BL/Gay them movi, dramas and short movi om Thailand. For a prehensive list of Asian (Cha cludg Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan, South Korea and Thailand; see my huge list (793 tl and untg) for Asian BL/Gay movi and dramas. Also see my separate lists for each ;" name="scriptn
* thai gay drama *
)The whole crap wh the IRL homophobic behavur and ments om one of the lead actors as well as om people the productn, left one wh a very bad taste one's mouth, not to mentn that the homophobia severely affects the end rult terms of chemistry.
If you don't scerely want to portray homosexual relatnships, but only thk "BL is trendg, let's release a BL tle" whout any sire to actually create a good piece, you won't be able to wre nor direct a way that actually creat a believable atmosphere or chemistry between the actors. The major storyle beg straight, wh several si upl, of which one is gay--THE Thai (pretty much overall) BL uple, IMO. The story is que different om other Gay themed on, and that's one reason to appreciate , even if the thg as a whole is far om qualative.
I've clud the on that supposedly have BL/Gay storyl acrdg to tags on MDL.
I also dislike the way the movie handl a very ser topic--which I have never heard of, but assume is anchored realy; some kd of former school n "re-tn" for Thai gay kids. A Trans woman who intifi as a woman and lik guys; is not gay, she is straight, no matter what she has her pants. Drama featurg different upl, of which one is a gay one, a circle of iends.
I adm that I watched for the gay part and pecially the great BL-veteran Sgto yet another gay role, but the whole thg is cent, wh very good actg om most volved and a good assortment of stori about different relatnship troubl. (I'm fely not the only one--but my life-long BL/Gay fixatn seems, to a signifint gree, have impaired my abily to get to any romance if 's not between guys...
This isn't BL, this is Gay themed. It's fely one of the bt Gay themed thgs Thailand has produced, and I remend to anyone except Fangirls/boys who exclively want BL fantasi. BL, short for Boys Love, has bee an umbrella term for any Asian drama centerg on a gay love story.