Gloria Gaynor - I Kda Like Me (1999)

i kinda like me gloria gaynor

Listen to I Kda Like Me, track by Gloria Gaynor for ee. Clip, Lyrics and Informatn about Gloria Gaynor. Playlists based on I Kda Like Me.



Read about I Kda Like Me om Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive: The Anthology and see the artwork, lyrics and siar artists. * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

Gloria Gaynor.


I Kda Like Me, an Album by Gloria Gaynor. Released 15 June 1981 on Polydor (talog no. PD-1-6324; Vyl LP). Genr: Dis. Featured peformers: Gloria Gaynor (vols), Roland Chambers (guar), Dennis Harris (guar), Eddie Sierra (guar), Jerry Cohen (keyboards, synthizer, arranger, producer), Sam Peake (saxophone, horn arrangements), Jimmy Williams (bass), Keh Benson (dms), Daryl Burgee (ngas), Carla Benson (backg vols), Evette Benton (backg vols), Barbara Ingram (backg vols), Don Renaldo (strg arrangements), Larry Gold (arranger), Gene McFadn (producer), John Whehead (producer). * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

What is the most popular song on I Kda Like Me by Gloria Gaynor?

When did Gloria Gaynor release I Kda Like Me? Eddie Sierra & Gloria Gaynor.

More Gloria Gaynor albums. Show all albums by Gloria Gaynor.


I Kda Like Me is the nth album by Gloria Gaynor. It failed to make an impact bee of the then current, now funct Dis backlash. Inclus the sgle, "Let's Mend What's Been Broken." "I Love You Cse" was dited to her then hband and manager, Lwood M. Simon. This album was reissued on CD Japan by Polydor . * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

Twter (@gloriagaynor).

Facebook (GloriaGaynor).

Disver I Kda Like Me by Gloria Gaynor released 1981. Fd album reviews, track lists, creds, awards and more at AllMic. * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

Gloria Fowl (born September 7, 1943), better known as Gloria Gaynor, is an Amerin sger-songwrer born Newark, New Jersey, USA. ArtistGloria Gaynor. Gloria Gaynor vols, wrerA1, A2, B1-B3.

Read about I Kda Like Me om Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive: The Anthology and see the artwork, lyrics and siar artists. * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

Gloria Gaynor and I'm hontly pretty tired of "I Will Survive" and this album holds up agast that song very well. Summarize this article for a 10 years oldSHOW ALL QUESTIONSI Kda Like Me is the nth album by Gloria Gaynor.

Listen ee to Gloria Gaynor – I Kda Like Me (I Kda Like Me, Fgers In The Fire and more). 9 tracks (). Disver more mic, ncerts, vios, and pictur wh the largt talogue onle at * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

Today’s Pop Rcue om a fate uncerta, is the 1981 nth album I Kda Like Me by Amerin sger/songwrer and dis legend Gloria Gaynor. Gloria Gaynor – I Kda Like Me (1981) album. Playlist I Kda Like Me - Gloria Gaynor.

Lyrics of I Kda Like Me - Gloria Gaynor. I Kda Like Me is the nth album by Gloria Gaynor.

"I Kda Like Me"Gloria Gaynor, Eddie Sierra6:122.

Will this Gloria Gaynor album be Likeable, or will be Kda Like garbage? Read on... * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

"Fgers the Fire"Gloria Gaynor, Eddie Sierra3:203. "I Can Stand the Pa"Gloria Gaynor, Eddie Sierra4:266.

I Kda Like Me, an Album by Gloria Gaynor. Released 15 June 1981 on Polydor (talog no. PD-1-6324; Vyl LP). Genr: Dis. Featured peformers: Gloria Gaynor (vols), Roland Chambers (guar), Dennis Harris (guar), Eddie Sierra (guar), Jerry Cohen (keyboards, synthizer, arranger, producer), Sam Peake (saxophone, horn arrangements), Jimmy Williams (bass), Keh Benson (dms), Daryl Burgee (ngas), Carla Benson (backg vols), Evette Benton (backg vols), Barbara Ingram (backg vols), Don Renaldo (strg arrangements), Larry Gold (arranger), Gene McFadn (producer), John Whehead (producer). * i kinda like me gloria gaynor *

"I Love You Cse"Gloria Gaynor, Eddie Sierra5:027. "When You Get Around to It"Gloria Gaynor, Pam Tillis, Dana Thomas3:588.

Gloria Gaynor - lead vols.

* i kinda like me gloria gaynor *


Review: “I Kda Like Me” by Gloria Gaynor (Vyl, 1981) – Pop Rcue .