Joseph Louis Gay-Lsac • Bgrafias •

louis joseph gay lussac biografia

Joseph Gay-Lsac, (born Dec. 6, 1778, Sat-Léonard--Noblat, France—died May 9, 1850, Paris), French chemist and physicist.



Joseph-Louis Gay-Lsac (1778-1850) fue un físi y quími ancés nacido en diciembre 1778. Su prcipal aportación a la ciencia fueron dos ley sobre el portamiento los gas. * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

La segunda, que lleva el nombre Ley Gay-Lsac, afirma que la prión un volumen fijo gas proporcnal a su temperatura.


Joseph-Louis Gay-Lsac, French chemist and physicist who pneered vtigatns to the behavur of gas, tablished new techniqu for analysis, and ma notable advanc applied chemistry. Gay-Lsac was the elst son of a provcial lawyer and royal official who lost his posn wh * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

Amás ocupar la cátedra Fïsi en la Universidad la Sorbona y ser también tedráti Quími en el Instuto Poléi París, Gay-Lsac ocupó algunos rgos polítis cierta importancia.

Aunque fueron s ley sobre los gas las que han provodo que Gay-Lsac pasara a la historia, el científi también sarrolló otras vtigacn important. Gay-Lsac prentó en enero 1803, cuando solo ntaba n 23 años, su primer trabajo importante: Invtigacn sobre la dilatación l gas. Un año spués prentar su trabajo sobre los gas, Gay-Lsac realizó experimentos a bordo un globo aerostáti.


Joseph-Louis Gay-Lsac (1778-1850) foi um físi e quími ancês nascido em zembro 1778. Sua prcipal ntribuição para a ciência foram duas leis * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

Las aportacn a la ciencia más important realizadas por Gay-Lsac tuvieron relacnadas n s tuds sobre las racterístis los gas. Amás las ley que llevan su nombre, Gay-Lsac también stacó por s tablecer mejoras aplibl a la dtria quími. La llamada Ley Charl y Gay-Lsac relacna el volumen y la temperatura una ntidad gas ial que se mantiene a una prión nstante.

Aunque fue Jacqu Charl quien scubrió a cualidad los gas en 1787, fue Gay-Lsac quien publicó la ley por primera vez, en 1803. El scubrimiento Gay-Lsac tablece que en cualquier momento e proco la relación entre la temperatura absoluta y la prión mantiene un valor nstante.


Bgrafias - Gay-Lsac * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

La ley Gay-Lsac se apli a los gas ial, mientras que en los real se cumple n bastante precisión si la prión y la temperatura tienen valor bajos. Al igual que ocurrió n las vtigacn sobre el boro, Gay-Lsac y Humphry Davy volvieron a cidir a la hora prentar un hallazgo sobre el cloro. Más alante, en 1813, Gay-Lsac y Davy volverían a realizar un mismo hallazgo trabajando por separado: el scubrimiento l yodo.

La novedad aportada por Gay Lsac en 1809 era relacnar los volúmen los productos y reactivos en una reacción quími n as proporcn los elementos en putos diferent. Joseph-Louis Gay-Lsac, (born December 6, 1778, Sat-Léonard--Noblat, France—died May 9, 1850, Paris), French chemist and physicist who pneered vtigatns to the behavur of gas, tablished new techniqu for analysis, and ma notable advanc applied chemistry.

Gay-Lsac was the elst son of a provcial lawyer and royal official who lost his posn wh the French Revolutn of 1789. Early his schoolg, Gay-Lsac acquired an tert science, and his mathematil abily enabled him to pass the entrance examatn for the newly found Éle Polytechnique, where stunts’ expens were paid by the state. At Arcueil, Berthollet was joed by the ement mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace, who engaged Gay-Lsac experiments on pillary orr to study short-range forc.


Louis Joseph Gay-Lsac Quími y físi ancés Conocido por su ntribución a las ley los gas. Obras: Ley Charl y Gay-Lsac, Ley Gay-Lsac... Padr: " lang=" * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

Charl as “Charl’s law, ” was the first of several regulari the behavur of matter that Gay-Lsac tablished. Gay-Lsac’s approach to the study of matter was nsistently volumetric rather than gravimetric, ntrast to that of his English ntemporary John Dalton. Another example of Gay-Lsac’s fondns for volumetric rats appeared an 1810 vtigatn to the posn of vegetable substanc performed wh his iend Louis-Jacqu Thenard.

In a followg solo flight, Gay-Lsac reached 7, 016 metr (more than 23, 000 feet), thereby settg a rerd for the hight balloon flight that remaed unbroken for a half-century.


Louis Joseph Gay-Lsac   Conocimientos adicnal reendados Cómo realizar un paje rrecto 8 pasos para limpiar una balanza y 5 solucn para * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

In 1805–06, amid the Napoleonic wars, Gay-Lsac embarked upon a European tour wh another Arcueil lleague, the Pssian explorer Alexanr von Humboldt. Gay-Lsac’s rearch together wh the patronage of Berthollet and the Arcueil group helped him to ga membership the prtig First Class of the Natnal Instute (later the Amy of Scienc) at an early stage his reer (1806). Three years prevly Gay-Lsac had been appoted to the junr post of répétr at the Éle Polytechnique where, 1810, he received a profsorship chemistry that clud a substantial salary.

Gay-Lsac’s appotment to the faculty of the Éle Polytechnique 1804 provid him wh laboratory facili the centre of Paris.


Gay Lsac, Joseph Louis, Quími, Físi, Francês, Vida, Quími, Lei, Gas, Pquisas, Bgrafia, Gay Lsac * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

Rivalry between Gay-Lsac and Davy reached a climax over the de experiments Davy rried out durg an extraordary vis to Paris November 1813, at a time when France was at war wh Bra. Gay-Lsac prented a much more plete study of de a long memoir prented to the Natnal Instute on Augt 1, 1814, and subsequently published the Annal chimie.

In 1815 Gay-Lsac experimentally monstrated that pssic acid was simply hydrocyanic acid, a pound of rbon, hydrogen, and nrogen, and he also isolated the pound cyanogen [(CN)2 or C2N2]. Begng 1816, Gay-Lsac served as the jot edor of the Annal chimie et physique, a posn he shared wh his former Arcueil lleague François Arago. Still, Gay-Lsac did not pe cricism om lleagu for turng away om the path of “pure” science and toward the path of fancial ga.


Joseph Louis Gay Lsac was a French chemist and physicist who ma notable advanc applied chemistry. This bgraphy of Joseph Louis Gay Lsac provis tailed rmatn about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timele * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

Prevly a few c trials had been rried out to timate the strength of chlore solutns bleachg, but Gay-Lsac troduced a scientific rigour to chemil quantifitn and vised important modifitns to apparat.

The prcipl of volumetric analysis uld be tablished only through Gay-Lsac’s theoretil and practil geni but, once tablished, the analysis self uld be rried out by a junr assistant wh brief trag. Gay-Lsac published an entire seri of Instctns on subjects rangg om the timatn of potash (1818) to the nstctn of lightng nductors. In 1848 (the year of revolutns) Gay-Lsac rigned om his var appotments Paris, and he retired to a untry hoe the neighbourhood of his youth that was stocked wh his library and a private laboratory.

” In a logy livered after his ath at the Amy of Scienc, his iend, the physicist Arago, summed up Gay-Lsac’s scientific work as that of “an gen physicist and an outstandg chemist. O segundo, chamado Lei Gay Lsac, afirma que a prsão um volume fixo gás é proporcnal à sua temperatura. Além ocupar a ira Físi na Universida Sorbonne e também profsor Quími no Instuto Poléi Paris, Gay-Lsac ocupou algumas posiçõ polítis alguma importância.


Joseph Louis Gay-Lsac fue un quími y físi ancés. Es nocido sobre todo por su scubrimiento la posición elemental l agua * louis joseph gay lussac biografia *

O cientista foi nomeado “par França” pelo rei Luis Felipe I, em tenham sido suas leis gás que fizeram Gay-Lsac entrar na história, o cientista também realizou outras pquisas important.


Da mma forma, proporcnou algumas melhorias signifitivas no mpo da dústria quí Gay-Lsac ve ao mundo na cida anca Sat-Léonard- Noblat, em 6 zembro 1778. O pai do futuro cientista ocupou algumas posiçõ durante o reado Luís XVI, mas foi mido após o triunfo da Revolução Franca, em perr uma certa posição social, a família Gay-Lsac nseguiu oferecer uma boa ção para ss filhos. Os rultados foram entregu ao Instuto da Amia Ciências e nsistiram na ratifição das sbertas feas em 1787 por CharlPróximos trabalhosUm ano pois aprentar s trabalho sobre gas, Gay-Lsac nduziu experimentos a bordo um balão ar quente.

Cursamente, os dois cientistas também sbriram do ao mmo tempo, mas forma fera privada, Gay-Lsac sou-se em 1811 Geneviève Rojot, quem teve c sbertasGay-Lsac ntuou a fazer novas sbertas nos anos segut. Entre suas ntribuiçõ, staram a melhoria na posição da pólvora, ligas para fabrição armas ou 1819 e 1828, Gay-Lsac manteve ativida nstante. Em 1848, em me à revolução iciada naquele ano, o cientista renuncu ao rtante suas posiçõ e retirou-se para o bairro em que ssa aposentadoria, Gay-Lsac não parou trabalhar na ciência.


Bgrafía Louis Joseph Gay-Lsac (Su vida, historia, b rumida) .