Victor Gay: current ntact rmatn and listg of enomic rearch of this thor provid by RePEc/IDEAS
Rearch tertsEnomic historyEnomics of culturePolil enomyBgraphyVictor Gay is an assistant profsor of enomics at Touloe School of Enomics (TSE) and a Rearch Fellow at the Instute for Advanced Study Touloe (IAST). Stieglz) sce 2020-2021Fund projectsObARDI (PI) ANR-20-CE38-0015 (01-2021/01-2025) blogDeNazDB (Co-PI) ANR-21-FRAL-0005 (01-2022/05-2025)Curriculum vaePhD Enomics, The Universy of Chigo, 2018Workg PapersVictor Gay, Ple Grosjean.
CEPR DPWork ProgrsVictor Gay, Lnel Kztenbm.
How World War One Changed the Way Women Gay, Pla Gobbi, Marc Goñi. Revolutnary Transn: Inherance Change and Fertily Gay, Raphael Franck. Journal ArticlVictor Gay.
DOIVictor Gay, David Le Bris. DOIVictor Gay, Jörn Boehnke.
BlogVictor Gay. AwardVictor Gay, Michael Albert. DOIVictor Gay, Daniel L.