12317-19 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 | Zillow

12310 gay rio dr

12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 is a 1,800 sqft, 3 bed, 2 bath home sold 2019. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby.


12310 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 92040

12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 is currently not for sale. The 1,800 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 3 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built 1959 and last sold on 2019-09-10 for $450,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 12310 gay rio dr *

25%Electricy and solarView timated energy sts and solar savgs for this homeInterView Inter plans and provirs available for this homeProvid by Down Payment Rource, Wattbuy, and AllConnectParkgUnvered Spac: 2# of Garage Spac: 2DrivewayHas Parkg# of Parkg Spac: 4InterrHas LndryGas & Electric Dryer Hookup, Individual RoomApplianc: Gas Water Heater, Dishwasher, Garbage DisposalHas AppliancFormal Dg RoomBasement, Ma Floor Bedroom, Fay Room, Master BedroomFay Room, See RemarksHas FireplaceNatural Gas, Forced AirHas HeatgLevels: OneSecury Featur: Wired for Alarm SystemExterrRoof: ComposnFencg: PartialHas FencePat And Porch Featur: CoveredHas PatPool Featur: Heated, In Ground, Private, Heated wh GasHas PoolLot Size Source: Asssor's DataLot Size Dimensns: 143 x 137 x 143 x 133Parcel Number: 3972600700Total # of Stori: 1Has ViewYear Built Source: AsssorLotnOther Subdivisn Name: LakiDirectns: Cross Street: Gay R Way/Amato Drive. Transportatn near 12310 Gay R DrSomewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate wd risk rmatn for this Home sal (last 30 days)Sgle Fay Hom trends 92040Median Sale Price# of Hom SoldMedian Days on MarketMedian Sale Price (Sgle Fay Hom)$800, 000+2.

12310 GAY R DR,LAKI, CA 92040

3 beds, 2 baths, 1800 sq. ft. hoe loted at 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 sold for $450,000 on Sep 10, 2019. MLS# 190028378. Tucked away the gentle rollg hills of the Wter Garn's... * 12310 gay rio dr *

Compare to nearby zip sWhat tak to w an offer near 92040What is 12310 Gay R Dr? 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1, 800 sqft sgle-fay home built 1959. 12310 Gay R Dr was last sold on Sep 10, 2019 for $450, 000.

The current Tlia Estimate for 12310 Gay R Dr is $790, 400. Transportatn near 12319 GAY RIO DrSomewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate wd risk rmatn for this Home sal (last 30 days)Sgle Fay Hom trends 92040Median Sale Price# of Hom SoldMedian Days on MarketMedian Sale Price (Sgle Fay Hom)$800, 000+2. Compare to nearby zip sWhat tak to w an offer near 92040What is 12319 GAY RIO Dr?

12310 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 9204012310 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 92040

View 25 photos for 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040, a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,800 Sq. Ft. sgle fay home built 1959 that was last sold on 09/10/2019. * 12310 gay rio dr *

12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA Details Property Owner: Feher Fay Tst 05-13-02 Addrs: 12310 Gay R Dr Cy: Laki State: California Zip Co: 92040 Acunt ID: SDX-3972600700 Land Use Co: 101 Land Use Dcriptn: RESID. 12310 Gay R Dr is a parcel of land loted Laki, California.

12310 GAY R DRLAKI, CA 92040

* 12310 gay rio dr *

12310 GAY RIO DR ntas 1, 122 square feet of livg area and was built 1960. For more rmatn regardg 12310 Gay R Dr cludg nstctn tails, asssments, prev owners, and sal data please look below.

12319 GAY RIO DR,LAKI, CA 92040

3 beds, 2 baths, 1486 sq. ft. hoe loted at 12319 GAY RIO Dr, Laki, CA 92040 sold for $154,900 on Feb 13, 1998. MLS# 972004971. GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD! PRIVATE BACK YARD WITH LARGE SHADE TREES. ... * 12310 gay rio dr *

Sgle Fay Asssments Year Value 2015 167202 Ownership History Owners Rerd Date Price 0002613 01/05/1988 100000 Nearby Properti Property Owner Value Sorry, uldn't lote any properti near 12310 GAY RIO DR.

12410 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 92040

Property tails for 12310 Gay R Dr, loted Laki, California. This property is owned by Feher Fay Tst 05-13-02. * 12310 gay rio dr *

A sgle-fay rince at 12310 Gay R Drive, Laki, CA. HOUSEHOLDERS AND TENANTS for 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki CA.

Where is 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki CA loted on map? Gay R Dr Fire Incint History.

12317-19 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 92040

12410 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 is currently not for sale. The 1,636 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 3 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built 1977 and last sold on 2006-09-28 for $508,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 12310 gay rio dr *

Gay R Dr Incints registered Feral Emergency Management Agency. 12231 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-4961Multi-Fay Home2 beds2 bathsLot: 0.

12248 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-4948Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 1, 671 sqftBuilt 1977. 12274 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-4948Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 0.

12311 GAY R DR, LAKI, CA 92040

Informatn about property on 12310 Gay R Dr, Laki CA, 92040-5509. Fd out owner ntacts, buildg history, price, neighborhood | Homemetry * 12310 gay rio dr *

12292 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-4960Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 1, 565 sqftBuilt 2000.

12296 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-4960Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 1, 775 sqftBuilt 1979. 12311 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-5508Sgle Fay Rintial2 beds1 bathLot: 0.

12317-19 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 is currently not for sale. The 1,468 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 3 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built 1956 and last sold on 2012-06-13 for $242,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 12310 gay rio dr *

12316 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-5509Sgle Fay Rintial4 beds2 bathsLot: 1, 795 sqftBuilt 1960. 12319 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-5508Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 0. 12326 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-5509Sgle Fay Rintial3 beds2 bathsLot: 1, 288 sqftBuilt 1960.

12347 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040-5535Sgle Fay Rintial4 beds3 baths3, 215 sqftBuilt 1977.


12310 Gay R Dr, Laki, CA 92040 | Zillow .