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type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-lk"></span></button><div class="styl_pyTooltip__Ut_t1"><span class="in in-alt-check"></span></div></li><li data-ttid="social-share-sms" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_sms__Vohh6"><a href="sms:?&body=New York Cy LGBTQ bar set ablaze arson attack via nbews - target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-sms"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-prt" class="styl_prt__cw6Gn"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-share-prt styl_in__P3XZT"></span><span class="styl_text___8iNX">Prt</span></button></li><li data-ttid="social-share-save" class="styl_save__ILVuj"></li></ul></div><div class="article-body__date-source"><time class="relative z-1" dateTime="2022-04-06T20:42:09.844Z" ntent="2022-04-06T20:42:09.844Z">April 6, 2022, 8:42 PM UTC</time></div><div class="article-le-byle" data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name">Tat Bellamy-Walker</span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class="">A bar servg LGBTQ New Yorkers has closed after an arson attack over the weekend, the New York Cy Police Department nfirmed Wednday. </p><p class="">At approximately 9 p.m. on Sunday, a man walked to the Rash Bar Brooklyn’s Bhwick neighborhood wh a bottle of flammable liquid, poured on the bar’s floor, l a match and set the venue ablaze, acrdg to the NYPD. Police said the spect fled as the bar beme engulfed flam.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><div id="taboolaReadMoreBelow"></div><p class="">Jake Sillen, one of the bar’s owners, told NBC News on Wednday that they are still shock. </p><p class="">“It’s so hard to believe and procs,” said Sillen, 26, who is nonbary and they/them pronouns. “It’s more nfg than anythg.” </p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_small__5hUB_ styl_portra__NRWbO"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1240px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source media="(m-width: 758px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="The Rash Bar Brooklyn’s Bhwick neighborhood." height="1080" width="718"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer">The Rash Bar Brooklyn’s Bhwick neighborhood.</span><span class="ptn__source">Rash Bar / via NBC New York</span></figptn></figure><p class="">Three people — a bartenr, DJ and secury guard — were si when the venue was set on fire. A 25-year-old female was transported to nearby Wyckoff Heights Medil Center wh mor burns, while another victim was evaluated on the scene for mor burns to the shoulrs, the NYPD said. </p><p class="">Claire Bender, a -owner of Rash, had jt stepped outsi when the fire broke out. </p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">“Everyone shed out,” <a href=">Bender told NBC New York</a>. “The si door has a glass ont, and I looked over and saw flam to the top of ceilg. It was crazy, happened so fast.”</p><p class="">The bar was left unregnizable and torched, NBC New York reported.</p><p class="">Bender, who they/them pronouns, said the spect boldly left behd evince. </p><p class="">“He left the gas nister si. Kd of lmly placed on the bar unter. Wasn’t knocked over or anythg,” they told NBC New York. </p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">Police are reviewg surveillance footage that shows someone fillg up a gas n mut before the fire.</p><h2 class=""><strong>'Easy target'</strong></h2><p class="">Police are still vtigatg a motive for the cint, and no arrts have been ma. The bar’s owner cled to ment on the spect’s tentns but noted that servg a large LGBTQ clientele mak the space vulnerable. </p><p class="">“I don’t want to jump to any nclns, bee we don’t know anythg about the person that did this,” Sillen said. “It uld easily turn out to be a motive that we aren’t expectg.” </p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">“It’s easy to see why our space would be an easy target for someone lookg to do harm to the queer muny,” they said, addg that Rash Bar, “people feel safe to be themselv, and ’s a shame that anybody would do anythg to threaten this.” </p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">Sce the bar opened nearly five months ago, has bee a staple LGBTQ nightlife and a refuge for queer young adults and performers. It is also known for beg packed late to the night, acrdg to NBC New York.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">This is not the only reported cint<strong> </strong>targetg bars or near the Bhwick neighborhood that are popular wh the cy’s LGBTQ muny: In Febary, someone threw a<a href="> pepper-bomb spray on the dance floor</a> at a party for the Black queer muny at Nowadays, and last summer there was a wave of attacks at <a href=">Happyfun Hiaway.</a> </p><p class="">“We, fely the last year, have seen a rise anti-LGBT vlence,” Sillen said, notg that more people are takg rs to and om parti. “The streets haven’t been as safe as they were three or four years ago.”</p><p class="">As of Wednday afternoon, the bar owners <a href=">had raised $52,000 of their $200,000 goal on GoFundMe</a> to help renstct the damaged buildg and re for the jured employe. Sillen said they are thankful for the outpourg of support. </p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">“What we’re dog is important, and no matter what, we will be reopeng,” Sillen said. “We’ve never once thought about that not beg a possibily.” </p><p class="">Sillen, who is still on edge after the fire, said they have a msage for the arsonist. </p><p class="">“Turn yourself ,” Sillen said. “You’ve harmed so many people. Not jt physilly, but the wav that this is gog to create — between the loss of e, wag and jt the space for as long as ’s gog to be gone. … It’s a lot of loss.”<strong> </strong></p><p class="endmark"><strong><em>Follow </em></strong><a href="><strong><em>NBC Out</em></strong></a><strong><em> on </em></strong><a href="><strong><em>Twter</em></strong></a><strong><em>, </em></strong><a href="><strong><em>Facebook</em></strong></a><strong><em> & </em></strong><a href="><strong><em>Instagram</em></strong></a></p><div class="expand-byle-ntributors articleByleContaer"><div class="expand-byle article-expand-byle" data-activy-map="expand-byle-article-bottom"><div class="byle-thumbnail byle-thumbnail--has-image expand-byle__thumbnail"><picture><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="" height="48" width="48"/></picture></div><span class="byle-name expand-byle__name">Tat Bellamy-Walker</span><span class="byle-social expand-byle__social"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-twter"></span></a></span><div class="expand-byle__b-wrapper"><p class="byle-b expand-byle__b">Tat Bellamy-Walker is the sk assistant for NBC News' diversy vertils. </p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body--right-rail-ntaer"><div class="article-body__right-rail layout-grid-em grid-l-4_5-l grid-l-3_5-xl grid-l-ph-half-xl"><div class="ad article-body__right-rail--ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxrail" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[300,250],[360,360]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="10" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="body-bottom-remend"><div class="ad ad--midrponsive ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="midrponsive" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[700,1],[5,5]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="300" data-reh-terval="0" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div></article></div></div><div id="hfs-footer" class="dn-prt" data-activy-map="hfs-footer"><footer class="hfsf" ><div class="ner"><div class="logo"><a href="><svg class="peack" viewBox="578 62 67 39" xmlns=" fill="currentColor"><g fill-le="evenodd"><path d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M597.563 75.863l9.442 21.613-19.478-13.35c-4.887-3.24-3.896-8.79-1.19-11.237 3.83-3.24 9.245-2.12 11.226 2.97"></path><path class="feather" d="M610.57 70.93l-3.433 24.19-9.772-23c-2.113-5.75 2.64-9.516 5.81-9.583 3.632-.396 8.188 2.38 7.396 8.394"></path><path class="feather" d="M625.494 72.103l-9.707 23.067-3.102-20.82c-.265-3.17 1.716-3.237 2.443-3.832-.133-.463-1.124-.463-1.124-.463h-1.848c-.198-5.42 4.028-7.8 7.462-7.535 3.697.132 7.856 4.428 5.876 9.583"></path><path class="feather" d="M635.338 84.167L615.86 97.584l9.177-21.348c2.775-6.742 9.245-5.42 11.556-2.842 2.51 2.51 3.235 7.6-1.255 10.773"></path><path class="feather" d="M637.448 99.9h-22.515l18.29-12.756c4.49-2.975 9.244-.266 10.498 3.635 1.327 4.36-1.65 9.12-6.27 9.12"></path></g></svg></a></div><nav class="lks"><ul class="lks__wrap" data-l-2="14" data-l-3=15><li><a href=" target="_self">About</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Contact</a></li><li><a href=">Help</a></li><li><a href=">Careers</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ad Choic</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Privacy Policy</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Do Not Sell My Personal Informatn</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CA Notice</a></li><li><a href=">Terms of Service (Updated JULY 7, 2023)</a></li><li><a href=">NBC News Semap</a></li><li><a href=">Advertise</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Shoppg</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Personal Fance</a></li></ul></nav><div class="py"><p>© 2023 NBC UNIVERSAL</p><div class="brands"><a href="><svg viewBox="0 0 120 20" fill="none" xmlns=" aria-labelledby="nbc_news_logo"><tle class="nbc_news_logo">NBC News Logo

gay club bombing

Gay and lbian bars and clubs have often been sanctuari. Sometim those sanctuari have e unr siege.



* gay club bombing *

Five people were killed, and 18 people jured, when an attacker opened fire at Club Q, a gay nightclub Colorado Sprgs, on late Saturday night. READ NEXTWhen You Get In Bed Wh Bigots, Please RensirRealy TV Star Adore Delano Com Out as Transgenr‘Talk To Me’ Review: Gettg HandsyNew York Man Fatally Stabbed Possible Anti-Gay Hate Crime. A gunman opened fire a gay nightclub Colorado Sprgs, killg five people and leavg 18 jured before he was subdued, police said Sunday.

AdvertisementSKIP Thornell/Associated PrsJune 13, 2016The lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr muny is no stranger to the 1969 police raid at the Stonewall Inn New York Cy that set off rts and helped touch off the morn gay-rights movement to the 1998 murr of Matthew Shepard to near-epimic levels of vlence agast transgenr women, the muny has been marked by flash of the massacre at a gay club Orlando, Fla., that left 49 ad and 53 others jured, Richard Kim, the executive edor of The Natn, wrote on Sunday that gay bars and clubs have often been sanctuari.


The shootg rekdled memori of the 2016 massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people. * gay club bombing *

And sometim those sanctuari have e unr are a few signifint Orleans, 1973Thirty-two people died when a fire swept through the UpStairs Lounge, a gay bar the French Quarter, on June 24, 1973.


Bomb explos Atlanta, Ga, on Feb 21, jurg at least five people at gay nightclub lled Othersi Lounge, and pellg law-enforcement officials to explore whether a serial bomber is at large; is fourth such cint seven months; as police vtigate bombg at the nightclub, they fd backpack ntag send bomb club's parkg lot (L) * gay club bombing *

ViotranscripttranscriptA Day of Mourng for the Gay CommunyIn support of the victims of the massacre at a gay nightclub Orlando, Fla., hundreds gathered outsi the Stonewall Inn New York, where a rt 1969 helped lnch the gay rights support of the victims of the massacre at a gay nightclub Orlando, Fla., hundreds gathered outsi the Stonewall Inn New York, where a rt 1969 helped lnch the gay rights movement.

”The New Orleans Tim-Piyune wrote 2013 that the lounge was “not jt any bar, but as a gay muny hangout where lols uld gather whout fear of social persecutn” at a time of tense anti-gay stigma. He was sentenced to life prison Rudolph (who has a gay brother) said a statement durg his sentencg that he did not md homosexualy that remaed private. The gunman, Ronald Edward Gay, 53, opened fire when he saw two men the bar hug each other.


Gay, who told the police he was on a missn to kill gay people, said he was upset that his last name had ma him the target of anti-gay jok. Seattle, 2014Mab Mohammed Masmari, 30, poured gasole on the stairs of a gay club and set alight shortly after midnight on New Year’s Eve. More than 700 people were the club at the time, cludg much of the cy’s gay and transgenr learship, but no one was Masmari plead guilty to arson and was sentenced to 10 years prison July 2014.


Stonewall Inn, 2010 and 2016The Stonewall Inn played a central role the morn gay rights movement, but has also seen antigay and anti-transgenr vlence recent men attacked another man the rtroom 2010 after he rmed them that they were a gay bar.

“The realy is, if people are lookg to perpetrate anti-gay bias and vlence, there are very few plac this world that are safe once that tent has formed, ” Sharon Stapel, the former executive director of the New York Cy Anti-Vlence Project, said at the time of the March this year, a transgenr woman said she was sexually asslted the unisex rtroom. A 22-year-old gunman opened fire wh a semitomatic rifle si a gay nightclub Colorado Sprgs, killg five people and leavg 25 jured before he was subdued by "heroic" patrons and arrted by police who arrived wh mut, thori said spect the Saturday night shootg at Club Q ed an AR-15-style semitomatic weapon, a law enforcement official said.


Suthers said there was "reason to hope" that all of those hospalized would shootg rekdled memori of the 2016 massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people. He said patrons who tervened durg the attack were "heroic" and owed a bt of gratu for preventg more Q is a gay and lbian nightclub that featur a drag show on Saturdays, acrdg to s webse. Jared Polis, who beme the first openly gay man the Uned Stat to be elected ernor 2018, lled the shootg "sickeng.


Experts warned that extremist groups uld see anti-gay rhetoric as a ll to prev month, a fundamentalist Idaho pastor told his small Boise ngregatn that gay, lbian and transgenr people should be executed by the ernment, which led up wh siar sermons om a Texas fundamentalist 2006, there have been 523 mass killgs and 2, 727 aths as of Nov. 23, 1997See the article s origal ntext om Febary 23, 1997, Sectn 1, Page 18Buy ReprtsTimMache is an exclive benef for home livery and digal the fourth such cint seven months, a bomb explod Atlanta on Friday night, this one jurg at least five people at a gay nightclub and pellg law-enforcement officials to explore whether a serial bomber is at police vtigated the bombg at the Othersi Lounge, they found a backpack ntag a send bomb the club's parkg lot. Were much more ut on the nightclub, which primarily serv gay men and lbians, is on Piedmont Road, a by thoroughfare northeast Atlanta that was blocked off today as the police searched for shrapnel and other Spadafore said that at least 100 people had been the club at the time of the explosn and that another bar across the street, the Hot Spot, had also been crowd.


A versn of this article appears prt on, Sectn 1, Page 18 of the Natnal edn wh the headle: In Latt Atlanta Bombg, 5 Are Injured at a Gay Bar. Police say a mass shootg at a gay nightclub Orlando, Florida, has rulted at least 20 people ad, wh dozens more wound.

Gay nightclub. - A shootg and hostage suatn early Sunday at a Florida nightclub -- which scrib self as "Orlando's hottt gay bar" -- left an timated 50 people ad, cludg the gunman, and more than 50 jured, officials say. Uncle Charlie’s, which opened 1980 at 56 Greenwich Avenue and closed September 1997, was one of the cy’s most popular gay vio bars and one of the first to appeal to gay men of the MTV generatn.


Shootg at Gay Nightclub Colorado Sprgs Leav 5 Dead – Billboard .