Experience the Gay History of France the Loire Valley

gay history in france

Explore our gay travel gui to France featurg LGBTQ+ safety tips, gay rights , top ci & attractns, where to stay and more!



A Yorkshire farmer's journal om 1810 reveals surprisgly morn views on beg gay. * gay history in france *

In the mid-20th century the gay Paris moved to Sat Germa s Près the 6th arrondissement, and by the 1960s had shifted to Rue Sat Anne, the 1st and 2nd arrondissement. In 1942, the Vichy regime troduced for the first time different sexual majori for heterosexual and homosexual relatnships (this discrimatory legislatn remaed force until 1982). Gay men, and to a lser extent lbians, were persecuted by the Nazis and were ultimately among the victims of the Nazi regime’s portatn policy.


Marchers filed through the French pal on Sunday to prott agast Print Franis Hollan's plan to legalize gay marriage and adoptn. * gay history in france *

In France, protectn agast discrimatn on the grounds of sexual orientatn was troduced to law 1985 and homophobic sults have been penalized sce 2004.

In 1998, Bertrand Delanoë is one of the first polil figur to have publicly announced his homosexualy 3 years before his electn as mayor of Paris.

Sce 2010, transinty is no longer nsired a mental illns when until 1990, homosexualy was nsired a mental illns by the World Health Organizatn. For more than 40 years, the Marche s Fiertés Para, lbians, gays, bis, trans, tersex, queers, iends have been walkg a ftive but polil atmosphere for Equal Rights, agast discrimatn, to blossom their bodi, souls, genrs, liv, and fai. Terrence Katchadourian had been terviewed a documentary for the TV program “Envoyé Spécial”, where he had nounced the creasg vlence agast the gay muny.


LGBT Rights France: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * gay history in france *

The Amerin gay activist artist had a cravg for spirualy at the end of his life and realized dozens of J life art piec, dispatched across the world as he wanted to be. In summer 2019, Monsignor Amvross, a Greek Orthodox bishop sentenced January for “cg homophobic vlence” has left office after more than four s office. In 2015, he lled homosexuals “dregs of society”, lled to “sp on them” and “blacken (beat)” an addrs wrten to his followers, also published on the Inter.

However, homophobia has creased signifintly sce 2015 (+ 44%), even if did not reach the rerds of 2013 and 2014 (we were then the midst of a bate on same sex marriage legalizatn). Created on April 11, 1994 and Paris based, has veloped terrorial legatns to ensure the relay of s actns to fight agast homophobia and to fight for equal rights. In tail, 25% of lbians and 22% of bisexual women were exposed to some form of aggrsn durg the year pared to 14% of gays and 15% of bisexual men.

A total of 12 untri provi ath penalty for homosexualy, Ai and the Middle East: Afghanistan, Sdi Arabia, Bnei, Uned Arab Emirat, Iran, Mrania, Qatar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen. In 2013, Paris had very bad prs when thoands, maly a small mory nservative Catholics marched, sometim wh vlence, prott of legalized same sex marriage agast LGBT Paris cludg homoparentaly, mostly supported by members of the right and the far right. The prent bishop of Paris, Monseignr Aupet supported om the begng this prott, wh Barbar Cardal, the name of children’s protectn om homoparentaly and the modifitn of fertily (Note that this appli to heterosexual upl as well).


Gay France | LGBTQ+ Travel Gui, France Gay Rights & Safety Tips.