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class="display-tle jsx-1062180250" data-cy="article-headle">How I Met Barney's Brother</h1><h2 class="tle3 jsx-2866659985" data-cy="article-sub-headle">We talk to Wayne Brady and Neil Patrick Harris about playg brothers on <I>How I Met Your Mother.</I></h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><sectn class="jsx-3528870638 byle"><div class="stack jsx-816329128 byle-stack"><div class="stack jsx-1752463718 article-thors"><sectn class="jsx-1825775112 thor-avatars avatars-1"><div class="jsx-3001299294 thor-thumb profile-thumb aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="Eric Goldman" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image profile-thumb-img jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823"/></div></sectn><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <a href="/person/EricGoldman-IGN" class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor unrled">Eric Goldman</a></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->May 15, 2012 8:50 pm</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Nov 27, 2006 8:00 am</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165"><sectn class="article-page"><a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Wayne Brady</a> might not be the first person you'd thk of when stg someone to play the brother to <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Neil Patrick Harris</a>, but for the producers of <em><a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">How I Met Your Mother</a></em>, he was exactly the right guy. This week's episo of <em>Mother</em> will troduce Barney's (Harris) brother Jam (Brady), and as turns out, he's exactly like the love 'em and leave 'em Barney… if Barney were black and gay stead of whe and straight. <div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div> <br/> The very funny episo has Jam show up to vis Barney New York. Barney uldn't be more exced to see his brother aga, until he learns a secret Jam is keepg, that has nothg to do wh eher his race or sexual preference, both of which Barney uld re ls about. <br/> <br/> Stoppg by the <em>Mother</em> set for IGN, I watched Brady shoot his troductn scene, which Rob (Cobie Smulrs) is lookg forward to meetg Jam for the first time, only to be a b surprised when he don't look anythg like Barney, to say the least. Brady seemed to be havg a great time, as Jam showed off his outf, provg, that like his brother, he was always ready to "Su Up." <br/> <br/> In between tak, the st relaxed, wh Smulrs and Jason Segal playg a b of "Heart and Soul" on the piano that is part of the ma apartment set. Durg a uple of the brief breaks, I managed to s down wh both Brady and Harris for exclive chats wh IGN, to discs what was like to play the unlikely, but extremely happy and secure, brothers. <br/> <br/> <div data-cy="accent-divir" class="jsx-2008757641 divir"></div> <br/> <strong>WAYNE BRADY</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: So what did you thk when you heard the part they were offerg you on <em>How I Met Your Mother</em> was as Neil Patrick Harris's brother?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Wayne Brady:</strong> There wasn't any lag time between the agent sayg, "You're beg offered this" and me sayg, "Y!" No lag time whatsoever. "Hey, you know that show, <em>How I Met Your Mother</em>? They want you to play Neil Patrick…" "…Y!" So at that pot uld have been, "They want you to play Neil Patrick Harris's pony," or, "They want you to play his buoyantly happy, gay, black iend," which is what was, luckily. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Basilly, you're playg Barney's mirror image, right?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> Y, who jt happens to like guys. And every blue moon, I get very fabulo. It's great. It's absolutely great. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: So you were very faiar wh the show and the character of Barney?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> Oh yeah. I've watched the show and enjoyed and I've been a fan of Neil's for a long time. I feel like I gus a lot of people my age who grew up wh him feel. I loved him on <em>Doogie Howser</em>. I loved him <em>Starship Troopers,</em> which I haven't geeked out and told him yet. 'Cse I'm a sci-fi nerd, and I love <em>Starship Troopers</em>; He did a great job. And <em>Harold & Kumar Go to Whe Castle</em> and then this. So I really wanted to work wh him. And Alyson Hannigan; had a huge csh on her when she was dog <em>Buffy.</em> I haven't told her that eher. Bee, you know, you want to e on and be the ol gut star. You don't want to go, "OhMyGod, ILoveYou!!!!" <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span><figptn class="ptn jsx-1673551436 article-image-ptn"><br/><b><center>Wayne Brady and Neil Patrick Harris as brothers Jam and Barney Stson on <i>How I Met Your Mother</i></center></b></figptn></figure></output> <strong>IGN TV: How has been dog the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> Oh man, we're havg a great time. He's makg me lgh a lot. I'm tryg really hard to foc and not break, and he's a great improviser himself. They're all really funny, talented people, which is why they have their jobs, thank goodns, and they're great to work wh. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: They shoot this show differently om most ss, whout a live stud dience. How do you like that dynamic?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> I love . Bee I thk what ends up happeng wh a stud dience, whether you're dog sketch edy, improv or s, and I've done all three now, is that you sometim get fooled. Bee the live dience, the way that you liver somethg, is like, "Yeaaaah! You're amazg!" And you go, "Okay! Great!" And then you go back home and you watch and you go, "Oh man, I wish I'd dialed that back down a b, but I was playg for the dience there." So I like this. There's no dience to play for. You're really the scene and you're really there and the jok e when they need to, and 's real. You're not panrg to a crowd. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: You mentned improvisatn. Have you done much workg on this show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> No, not really. Folks ask that all the time, but I mean, why? It's a scripted show. It's great! Why would I want to do that? Folks look at you and go, "Oh, you do improv! So you're the improv guy?" No, I'm an actor. I'm lucky bee an improv show ma me famo, but that's that. I'm very lucky that I get a chance to work wh the wrers like this that basilly give you gold. And if there's any improvisatn, 's takg what they already have on the page and puttg stuff around . Like I me up wh this nway b that we jt add to the scene, but I kept the exact same words, so worked. That's the bt part of beg here, is jt tstg those guys. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How would you scribe the dynamic between Barney and his brother Jam?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> It's great. They really love each other. And they enjoy beg each other's bt iend, which mak the story very real, bee at one pot, Barney is very [wh Jam]. He feels he's losg his buddy. And that's a very real dynamic. And so I'm glad that this s isn't shtick, shtick, shtick, like some shows. It's got a heart to . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: I jt read the script and I see you guys have some great scen where we see Jam and Barney out clubbg. Have you filmed that stuff yet?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> Yeah. It was great. And those are the tim we ma each other really lgh, bee then was one-upmanship, like, "Okay, I n do <em>this</em>!" But was good one-upmanship, and we end up really g up wh bs together to make those flashbacks work. It was very ol. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How do you enjoy "Sug Up"?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> I Su Up que often, so I enjoy the sug up. But I n see why gettg sued up is a big thg for Barney and Jam. It's kd of their armor. It's their "Let's go and get some booty" armor, which I don't wear real life, so 's nice to be able to play a guy that do. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Would you like to return and play this character aga on the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> Oh, there have been mblgs about me beg a recurrg role, bee we are blood; we are fay, so 's not like the door's closed. So anytime they want me back… Five episos and I'm here; done. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: What do you thk says about Jam and Barney that they haven't really qutned their mother too closely about why they look so different om one another?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> I thk says an amazg thg about Craig [Thomas] and Carter [Bays], the creators, and the wrers, and jt the general theme of the show. This is how TV should be. Bee I myself am not a big fan of race-specific humor, so the fact that 's jt about the funny and the relatnship… More power to . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Would you like to have your own s?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Brady:</strong> I had a pilot that didn't get picked up by the CW, and I've done a lot of s spots. I'd love to. It's all about fdg that right thg. You know, you don't h magic often. The guys lucked out; Craig and Carter had a great ia. It's a wonrful st. So I hope my <em>How I Met Your Mother</em> around soon. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <br/> <strong>NEIL PATRICK HARRIS</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: So what did you thk when you heard they were gog to make Barney's brother jt like Barney, if Barney were gay and black?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Neil Patrick Harris:</strong> I love . I'm a big fan of and I like that nothg's ever really explaed, you know? They flashback to as children and you never really see who the mother is, and she never explas to as kids, so we've jt been brothers the whole time. I love the non-issue of all. It's fun. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How's workg wh Wayne?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Wayne is unbelievable. He's hilar, and he's so good at improv that he's ee to take chang, and we n all roll wh each other's jok, which is a rary. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: In general, do you stick to the script, or is there some improv gog on a lot of the time?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Well, bee we don't have a live dience, we're able to do multiple tak, and so we'll take a pass, or three, as wrten. And then the wrers, who are here, or, if we have ias, we'll pow wow and try different optns. So, bee we have the eedom of time, and we don't have the prsure of a live dience, hearg for the very first time, we n try all sorts of different tak. Then, when they ed together, they fd what's funnit. It giv a ltle eedom. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How would you scribe the dynamic between Barney and his brother?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> It's credibly awome. He's like the perfect wgman! It really is a perfect suatn, bee we n each get dat for each other, and then send them to each other. But there's a ltle b of… I don't want to reveal too much, but his wgman days might be numbered. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: This season we've seen Barney's apartment, and now we're meetg his brother. Is fun for you as you get more facets of Barney add on to the character?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> It's tertg. I'm a fan of not knowg too much about Barney's personal history, bee I thk what mak him so base and so funny is he's jt this enigma kd of guy. So the more he's jtified, I thk the edy might be lost a b. I like that you're the dark still, as to his profsn or his fay and stuff like that. I thk that mak funnier. So the longer we n wa before we reveal all of that, the better. We don't wanna jump the shark, you know? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: On the episo where Lily was livg wh Barney, did you wonr for a send if they'd actually have them sleep together?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> [Lghs] That was fun, that started wh bed together. I don't know. It's weird, you know, sce there's five of -- and Barney's always sort of the lasciv sgle guy -- [you wonr] if he's gonna end up ever wh Lily or wh Rob. But no, has not yet happened… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: At some pot, would you like to see Barney get a long term girliend?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> I thk that's an evabily and would be a funny dynamic for him to have feelgs towards someone and not be able to al wh those feelgs and what that means, and how he would eak out. But aga, 's like, I don't know… We're only season two, so I worry if we do all too quickly, then what are we gog to do after that? You know, if you get him a long term relatnship, what are you gog to do after that? Unls 's like Claire Dan or someone ol! <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: The show you started on, <em>Doogie Howser</em>, was a half-hour sgle mera seri, a time when there wasn't a lot of that on TV. Then you were on a tradnal s [<em>Stark Ravg Mad</em>]. <em>How I Met Your Mother</em> is kd of an tertg hybrid, where you shoot like a s, but whout a stud dience, and over multiple productn days. What's that like for you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> We're proudly the Pri of suatn edy. It's a great workload for . If we're not the scen, we don't have to be here to film. We're all very fortable on set, so the prsure is low and allows , I thk, to spend more time workg on the scen and beg funny. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How do you thk Barney is alg wh Lily and Marshall beg back together, sce do leave him as the one sgle person his group?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> That's the new dynamic, which is that Barney's the irrated sgle guy, while they're upled up. Especially the ad of wter, New York, which exasperat even more. So he jt gets to dog on his iends more. Easier punchl probably! <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: It was jt announced that they will be dog a <em>Harold & Kumar</em> sequel.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Y, y they are! <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Any chance you might be a part of that?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> I hope I am. I've heard mors that I'm , and I hope that we n live up to the first one. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Do you thk that movie helped lead the way to playg Barney, that both addrsed your past as Doogie Howser and kd of gave you a new...</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> ...A new image? Yeah, fely. [The wrers] were fans of that show and so I thk that helped get me <em>How I Met Your Mother</em>, and sort of revent me a strange and bizarre way that I uld have never done otherwise. So was fely a crazy character and a ballsy move, but worked out well. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>IGN TV: Now I jt talked to Wayne, and I'm gog to give away his secret, which is he's a huge <em>Starship Troopers</em> fan.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Oh, nice! Yeah, he's a b of a sci-fi geek, that Wayne Brady! He plays <em>Warcraft</em> between scen. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: More people seem to have e to appreciate that movie and basilly "get " as the years have gone on. Has that been gratifyg for you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> I love . It was supposed to be a big, giant movie. It me out, and was rated R stead of PG-13, but they ma actn figur for kids… So I don't thk was real well marketed. They didn't know who their market was, and me out at not the bt time. But then had this crazy life on DVD, and holds up really well on a TV screen. Those puter generated effects are shockgly good, still, even though the movie's eight years old or somethg. So I thk that mak hold up well. A lot of those movi, when you watch the special effects later, you're like, "Ooh, that's dated and chey now." But they still look good [ <em>Starship Troopers</em>], so hats off to them. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Do you thk people have also e to see the other level was workg at and get the satire more now?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Yeah, fely. It was marketed as an actn-adventure, and I thk was a b more of a quasi-parody of this utopia society. And you know, [Robert] Hele's novel is very polil, and so Pl Verhoeven wanted to have the polil ramifitns of , and yet still have be kd of funny as well. He played the fence well. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Movg back to <em>How I Met Your Mother,</em> is there anythg else you n tell about what might be g up for Barney?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> God, I don't know… I'm such a short attentn span guy right now. No big secrets to drop. Apparently next week we're fdg out how everyone lost their virgy. I haven't read the script, but I'm lookg forward to ! <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: I was here last week and <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong> watched Cobie film her mic vio</strong></a>...</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Oh, ol! Was that fun? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: God, was amazg.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> That song is so hilar. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: I've been playg all weekend.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> [sgg] "Let's go to the Mall, you won't be sooorry!" <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: How was for you to hear that song for the first time?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> We loved ! It's great, bee the vio n be as chey and bad as possibly n, and mak even better! And her hair looks great, and the dancers look great, and she worked her tuck off on , and jt kicked ass. So hopefully 'll be a big h on YouTube. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Carter and Craig said the episo last season where Barney had that old vio he didn't want anyone to see gave them the ia that every character has a hidn vio.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Oh, tertg! Nice! <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Is that fun for you, knowg that everyone is gog to get their turn now?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> I love ! That means they're rollg the dice that we'll have five seasons. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: Do you thk would be fun to take a uple more looks back at the old Barney vs. the current Barney?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> I'm que sure that's evable, to see what Barney was like when he was younger. It's fun for me, bee I have no ia. I mean, we're not given a big bible of what the whole history of the show is. We're not unlike <em>Lost</em> that way. We're still the dark. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN TV: So you guys will eventually disver a monster?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>Harris:</strong> Here's hopg. I keep lookg for hatch around the apartment. <br/> <br/> <div data-cy="accent-divir" class="jsx-2008757641 divir"></div> <br/> Wayne Brady's gut appearance on <em>How I Met Your Mother,</em> tled "<a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sgle Stama</a>", airs Monday, November 27th at 8:00 pm ET/PT on CBS. </sectn></sectn><div class="stack jsx-2881464549"><div id="p-article-before-verdict" class="jsx-1985944744 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-1 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="sendaryMedrec" data-pos="1" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 right-rail"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-all-article-ntent" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><h3 class="tle3 jsx-115949532">In This Article</h3><sectn class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787 object-summary-embed"><div class="box jsx-2911101772"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-ntaer__hb9z4"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-loar__LeEK8"></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tails__UwCNz"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-thumbnail__h2Bot"><div class="jsx-142634466 object-thumbnail"><figure class="jsx-4143518889 aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="How I Met Your Mother" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image object-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round expand"/></figure></div></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tle-lumn__fc73H"><a href="/tv/how-i-met-your-mother" class="tle5 jsx-1231161345 jsx-957202555 tle">How I Met Your Mother</a><div class="stack jsx-3465796296 meta-ems jsx-3609068095 subtle"><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><a href="/tv/publisher/cbs" tle="Networks" data-cy="embed-publisherLk" class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">CBS</a></div><div class="jsx-1608829512 divir vertil"></div><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><time class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">Sep 19, 2005</time></div></div></div></div></div></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-object-summary" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-review" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-nnatix" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 three-lumn"><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-ntent"><sectn id="ments-sectn" class="jsx-1897904587 ments-sectn"><div data-spotim-module="nversatn" data-post-id="4fb2c187e20c3dfa9e3658d3" data-post-url="></div><div style="marg-right:1em"><div data-spotim-module="pc"></div></div></sectn></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-right-rail"><div class="jsx-1247231955 ign-remends"><h3 class="tle3 jsx-739685789 ign-remends-headle"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2881019173 in-logo" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 76 24" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>IGN

barney's gay brother himym

Rob is surprised to learn that Barney has a gay, black brother she'd never heard about before the episo "Sgle Stama."



Jam Stson is Barney's gay black olr brother. His mother is also Loretta Stson and his father is Sam Gibbs. He is an imprsive orator. On the datg scene, he and Barney are a lethal batn as Jam is as effective a homosexual charmer as his brother is wh the oppose sex. Jam... * barney's gay brother himym *

Gallery of Jam Stson imag (48)Jam Stson is Barney's gay black olr brother. On the datg scene, he and Barney are a lethal batn as Jam is as effective a homosexual charmer as his brother is wh the oppose sex.


Sgle Stama: Directed by Pamela Fryman. Wh Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulrs, Neil Patrick Harris. Barney's gay black brother is town, but he don't want to tell Barney that he's gettg married bee he'll be losg his only sgle sikick." data-id="ma * barney's gay brother himym *

Barney was not specifilly opposed to gay marriage, but to the general ncept of monogamy for any two people of any orientatn.

Is Barney om 'How I Met Your Mother' gay real life? How I Met Your MotherCast & crewUser reviewsTriviaEpiso aired Nov 27, 2006TV-PG23mBarney's gay black brother is town, but he don't want to tell Barney that he's gettg married bee he'll be losg his only sgle 's gay black brother is town, but he don't want to tell Barney that he's gettg married bee he'll be losg his only sgle 's gay black brother is town, but he don't want to tell Barney that he's gettg married bee he'll be losg his only sgle productn, box office & pany PhotosReview Neil Patrick Harris Proment Aga In Seasons Bt Episo So FarAs is always the se wh this show, when one of the bt episos along featur Neil Patrick Harris's character Barney Stson a proment In A Paragraph: Sce Marshall lily are back together and Ted is loved up wh the girl of his dreams Rob, sadly leav Barney as the odd one out as they would rather spend their time the apartment together as upl than hang out wh him. Barney's gay, black brother to town to serve as a wgman and the gang disvers a secret he is keepg om Barney.

Lily explas to Rob (who has never met Jam) that Jam is exactly like Barney except that he's gay. While Barney has no problem wh gay marriage particular, he hat the ia of marriage.

Barney's gay, black brother to town to serve as a wgman and the gang disvers a secret he is keepg om Barney. It's wter New York and Marshall, Lily, Ted and Rob are "uple's hibernatn" leavg Barney out the ld. Fally, Barney announc that he has asked his... * barney's gay brother himym *

Barney cis to end the marriage by takg Jam and the gang to a gay bar and fixg Jam up wh a new man. In The Yips, Barney tells the gang about gog to Jam for advice about women after Shannon broke up wh him 1998 (as seen  Game Night), explag that was "before he was gay. Ted and Marshall get h on by several different men at the gay bar.

Marshall brgs up how gay guys love him  Everythg Mt Go. If gay guys start gettg married, then sudnly the world is gog to be dog . Gay marriage is gog to e sgle life as we know to die out.

Gay marriage?

* barney's gay brother himym *

Not gay marriage. Barney has a gay, black brother?

In Season 4, Episo 3, Barney tak this to a new level, cidg to "drs up" as a lbian so he uld "nquer" sleepg wh a gay woman.

Not only is this an offensive characterizatn of what gay women are assumed to look like, but also rerc the ia that lbians are jt gog through a phase and that the "right" man will make them heterosexual aga. Barney had a gay, black half-brother named Jam (Wayne Brady) who he got along well wh, pecially sce they both loved laser tag and nice sus.


Wayne Brady back on set of “How I Met Your Mother” as Barney Stson’s gay brother Jam! .