-20s whenever I'd discs my inty wh both straight and gay people. I was sad to see her leave the show but glad she didn't go out wh a vastatg ath à la <em>Grey's </em>tradn and got her happy endg. </p><h2 data-no-id="50" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">43 Yorkie and Kelly, <em>Black Mirror</em> (Mackenzie Davis and Gugu Mbatha-Raw) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="51" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="gugu mbatharaw as kelly, mackenzie davis as yorkie, black mirror san junipero" tle="Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Kelly, Mackenzie Davis as Yorkie, Black Mirror San Junipero" loadg="lazy" width="2512" height="1821" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="52" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="53" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">'San Junipero' remas one of the greatt <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Black Mirror" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Black Mirror</a></em> episos five years after release thanks to s heartbreakg romance, classic twist and pellg lead performanc om Mackenzie Davis and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as two young women love.</p><p data-no-id="54" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Yorkie and Kelly's love story, and the reveal that is actually happeng at the end of both characters' liv, was a tone for the sci-fi juggernt. It's the first (and last) time openly queer characters were featured on the show and has remaed a classic for fans. Thanks to the technologil twist at s re, the story of Yorkie and Kelly's relatnship feels expansive. We see them meet, fall love, argue, and eventually stay together forever. </p><h2 data-no-id="55" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">42 Oliver Hampton, <em>How to Get Away wh Murr</em> (Conrad Wayne Rimora) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="56" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nrad rimora as oliver hampton, how to get away wh murr" tle="Conrad Rimora as Oliver Hampton, How To Get Away Wh Murr" loadg="lazy" width="2012" height="1895" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="57" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="58" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="How to Get Away wh Murr" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">How to Get Away wh Murr</a></em> might have been a fatly ridiculo show on a lot of onts, but when me to reprentatn was not playg. In fact, s queer legacy is one that's been <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="celebrated by GLAAD" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">celebrated by GLAAD</a>, and Oliver's storyle was a momento part of that. </p><p data-no-id="59" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">His relatnship wh Connor was central, wh the pair fast-beg fan favour, but Oliver's stat as a HIV+ man was particularly groundbreakg, largely bee there is a severe lack of posive pictns of HIV on our screens. After his diagnosis, Oliver went about his life happily and normally – or as normally as got for any of them, what wh all the murrs! His relatnship wh Connor flourished, and they got their happy endg. Other shows (<em>13 Reasons Why</em>, <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="we're lookg at you" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">we're lookg at you</a>) uld learn somethg. </p><h2 data-no-id="60" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">41 Taylor Mason, <em>Billns</em> (Asia Kate Dillon)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="61" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="asia kate dillon as taylor mason, billns" tle="Asia Kate Dillon as Taylor Mason, Billns" loadg="lazy" width="2953" height="2538" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Showtime/JoJo Whiln</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="62" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="63" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Showtime's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Billns" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Billns</a> </em>ma history when st Asia Kate Dillon for s send season, makg them the first non-bary actor to have a starrg role on US TV. Dillon's character Taylor Mason – a smart and amb tern, ready to shake thgs up the male-domated space of fance – was also non-bary, markg a groundbreakg moment for genr non-nformg reprentatn on TV. </p><p data-no-id="64" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Their portrayal highlights the importance of thenticy. "That a non-bary character was gog to be on a show like <em>Billns</em>, on a work like Showtime, and they were gog to be tegral to the plot and their genr inty was jt one of many parts that ma up the character – that really drove me to want to play this part," Dillon <a href=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="explaed to EW" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">explaed to <em>EW</em></a> back 2017. "I feel very proud to reprent somethg on televisn that hasn't been reprented before. I know would have meant a lot to me, as a younger person, pecially." </p><h2 data-no-id="65" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">40 William Hill, <em>This Is Us</em> (Ron Cephas Jon) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="66" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ron cephas jon as william hill, this is " tle="Ron Cephas Jon as William Hill, This is Us" loadg="lazy" width="1000" height="1536" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="67" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="68" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ron Cephas Jon livered a new perspective of not only what means to be a Black and bisexual man, but an <em>elrly</em>, Black and bisexual man as William Hill – father to Randall Pearson (Sterlg K Brown) <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="This Is Us" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">This Is Us</a></em>. </p><p data-no-id="69" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Although William's time on the show was short-lived (let's not talk about that tear-jerkg sendoff), there was never any doubt for his first love Lrel, Randall's mother, his votn to his partner Jsie (Denis O'Hare), and the new-found relatnship he formed wh his son Randall – but most of all, the everlastg imprsn he ma on his granddghter Ts, which helped her to realise her self-intifitn and to e out to her fay the season three fale, as well as remag a champng voice for the LGBTQ+ muny. </p><h2 data-no-id="70" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">39 Jt Suarez, <em>Ugly Betty</em> (Mark Inlito)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="71" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mark lito as jt suarez, ugly betty" tle="Mark Inlito as Jt Suarez, Ugly Betty" loadg="lazy" width="2395" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Andrew Eccl</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="72" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner </strong></p><p data-no-id="73" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the early 2000s, Betty Suarez's nephew Jt was the gay reprentatn that many young people craved and whose g out storyle spired a generatn. He was larger-than-life and self-assured, embracg his love of fashn and mils om a young age and showg others that you n be yourself unapologetilly.</p><p data-no-id="74" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Actor Mark Inlito is said to have opened up about the fan mail he received while on the show, revealg that a lot of kids who felt they didn't f had reached out to him to say how much Jt had helped them. <strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="75" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">38 Ben Mchell, <em>EastEnrs</em> (Charlie Jon, Harry Reid, Max Bown) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="76" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="max bown as ben mchell, llum highway weddg, eastenrs" tle="Max Bown as Ben Mchell, Callum Highway, Eastenrs" loadg="lazy" width="3260" height="2884" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Kieron McCarron/Jack Barn</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="77" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="78" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Ben Mchell" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Ben Mchell</a> has been a mastay on Albert Square on and off for nearly 25 years. Across those three s, the first son of Walford has livered more meme-worthy l than most ("you need slappg down") and has been portrayed by a val of actors. But those aren't the only reasons Phil Mchell's progeny will go down history.</p><p data-no-id="79" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ben's inty as a gay man, om bullied schoolboy to revenge-seekg hardman to fiancé, has always been tied to his plot l and his populary. Durg Ben's adolcence and childhood, he was the perfect foil to Phil's extreme toxic masculy, and their rocky relatnship would go on to provi the ln's share of Ben's character velopment. </p><p data-no-id="80" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Over the subsequent years, their father-son bond has grown a way that, while not beg glamoro, feels reflective of the way LGBTQ+ people are often forced to rebuild their fay dynamics.</p><p data-no-id="81" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In recent years, Ben's populary and storyl have been more closely tied to his romantic relatnships. First there was his teenage love Pl Coker, who was tragilly murred bee of his sexualy as part of a storyle that shed a grim light on vlent homophobia. Nowadays, Ben is most famo for beg one half of social media power uple #Ballum, alongsi the formerly-closeted (and currently-a-police-officer) Callum Highway. </p><p data-no-id="82" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ben's volvement the #Ballum saga also gave the <em>EastEnrs </em>wrers a new angle to explore sexualy and g out – which triumphantly clus Phil Mchell punchg an angry homophobe square the face. </p><h2 data-no-id="83" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">37 Rue Bent, <em>Euphoria</em> (Zendaya) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="84" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="zendaya as e bent, phoria" tle="Zendaya as Rue Bent, Euphoria" loadg="lazy" width="3000" height="2220" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="85" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="86" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Euphoria" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria</em></a>'s Rue Bent don't have a big g-out moment. Those two words don't pass her lips at all across the show's 10 episos. Her sexualy is never announced, jt is, which mak her such an important addn to the roster of gay characters on telly. </p><p data-no-id="87" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">We love when people scream their queerns om the rooftops but equally, we dig when no explanatn is necsary, wh no ristance or fanfare. There's space for every aspect of the queer experience to be reflected on-screen, and Rue is here to show you that there is no one-size-fs-all approach when tellg LGBTQ+ stori. </p><h2 data-no-id="88" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">36 Ryan Hay, <em>Special</em> (Ryan O'Connell) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="89" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ryan o'nnell as ryan hay, special" tle="Ryan O'Connell as Ryan Hay, Special" loadg="lazy" width="2400" height="2099" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">BETH DUBBER/NETFLIX</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="90" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="91" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ryan O'Connell's portrayal as a fictnalised versn of himself <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Netflix's Special" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Netflix's <em>Special</em></a> is unique, not jt bee of the show's foc on a gay man wh cerebral palsy, but bee of the sheer amount of self-pretn that ntas. As "Ryan Hay'', we see O'Connell (who also created and wrote the show) nont a range of hilar problems due to both his sexualy and his disabily. </p><p data-no-id="92" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Across 10 episos, and 15-mute segments, he bickers wh -workers, als wh body-image issu the glamoro world of Los Angel and learns how to manage a particularly chaotic boss. </p><p data-no-id="93" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Among the jok, the show also fds other ways to be both progrsive and heartfelt. The episo where Ryan los his virgy to a sex worker is a particularly tenr moment, dispellg both Ryan's own prejudice and the dience's wh ease. </p><h2 data-no-id="94" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">35 Maxxie Oliver, <em>Sks</em> (Mch Hewer) </h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="95" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mch hewer as maxxie oliver, sks" tle="Mch Hewer as Maxxie Oliver, Sks" loadg="lazy" width="1283" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="96" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="97" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Mch Hewer might not have found the same succs as some of his other <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sks" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Sks</a></em> -stars, and by that, we mean no disrpect to all of the <em>Brannia High</em> loyalists out there. But still, his character Maxxie meant more to an entire generatn of queer men than all the other characters bed.</p><p data-no-id="98" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back, <em>Sks </em>spoke to Brish teenagers ways that few other shows have managed to replite sce. And for a lot of stgglg or closeted queer teens, Maxxie particular spoke to their own personal experienc at a time when posive LGBTQ+ role mols were few and far between.</p><h2 data-no-id="99" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">34 Nia Nal, <em>Supergirl</em> (Nile Ma)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="100" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nile ma as nia nal, supergirl" tle="Nile Ma as Nia Nal, Supergirl" loadg="lazy" width="2200" height="1713" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Warner Brothers / Sergei Bachlak</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="101" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="102" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The Arrowverse has been rponsible for a lot of credible firsts on TV, but perhaps none are more important than Dreamer, the first trans superhero ever picted on screen.</p><p data-no-id="103" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">First troduced <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Supergirl" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Supergirl</em></a>'s fourth season, Nia Nal really is a dream e to life for so many ic book fans who have longed to see themselv reprented the stori they love. It also helps that The CW st Nile Ma, an spirg trans activist who fights for LGBTQ+ rights out of stume too. Dreamer and Nile herself are the hero we need right now.</p><h2 data-no-id="104" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">33 Rosa Diaz, <em>Brooklyn Ne-Ne</em> (Stephanie Beatriz)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="105" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="stephanie beatriz as rosa diaz, brooklyn ne ne" tle="Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn Ne Ne" loadg="lazy" width="2175" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">NBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="106" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="107" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Brooklyn Ne-Ne" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Brooklyn Ne-Ne</a></em> may be known for s slapstick yet heartfelt humour, but also als wh some heavier htg issu. For Rosa Diaz, g out as bi was an important character arc. That was veloped by the actrs who plays Rosa, Stephanie Beatriz, who is herself bisexual, mak all the more meangful. </p><p data-no-id="108" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Rosa brgs a level of realy to the life of bi characters. She isn't portrayed as "slutty" or "greedy", and her relatnships wh men and women are taken as serly as each other. The ght relatnship wh her parents isn't ham-fisted or naive, but rather plex, and full of growth. She mak no bon about who she is, and for that reason she's worth celebratg. </p><h2 data-no-id="109" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">32 Anissa Pierce, <em>Black Lightng</em> (Nafsa Williams)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="110" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nafsa williams as anissa pierce, black lightng" tle="Nafsa Williams as Anissa Pierce, Black Lightng" loadg="lazy" width="1555" height="1333" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Warner Bros.</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="111" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="112" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the first Black lbian superhero on TV, Nafsa Williams' <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Anissa Pierce" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Anissa Pierce</a> ma TV and LGBTQ+ history. Anissa, or Thunr, is unapologetilly her – an activist who stands up agast police btaly and fights for Black liv, a queer woman wh superhuman abili (and she's anythg but aaid to e them), a lovg dghter and sister, and, most of all, a lbian woman who boldly unrstands and is unashamed of her sexualy. A rary morn televisn.</p><h2 data-no-id="113" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">31 Mae, <em>Feel Good</em> (Mae Mart)<br /></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="114" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mae mart, feel good" tle="Mae Mart, Feel Good" loadg="lazy" width="1459" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="115" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Kate Goodacre</strong></p><p data-no-id="116" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Feel Good" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Feel Good</a></em> manag to pack so much to 12 short episos, and s nuanced, raw, full-fledged examatn of queer love and relatnships is sential viewg. Drawg om the same fluenc as Mae Mart's personal stand-up shows, the power of this semi-tobgraphil seri is only heightened by s unrelentg honty. </p><p data-no-id="117" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Mae's abily to pture the joy and tensn of new love, wh all s ups and downs, n't help but make you thk. And their nstctn of addictn, revery and inty ("I'm not jt an addict, I have my very own dazzlg personaly") ptur why tailed, nuanced reprentatn is so val. </p><h2 data-no-id="118" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">30 Xena, <em>Xena: Warrr Prcs</em> (Lucy Lawls)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="119" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lucy lawls as xena, xena warrr prcs" tle="Lucy Lawls as Xena, Xena Warrr Prcs" loadg="lazy" width="3731" height="2811" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">M Tv/Renaissance/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="120" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="121" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Not only was <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Xena" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Xena</a> a warrr of imable strength and passn, and who one fights for jtice, she has been ced by many as a trailblazg femist and lbian in, pavg the way for characters like Buffy and Sydney Bristow of <em>Alias</em>. Though now the ambiguy of her and Gabrielle's relatnship might be termed queerbag, was tly more subtext that eventually was nfirmed as non by Xena herself. </p><p data-no-id="122" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">She told <em>Lbian News </em>that Xena was: "Gay. Defely... [I]t wasn't jt that Xena was bisexual and kda liked her gal pal and they kd of fooled around sometim, was, 'Nope, they're married, man.'" That outspokenns and pri fed Xena, and is what mak her so inic. </p><h2 data-no-id="123" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">29 T Andromedon, <em>Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt</em> (Ts Burgs) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="124" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ts burgs as tandromedon, unbreakable kimmy schmidt" tle="Ts Burgs as T-Andromedon, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" loadg="lazy" width="3025" height="2278" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Eric Liebowz/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="125" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="126" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">T Andromedon might not be the tle character <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt</a></em>, but he's undoubtedly the ma event. His penchant for histrnics is endlsly entertag to behold and he needs ltle to no exce to burst to song – his parody of Beyoncé's 'Lemona' is Grammy-worthy. 'Peeno Noir: An O to Black Penis' is a masterpiece.</p><p data-no-id="127" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">T is a te dividual who bangs the dm for flyg your eak flag all day, every day bee there is no greater power on this earth than beg your thentic self. When doubt, be more T. </p><h2 data-no-id="128" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">28 Bill Potts, <em>Doctor Who</em> (Pearl Mackie) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="129" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="pearl mackie as bill potts, doctor who" tle="Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts, Doctor Who" loadg="lazy" width="1363" height="1130" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="130" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Christian Tob</strong></p><p data-no-id="131" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Doctor Who" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Doctor Who</em></a>'s stellar seri 10 is a smic love story – not between the Doctor and a pann (for once), but between Pearl Mackie's wi-eyed adventurer Bill Potts and Heather, the girl she falls for at St Le's Universy. Sure, over the urse of their relatnship one of them be a Cyberman and the other transmogrifi to sentient oil, but every uple has bumps the road, right?</p><p data-no-id="132" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Bill was the long-nng BBC show's first openly gay regular pann, and someone a large sectn of the show's fanbase uld intify wh. (Mackie herself told <strong>Digal Spy</strong> that the character was "a huge talyst" helpg many viewers e out to their fai.) Ccially, Bill wasn't a shape-shiftg alien or a time-travellg superhuman – she was jt a girl servg chips a nteen before she got swept up the Doctor's orb, like so many viewers have too.</p><p data-no-id="133" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a humany to Mackie's performance that elevat the seri to s warm and clive bt. The scene which Bill brgs a nervo date home only to be terpted by the actual Pope emergg om the TARDIS works bee we're rootg for Bill to fd happs jt as much as we are the Doctor to save the world.</p><p data-no-id="134" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What's more, Bill and Heather get somethg that's prsgly rare for an LGBTQ+ uple sci-fi fantasy shows – a happy endg, as the pair go off to travel the universe wh one another before settlg down and growg old together. </p><h2 data-no-id="135" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">27 Kwame, <em>I May Dtroy You</em> (Paapa Essi)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="136" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="paape si as kwame, i may stroy you" tle="Paape Essi as Kwame, I May Dtroy You" loadg="lazy" width="3668" height="2772" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Natalie Seery</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="137" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="138" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The importance of Kwame's sexual asslt storyle Michaela Coel's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="I May Dtroy You" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">I May Dtroy You</a> </em>nnot be overstated. It's a realy that vast swath of gay men have endured and yet pop culture has largely given a wi berth. Alongsi that, you have those who do not report what has happened to them for fear of judgement, prejudice and ridicule. </p><p data-no-id="139" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sadly for Kwame, his experience wh the thori is How Not to Treat Victims of Rape and Sexual Asslt 101. It monstrat exactly why so many gay men are reluctant to volise what they have suffered, and should be broadst police statns up and down the land to prevent such occurrenc om not only beg a rary, but extct altogether. </p><h2 data-no-id="140" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">26 Theo Putnam, <em>Chillg Adventur of Sabra</em> (Lachlan Watson) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="141" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="lachlan watson as theo putnam, chillg adventur of sabra" tle="Lachlan Watson as Theo Putnam, Chillg Adventur of Sabra" loadg="lazy" width="2324" height="2089" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="142" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Sam Moore</strong></p><p data-no-id="143" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Theo's path to g out as trans is one that's rmed by his past as much as his future. Early on <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Chillg Adventur of Sabra" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Chillg Adventur of Sabra</a></em>, he's able to munite wh Dorothea, a pneer anctor om his fay's history. Dorothea challenged nventn, wore men's cloth and served as a sprgboard for Theo to explore his own inty. </p><p data-no-id="144" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The moment of Theo's actual "g out" among iends is low-key, a simple acknowledgement of a new name, and that's one of the thgs that mak feel so rehg; that g out no longer needs to fe a person's journey or inty but n simply be the next step forward. </p><h2 data-no-id="145" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">25 Eric Effng, <em>Sex Edutn</em> (Ncuti Gatwa) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="146" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="ncuti gatwa as eric effng, sex tn" tle="Ncuti Gatwa as Eric Effng, Sex Edutn" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3488" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="147" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="148" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a moment <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sex Edutn" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Sex Edutn</a></em> when Eric, who is ually the life and soul of every party, dazzlg and effervcent wh a lgh that uld power the Natnal Grid, los himself. He be unregnisable followg a trmatic oral that shak his foundatns to the re. He is pa and we are, too, as the light that once burned <em>so</em> brightly wh him is almost extguished. Almost.</p><p data-no-id="149" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But after a chance enunter and some ser soul-searchg, there is no doubt Eric's md that he will live his life the way <em>he</em> wants to, haters be damned, and he throws on an emerald green gele and some heels and march to prom wh his head held high. </p><p data-no-id="150" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">"Everyone lov you," says Mrs Effng to her son. Never have ter words been spoken. </p><h2 data-no-id="151" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">24 Patrick Murray and Richie Donado Ventura, <em>Lookg</em> (Jonathan Groff and Raúl Castillo Jr.) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="152" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="jonathan groff as patrick murray, rl stillo as richie donado ventura, lookg" tle="Jonathan Groff as Patrick Murray, Rl Castillo as Richie Donado Ventura, Lookg" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3338" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="153" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr </strong></p><p data-no-id="154" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The will-they, won't-they relatnship between Patrick and Richie <em>Lookg</em> was one of the most tratg recent TV history. Patrick, played by Jonathan Groff, didn't e out until llege but his entire life out of the closet has been fed by the lgerg anxieti om when he was si ; a straed relatnship wh nservative parents back Denver, to the strs of nformg to a body type the gay muny would see as ial.</p><p data-no-id="155" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Richie (Raúl Castillo) has an even more ayed relatnship wh his father due to the lgerg homophobia of his eply relig fay jt outsi the cy. Their attempts to bond, such as the Andrew Haigh-directed season one standout 'Lookg for the Future', show the pair n velop chemistry and bond over their experienc – but Patrick's self-sabotage and unnsc bias always get the way.</p><p data-no-id="156" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em>Lookg</em> was a genuely groundbreakg show for how litely explored prevly unr-discsed topics like the subnsc racism of whe gays, brgg those to the foreont of a drama about morn gay relatnships. It's through this lens that Patrick be a more fascatg character. Inially troduced as an dience surrogate who'd rather have the "straight" ial of a healthy relatnship his parents uld approve of, he be all the more tertg when his flaws are unvered.</p><p data-no-id="157" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The reason he and Richie have been jotly selected for this entry isn't bee of how much we rooted for them to get together (and we did – Kev was a bad choice, Patrick!), but bee of how much they exist as unterpots the gay muny, their experienc as outsts so siar and yet a world apart.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="158" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">23 Will Tman, <em>Will and Grace</em> (Eric McCormack)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="159" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="eric mcrmack as will tman, will and grace" tle="Eric McCormack as Will Tman, Will and Grace" loadg="lazy" width="1449" height="1716" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Bill Rezel</span><span class="css-zrl62v e6iqd0">//</span><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">NBC Universal</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="160" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Tom Chapman</strong></p><p data-no-id="161" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In 1998, Max Mutchnick and David Kohan took a gamble wh <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Will & Grace" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Will & Grace</a></em> at a time when the s <em>Ellen</em> had jt been axed by ABC for beg "too gay". <em>Friends</em> was gog strong, while <em>Frasier </em>and <em>Everybody Lov Raymond</em> had ultra-hetero men as their leads. It was a gamble to make one half of the show an out gay man, but whout Will Tman, the show <em>& Grace</em> don't have the same rg to . </p><p data-no-id="162" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Unlike Grace, Karen, and Jack, Will was the stoic figurehead of the group. It would have been easy for the wrers to take him to the OTT realms of Jack McFarland and rerce some negative gay stereotyp. Instead, Will remaed a nstant to the re st and a much-need shoulr for the dzy Grace to cry on. Importantly, Will wasn't fed by his sexualy. </p><p data-no-id="163" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Showg you n be a succsful lawyer who balanc relatnships and the odd nrotic moment, Will was a relatable (if a ltle stuffy) lead that even the non-LGBTQ+ muny uld relate to. </p><p data-no-id="164" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">He was out there livg his bt metropolan life but not aaid to adm he was far om perfect. Add to this, he spired a generatn of alli that would go on to be a Grace to their Wills. </p><p data-no-id="165" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the years sce, Eric McCormack has admted that as a straight man, he don't thk he'd land the part of Will. However, as much more than jt a name a s, we n't image anyone else takg the role of Grace's better half. </p><h2 data-no-id="166" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">22 Rose Babatun, <em>It's a S</em> (Omari Douglas) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="167" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="omari douglas as rose babatun, 's a s" tle="Omari Douglas as Rose Babatun, It's A S" loadg="lazy" width="2847" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="168" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong><br /></p><p data-no-id="169" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">It's rare to see Brish queerns on screen, even rarer to see Black Brish queerns. Rose Babatun (played by <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Omari Douglas" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Omari Douglas</a>) is a very wele exceptn to that. He's part of an emergg trend where Black gay men are fally appearg on TV shows the UK, along wh the lik of Kwame om <em>I My Dtroy You</em> and Eric om <em>Sex Edutn</em>. Flamboyantly drsed and polilly powerful, Rose giv a fiant mol of Black queerns to spire a new generatn. </p><h2 data-no-id="170" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">21 Todd Chavez, <em>BoJack Horseman</em> (Aaron Pl) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="171" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="todd chavez, bojack horseman" tle="Todd Chavez, BoJack Horseman" loadg="lazy" width="3583" height="2160" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="172" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="173" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">After battlg wh his inty for que some time, Todd me out as asexual to his bt iend <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="BoJack Horseman" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">BoJack Horseman</a> an emotnal season four scene. After arrivg at that realisatn and sharg , Todd then ntued to explore what this particular label meant to him the g episos. </p><p data-no-id="174" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">While everyone's experienc are different, 's a part of the LGBTQ+ muny that's rarely given time and nuance on screen, so for to feature such a popular and award-wng seri, particularly through one of s most central characters, shouldn't be overlooked. </p><h2 data-no-id="175" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">20 Blan Rodriguez-Evangelista, <em>Pose</em> (Mj Rodriguez) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="176" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="mj rodriguez as blan rodriguezevangelista, pose" tle="MJ Rodriguez as Blan Rodriguez-Evangelista, Pose" loadg="lazy" width="3454" height="2814" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Mall Polay/FX/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="177" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong><br /></p><p data-no-id="178" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Founr and hoe mother of the Hoe of Evangelista, Blan is a font of love and support. Played by the fantastic <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Mj Rodriguez" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Mj Rodriguez</a>, she fights for those who she lov and protects them doggedly no matter what. </p><p data-no-id="179" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In many ways, she is the embodiment of what means to be muny wh other trans people of lour. It's a rough and plited love, which isn't easy. She's alg wh HIV the height of the HIV/AIDS epimic, while also beg trans and racialised. Yet she still fds the space her heart to form that unique love and solidary.</p><h2 data-no-id="180" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">19 Ana El-Am, <em>The Bold Type</em> (Nikohl Boosheri)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="181" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nikohl boosheri as ana el am, the bold type" tle="Nikohl Boosheri as Ana el Am, The Bold Type" loadg="lazy" width="1583" height="1764" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Universal Televisn</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="182" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Rachel Charlton-Dailey</strong></p><p data-no-id="183" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the moment she appeared on the screen was clear that <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="The Bold Type's Ana El-Am" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>The Bold Type</em>'s Ana El-Am</a> was a strong woman who wasn't ashamed of who she was. She reprents somethg that is rarely seen on screen – a Mlim, queer woman who, spe attempts om the relig muny to stop her work as an activist, still has a ep nnectn to her fah.</p><p data-no-id="184" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As Ana is fully aware, her sexualy uld have lerally got her killed her home untry, but she saw the attempts to silence her and refed to be held down by the patriarchy. The storyle which featured her visa beg nied durg the Tmp admistratn was powerful and heartbreakg, but she stood firm and strong. </p><p data-no-id="185" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As a partner, she stands by Kat's si and guis her through the new world of queerns when she needs a lovg hand to hold. She don't jt empower herself – through her work as a photographer, she rais up other women and giv them a voice a society that tells them to be quiet and don't e trouble. As a femist, she is an in to me and so many others, and to see a queer woman livg her life and tth so wholeheartedly is revolutnary.</p><p data-no-id="186" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In a world that expects her to hi her te self, Ana ref to be kept down and is unapologetilly herself. She ma me a better activist and femist and remd me that I should never have to promise my beliefs for others. </p><h2 data-no-id="187" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">18 Hayley Cropper, <em>Coronatn Street</em> (Julie Hmondhalgh) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="188" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="julie hmondhalgh as hayley cropper, roy cropper ronatn street" tle="Julie Hmondhalgh as Hayley Cropper, Coronatn Street" loadg="lazy" width="1582" height="1109" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">ITV/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="189" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="190" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">When Hayley Cropper first appeared on our TV screens 1998, ltle did dienc know how signifint her character would be. This was the first time Brish soap opera history where a trans character had been clud, and for a lot of viewers, Hayley was their first troductn to the trans muny. </p><p data-no-id="191" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What mak her such an credibly important character beyond her transns, is that she beme a regular and beloved part of <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Coronatn Street" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Coronatn Street</a></em>. Although her character portrayal may be far om perfect, pecially when pared wh trans portrayal today, Hayley Cropper enuraged other programm to improve their clivy.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="192" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">17 Stuart Alan Jon, <em>Queer as Folk</em> (Aidan Gillen)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="193" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="aidan gillen as stuart alan jon, queer as folk" tle="Aidan Gillen as Stuart Alan Jon, Queer as Folk" loadg="lazy" width="1920" height="1080" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="194" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Sam Moore</strong></p><p data-no-id="195" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Stuart Alan Jon me to my life like a force of nature. <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Queer as Folk" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Queer as Folk</a></em> was the first explicly "queer" TV I'd ever seen – I'd watch alone, on a laptop, keepg close like a secret – so seeg someone like Stuart who was so unapologetic, aggrsively, fiantly out, h me like a bolt of lightng. </p><p data-no-id="196" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back on him now, his uhil, illegal behavur is strikg for the way that at once charg at and challeng the stereotyp associated wh the ia of predatory queer men. At uni, a few years after I'd watched <em>Queer as Folk</em>, some people I knew plaed that they didn't like the show, that the men were too stereotypil, but I uldn't see that way. I still haven't seen anyone que like Stuart on TV ever sce I first watched <em>Queer as Folk</em>. </p><p data-no-id="197" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's one image of him that remas vividly my md: at the end of the first episo, he driv 15-year-old Nathan, last night's hook-up, to school. His Jeep is tagged wh the word "QUEER" red spray-pat. At no pot do Stuart try to hi this, or try to hi om what reveals about him; that's what was, and is, so important about Stuart Alan Jon: the fact that, no matter what, he refed to hi, and refed to be silent. </p><h2 data-no-id="198" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">16 Jack McPhee, <em>Dawson's Creek</em> (Kerr Smh)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="199" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="kerr smh as jack mcphee, dawson's creek" tle="Kerr Smh as Jack McPhee, Dawson's Creek" loadg="lazy" width="1567" height="1253" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Sony Pictur</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="200" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ali Griffhs</strong></p><p data-no-id="201" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">More than 20 years after Jack McPhee profsg his love to Ethan Brody first aired, the moment has bee enshred as one of the most important landmarks of LGBTQ+ reprentatn on TV.</p><p data-no-id="202" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The moment, the fale of <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Dawson's Creek" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Dawson's Creek</em></a>'s third season, se Jack clare "I want to show you that I n, and that I'm not aaid to... oh hell... this" before plantg (what would bee known as) the first "passnate" kiss between men on US primetime TV. It's also not too much of a stretch to read that le the ntext of what meant to show two men love at the time.</p><p data-no-id="203" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">More than jt this one moment however, Jack McPhee holds a special place for beg one of the first openly queer characters a teen drama – pavg the way for shows like <em>The OC</em> and <em>Riverdale</em> years later. </p><h2 data-no-id="204" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">15 Anne Lister, <em>Gentleman Jack</em> (Suranne Jon) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="205" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="suranne jon as anne lister, gentleman jack" tle="Suranne Jon as Anne Lister, Gentleman Jack" loadg="lazy" width="2583" height="2503" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">BBC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="206" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="207" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The history books have, on the whole, disregard the LGBTQ+ muny, so the story of Anne Lister probably me as a surprise to many who settled down to watch Sally Wawright's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Gentleman Jack" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Gentleman Jack</a></em>. The perd drama stars Suranne Jon as the fearls, bold and brilliant lbian Anne Lister, a landowner and bswoman who rerd her pas secret diari, aspects of which were wrten . </p><p data-no-id="208" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Wawright picked them up and spun her words to a seri which plac Lister's sexualy ont and centre, wearg as a badge of honour. She is a woman who knows <em>exactly </em>what she wants – bs <em>and </em> pleasure – and she fac down numero hurdl the boardroom and the bedroom pursu of life on her own terms. </p><p data-no-id="209" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The word inic is so often chucked around wh ease, but Anne Lister is tly worthy of such a tle. </p><h2 data-no-id="210" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">14 Nomi Marks, <em>Sense8</em> (Jamie Clayton) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="211" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="jamie clayton as nomi marks, sense8 season 2" tle="Jamie Clayton as Nomi Marks, Sense8 season 2" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3238" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Murray Close/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="212" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie </strong></p><p data-no-id="213" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sure, <em>The Matrix </em>is great, but n we all agree that <em>Sense8</em> is the bt thg that the Wachowskis have ever ma? A lot of that is down to how betifully queer the show is and also how betiful the nnectn is between each sensate. </p><p data-no-id="214" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Pickg one favoure out of this extraordary st isn't easy – they're lerally separable – but if we had to choose someone, our vote go to Nomi Marks, a transgenr lbian who fought to protect the people she lov wh her imprsive hackg skills. <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Jamie Clayton's performance" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Jamie Clayton's performance</a> here is jt as charismatic as is groundbreakg. </p><h2 data-no-id="215" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">13 Enrique 'Rickie' Vasquez, <em>My So-Called </em>Life (Wilson Cz) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="216" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="wilson cz as enrique vasquez, my so lled life" tle="Wilson Cz as Enrique Vasquez, My So Called Life" loadg="lazy" width="2058" height="2692" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Abc Prods/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="217" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="218" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Millennials may know Wilson Cz om <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Star Trek: Disvery" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Star Trek: Disvery</a></em>, but for a whole other generatn, he burst onto our screens wh teen-angst abound as Rickie Vasquez <em>My So-Called Life</em>. The show self was groundbreakg for s thentic portrayal of the ner liv of teens ( also starred Claire Dan and Jared Leto). </p><p data-no-id="219" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Through Rickie, them of homelsns, poverty, and homophobia were handled wh nuance and btal honty. As an out actor, this role ma Cz the first openly gay actor to play an openly gay character a leadg role an Amerin televisn seri. It's worth watchg, and the Rickie-centric Christmas Eve episo will make you openly weep. But what's bt, Rickie fds acceptance and guidance. </p><h2 data-no-id="220" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">12 David Fisher, <em>Six Feet Unr</em> (Michael C Hall) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="221" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="michael c hall as david fisher, six feet unr" tle="Michael C Hall as David Fisher, Six Feet Unr" loadg="lazy" width="2492" height="2048" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="222" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lrence Mozafari</strong><em><br /></em></p><p data-no-id="223" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Six Feet Unr" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Six Feet Unr</a></em> boasts one of the greatt TV show endgs ever, but also centred a gay lead character an terracial relatnship back 2001. The show ankly picted life and ath for a reprsed mortuary-owng fay, while focg on the relatnship between mortician David Fisher (Michael C Hall) and policeman Keh Charl (Mathew St Patrick), which subverted TV stereotyp of gay men. </p><p data-no-id="224" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">David battl to accept his sexualy both personally and wh his fay, but evolv his arc wh a ep and flawed love story wh Keh, battlg fily, tacklg adoptn, and pictg one of US TV's first gay marriag.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="225" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">11 David Rose, <em>Scht's Creek</em> (Dan Levy)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="226" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="daniel levy as david rose, scht's creek" tle="Daniel Levy as David Rose, Scht's Creek" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3306" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">CBC/ITV/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="227" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Gabriella Geisger</strong></p><p data-no-id="228" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Not only is David Rose a style, and anxiety, in, but his journey to fd te love throughout <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Scht's Creek" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Scht's Creek</a></em> is one of joy, excement, and epic lip-synch performanc. The show was rightly herald for s lack of homophobia. Depictg queer love whout stigma and hatred is still somethg lackg mastream media, but through David Rose – and his slacks-wearg partner Patrick – we were treated to a blossomg, betiful love story. </p><p data-no-id="229" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">If you're doubt of the impact that David's character has had on the real world, all you have to do is watch the Netflix documentary <em>Bt Wish, Warmt Regards</em>. In , a group of moms of LGBTQ+ kids wre to <em>Scht's Creek</em> creator Dan Levy, who of urse plays David, to thank him for his work – particular, his explanatn of his sexualy. "I like the we, not the label" has bee a betiful metaphor for fluid sexualy, breakg down the strict bari wh which we've viewed sexualy and genr for so long.</p><p data-no-id="230" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But equally, David is also extremely relatable. He ets and fawns over the smallt tails. He has anxiety and secury that mak him a iled sprg, but a ep well of empathy, too. His character is more than jt a "queer guy", but a wholly round person that fally giv others a mirror to see themselv reprented on TV. <strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="231" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">10 Santana Lopez, <em>Glee</em> (Naya Rivera)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="232" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="naya rivera as santana lopez, glee" tle="Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez, Glee" loadg="lazy" width="3364" height="2388" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Fox</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="233" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Ey Browne</strong></p><p data-no-id="234" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From her vastatg quips to her show-stoppg performanc, <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Naya Rivera's Santana Lopez" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Naya Rivera's Santana Lopez</a> was a breath of h air for lbian reprentatn on televisn. While most of who lived through the <em>Glee</em> Tumblr years of the 2010s now look back and crge, Santana endur as one of the show's brightt stars. While origally st on the show as the bchy Lata cheerleadg sikick to Dianna Agron's Qun Fabray, Rivera's impecble edy timg and unniable sgg voice ma her an stant fan favoure. </p><p data-no-id="235" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Always able to read between the l, queer viewers swiftly picked up on the romantic tensn between Santana and her bt iend Brtany (Heather Morris), makg the "Brtana" ship one of the anchors of the show, wh the uple eventually gettg married the show's sixth season. </p><p data-no-id="236" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Furthermore, Santana's season two arc was, and still is, one of the bt exampl of the g out trope done well; the highlights clu the scene wh her homophobic grandmother, admtg her love for Brtany at the Hurt Locker, and her highly emotnal performance the 'Rumour Has It/Someone Like You' mash-up. What's more, Santana Lopez was always played wh great sensivy and rpect by Naya Rivera, which is why her sudn ath last year was absolutely vastatg to a muny that sought so much fort om her character over the years. </p><p data-no-id="237" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Through <em>Glee, </em>we still have an opportuny to wns Rivera's exceptnal talent and heart, helpg Naya's legacy live on and cementg Santana as one of the muny's most beloved queer TV characters. </p><h2 data-no-id="238" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">9 Lafayette Reynolds, <em>Te Blood</em> (Nelsan Ellis) <strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="239" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="nelsan ellis as lafayette reynolds, te blood" tle="Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds, Te Blood" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="2981" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="240" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Alistair Ryr</strong></p><p data-no-id="241" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Once everybody managed to get over jt how much vampire shaggg there was, viewers quickly agreed that Lafayette Reynolds was the breakout character HBO's <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Te Blood" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Te Blood</a></em>. Nelsan Ellis' performance beme a fan favoure not jt for his skill wh a darkly ic one-ler, but for beg one of the more empowerg gay characters on TV – unashamedly open and ready to fight back at any homophob who pass through the nservative town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. </p><p data-no-id="242" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In the book seri the show was adapted om, Lafayette died at the start of the send stalment, while on the small screen, he was one of only four characters to appear every episo, and servedly so. </p><p data-no-id="243" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">The seri ran out of steam towards the end of s n as the vampire boom of the late 2000s died out, wh Ellis' performance beg the only reason to keep tung every week.<strong> </strong></p><h2 data-no-id="244" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">8 Pray Tell, <em>Pose</em> (Billy Porter)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="245" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="billy porter as pray tell, pose" tle="Billy Porter as Pray Tell, Pose" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3299" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">Michael Parmelee/FX/Kobal/Shutterstock</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="246" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Oluwatayo Awole</strong></p><p data-no-id="247" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Pray Tell, played by the effervcent Billy Porter, is a fashn signer and the master of ceremoni the balls that we see throughout <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Pose" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Pose</a></em>. </p><p data-no-id="248" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">From the first moment that you see him he is drsed up to the n – somethg you see paralleled wh Billy Porter's real-life looks on the red rpet. While Porter's performance mak him an excg and loud figure who knows how to put on a show, there's also a much softer si to him. Behd the glamour and bravado there is a kdns. </p><p data-no-id="249" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Black manhood is so narrowly fed when to televisn. Black men get to be ps and bisers. Even when sympathetic, their olns is almost always rooted machismo and vlence. Pray Tell is somethg pletely different. </p><p data-no-id="250" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">He's femme and fierce, never shrkg himself or forcg his voice to barone. When he is cuttg he don't do through btish physily, he do through sha and reads. In his rejectn of the prenceived notns of what a Black man n or should be, there is a real power which we rarely get to see on screen. </p><p data-no-id="251" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">What I get om Pray Tell is that tim will be tough, but you n always fd the joy and face down the world a fabulo outf. </p><h2 data-no-id="252" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">7 Annalise Keatg, <em>How to Get Away wh Murr</em> (Vla Davis)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="253" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="vla davis as annalise keatg, how to get away wh murr" tle="Vla Davis as Annalise Keatg, How To Get Away Wh Murr" loadg="lazy" width="2406" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">ABC</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="254" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="255" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Annalise Keatg" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Annalise Keatg</a> is one of the most plex female characters ever to grace our screens; she's strong, vulnerable, flawed, spiratnal – and a bisexual Black woman. </p><p data-no-id="256" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As is relatable to many, took Annalise que some time to realise and accept herself, battlg agast ternalised homophobia and the prsur of society's heteronormative expectatns. </p><p data-no-id="257" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Annalise's sexualy was not foced on as a fg part of her character, which has spurred cricism om some over the years. But for those whose queerns is more fluid and whout a label, this was a wele experience to highlight wh the ntext of a show that wily embraced and champned varied LGBTQ+ storyl. </p><h2 data-no-id="258" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">6 Rchie Tozer, <em>It's a S</em> (Olly Alexanr)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="259" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="olly alexanr as rchie tozer, 's a s" tle="Olly Alexanr as Rchie Tozer, It's A S" loadg="lazy" width="2319" height="1888" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">Channel 4</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="260" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lra Jane Turner</strong></p><p data-no-id="261" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Movg away om his remote fay home to the Big Smoke, we watched as <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Rchie" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Rchie</a>, timid and unsure of himself, slowly started to ga nfince and acceptance who he was: a gay man who loved to lgh, sg and have sex. Set agast the '80s AIDS epimic, Rchie was one of the unlucky on – but, turng homophobic notns of promiscuy on their head, he refed to feel shame for livg his life thentilly, nor did he want to be fed by his illns. "That's what people will fet," he said his fal moments. "That was so much fun."</p><p data-no-id="262" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the tle of Rsell T Davi' drama not, queerns often hand--hand wh feelgs of shame. Rchie showed the world that there's not only power and strength to be found self-acceptance, but that – even the midst of stggle – there's joy, celebratn and love to be embraced too. </p><h2 data-no-id="263" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">5 Jul Vghn, <em>Euphoria</em> (Hunter Schafer)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="264" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="hunter schafer as jul vghn, phoria" tle="Hunter Schafer as Jul Vghn, Euphoria" loadg="lazy" width="4000" height="3015" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="265" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Abby Robson</strong></p><p data-no-id="266" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Authentic trans characters are still few and far between on screen, which is what mak <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Euphoria" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria</em></a>'s Jul so val. She is pictg a lived realy that has predomantly been ignored by popular culture favour of cisgenr characters and their stori, even though there is plenty of room for both. To disregard the trans muny so extensively is ak to erasure. It's TV execs and broadsters bellowg, "You're of no tert to anyone. You don't matter," before slammg the door the fac of those who are simply askg to see themselv reflected on telly every now and aga. </p><p data-no-id="267" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Ccially, Hunter Schafer, who plays Jul, is a trans woman, and she also liaised wh a trans nsultant, which imbu her performance wh a legimacy that simply wouldn't have had whout that real-world knowledge and, specially, unrstandg of what tly means to be a trans woman. Caritur should never be tolerated. Speculatn that n so often bubble over to the perpetuatn of harmful trop should always be shown the door.</p><p data-no-id="268" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><em>Euphoria </em>was never any danger of fallg to those traps bee unrstands s rponsibily to accurately pture this experience, om hormone therapy to Jul' <em>Euphoria</em> special episo, which was spired by a poem that Schafer wrote when she was a teenager. The beatg heart of Jul is Schafer herself, which is why the character works so betifully and has ronated wh viewers young and old, some of whom will undoubtedly be grapplg wh their own inti. It sets the benchmark sky high for how the tths should be explored, but given the arth of reprentatn we have seen, we shouldn't accept anythg ls.</p><h2 data-no-id="269" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">4 Sophia Burset, <em>Orange Is the New Black</em> (Laverne Cox)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="270" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="laverne x as sophia burset, orange is the new black" tle="Laverne Cox as Sophia Burset, Orange is the New Black" loadg="lazy" width="2941" height="3000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">JoJo Whiln/Netflix</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="271" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Shyvonne Thomas</strong></p><p data-no-id="272" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Laverne Cox's Sophia Burset livered one of the most grippg storyl TV and transgenr history durg her time on <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Orange Is the New Black" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Orange Is the New Black</a></em>.</p><p data-no-id="273" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In an emotnal backstory, we saw a pre-transng Sophia (played by Cox's tw brother M Lamar) mtg cred rd d to fund her genr transn, which land her jail.</p><p data-no-id="274" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sophia ma the bt of prison life by workg as a hairdrser and beg the light-hearted yet strong-willed agony nt to her fellow mat, often alg wh their dramas om everyday arguments and scraps, to the most timate of qutns, such as how to fd your cloris.</p><p data-no-id="275" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Sophia's time prison was not whout s hardship. As the only transgenr mate Lchfield, she was the target of timidatn, harassment and vlence om other prisoners, as well as beg repeatedly nied hormone therapy by the prison's admistratn and beg thrown to the SHU (Solary Hog Un), "for her own protectn". Sophia spent days, if not weeks, alone a nfed space whout so much as a blanket to keep her warm at night.</p><p data-no-id="276" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Cox's character had arguably the least amount of screen time of all the mat but had the most powerful and impactful storyle, which was stmental highlightg the isolatn, discrimatn and abe that transgenr mat face when sent to prison.</p><h2 data-no-id="277" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">3 Omar Ltle, <em>The Wire</em> (Michael K Williams)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="278" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="michael k williams as omar ltle, the wire season 1" tle="Michael K Williams as Omar Ltle, The Wire season 1" loadg="lazy" width="2554" height="1922" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">HBO</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="279" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Lynda Cowell</strong></p><p data-no-id="280" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">There's a scene <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="The Wire" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">The Wire</a></em>, that semal Baltimore crime seri of the 2000s, which always sticks wh me. It featur Omar Ltle, the area's rint Rob Hood, wakg one morng only to fd himself h out of cereal. He jumps up, packs a piece, and heads out to the store, his blue, silky drsg gown flappg the breeze.</p><p data-no-id="281" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">I'd never seen anyone like Omar (Michael K Williams) on televisn before. No-one had. In the pre-<em>Wire</em>world, we were force-fed a diet of flimsy, one-sid ps and robbers who had even fewer dimensns if they were Black. But here was Omar: strong, dangero, funny and pensive, a quirky crimal who was as fortable stickg a gun someone's face as he was rtg his grandma to church. He was also rare as hell TV terms. Beg an out, gay Black man whose sexualy wasn't his fg characteristic was a wele first.</p><p data-no-id="282" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Lookg back, nearly 20 years after <em>The Wire</em> first aired, Omar's very existence seems even more bizarre, prec and unique now than was then. To show the very bon of a character who is Black, gay and livg the qutsential thug life whout much ment om his peers, was the kd of brave, brilliant risk you jt don't get anymore.</p><p data-no-id="283" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">But perhaps Omar's biggt acla was his effect on attus. Williams remembers real-life gangsters ghg to him about the character. They didn't mentn his sexualy, or his penchant for trench ats, or the old-fashned saygs he dropped to nversatn. They jt talked about Omar, the man, which was, and still is, no small thg. </p><h2 data-no-id="284" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">2 Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay, <em>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</em> (Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="285" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="amber benson as tara, alyson hannigan as willow, buffy the vampire slayer" tle="Amber Benson as Tara, Alyson Hannigan as Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer" loadg="lazy" width="937" height="735" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd1">20th Century Studs</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="286" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Emma Flt</strong></p><p data-no-id="287" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">In 1999, <em><a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Buffy the Vampire Slayer" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">Buffy the Vampire Slayer</a></em> fans watched as Willow Rosenberg fally admted her feelgs for Tara Maclay episo 'New Moon Risg''. Although Willow's sexualy had been hted at prevly, was an aspect of her that hadn't been explored any further. </p><p data-no-id="288" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Durg a time when Sectn 28 was still effect, beg able to see a lbian uple on TV screens felt like a huge moment. One which has given the uple cult-like stat among s fandom, even spe Tara's tragic ath season six. Although they didn't get their happily ever after, Willow and Tara are two inic queer women televisn history.</p><h2 data-no-id="289" class="body-h2 css-yprepy et3p2gv0">1 Elektra Abundance-Wtour, <em>Pose</em> (Domique Jackson)<strong><br /></strong></h2><div size="medium" data-embed="body-image" data-no-id="290" class="align-center size-medium embed css-1736von e1xqj1sx4"><div class="css-uwraif e1xqj1sx3"><img alt="domique jackson as elektra abundance wtour, pose season 3" tle="Domique Jackson as Elektra Abundance-Wtour, Pose season 3" loadg="lazy" width="3000" height="2000" dg="async" data-nimg="1" style="lor: transparent; width: 100%; height: to;" siz="100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 980w, 1120w, 1200w, 1920w" src="" class="css-0 exi4f7p0" /><div class="css-swqnqv e1xqj1sx2"><figptn class="css-1am3yn9 enfs9c50"><span class="css-ugzt81 e6iqd2">FX</span></figptn></div></div></div><p data-no-id="291" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>David Opie</strong></p><p data-no-id="292" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">"I look too good not to be seen." Elektra ma this abundantly clear om the moment we first met her at the very start of <em>Pose</em>. And she's right. To look at Elektra is to gaze upon perfectn. The words 'elegant' and 'regal' are pafully aquate when to scribg Ms Abundance. But bety alone is not enough to w the top spot here. </p><p data-no-id="293" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Jt like every ball she attends, Elektra received tens across the board om here at <strong>Digal Spy</strong> too bee there's no-one else que like her on TV right now. But ccially, Elektra herself uld very soon change that. </p><p data-no-id="294" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">As the standout performer the largt trans st ever assembled on TV, Domique Jackson mak history every time she steals a scene. And 's safe to say that she steals every scene she's .</p><p data-no-id="295" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">Along wh her <em>Pose </em>sisters, Domique is an absolute force to be reckoned wh. Across jt three seasons, her now-legendary role has helped she a light on the trans women of lour who have historilly been ignored or mocked by stg agents, Hollywood, and society at large. </p><p data-no-id="296" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0">When Elektra says, "You are not on my level," 's te every sense of the word. And hell, even if only half of what we've said here was te, Elektra would still serve the top spot for *that* inic read alone. <a href=" target="_blank" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="You know the one" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">You know the one</a>.</p><style data-emotn="css iawkp2">{borr:0;borr-bottom:0.1875rem solid black;marg:1.875rem 0;clear:both;}</style><hr data-no-id="297" class="css-iawkp2 et3p2gv0" /><p data-no-id="298" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>This month, Digal Spy Magaze unts down the 50 greatt LGBTQ+ TV characters sce the Stonewall rts. Read every issue now wh <a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="a 1-month ee trial, only on Apple News+" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0">a 1-month ee trial, only on Apple News+</a>.</strong></p><p data-no-id="299" class="css-aeyldl et3p2gv0"><strong>Interted Digal Spy's weekly newsletter? </strong><a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Sign up" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><strong>Sign up</strong></a><strong> to get sent straight to your box – and don't fet to jo our </strong><a href=" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=" data-vars-ga-outbound-lk=" data-vars-ga-ux-element="Hyperlk" data-vars-ga-ll-to-actn="Watch This Facebook Group" class="body-lk css-nu68ka et3p2gv0"><strong>Watch This Facebook Group</strong></a><strong> for daily TV remendatns and discsns wh other rears.</strong></p></div></div><style data-emotn="css 6b9rfj">{display:block;-webk-flex-basis:lc((100vw - 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