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Seri</em>.”</div><div class="ContentHearByle-kmPyCa emiglw"><div class="ContentHearByleContent-dpPmNn DRFq"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl ContentHearByl-cZqgyJ bHLeKI"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH iMWgyG byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span><a class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BaseLk-eNWuiM ByleLk-gEnFiw iUEiRd bbbwVd fNvcOK eErqIx byle__name-lk button" href="/ntributor/k-ci-williams">K-Ci Williams</a></span></span></p></div><time data-ttid="ContentHearPublishDate" dateTime="2022-05-16T15:35:28-04:00" class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ ContentHearPublishDate-eIBicG iUEiRd ekhvDV dQlcNj">May 16, 2022</time></div></div><div class="SocialInsWrapper-hKMEXV ffgPVr social-ins 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siz="100vw"/><img alt="Kn Porsche leads nim" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></picture></div></div></span><div class="CaptnWrapper-jSZdqE jCUnQr ptn ContentHearLeadAssetCaptn-hPWmSN eWQmYe"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ CaptnCred-ejegDm iUEiRd fEOCQm fNaHcW ptn__cred">Treatment by Liz Coulbourn. Photos urty of Be On Cloud</span></div></div></figure></div></div><asi class="PersistentAsiWrapper-VGrR oEIBz persistent-asi persistent-asi--align-left" style="posn:absolute;top:to;height:to" data-ttid="PersistentAsiWrapper"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jNgrSF sticky-box ContentHearPersistentAsi-fsnAmQ dFzKzm"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="SocialInsWrapper-hKMEXV ffgPVr social-ins social-ins--has-background ContentHearSocialIns-jzJiyg sDfbk social-ins--share"><ul data-ttid="socialInslist" class="SocialInsList-cHVTIA ivmblD social-ins__list"></ul></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></asi></hear></div><div data-attribute-verso-pattern="article-body" class="ArticlePageContentBackGround-cNiFNN kJkLmH article-body__ntent"><div class="ArticlePageChunksContent-etcMtP bwyLBj"><div data-ttid="ArticlePageChunks" class="ArticlePageChunks-fLyCVG eSsnKa"><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p>If <em>KnPorsche The Seri</em> uld be erned by any ncept, would be Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, cyclg through a speratn for safety, love, and eedom. In the <a href=">Thai BL drama</a>, Apo Nattaw Wattanagiphat plays the fun-lovg bartenr-cum-bodyguard Porsche, alongsi Mile Phakphum Romsahong’s iPad-wieldg mafia clan lear Kn. Zoomg om Thailand, their s light up the screen; Apo sports whe pants he pat-splattered himself, while Mile’s shirt buttons settle a divorce. Everyone is driven by hunger, for somethg, for somebody — and <em>KnPorsche</em>, the hunger is satiable.</p><p>Adapted om the novel of the same name, the 14-episo Boys’ Love seri has been one of Thailand’s hotly anticipated projects. “It’s a BL drama wh a mafia theme,” Mile says via translatn om -star Bible, who plays Vegas the seri. “It’s actually the love story between the learship of the [mafia] and his new bodyguard.” Hurtlg right to the actn, the openg act crosscuts between two very different yet high octane circumstanc: Porsche bartendg and hookg up wh a woman, and Kn endurg a mafia shootout. “It’s a chaotic sty that eventually be a betiful ms,” Apo says, cg the show’s ma theme as edy.</p><div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--article-mid-ntent" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--article-mid-ntent nsumer-marketg-un__slot---ntent"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><p>In his 1943 journal paper, <em>A Theory of Human Motivatn</em>, Abraham Maslow says that man liv by bread alone — but only when there is no bread to eat. When the thg you hunger for most is unattaable, higher aspiratns are thrown out the wdow. Maslow go on to ask the qutn: “What happens to man’s sir when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronilly filled?” Kn never needs to worry about where his next meal will e om, but his need for protectn is paramount. Porsche not only sav him, he be the paragon of safety for a man who wants for nothg, bathg mafia lns. By parison, Porsche liv monochrome, strivg to keep his hoe above board. “He’s the ma pillar for his fay,” Apo says. “He fights for his brother, he fights for himself, and mostly he follows his heart, wherever that may take him.”</p><div class="Contaer-bkChBi byNLHx"></div><p>It tak him to the unrbelly of the mafia world, where the tular characters beg to fulfill each other’s needs, as they hunger for love and belongg. “Porsche don’t have parents,” Apo says. “He always flirts wh any kd of girl, and ’s not the ma pot, bee the ma pot is he only needs the moment that he [gets] cuddled by those girls.” That kd of affectn is physlogil and temporarily satiatg, though unable to pletely satisfy. Kn opens up his world. Somethg clicks beyond Kn’s athetic appeal, however abundant is.</p><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad---ntent"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot---ntent" data-no-id="vrwfcu"></div></div><p>“Playg the character of Kn was a very natural thg,” Mile says. “Kn actually has a lot of charm, and one of those charms is he is very clear about [his sexualy]. And he’s very clear about who he is.” Perhaps when Kn feels that his back is guard, his heart don’t have to be. “Kn is very admirable the way he nducts his life.” Apo fds Porsche to be siar: “He jt follows his heart. He jt do what he wants to do,” Apo says. “[The thgs he do wh Kn], he nnot do somethg like that wh other people.” It’s more about the soul, the si of the person, rather than anythg physil, for Porsche. “Internal aspect is the l of needs, of the Maslow theory,” Apo says, makg a triangle wh his hands.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="swwo9p"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p>When they’ve fulfilled their safety needs, love blossoms alongsi a ep-seated hunger for eedom. “On the surface, Porsche might not look like that good of a person, but Kn se through that to his re, that Porsche is actually a good person and that he is not a threat to him,” Mile says. Porsche is sued to be Kn’s bodyguard precisely bee he don’t want to be, and Kn’s mafia rponsibili are tantamount to a lockbox, where ath is the only pe. “When Porsche to his life, ’s almost like his life wh Porsche is the eedom that he’s always wanted,” Mile adds. “Their objective life is the same. They want to have eedom.”</p><figure data-ttid="IameEmbed" class="IameEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZiq iame-embed"><div data-ttid="IameEmbedContaer" class="IameEmbedContaer-hptgUZ klnuGZ"><div class="IameEmbedAspectRatWrapper-hFVJps kaOLzO"><iame class="IameEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IameEmbedContent lazyload" height="113" width="200" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-orig" tle="Embedd Frame" data-src=" allow="toplay *; encrypted-media *; clipboard-wre; toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture"></iame></div></div></figure><p>Everythg on screen <em>KnPorsche</em> is meticulo and crafted by skilled hands, and nothg is gratuo. It is all kds of grty, vlent, and sexy, but for good reason, drivg the narrative forward. “It's not overly plited to unrstand character motivatns, and don't go too dark or too vlent jt for the sake of beg dark and vlent,” Mile not. Apo and Mile’s fac beam wh pri, ’s clear as day — as they should. After facg ncellatn, the project was fally picked up by the team at Be On Cloud. That said, this show is not for the fat-hearted.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-1 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p>It’s not fashned to meet the checkbox creria of moraly, nor do align self wh any ncrete stance of right or wrong. “Viewers will fd that moraly really n’t [easily] be fed,” Mile says. “The world is gray, a sense, and they’re jt human begs who go through life.” The characters often jtify any means to reach an end, cludg excable actns that many viewers will no doubt nmn; one way or another, the <em>KnPorsche</em> rogu’ gallery will surely fill to an abundance. “The dience nowadays have accs to [a lot of rmatn], and so they have the discretn to discern what is right or wrong,” Apo says. “If the viewers watch our show wh empathy, they of urse will [learn] somethg bee the way we prent the characters, is the harsh realy of life, and we as human begs are not black and whe. Everythg is gray.” It’s a mafia seri, after all.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="rai4tk"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p>Vyg for the venereal thrill of all, glimps of sex scen speckle the seri trailer, lnchg right to the thick of , so to speak. But behd the mera is a productn predited on safety, closg the set to any unnecsary personnel when filmg the timate scen. Mile nfs to beg an exceedgly shy person. “Do you believe?” he asks. (Apo chim wh his bt Cher sgg: “Do you believe?”) “In normal everyday life, ’s almost impossible to be naked ont of other people,” Mile says, thankg the productn team, and one special someone: “I pecially want to thank Apo for beg a good partner.” Filmg the particular love scen <em>KnPorsche</em> was a new sandbox to play , but every effort was ma to create “a fortable circumstance,” Apo says. “If I didn’t have a good partner like Mile, I wouldn’t be able to perform well.”</p><figure class="AssetEmbedWrapper-eVDQiB byBkf asset-embed"><div class="AssetEmbedAssetContaer-eJxoAx dBHGoQ asset-embed__asset-ntaer"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kGxnNB rponsive-asset AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset rponsive-image"><noscript><img alt="KnPorsche still of two young men talkg on a bed" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src=" srcSet=" 120w, 240w, 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1600w" siz="100vw"/></noscript></picture></span></div><div class="CaptnWrapper-jSZdqE jCUnQr ptn AssetEmbedCaptn-fNQBPI jqCsaX asset-embed__ptn"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ CaptnCred-ejegDm iUEiRd fEOCQm fNaHcW ptn__cred">Courty of Be On Cloud</span></div></figure><p><em>KnPorsche</em> has been dubbed by some as the <em>Euphoria</em> of the BL world, perhaps bee of a shared propensy for risque ntent, or a siar fan hype om a eply vted dience. Apo hasn’t yet managed to see <em>Euphoria</em> jt yet. “I don’t have much time to watch [] bee I sold my sweat and blood to shoot <em>KnPorsche The Seri</em>,” he lghs, “No sugaratg. It’s real.” Mile, on the other hand, has started the first season after Bible’s remendatn. “I like that ’s bold enough to prent the them,” he says. “It is siar to our show that we are brave enough to brg forth the issu and to tell the story about them.”</p><p><em>KnPorsche</em> suat queerns as the normal aspect of life that we know to be, and that’s by sign. Self-actualizatn may be the apex of an old theoretil pyramid, but the show’s acknowledgement of a growg queer dience is the te tier-topper here. “It prents [their sexualy] as a natural part of life, is jt one factor life,” Mile says. “The nuance really more the nflict that they have to face.” Sexualy the world of <em>KnPorsche</em> is labeled by actn, not words.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="9xmz0o"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK eRggVV grid grid-margs grid-ems-0 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bDFJoo"><div class="GridItem-buujkM kHPPIF grid--em"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa XtZXd body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p>“[LGBTQ+ people] aren’t different om other human begs,” Apo says. “We want to reprent equaly between everybody, we are all the same.” There is uny the ways which we are the same, and bety the ways that we are not. “Differentiatn n create massive change,” Apo adds, referencg Benedict Cumberbatch’s <em>The Imatn Game</em> role of Alan Turg, the scientist rponsible for crackg Germany’s Enigma mache. “He’s gay, and ‘gay’ is not a problem to create the big thgs of our world.”</p><p>This is not a show that labors on character inty. This is not g-of-age, where characters so often discs every expandg tail of their immediate four walls. Here, they simply ⁠— yet fully ⁠— exist. “I feel honored to be able to reprent this seri and want to thank the fans for givg the opportuny to be a part of reprentatn of the LGBTQ+ muny,” says Mile. “If there wasn’t an dience for this, and if there weren’t people who support , then there wouldn’t be <em>KnPorsche The Seri</em>.”</p><p>Maslow wonred what happens to a man’s sir when bread is plentiful and his hunger is satisfied. The answer is woven to Kn and Porsche’s love story. “They basilly fulfill each other’s hearts,” Apo says. “When Kn to Porsche’s life, he fills somethg that’s missg his life, and then Kn do the same for Porsche.” This is a mafia seri, but overflows wh heart.</p><p><em>KnPorsche The Seri</em> is streamg now on <a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">iQiyi</a>.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-2 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p><strong>Let sli to your DMs.</strong> <a href=">Sign up for the <em>Teen Vogue</em> daily email</a>.</p><p><strong>Want more om</strong> <em><strong>Teen Vogue</strong></em><strong>? 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class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ SummaryItemDek-CRfsi iUEiRd eBANPJ iponZO summary-em__k">Csh, iends, lab partners, get ready for some nversatn.</div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi cuRXdL summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>Erika Owen</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="SummaryItemWrapper-iwvBff kTthaO summary-em summary-em--has-le summary-em--ARTICLE summary-em--no-in summary-em--text-align-left summary-em--layout-placement-text-below 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iponZO summary-em__k">For endls feelgs of pleasure and excement. </div><div class="SummaryItemByleWrapper-boCfbi cuRXdL summary-em__byle-date-in"><div class="SummaryItemBaseByle-fFbXkY dhnQGM summary-em__byle"><div class="summary-em__byle__ntent"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH gETtIb byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn cYaBaU byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd hXReUT gnILss byle__preamble">By </span>Amanda Chatel</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ SummaryCollectnGridSummaryItem-WColm eOsELH ad ad--read-more"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--read-more" data-no-id="qo2qk"></div></div><div class="SummaryItemWrapper-iwvBff kTthaO summary-em summary-em--has-le summary-em--ARTICLE 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propaganda gay porsche

ssia gay propaganda



Porsche has joed the stand agast LGBT+ discrimatn by showg off rabow-lored 911 celebratn of gay pri. * propaganda gay porsche *

Jul 30, 2020 at 7:55pm ET Porsche jos this month's gay pri cultural ftival Germany, known as the Christopher Street Day. In Celebratn Of Gay Pri: Apart om the six lorful Porsche 911s, the tomaker's flagpole bears a rabow flag durg the weekend of the ftival.

Porsche jos this month's gay pri cultural ftival Germany, known as the Christopher Street Day. In celebratn of Gay Pri: Apart om the six lourful Porsche 911s, the tomaker's flagpole bears a rabow flag durg the weekend of the ftival. Porsche has thrown s support behd gay pri Germany, showsg a le-up of rabow-lored 911 mols prr to the natn’s Christopher Street Day pri ftival.

“He’s gay, and ‘gay’ is not a problem to create the big thgs of our world. Sexual Inty, Stigma, and Deprsn: the Role of the "Anti-gay Propaganda Law" Mental Health among Men Who Have Sex wh Men Mosw, Rsia. We vtigated the teractive effect of stigma and participatn the study after the passage of multiple "anti-gay propaganda laws" Rsian provc, municipali, and neighborg Ukrae on prsn among MSM.


Porsche has joed the stand agast LGBT+ discrimatn by showg off rabow-loured 911 celebratn of gay pri. * propaganda gay porsche *

Fifty-five percent intified as homosexual (n = 741) and 42.

Bisexual inty had a protective associatn agast probable prsn (reference: homosexual inty AOR 0. 67-fold after the passage of the anti-gay laws AOR 1.


* propaganda gay porsche *

Deprsive symptoms are mon among MSM Rsia and exacerbated by stigma and laws that ny homosexual inti.

Repeal of Rsia's feral anti-gay propaganda law is urgent but other social terventns may addrs prsn and stigma the current ntext.

Bisexualy; Crimal law; Deprsn; Homosexualy; Men who have sex wh men; Rsian Feratn; Stigma.


Trma symptoms, ternalized stigma, social support, and sexual risk behavr among HIV-posive gay and bisexual MSM who have sought sex partners onle. Risks for HIV fectn among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex wh men Mosw and St. Experienced Homophobia and HIV Infectn Risk Among U.

Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex wh Men: A Meta-Analysis. HIV among gay and other men who have sex wh men Lat Ameri and the Caribbean: a hidn epimic?


Mental Health Dispari Among Homosexual Men and Mori: A Systematic Review.

Over the last year and a half, many LGBTQ youth have not been school, unable to attend -person meetgs of Gay-Straight Allianc, Genr-Sexualy Allianc or on-mp lleg LGBTQ anizatns. You are also agreeg to our Terms of Service and Privacy Jobs, iPhon and Gay Propaganda RsiaI send this warng to Rsia's hard-lers: don't ms wh Apple. Rsian police officers ta a gay rights activist wh his flag durg an attempt to hold a gay pri para Mosw May.

Asi om the sentencg of the punk rock band Psy Rt, there was another tertg lg out of Mosw today: A urt upheld the cy's 100-year ban on gay pri events.


Acrdg to the BBC, Nikolay Alexeye, Rsia's most proment gay rights activist, challenged the cy uncil's cisn to ban any events that uld be nsired "gay paras" om March 2012 until May 2112. The BBC adds: "On Friday he said he would go back to the European Court Strasbourg to ph for a regnn that Mosw's ban on gay pri march — past, prent and future — was unjt.

"The Mosw cy ernment argu that the gay para would risk g public disorr and that most Mv do not support such an event. RT reports that the Rsian ernment has been nng a mpaign agast "homosexual propaganda.


" It adds: "A law agast promotn of homosexualy and pedophilia was approved and enacted St. Petersburg were recently sentenced unr the law for displayg a poster readg 'Beg gay is normal' on a street near a krgarten.

Rsia's parliament has unanimoly passed a feral law banng gay "propaganda" amid a Kreml ph to enshre eply nservative valu that crics say has already led to a sharp crease anti-gay law passed 436-0 on Tuday, wh jt one puty abstag om votg on the bill, which bans the spreadg of "propaganda of non-tradnal sexual relatns" among law effect mak illegal to equate straight and gay relatnships, as well as the distributn of material on gay rights. Mut after passg the anti-gay legislatn, the Duma also approved a new law allowg jail sentenc of up to three years for "offendg relig feelgs", an iative lnched the wake of the trial agast the anti-Kreml punk band Psy two laws were wily cricised by Rsia's margalised liberal and human rights muni and e amid a wir crackdown agast pennt civil activy the untry. Put, who often mak a show of his fah, has creasgly lled upon the church to fill his own iologil vacuum followg a ntted printial electn last year, acpanied by unprecented protts agast se agast Psy Rt – which three members were found guilty of "hooliganism motivated by relig hatred" after performg an anti-Put anthem si a Mosw church – was wily seen as the lnch of an ultra-nservative 's anti-gay law, whose text was softened to remove explic referrals to "homosexual propaganda", troduc f of up to 100, 000 roubl (£1, 975) for dividuals who have ed the media or ter to promote "non-tradnal relatns".

Internatnal gay rights activists, cludg Brish mpaigner Peter Tatchell and US activist Dan Choi, have regularly travelled to Rsia to support the untry's stgglg gay rights movement.


Mosw Court Upholds 100-Year Ban On Gay Pri Events : The Two-Way : NPR .