Gay, GA - Profile data - Cens Reporter

gay georgia population

Gay is an novative hometown where the sixth-generatn scendants of the origal settlers host The Cotton Pick' Fair twice a year. Gay's other attractns clu Big Red Oak Plantatn, Vtage Lumber and QC Horse Aren [...]



In 2020, Gay, GA had a populatn of 122 people wh a median age of 49.8 and a median hoehold e of $71,250. Between 2019 and 2020 the populatn of Gay, GA grew om 92 to 122, a 32.6% crease and s median hoehold e cled om $97,188 to $71,250, a −26.7% crease. * gay georgia population *

76% (15)The current populatn of Gay, Geia is 124 based on our projectns of the latt US Cens last official US Cens 2020 rerd the populatn at, Geia Populatn 2023Populatn by RaceBlack or Ain AmerinNative Hawaiian or Pacific IslanrGay Populatn by RaceGay Populatn Pyramid 2023Gay Populatn by AgeGay Renter vs Owner Occupied by Hoehold Type2. 2%Rate of Home OwnershipGay Hoeholds and FaiGay Edutnal Attament by Sex (over 25)Gay Edutnal Attament by RaceHigh School Graduatn RateThe hight rate of high school graduatn is among 2+ rac people wh a rate of hight rate of bachelors gre is among whe people wh a rate of Edutnal Attament by RaceGay Earngs by Edutnal AttamentGay Language by AgeOther Indo-European LanguagAsian and Pacific Island LanguagGay Language75. Among those workg part-time, was 0%, and for those that did not work, the poverty rate was PovertyGay Poverty Rate by EdutnGay Poverty Rate by Employment Stat and SexGay Ine by Hoehold TypeIne by Hoehold TypeGay Maral StatMarriage Rat72.

6%Female Marriage RateGay Married by Age and SexGay MarriageThe age group where mal are most likely to be married is 35-44, while the female age group most likely to be married is Maral Stat by RaceGay Maral StatGay Veterans by WarGay Veterans by AgeGay Veterans by RaceGay Veterans by Edutn0%Veteran Disabily RateGay Veterans by Edutn88. 1%Labor Force ParticipatnGay Employment by AgeGay Employment by RaceGay Employment by EdutnOrig of Non-CizensNon cizens clu legal permanent rints (green rd holrs), ternatnal stunts, temporary workers, humanarian migrants, and illegal of Naturalized CizensPlace of Birth97. Of those not born the Uned Stat, the largt percentage are om Lat Place of BirthNote: data after 2021 is projected based on recent changeGay Populatn by Year.

47% 1-year growthgeosearchPopulatn & DiversybriefseEnomyflagCivicslearngEdutnhomeHog & LivgpulseHealthAboutIn 2020, Gay, GA had a populatn of 122 people wh a median age of 49. 82%), and Black or Ain Amerin (Non-Hispanic) (0%) of the hoeholds Gay, GA reported speakg a non-English language at home as their primary shared language. 2020, the median property value Gay, GA was $184, 400, and the homeownership rate was people Gay, GA drove alone to work, and the average mute time was 14.


Cens data for Gay, GA (pop. 129), cludg age, race, sex, e, poverty, maral stat, tn and more. * gay georgia population *

In 2019, the percentage of US cizens Gay, GA was 100%, meang that the rate of cizenship has been followg chart shows US cizenship percentag Gay, GA pared to that of 's neighborg and parent DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartRace and EthnicyThe 3 largt ethnic groups Gay, GAWhe (Non-Hispanic)87 ± 41Other (Hispanic)18 ± 33Whe (Hispanic)16 ± 3127.


Accs the most recent cens populatn rmatn for Gay, Geia, cludg a populatn profile and history. * gay georgia population *

9% of the people Gay, GA are hispanic (34 people) followg chart shows the 7 rac reprented Gay, GA as a share of the total DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartForeign-Born Populatn14. 61%, meang that the rate has been followg chart shows the percentage of foreign-born rints Gay, GA pared to that of 's neighborg and parent DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartVeteransMost Common Service PerdVietnam2 ± 20Gulf War (2001-)0 ± 24Gulf War (1990s)0 ± 20Gay, GA has a large populatn of ary personnel who served Vietnam, NaNy tim greater than any other DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartbriefseEnomyThe enomy of Gay, GA employs 91 people.


Gay, Geia tailed profile * gay georgia population *

The largt dtri Gay, GA are Manufacturg (25 people), Constctn (13 people), and Agriculture, Fortry, Fishg & Huntg (9 people), and the hight payg dtri are Arts, Entertament, & Recreatn, & Acmodatns & Food Servic ($78, 125), Arts, Entertament, & Recreatn ($43, 750), and Constctn ($36, 875).

4%, om 72 employe to 91 most mon job groups, by number of people livg Gay, GA, are Management Occupatns (16 people), Constctn & Extractn Occupatns (13 people), and Farmg, Fishg, & Fortry Occupatns (9 people).

This chart illtrat the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by rints of Gay, DataSave ImageShare / EmbedUnemployment Insurance ClaimsData is only available at the state level. Showg data for chart shows weekly unemployment surance claims Geia (not-seasonally adjted) pared wh the four stat wh the most siar most recent data pot Advance State Claims data, which n be revised subsequent DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartEmployment by IndtriFrom 2019 to 2020, employment Gay, GA grew at a rate of 26. 4%, om 72 employe to 91 most mon employment sectors for those who live Gay, GA, are Manufacturg (25 people), Constctn (13 people), and Agriculture, Fortry, Fishg & Huntg (9 people).


View the Gay, GA populatn and other tertg mographics cludg: median age, male to female rat, maral stat, source of e, languag spoken and race breakdown. * gay georgia population *

This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary dtri for rints of Gay, GA, though some of the rints may live Gay, GA and work somewhere else. You n filter the data by race by g the selector DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CarthomeHog & LivgThe median property value Gay, GA was $184, 400 2020, which is 0. In Gay, GA the largt share of hoeholds pay tax the $2k - $3k chart unrneath the paragraph shows the property tax Gay, GA pared to 's parent and neighbor DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartView DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartRent vs Own71.

This percentage cled om the prev year's rate of chart shows the percentage of owner Gay, GA pared 's parent and neighborg DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartIne by LotnUse the dropdown to filter by race/ followg map shows all of the plac Gay, GA lored by their Median Hoehold Ine (Total) DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartHoehold InePlease note that the buckets ed this visualizatn were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishg the data.


An timated 4.2 percent of metro Atlanta's populatn intify themselv as gay or lbian, placg the regn the top half of a list of 50 metro * gay georgia population *

$71, 250Median Hoehold Ine± $54, 00856Number of Hoeholds± 45In 2020, the median hoehold e of the 56 hoeholds Gay, GA cled om $71, 250 om the prev year's value of $97, followg chart displays the hoeholds Gay, GA distributed between a seri of e buckets pared to the natnal averag for each bucket.

The largt share of hoeholds have an e the $100k - $125k DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartWage DistributnThe clost parable wage GINI for Gay, GA is om Geia. Addnally, 0% of the workforce Gay, GA have "super mut" excs of 90 chart below shows how the median hoehold e Gay, GA par to that of 's neighborg and parent DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartView DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartCar OwnershipThe followg chart displays the hoeholds Gay, GA distributed between a seri of r ownership buckets pared to the natnal averag for each bucket.

82% of the populatn for whom poverty stat is termed Gay, GA (1 out of 122 people) live below the poverty le, a number that is lower than the natnal average of 12. The largt mographic livg poverty are Femal 65 - 74, followed by Mal < 5 and then Femal < most mon racial or ethnic group livg below the poverty le Gay, GA is Whe, followed by Black and Native Cens Bure a set of money e thrholds that vary by fay size and posn to terme who classifi as impoverished.


Gay Geia Demographics data wh populatn om cens for rearch wh charts, graphs, and lol map * gay georgia population *

2% were followg chart shows the number of people wh health verage by DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartUnsured PeopleBetween 2019 and 2020, the percent of unsured cizens Gay, GA grew by 16.


* gay georgia population *

7% to followg chart shows how the percent of unsured dividuals Gay, GA changed over time pared wh the percent of dividuals enrolled var typ of health DataSave ImageShare / EmbedAdd Data to CartKeep Explorg.

The variants are more clive of all dividuals who are non-heterosexual and non-cisgenr stead of exclively applyg to people who are lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr. For example, one set of qutns may seek self-reported data on same-sex sexual experienc, while another set may seek data surroundg personal intifitn as lbian, gay, or bisexual.


How large are the age, racial, relig groups, diversy and other statistics about the populatn of 129 people livg Gay, Geia? * gay georgia population *

Other stat wh LGBTQ+ protectns, such as Massachetts and Colorado, also have higher timated populatns of gay, lbian, bisexual, and otherwise non-heterosexual dividuals. FCC Registered Antenna Towers: 42 (See the full list of FCC Registered Antenna Towers Gay)FCC Registered Broadst Land Mobile Towers: 5Fire Sta 7 Caldwell Rd (Lat: 33.


Gay, Geia featur, populatn & e data. * gay georgia population *

471 MHz, Grant Date: 07/10/2001, Expiratn Date: 04/25/2011, Cancellatn Date: 10/10/2002, Registrant: Gay, Town Of, Gay, GA 30218, Phone: (404) 538-6097Bcp 30 Ft N Of Caldwell Rd W Si Of Track (Lat: 33. 262 MHz, Grant Date: 04/02/2015, Expiratn Date: 06/29/2025, Certifier: Sharon Richmond, Registrant: Town Of Gay, Gay, GA 30218, Phone: (706) 538-6097, Fax: (706) 538-1444, Email:. FCC Registered Amatr Rad Licens: 3Call Sign: KC0AGL, Licensee ID: L00309854, Grant Date: 03/10/2017, Expiratn Date: 03/25/2027, Certifier: Denis K Arquette, Registrant: Denis K Arquette, 138 Alvaton Rd., Gay, GA 30218Call Sign: WB4HXG, Grant Date: 04/14/1992, Expiratn Date: 04/14/2002, Cancellatn Date: 04/15/2004, Registrant: Steve E Owen, Owens Veyard, Gay, GA 30218Call Sign: KN4MXE, Licensee ID: L02192341, Grant Date: 06/08/2018, Expiratn Date: 06/08/2028, Certifier: Christe R Freeman, Registrant: Christe R Freeman, 1317 Lillie Patrick Rd, Gay, GA 30218.

In Gay, adults are more likely to have a high school tn than the typil Amerin adult, and are also more likely to have a four-year llege tn. The typil hoehold Gay earns $76, 250 a year, about $16, 000 more than the natnal median of $60, 293 and $20, 600 more than the median hoehold e across the state of $55, 679. 2 percent of metro Atlanta's populatn intify themselv as gay or lbian, placg the regn the top half of a list of 50 metropolan areas, acrdg to a Gallup analysis that the New York Tim is llg the most extensive of s kd.


U.S. adults timate that nearly one four Amerins (23.6%) are gay or lbian. Gallup has prevly found that Amerins have greatly overtimated the U.S. gay populatn. * gay georgia population *

On this web page you will certaly fd important regardg Gay Cy Hall based Gay, GA, like the addrs, ntact person as well as tails, along wh the email addrs and home page.

For qutns pertag to Gay Cy Hall ntact straight at Carmen L Pratt, Manager of Gay Cy Hall on the followg numbers, or disver the appropriate get touch wh on the homepage of Gay Cy Hall. Addrs, Contact Number, and Telephone Number for Gay Municipal Government, a Communy as well as Cy Hall, at Geia 85, Gay GA.

The buildg rinc feral ernment workplac, nsistg of the Gay legislative body, and also offers public rerds, feral ernment solutns, and rmatn about Gay solutns. The Town of Gayhada populatn of 90 as of July 1, ranks the rced quartile for Populace Densywhen pared to the var other ci, muni and Cens Dignated Plac (CDPs) Geia.


The Communy of Gay has a C1 Demographics Course Co which dit an energetic bundled place that do not functn as a unty neighborhood matchg.

The table listed below par Gay to the var other 625 bundled ci, muni and also CDPs Geia by rank and also percentile makg e of July 1, 2022 rmatn.

Once lled Sasserville the very early 1800s, Gay, Geia acquired s existg name when the muny’s ial msage workplace was opened up and also named honor of William F. Gay, Geia is a quiet hamlet of fewer than 150 cizens u201a mostly nsisted of senr cizens that seek a silent, simple liftyle.


Ci wh 1 hr of Gay, GA1 1/2 hours om Gay, GAplac wh 2 hrs of me Gay, GAexplore 2 1/2 hrs om Gay, GA3 human rourc span map om Gay, GA3 1/2 hr drive om Gay, GAplac wh 4 hours of me Gay, GAwh 4 1/2 hrs of me Gay, GA5 hour drive om me Gay, GA5 1/2 hour drive om Gay, GAwh 6 hrs of Gay, GA7 hr drive om Gay, GAdrivg 8 hours om Gay, GA9 hrs om Gay, GA. ci wh 10 of me Gay, GAwh 20 of me Gay, GA30 e radi of Gay, GA40 e drive om Gay, GAloted 50 om Gay, GA100 e distance om Gay, GAwh 150 of Gay, GA200 e trip om Gay, GAdistance of 250 om Gay, GAdrivg 300 om Gay, GA350 e journey begng wh Gay, GA400 e drive om Gay, GAdrive for 450 om Gay, GA500 om Gay, GAday journeys om Gay, GA.


Gay, GA - Profile data - Cens Reporter .