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There’s a ridiculo myth floatg around that gay men n’t be gged – particularly guys like me who intify as bottom.
Don’t ask me why but there are a lot of gay men our muny who seem to thk that all bottoms are effemate. Footnote 1 He was also named as the send most searched for gay porn star Pornhub’s 2017 “Year Review” annual analytics report (beaten to the top spot by relative new-er William Seed, also a Men exclive)Footnote 2 and was the 2017 recipient of Str8UpGayPorn’s Bt Gay-4-Pay Performer award. Through reflectn, I arrive at the ncln that the time was right for an agg twk performer to be hened-up by a transn to bareback; siar transns of which have bee wispread across the gay porn landspe the years that have ticked over sce the 2015 Johnny Rapid Go Bareback event and our prent day (see Brennan, 2020a)—due to the wispread mastreamg of bareback mercial gay porn, which has been buoyed no small part by advancements HIV preventn technologi.
Johnny Rapid’s bareback but served as the lnch event for Bromo; a se that shared a parent pany (MdGeek) wh Sean Cody and Men, the latter two s that 2018 held the distctn of beg the first and send most equented sourc of gay porn on the web, rpectively (Brennan, 2018). Bromo has sce tablished self as a qualy producer of ‘rougher, ’Footnote 4 though still mastream, gay sex. ” Dennis Wt onted the mpaign wh a vio that teased: “I jt n’t believe the scene I shot wh one of the top gay performers out there.
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My analysis is drawn om 293 ments posted to six blog entri on Str8UpGayPorn, a popular gay porn blog that vered the mpaign.
I observe that while Rapid’s first-time bareback performance is marketed as a up for viewers, the general nsens among Str8UpGayPorn’s rearship is more my readg of the disurse will show, the largt proportn of those mentg on the mpaign exprsed a cidly negative viewpot. But first, let nsir the mentary that emerged on Str8UpGayPorn that cril perd before and durg Bromo’s lnch.
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Str8UpGayPorn was selected partly for s pth verage of this particular mpaign, and partly for the notoriety of s creator, Zach Sire. Footnote 11 In fact, by Lus’ acunt, Sire’s reportg style led to his removalFootnote 12 om another popular gay porn gossip blog, The Sword. Such fixated verage has fostered ndid ment cultur across Str8UpGayPorn that are ripe for analysis, reports of Rapid beg chief among the.
So gog off of the l of gay porn hyperbole, this means that will be Johnny Rapid. ” The trend toward a wispread adoptn of bareback wh mercial gay porn is worth reflectg on, too. Especially as this trend relat to the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback Barebackg CoupAnalysis of viewer receptivens to the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback mpaign offers particular sights to the functn of ‘bareback event marketg, ’ and wh the impact that the movement towards a “state of ndomlsns” (Brennan, 2020a, 131) gay porn has had on dience expectatns around what nstut a newsworthy performance—together wh dience views on the ethics of ndomls promotn self.
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Jt as the 2010s hered the equent prentatns of acts that would have been nsired extreme pornography a earlier—such as anal creampi—on s that are generally nsired “vanilla” gay porn (Kiss Nielsen & Kiss, 2015, 132), Morris has himself been forced to gravate towards more extreme portrayals orr to mata his radil reputatn. ”Footnote 18Morris’ pursu of perpetual notoriety/attentn is remiscent of the symbolic importance of the ‘first time’ hook gay porn.
This hook is employed pecially by gay-for-pay (see Mercer, 2011) s such as Broke Straight Boys and Ba B, together wh virgal twk properti such as Boys First Time (which is among Rapid’s first creds).
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The ‘hook’ the se of Bromo’s lnch (and Morris’ attempts at ntued relevance an era where ndomls gay porn is the norm once more) is to be able to make some claim that what viewers are seeg is new. The novelty of the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback mpaign, therefore, through the prentatn of a sue of scen pictg a prolific, yet still young, gay-for-pay performer beg perated ‘raw, ’ and perhaps ‘seed’ for the first time on screen.
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For example, one ment that lls for “real creampi” and “felchg” (the act of eatg a creampie), “bee regular barebackg has bee so mon gay porn now ’s almost borg. ” (see Florênc, 2018) Also, as John Mercer (2017) not, the “first time” vice is “one of the key disurs of youth that is summoned up gay porn, ” (89) which is an unrstandg of the genre that helps expla the stg of Rapid for this particular re of passage. Consirg first the reactns to the news of Rapid’s bareback performance, the failure of Bromo to stir up tert—and for s tend msage to land wh Str8UpGayPorn rears—is surmised by two them; namely: bareback as self now mundane, and Rapid’s bareback but as dangero.
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In the words of one mentator: “gay porn stars dog bareback is no longer ‘news. ’” (C55) The more plited of the two them that emerged the wake of the announcement is the healthism 2: As DangeroOf urse, bareback sex was once the norm gay pornography—before the HIV/AIDS era—, and was mpaigns of another kd—namely for safer sex—that have created the opportuni for harsh judgement, even censure, here and more broadly.
As one mentator cril of the anti-bareback discsn surmis: “for 99% of ‘anti barebackg’ gay upl, ’s bee they don’t tst each other and themselv. A perhaps more nuanced view is that barebackg as a practice and (as of 2021) a now domant ndn of gay pornography, as nsumed and experienced the 21th century, is a se of creasg negotiatn and tst. Weeks wr that sexual inti are “necsary fictns” (1995, 98) shaped by historil circumstanc: the spread of HIV wh Wtern gay and queer male muni of which is a se pot, and a circumstance om which we vised a “grammar for safer sex.
” (98) Whether we as dividuals and nstuted inti, and the gay porn dtry as producers of reprentatns of sexual practic, nform to or mise this grammar, seems, remas ntted terra. Footnote 21 We turn now to viewer asssment of the scen of Rapid’s barebackg but, such asssments that were thored the ments sectns of Str8UpGayPorn’s of the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback CampaignFour scen were released as part of the Johnny Rapid Go Bareback mpaign—one per week begng on Augt 6, 2015.
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Portrayg popular and healthy lookg mols engagg BB sex is sendg a bad msage, pecially to young gay men, that ’s no big al. It lks the populary of barebackg gay pornography at the time—and mpaigns that promote (such as Johnny Rapid Go Bareback)—wh the glamoro advertisements of big tobac pani of yteryear.
It is a view that regniz the potential of the ter promotg certa sexual practic (see Rosenberger et al., 2011); but also, pots to the “risky bs” of a regrsive trajectory followg a perceived cle the threat of HIV—whereby “agast all good medil advice, ” the porn dtry is puttg profs ahead of muny health by “showg healthy lookg people engagg unhealthy behavr, ” and “sendg a bad msage, pecially to young gay men, ” for many of whom porn, is assumed, plays an important role their inty formatn. Not only do nfirm abundant e of pornography by gay men (also see Duggan & McCreary, 2004), but also, of the 20 participants who took part the study, three quarters of those terviewed attributed gay pornography as their primary means of learng about gay sex durg adolcence (Elr et al., 2015, 951) foregog viewer ment is ak to what Alex Carballo-Diéguez and José Bermeister (2004) found their paratively early ntent analysis of ments for and agast barebackg.