Homosexual inti n be scribed as closeted, homosexually self aware, gay/ lbian and non-gay intified. This classifitn privileg the role of self-fn. In g out, gay people tegrate, as bt as they n, dissociated aspects of the self. As gay people mt ci on a daily basis whether to reveal and to whom they will reveal, g out is a procs that never ends.
Democratic printial ndidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a history of repeatedly sharg unfound nspiraci that man-ma chemils the environment uld be makg children gay or transgenr and g the femizatn of boys and masculizatn of girls. * consequences gay *
Has a history of repeatedly sharg unfound nspiraci that man-ma chemils the environment uld be makg children gay or transgenr and g the femizatn of boys and masculizatn of girls. The basels claim that chemils – particularly tap water – uld turn people gay has gaed populary wh nspiracy theorists over the years, most memorably wh nservative rad host Alex Jon, who said chemils the water were “turng the igg’ ogs gay.
The realy is at polar oppos to this riture: homosexual and lbian relatnships are typilly characterized by stabily, promiscuy, and unhealthy and risky sex practic, factors that greatly crease the cince of ser and curable sexually transmted diseas (STDs), cludg hepatis, HPV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS.
Fay Rearch CouncilHomosexual activists attempt to portray their liftyle as normal and healthy, and sist that homosexual relatnships are the equivalent every way to their heterosexual unterparts. The realy is que oppose to this riture which was recently nced by the homosexual newspaper New York Bla News: Reports at a natnal nference about sexually transmted diseas dite that gay men are the hight risk group for several of the most ser diseas.... Scientists believe that the creased number of sexually tranmted diseas (STD) s is the rult of an crease risky sexual practic by a growg number of gay men who believe HIV is no longer a life-threateng illns.
Y. A natnal poll asked lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer or qutng people age 13 to 24. * consequences gay *
Dpe two s of tensive efforts to te homosexuals agast the dangers of acquired immunoficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other stds, the cince of unsafe sexual practic that often rult var diseas is on the rise.
· A study prented July 13, 2000 at the XIII Internatnal aids Conference Durban, South Ai disclosed that a signifint number of homosexual and bisexual men wh hiv "ntue to engage unprotected sex wh people who have no ia they uld be ntractg HIV. "[4] Rearchers om the Universy of California, San Francis found that thirty-six percent of homosexuals engagg unprotected oral, anal, or vagal sex failed to disclose that they were HIV posive to sual sex partners. · A CDC report revealed that, 1997, 45 percent of homosexuals reportg havg had unprotected anal terurse durg the prev six months did not know the HIV serostat of all their sex partners.
Another CDC study of 1, 942 homosexual and bisexual men wh HIV found that 19 percent had at least one episo of unprotected anal sex--the riskit sexual behavr-- 1998 and 1997, a 50 percent crease om the prev two years. Weberg, their classic study of male and female homosexualy, found that 43 percent of whe male homosexuals had sex wh 500 or more partners, wh 28 percent havg 1, 000 or more sex partners. · A survey nducted by the homosexual magaze Genre found that 24 percent of the rponnts said they had had more than a hundred sexual partners their lifetime.
Rearch has shown that the followg are some of the most mon health ncerns faced by gay and bisexual men. * consequences gay *
Even those homosexual relatnships which the partners nsir themselv to be a mted relatnship, the meang of "mted" typilly means somethg radilly different om marriage. Mattison reported that a study of a hundred-fifty-six mal homosexual relatnships lastg om one to thirty-seven years, Only seven upl have a totally exclive sexual relatnship, and the men all have been together for ls than five years. Acrdg to the homosexual newspaper The Washgton Bla: "A San Francis study of Gay and bisexual men revealed that HPV fectn was almost universal among HIV-posive men, and that 60 percent of HIV-negative men rried HPV.
Gay Bowel Syndrome (GBS):[32] The Journal of the Amerin Medil Associatn refers to GBS problems such as proctis, proctolis, and enteris as "sexually transmted gastrottal syndrom.
* consequences gay *
"[33] Many of the bacterial and protozoa pathogens that e gbs are found fec and transmted to the digtive system: Acrdg to the pro-homosexual text Anal Pleasure and Health, "[s]exual activi provi many opportuni for ty amounts of ntamated fec to fd their way to the mouth of a sexual partner... [37] Acrdg to a report The Health Implitns of Homosexualy by the Medil Instute for Sexual Health, some pathogens associated wh enteris and proctolis [see below] "appear only to be sexually transmted among men who have sex wh men. A paper livered at the Fourth Internatnal AIDS Malignancy Conference at the Natnal Instut of Health reported that homosexual men wh HIV have "a 37-fold crease anal ncer, a 4-fold crease Hodgk's disease (ncer of the lymph nos), a 2.
Anal Cancer: Homosexuals are at creased risk for this rare type of ncer, which is potentially fatal if the anal-rectal tumors metastasize to other bodily ans. The homosexual newspaper The Washgton Bla, cg a 1998 study the Journal of Infect Diseas, reported that "the study's data nfirmed prev scientific observatns that most women who have sex wh women also have had sex wh men.
"[59] One reason for this is bee lbians "were signifintly more likely to report past sexual ntact wh a homosexual or bisexual man and sexual ntact wh an IDU (traveno dg er). Cg a 1999 report released by the Instute of Medice, an arm of the Natnal Amy of Scienc, the homosexual newspaper The Washgton Bla not that "var studi on Lbian health suggt that certa ncer risk factors occur wh greater equency this populatn.