What It's Like To Grow Up Gay In Wyomg After Matthew Shepard's Murr

young gay man killed in wyoming

Twenty years ago, the btal killg of a young gay man Laramie, Wyo., drew natnal attentn and led to an expansn of a feral hate-crim law.



The ath of a gay stunt, tortured and tied to a prairie fence two s ago, shocked the world. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

"WARNING: This feature ntas language that some rears may fd nights earlier, on Tuday 6 October 1998, Matthew Shepard walked alone to a dive bar ptn, Judy and Dennis Shepard at the Matthew Shepard Foundatn Denver last weekThe openly gay Universy of Wyomg hman had jt met up wh iends to plan LGBT awarens week on the town's he uldn't persua them to jo him for a beer the Firi Lounge, the 21-year-old somehow end up chattg to two roofg workers, Rsell Henrson and Aaron McKney, both the same age as pair saw an easy mark the 5ft 2, slightly built County Sheriff Dave O'Malley, who was lead vtigator the se, says: "McKney's own statement said he and Rsell went to the bathroom at the Firi bar and they planned to act like they were gay to try to ga Matthew's nfince. It is a momento honour not even acrd to another proment gay martyr, Harvey Milk, the San Francis polician assassated the Denver cy centre offic of the LGBT rights foundatn named after her son, Judy Shepard, 66, is fightg back predicted Friday's ceremony would probably be more emotnal for her than the funeral bee she felt so "numb" immediately after her son's source, Getty ImagImage ptn, A vigil for Shepard New York Cy 1998The origal service, amid snow flurri the fay's hometown of Casper, Wyomg, on 16 October 1998, was picketed by an anti-gay preacher om Kansas. Reverend Fred Phelps of Wtboro Baptist Church and his flock, who clud children, held plards dbed wh homophobic slurs and shouted to mourners that the ad stunt was burng Shepard, 69, remembers law enforcement makg him wear a bullet-proof vt to step outsi the Epispal church, which had been sured by bomb-sniffg dogs.

Shepard's murr stoked the perceptn of Cowboy Country and flyover stat general as a danger zone for gay at his office the cy of Cheyenne, McKney trial lawyer Dn Ctis matas was a robbery gone bad, even while he accepts sexual orientatn was a factor.

"However, McKney's own gay-bashg rhetoric damns him the ey of source, Getty ImagImage ptn, Thoands gathered outsi the US Capol for a vigil after Shepard's athDurg a police nfsn, he said he began to attack Shepard bee the stunt had put his hand on his leg durg the r ri.


Matthew Shepard was abducted, beaten and killed 20 years ago bee he was gay. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

" Yet another statement to police, he said Shepard simply looked like he was about to grope the jailhoe after his arrt, McKney reportedly wrote to another mate's wife: "Beg a verry [sic] dnk homofobick [sic] I flipped out and began to pistol whip the fag wh my gun, ready at hand. "At trial, McKney's lawyers argued that Shepard had ma their client fly to a rage by touchg his the judge dismissed this "gay panic" a legal strategy - where crimal fendants s of vlent asslt argue they were provoked by an unwanted same-sex sexual advance - is still admissible all but three US stat, acrdg to the Williams Instute at UCLA School of Law.


When two roofg workers beat a young gay man to ath Wyomg 1998, the gome crime quickly reverberated around the U.S. and turned the sandy-haired llege stunt to a powerful symbol of the qut for acceptance and equal rights. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

Sheriff O'Malley rejects any attempt to downplay the anti-gay element the source, Getty ImagImage ptn, Rev Fred Phelps and his flock prott Laramie 1999"We have never disunted ever that the ial motivatn was robbery, " he says. The moment was re-enacted as a climactic scene 2002 HBO movie The Laramie the angel actn, was replited two years ago Orlando, Florida, when Wtboro Baptist Church tried to dispt the funerals of gay people killed a mass shootg at the Pulse nightclub. "All of them are that circle of faiary of extreme right-wg relig attus, " she says of the print's bet, " particular to the gay muny, to anybody who's not straight whe Christian.

However, Sheriff O'Malley mak clear that theory is not supported by the source, Getty ImagImage ptn, Judy Shepard (L) at the Whe Hoe 2009 for the passage of the anti-hate crim bill named after her son and a black man killed by whe supremacistsThe Old Buckhorn Bar & Parlor Laramie has a mirror pocked by a bullet hole, and walls that bristle wh mounted antelope, buffalo and patron, Jt Bmmet - who proudly scrib himself as "third class whe trash" - says US progrs on gay rights sce Shepard's ath is to be mend. " Back at the end of the last lennium, many Wyomg apparently thought gay people were as rare on the high plas as jackalop, the state's mythil antlered ptn, (L-R) Universy of Wyomg LGBT stunts Js Fahlsg, Carlos Gonzal and Rihanna KelverShepard's murr - together wh the 2005 gay wboy love story Brokeback Mounta - helped dispel that Connolly, a Universy of Wyomg genr and women's studi lecturer, explas. She reunts facg a "horrific" backlash last year om angry voters when she troduced a gay rights source, Getty ImagImage ptn, A dirt road near where Shepard was left to dieA Democrat, she is one of a handful of female lawmakers Wyomg.


LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) — When two roofg workers beat a young gay man to ath Wyomg 1998, the gome crime quickly reverberated around the U.S. and turned the sandy-haired llege stunt to a powerful symbol of the qut for acceptance and equal rights. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

"I would be the first person that would tell a joke about gay Amerins and, uh, the word fag rolled off my tongue very easily. Twenty years ago, Matthew Shepard was a "smart, funny" 21-year-old, no different than any other young man that was an "ordary kid who wanted to make the world a better place, " his parents October 1998, that all changed, when the openly gay llege stunt was abducted, beaten and tied to a fence life end a few days later, and wh me a wispread awarens of the dangers that members of the LGBTQ muny face every day. The homophobic btal killg also served as a talyst for progrs Ameri's laws and the two s that have passed, however, remas batable how far the untry has e sce the shock of that crime.

(MORE: 'Gay panic' fense still ed vlence s may be banned by new feral bill)McKney h Shepard about 20 tim the head and face wh the end of the pistol, Marsn said, before the two stole Shepard's sho, got their tck and drove back to town.

Agast the gay muny until after he grew up to bee very terted ternatnal human rights, particularly women's rights the Middle East and Asia, and he studied polil science, said Marsn. Members of the Wtboro Baptist Church protted the funeral, picketg wh anti-gay Fred Phelps and his parishners traveled om Kansas to Laramie for the funeral and trial, prottg wh brightly lored signs and spewg hatred. McKney went to trial, and fense attorneys argued his vlent actns were "gay panic" -- a reactn to Shepard makg a sexual advance.


Fifteen years after Matthew Shepard was tied to a fence and fatally beaten after leavg a bar Wyomg, a new book claims the gay teenager was murred for “reasons far more plited” than beg homosexual. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

McKney has cled to speak to ABC News while Henrson did not immediately rpond to a requt for WashgtonShepard's murr shed a light on the spe of feral hate crime laws, which at the time did not clu sexual orientatn or genr gay activists monstrate the streets of North Hollywood to prott agast the ath of Wyomg Universy stunt Mathew Shepard, Oct. "Beyond the feral hate crime law, the years sce Matthew Shepard's ath, among the most substantive legislative ws for the LGBTQ muny were the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell 2010, so gay ary members n serve openly whout fear of beg dismissed, and the legalizatn of same-sex marriage across the untry 2015. Michael Loccisano/Getty Imag, FILEFor Judy Shepard, one of the bt signs of cultural progrs is seeg Gay Straight Alliance groups rampg up schools.

The murr of Shepard, a gay Universy of Wyomg stunt, was a watershed moment for gay rights and LGBTQ acceptance the U.


Matthew Shepard, 22, openly gay llege stunt, is found burned, battered and nearly lifels after beg tied to fence for 18 hours, Laramie, Wyo; Rsell A Henrson and Aaron J McKney are charged wh kidnappg, aggravated robbery and attempted murr; Kristen Leann Price and Chasty Vera Pasley are charged as accsori after fact to attempted murr; Shepard's iends say he did not know alleged tormentors; see hate crime; photos (M) * young gay man killed in wyoming *

– When two roofg workers beat a young gay man to ath Wyomg 1998, the gome crime quickly reverberated around the U.

"The acrimony over Shepard's legacy ns high here, jt as did when anti-gay and gay-rights protters squared off at his funeral Casper.

Universy of Wyomg stunt Matthew Shepard, who was openly gay, was btally beaten October 1998 by Aaron McKney and Rsell Henrson. Shepard died several days later. The cint received ternatnal media verage and ntu to spark ntroversy about hate crim. Shepard’s parents, Judy and Dennis, tablished a foundatn Matthew’s name, which ntu s pro-LGBT tnal work today. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

Wyomg remas "eply fensive" about the ia that Shepard was targeted bee he was gay, Burlgame as the Equaly State, Wyomg got s nickname for beg the first to let women vote.

Today has fewer women s Legislature than any other state and remas hant to adopt polici to unter anti-gay bias and is among jt five stat — along wh Arkansas, Geia, Indiana and South Carola — that have not passed laws foced on crim motivated by the victim's inty, such as their sexual orientatn.

Attus agast homosexualy persist Wyomg, but LGTBQ acceptance has advanced, said Jason Marsn, executive director of the Denver-based Matthew Shepard Foundatn. "As tragic as is, and as unfortunate as is, and as hard as is for Matthew's fay, and for my fay, for all of , to go through, opened up all of to be better people and really thk about who we are, " Henrson said of Shepard's ath a prison terview Tuday wh The Associated, he sisted, neher he nor McKney was motivated by anti-gay hatred when they offered Shepard a ri home om a bar.

Nearly 25 years ago, the btal murr of Matthew Shepard -- a gay llege stunt Wyomg who was beaten, tied to a fence and left to die -- shocked Ameri. * young gay man killed in wyoming *

I'm so, so ashamed I was ever part of this, " Henrson gay rights activist argu that Henrson has paid his du for what he scribed as beg " the wrong place at the wrong time. (AP) — When two roofg workers beat a young gay man to ath Wyomg 1998, the gome crime quickly reverberated around the U. The acrimony over Shepard’s legacy ns high here, jt as did when anti-gay and gay-rights protters squared off at his funeral Casper.

Wyomg remas “eply fensive” about the ia that Shepard was targeted bee he was gay, Burlgame as the Equaly State, Wyomg got s nickname for beg the first to let women vote. Today has fewer women s Legislature than any other state and remas hant to adopt polici to unter anti-gay bias and vlence. “As tragic as is, and as unfortunate as is, and as hard as is for Matthew’s fay, and for my fay, for all of , to go through, opened up all of to be better people and really thk about who we are, ” Henrson said of Shepard’s ath a prison terview Tuday wh The Associated, he sisted, neher he nor McKney was motivated by anti-gay hatred when they offered Shepard a ri home om a bar.

I’m so, so ashamed I was ever part of this, ” Henrson gay rights activist argu that Henrson has paid his du for what he scribed as beg “ the wrong place at the wrong time. They pistol whipped him wh a gun then tied him to a fence eezg ndns and set fire to him before leavg him to attack beme a e célèbre: precipated a natnal backlash agast hyper-macho culture and tac tolerance of homophobia. Jimenez has been acced of beg a revisnist, a cricism ually rerved for extreme rightwg iologu that ny the Holot, and labelled a homophobe.

* young gay man killed in wyoming *

When he started he was nvced that Matthew died at the hands of homophob, but he soon disvered that Matthew’s tragedy began long before the night he was killed. But the town also has a number of mobile home parks at the edg, some more ndown than the eveng of 6 October 1998, Matthew went to the Firi bar, a lol hangout that was purportedly gay-iendly. It was fairly well known the Laramie muny that McKney wouldn’t be one that was strikg out of a sense of homophobia.

So why has he put such time and effort to attemptg to prove that Matthew’s murr was not a hate crime, pecially as has seen him acced of beg an ally to the rightwg Christian fundamentalists who ny the realy of homophobia? “The view was that homophobic rednecks walked to a bar and saw an obvly gay man wh money and targeted him and beat him to ath for that reason, ” says Jimenez.

That plit the origal story of two strangers walkg to a bar and targetg Matthew – someone they did not know – bee he was gay.


The tth behd Ameri’s most famo gay-hate murr | LGBTQ+ rights | The Guardian .