J. Augt Richards told Insir that he wants to bat the notn that all gay characters are the same after publicly g out 2020.
Rhian Blunll and Mia McKenna-Bce speak wh GAY TIMES about playg LGBTQ+ rol and their characters “sexually charged” romance. * vampire academy gay characters *
Rhian Blunll and Mia McKenna-Bce speak wh GAY TIMES about the new seri, playg LGBTQ+ rol and their characters “sexually charged” romance. GAY TIMES speaks wh the actors about what to expect om the upg seri, playg an LGBTQ+ uple, and tease what’s store for the pair over the urse of the season.
Augt Richards reflected on playg a gay role after g out 2020. He told Insir that he wants to bat the ia that all gay characters are the same.
Augt Richards told Insir that he once wnsed a "very fluential stg director" claim gay people are not actg when they play gay characters — and he wants to dispel that notn. Richards publicly me out as gay 2020 durg an Instagram Live chat wh his "Council of Dads" star Sarah Wayne Cal Richards was already out his personal life, he said that he felt the need to be open about his sexualy wh his stmat and the creators of "Council of Dads" before playg a gay dad on the an terview wh Insir about his new show "Vampire Amy, " which premier on Peack Thursday, Richards said that as an openly gay actor, he hop to bat the ia that gay actors nnot brg diversy to their rol.
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"Richards went on to pot out that "Vampire Amy" and his last two rol, "Council of Dads" and "Generatn, " he has played a gay dad wh adopted children. I thk you n explore range and variety as an openly gay actor, so that's somethg that is important to me to talk about.
Vampire Amy stars Rhian Blunll and Mia McKenna-Bce speak wh GAY TIMES about the new seri, playg LGBTQ+ rol and their characters “sexually charged” romance.