Thailand’s gay-romance TV dramas help revive flaggg tourism dtry | Thailand | The Guardian

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21 tl for 2022 Gay: KnPorsche, Bluemg, Old Fashn Cupke, 180 Degree Longu Pass Through Us, What Did You Eat Yterday?, Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virgy Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie, Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou, Weak Hero Class 1, Cupid's Last Wish and The Miracle…" name="scriptn



The populary of gay-romance seri sends fans om home and abroad flockg to filmg lotns across the untry * film gay thailand 2022 *

And next year is gog to be even the first major stud gay rom-, to queer-clive horror, to Harry Styl playg a queer p, the next year will have a ton of great LGBTQ+ ntent on the big screen. Billy Eichner wrote and starred this gay rom- wh an all LGBTQ+ prcipal st, cludg Bowen Yang, Ts Madison, Guillermo Diaz, and Le Macfarlane as Eichner's love tert.

The movie, which is beg lled the first gay romantic edy by a major stud, jt wrapped filmg and is schled to h theaters Augt 22, 2022. Tells the story of bt iends Jane and Lucy, when one of them gets a promotn to move to London and the other out as gay. I Told Sunset About You is part of a recent wave of Thai dramas known as “boys’ love” (BL) – also lled the “Y” seri Thailand– whose portrayal of gay romance has attracted a large followg across Asia.

2022 GAY

BL offers a happier, more posive portrayal of same-sex relatnships than elsewhere Thai media, where gay love tends to end tragedy, said Kangwan Fongkaew, a lecturer at Burapha Universy Chonburi provce, who has studied the reprentatn of LGBT muni Thai while this is some ways rehg, BL dramas do not offer te reprentatns of society. They are generally foced on “puppy love” and om the reali faced by gay men Thailand, which still do not have basic rights such as equal marriage, said Kangwan. Viewers, add Kangwan, “might misunrstand that Thailand is a gay paradise, which is totally not te” leadg characters are also predomantly light-skned, middle class and ted, he said: “The boys’ love seri don’t reflect the real diversy of the LGBT muny Thai society, and that’s why the stigma and discrimatn agast LGBT are still gog on right now.

”Soontaree, who is gay, said she supports the BL seri, addg that the dramas are a powerful tool for Thailand: “I n see clearly.


Thailand’s gay-romance TV dramas help revive flaggg tourism dtry | Thailand | The Guardian .