Gay Latvia

riga gay pride

Latvian thori have taed 14 people relatg to the attacks on gay mpaigners the Latvian pal Riga on Saturday durg the gay pri ftival.Natnal Police spokwoman Stija Kaja told the Baltic News Service that 13 of the tae face admistrative charg, while a crimal proceedg will be started agast one person who was taed.



Riga is the pal of Latvia, a former soviet untry northeastern Europe. It was recently the host of the 2015 EuroPri, but jt how gay-iendly is Riga? * riga gay pride *

Starpka Latvijā homoseksuālu vīriešu atpazīšanās zīme bija melnā neļķe. Nu j vairākās dienas dzīvojām valstī, kuras gstākā amatpersona arkonservatīvās ZZS partiju apvienības izšķirīgo atbalstu, ir atklātais homoseksuālists!


Intro: Latvia is a ee untry, sce 1991, and now a proud member of the E.U. It boasts a expansive ast on the Baltic Sea as well as unique World Herage turn-of-the-century archecture. It's olr cizens are nservative by nature, rememberg the 60-year Soviet occupatn, while younger cizens reach for the future through tn and unhibed exchange wh the world. Not surprisg however, as other former munist-domated eastern European untri, homophobia ns high fired by Catholic Church nmnatn and neo-Nazi rhetoric and vlence agast LGBT people. Sce the first Pri march 2005 there have been threats, aggrsn and law sus to stop the event. But 2007 wh worldwi attentn foced on the Riga cy ftival there were signs of social soberg wh official permissn and police protectn; the most Pri ftival happened peacefully wh succs. Prented here is a story om Passport magaze that looks at recent history and behd the hysteria to fd a quiet brave gay muny of hospable and welg activists, cizens and bs people. * riga gay pride *

As we kicked off our #mygaypri mpaign this summer to promote Gay Pri ci worldwi, Riga beme an unual top choice. ” This was my first imprsn of the gay-iendls of Riga and wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t great.

Later the same day I was off to meet my tour gui along wh other #mygaypri team members, fellow travel blogger Adam om Travels of Adam and Jamie om Gay Star News, our media partner for the mpaign. That night was time to check out the gay scene startg wh Goln, one of Riga’s two gay bars.


Wh the number of police officers the street almost outnumberg the participants the Latvian pal Riga Saturday hosted s most succsful and peaceful Gay Pri Para so far. Police prence was heavy as relig groups and some Neo-Nazis had announced their ristance to the Baltic Pri Riga ahead of the event. But the unter […] * riga gay pride *

Riga’s other gay bar is XXL.


The new Mayor of the Latvian pal has backed gay rights march the cy later this an terview wh Diena newspaper, Janis Birks said he was ashamed at events last year, when bags of human excrement were thrown at gay month London Pri announced they would be "twng" wh Riga Pri as a sign of solidary. * riga gay pride *

The same owners even operate a small gay hotel if that’s your kd of thg.

I don’t re if you are a gay untry sger or not.

After our quick exposure to this charmg and vg Latvian cy, I n easily see as a great, unforeen statn for gay travelers. It’s not nearly as gay-iendly as s Wtern European neighbors, but ’s makg stris that directn and EuroPri helped to take another step. The gays n seek out their own the gay bars and also feel fortable, while beg somewhat ut, enjoyg all the cy has to offer to all s visors, gays and straights alike.


Gay mpaigners were attacked wh eggs and bags of excrement and left feelg unr siege by protters last weekend as they aimed to quietly celebrate Riga Pri.Authori the Latvian pal had banned the gay para on public orr grounds, but activists cludg Outrage's Peter Tatchell and GayRsia's Nikolai Alexeyev cid to ntue wh smaller activi. * riga gay pride *

Gay Pri had much opposn the years before 2007 when Riga Pri happened peacefully and succsfully as 400+ LGBT cizens and supporters–cludg straight Latvians and foreign activists–parad a rdoned off park for a show of lor, mic and speech.

From 2006, the event was officially known as Riga Pri and Friendship Days, expandg the program beyond a para to clu a church service as well as semars on LGBT rights but was dispted by anti-gay right-wg protters om a radil group lled ‘No Pri’, among others.


This weekend's gay pri march Latvia has been banned amid threats of vlence om extremist municipal thori the pal Riga were told yterday that the event would be ncelled to avoid public disorr after Christians, natnalists and neo-Nazis threatened the para wh vlence and a unter march. * riga gay pride *

It rotat annually among each Baltic state pal operatn wh the Lhuanian Gay League, the Estonian LGBT Associatn and their lol Pri events. Passport Magaze thor Stuart Haggis ntued: I traveled to Riga wh a party of gay journalists om England, Ireland, and Germany as guts of Mozaika.

Oour nam and erary had been leaked to No Pri, so we arrived to see all the tails a salac ont page article Latvia’s right-wg newspaper Rdiena, whose lnaire publisher Igors Masiakovs is cintally the chair of the an-gay ‘No Pri’ group. Some people thk of Latvia as a gay statn.


Based Riga, is the regn’s first gay travel agency.


Gay Latvia .