Jackson Krecch Reveals He Is GAY: "I Prayed I Wasn't Gay!" - Superfame

bjorn kristen gay

In the gay pornographic films Manly Beach (1991), Call of the Wild (1992) and Paradise Plantatn (1994), director Kristen Bjorn palis on the appeal of altery, or "otherns." By g exotic lotns and natnal stereotyp, he provis North Amerin viewers wh ialised sexual scenari …



In the gay pornographic films Manly Beach (1991), Call of the Wild (1992) and Paradise Plantatn (1994), director Kristen Bjorn palis on the appeal of altery, or "otherns." By g exotic lotns and natnal stereotyp, he provis North Amerin viewers wh ialised sexual scenari … * bjorn kristen gay *

ROBIN SANCHEZIn a rare magaze terview, legendary gay porn director Kristen Bjorn talks ndidly to Scene magaze’s Jason Reid about startg out porn the 1980s, the evolutn of the dtry and how his own stud has had to change, survivg panmics, hop for the future, and much moreI image most people will be wonrg how and why you ially bee volved wh the porn dtry? As my mentor, Fred tght me about the gay magaze bs.


Check all the awards won and nomated for by Kristen Bjorn - Lifetime Achievement - Grabby (2011) and more awards. Kristen Bjorn is the stage name of a Brish director and producer of gay pornographic movi... * bjorn kristen gay *

But later, gay studs started filmg wh ndoms, while the straight studs relied on ttg. In an terview nducted 1997, Bjorn stated that only one of his sisters knows his profsn as a maker of gay erotic films.

Bjorn arrived San Francis 1978, where he enuntered the gay muny for the first time. TriviaConsired by some crics to be the world's foremost porn his reer 1981 as a mol for gay porn stud Faln. J Homosex.

In the gay pornographic films Manly Beach (1991), Call of the Wild (1992) and Paradise Plantatn (1994), director Kristen Bjorn palis on the appeal of altery, or "otherns. Language, gay pornography, and dience receptn. In the slammer: the myth of the prison Amerin gay pornographic vio.


Buy a cheap py of Men of Kristen Bjorn book by Kristen Bjorn. Kristen Bjorn released his first gay erotic vio Carnaval R, which was filmed at his home base Brazil. He then went on to make many more films and more... Free Shippg on all orrs over $15. * bjorn kristen gay *

Asian valu, fay valu: film, vio, and lbian and gay inti. Usg hegemonic masculy to expla gay male attractn to mcular and athletic men. I met Kristen Bjorn a world that was soon to vanish, the world of gay San Francis before the vastatn of AIDS.

As producer-director of some 200 films, he is known to every gay man who ever watched an erotic 1985 he was such a brand name that I ran a lengthy terview wh him the November issue of Mandate that year.

Sce there was no gay porn dtry the untry at that time, I didn't have opportuni to perform, and that was the end of my molg reer. I felt, however, that was important to spotlight reprsive stat, pecially vis-à-vis gays and lbians affected by unjt laws. "There are many gay clubs Jo-burg, " he wrote, "and they are ually racially mixed.


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class><div class="available-ntent"><div dir="to" class="body markup"><p>I met Kristen Bjorn a world that was soon to vanish, the world of gay San Francis before the vastatn of AIDS. I know om my diary entry dated Augt 26, 1982, a Thursday, that our meetg took place on Monday night, Augt 23, at the home of Dennis Forb. Dennis was, and is still, somethg of a renaissance man. A regular ntributor to our magaz, he ed the name Fred Bisonn for his mol photography -- an anagram of his real name. But more about Dennis a later chapter. For now, a few l om the diary.</p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="170" height="259.7368421052632" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" fetchprry="high" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn">Kristen Bjorn, San Francis, 1982 (photo by Dennis Forb)</figptn></figure></div><p>"A six-day trip to L.A. and San Francis, where so many of our ntributors live. Durg this get-acquated vis, I explaed recent chang Mornismo polici and practic to a number of them, new and not so new, who are almost uniformly eager to work wh .</p><p><span>"My favore of them all is Dennis Forb -- solid, full of slow-movg energy, who works nstantly and seamlsly at his photography, illtratns, and wrg, while helpg to n Faln Stud. He is an Earth Father type -- patient, steady, sets forth his thoughts measured speech. The night of my arrival he oked a vegetarian dner for me, Robert McQueen, who is edor of</span><em> </em><span> the </span><em>Advote</em><span>, and a mol we ed recently </span><em>Mandate.</em><span> Dennis and his partner, Michael, live on Goln Gate Ave. an Italianate sgle-fay Victorian built 1876 which obvly survived the earthquake wh no harm done."</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="249" height="236.0722347629797" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /></picture><div></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn">Dennis Forb</figptn></figure></div><p>Fast forward to the prent. Dennis now liv North Carola wh a different partner, Robert McQueen died 1989, and the young man jt settg out on his reer would soon bee famo unr the name Kristen Bjorn. Before that, however, he appeared three vios produced by Faln. Then his tert shifted to makg vios rather than appearg them, and wh a few years he was ternatnally famo. As producer-director of some 200 films, he is known to every gay man who ever watched an erotic movie.</p><p><span>By 1985 he was such a brand name that I ran a lengthy terview wh him the November issue of </span><em>Mandate</em><span> that year. The blazg ver blurb proclaimed: "EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: THE KRISTEN BJORN STORY." Sce he had moved to Brazil almost three years earlier, I mailed my qutns and we pleted the terview by phone.</span></p><p><span>He was not yet Kristen Bjorn at the time of his first appearance our magaz, which took place the September 1982 issue of </span><em>Mandate</em><span> -- an eleven-page spread, almost one-tenth of the issue, wh photography by Fred Bisonn/Dennis Forb. Tled "Arm's Length," we might also have lled "En Gar!" sce he is posed as a fencer wh a few stch of protective clothg (none below the waist) and he wields eher a foil, an épée, or a sabre. Fencg aficnados will know the sport's fer pots, although I don't.</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="216" height="296.05390835579516" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><span>A black and whe photo opens the layout before we reach the lor page shown above. In that first picture his face is vered by a fencg mask wh attached protective bib that vers the cht. The rt of him almost outmeasur the foil -- or is the sabre -- oh hell, ll his </span><em>sword</em><span> and make a dreadful pun. One thg is certa: rears — lookers -— didn't give a damn about rrect termology, proof beg the feedg enzy ed by this layout. An avalanche of letters, one of which I ran the November letters lumn:</span></p><p><span>"Dear </span><em>Mandate</em><span>:</span></p><p>You have done aga -- you've soped your petors by nng an imagative photo say wh an unual theme. I'm referrg to 'Arm's Length' the September issue. I thought that sword was so sexy, and the man who's ready to e is que a dashg mketeer as well.”</p><div><hr /></div><p><span>As a mol, he appeared once more </span><em>Mandate</em><span>, this time a centerfold April 1983 -- a still om one of his three Faln vios. I don't rell which one, whether </span><em>Boots, Beach Rovers, </em><span>or </span><em>Malibu</em><span>. In the June 1985 issue of </span><em>Playguy </em><span>we ran a layout om one of his earlier molg ssns. There he end his reer as mol and took up photography fulltime. From then on, we ed his work more than that of any other photographer or stud.</span></p><p>I recently asked him about the early reer of Kristen Bjorn, and this is what he said. "I was paid $500 for the first two vios. My stars Jon Kg and Sky Dawson were paid $1,000 each. Chuck Holm [owner of Faln Stud] told me he need to see whether I was a crowd pleaser or not. For my last one, I asked for $1,000 and Chuck agreed to ."</p><p><span>I asked whether he appeared before the meras aga. "I only appeared as a director/producer a uple of documentari which I ma the early 2000s lled </span><em>Makg It Wh Kristen Bjorn</em><span> and </span><em>The Agony of Ecstasy</em><span>. Sce so many people asked me what was like to make porn, I wanted to make ser documentari about the productn of two of my films. However, the documentari upset a lot of people who claimed that I had ed the experience of porn for them. I realized then that people do not actually want to know how porn is ma. What they want is a nfirmatn of their own fantasi about ." (Both documentari are available om </span><em></em><span>.)</span></p><p><span>This asssment is astute not only regardg films, but magaze layouts as well. As noted earlier, no one really red whether </span><em>I</em><span> slept wh the mols; they wanted, as Kristen says, nfirmatn of their own fantasi.</span></p><p>I've often been asked how erotic mols are named. While a few sist on keepg their real nam, most choose a psdonym that sounds mascule, ntemporary, everyday -- Jack, John, Chad -- or memorable for beg unmon. For stance, Kristen Bjorn. I have two versns of his namg. Dennis Forb, a recent nversatn, said that he vented the name, perhaps bee of the new mol's blond hair and Nordic featur. Kristen himself said that the name was created by Faln Stud "which, at the time, preferred mol nam that sound siar to the nam of famo people. I was told that my name was spired by Bjorn B, the Swedish tennis player. They thought I looked somethg like him."</p><p>The two versns do not ntradict each other. Dennis Forb was volved many aspects of Faln, so 's likely that he did ed vent the name, based on that of the celebry sportsman. Bjorn B, cintally, was born 1956, a year before Kristen Bjorn. His reer lasted through the 1970s and until his retirement 1982.</p><div><hr /></div><p>My next qutn was, "Why did you cut short your performg reer? When I was edg the magaz, I was equently asked, ‘Do you know Kristen Bjorn?’ and ‘When is Kristen Bjorn gog to make another film?’ You had a huge fan base om the start."</p><p><span>"After visg Brazil for a uple of months 1982," he said, "I moved there six months later. Sce there was no gay porn dtry the untry at that time, I didn't have opportuni to perform, and that was the end of my molg reer. I probably would not have pursued any se. I was more terted workg behd the mera. I had studied photography for several years, and sce the age of fifteen my dream was to work as a photographer for </span><em>Natnal Geographic</em><span>. I loved travelg, and I loved photographg people. I was not particularly terted porn per se, but I saw as an opportuny to make my dream e te."</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="336" height="219.9012765957447" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn">Kristen Bjorn, world traveler</figptn></figure></div><p><span>His travel articl </span><em>Mandate</em><span>, acpanied by evotive photographs, show his versatily and his taste selectg farflung lotns. Among the plac he wrote about were Pe, Buenos Air, and South Ai. The latter untry, where apartheid stood as official policy until the early 1990s, proved ntroversial as a statn piece. I heard protts om one lleague and om several rears. I felt, however, that was important to spotlight reprsive stat, pecially vis-à-vis gays and lbians affected by unjt laws. Kristen's South Ai travel article ran September 1985.</span></p><p>In , he views the untry panoramilly. His month-long travels took him om Johannburg, where he was missned to do a fashn shoot for a clothg pany, to Cape Town, Durban, on to the so-lled "black homeland" of Bophuthatswana, and fally to Landolozi, a private game rerve the northern Transvaal. Viewed om the twenty-first century, this article is like a historil snapshot taken when AIDS was "a new phenomenon South Ai -- fourteen s had been reported" at the time of Kristen's vis early 1985. "There are many gay clubs Jo-burg," he wrote, "and they are ually racially mixed. It is not unmon to see gay men of different rac gropg one another. Homosexualy, acrdg to the South Ain ernment, is illegal but ually not prosecuted. There are many attractive men the untry, although the gays don't look as pumped up as the Uned Stat." Provg his pot is the blond youth he photographed on the beach at Cape Town and whose pictur we ran followg the travel article. The mol is tan all over wh a natural build that seems unmodified by ee weights or Ntil. He was also our ver man for that September issue.</p><div><hr /></div><p>Kristen's youthful dream of a reer photography leads to a flashback. I asked him to put the rerd straight about his early years; like all famo people, he is the subject of differg narrativ. Born London on October 12, 1957, he was three years old when the fay moved to Washgton, D.C., where his father was posted as a diplomat. "My mother was the dghter of Rsian emigrants," he said. "Although she spoke Rsian, she unfortunately never tght me more than a few words." In later years, he learned Spanish, Portugue, French, German, and a workg knowledge of other languag.</p><p><span>Here I quote om my 1985 </span><em>Mandate </em><span>terview wh Kristen. "I'm the youngt of a lter of four. I have two sisters and one brother. Bee of the age difference between , they had already left home by the time I was twelve and we rarely saw each other after that. My parents divorced when I was fifteen; both have sce remarried. We wre to each other on ocsn, but we haven't seen each other for many years. Even though the women my fay know that I'm gay, I haven't told them about my film work; I'm sure they would not approve. They know that I work as a fashn photographer, but I haven't told them about the erotic photography."</span></p><p>Growg up and around the District of Columbia, where polics hold domn over all, was unexcg for him owg to "the lack of culture and diversy." Followg high school graduatn, he left the U.S. and traveled wily Europe and Asia. After settlg Spa for a time, he moved to Mexi. In 1979, he vised San Francis and cid to stay. For two years he attend San Francis State Universy, supportg himself as a waer and as a salman a natural food store. Increasgly drawn to healthy livg -- "I learned how good a f body feels" -- he studied var forms of body work, cludg Swedish massage, shiatzu, reflexology, and hydrotherapy. "I worked as a massr a gym," he rells, "and later I began a private practice my own stud wh clients sent to me om gyms and dance studs all over the cy."</p><p>Which brgs full circle to that dner table on Goln Gate Avenue Augt 1982 and my first meetg wh the future Cecil B. DeMille of gay eroti. Had I met him a ntext ls animated by dner-table nversatn, I might have shared Dennis Forb's rellectn that Kristen Bjorn had "a slight accent which I uldn't place, pl a speakg manner that didn't e verb ntractns." It isn't that he never ntractns; rather, he speaks refully, liberately, a soft voice that is neverthels thorative. Whatever accent one might hear is probably childhood ridue om his father's Brish speech and his mother's Rso-Brish flectns. It's a non-accent that almost be an accent. Like the Brish, and unlike Amerins, he unrstat; listen refully or you'll miss his droll remarks and sly observatns. Rellg our rrponnce and nversatns, I thk of his wi-awake telligence. In other words, he himself is like a mrr that se and hears all.</p><div><hr /></div><p><span>In Brazil, where he lived om 1982 to 1990, he worked as a fashn photographer, and much of his erotic photography has the ambience of a fashn shoot -- m the fashn. When he took up gay filmmakg he blend fashn-dtry sensibily wh the eroticism of nu mal. He took his mols to the ra forts of South Ameri, to famo beach om Miami to Sydney, to the high Ans, and posed them there like fashn mols. If you swched the genr om male to female, and add signer drs, darg two-piece swimsus, jewelry and sho, you'd fd yourself almost the pag of </span><em>Vogue</em><span> or </span><em>Glamour</em><span>.</span></p><p>By ntrast, others the dtry remaed safely predictable. Colt, for stance, typilly ed a sgle lor background for s mcular mols, or posed them over motorcycl or high-tech dtrial settgs. Other studs went for boyish mols backyard swimmg pools, reclg on beds, or twirlg a lasso like a naked Roy Rogers. Many of the uld be said to create static objects of sexual fantasy wh their mols. Kristen Bjorn, on the other hand, packaged and sold his own fantasy jt as Givenchy and Dr and Chanel sold theirs. And the Bjorn look beme wildly popular.</p><p>This would not have happened, of urse, if he didn't have an exceptnally good eye. I've heard his work -- still photography and later vios and DVDs -- scribed as olly stylized; as both betiful and hot; as metrosexual; as ternatnal vs. the look of L.A., San Francis, or New York. Given that roughly half of his mols, South Amerin and European, scribe themselv as straight or bisexual, they often brg a different sexual flavor to a Bjorn project, pecially his films. His mols never seem bored, hant, jad, or ed up, as they often do the work of lser craftsmen. The Bjorn product -- vibrant sensualy nveyed by technil brilliance -- rults om directorial expertise and perfectnism.</p><p>Watchg him behd the mera as both director and viographer, you know, as he himself surely knew early on, that he was born to make erotic pictur. Had this genre not been available, he would have found another. Or, given his ser md and tellectual terts, he might have bee a profsor of an archeologist, a physician, an environmentalist.</p><p>I doubt that any other maker of erotic films uld match his work ethic. "When filmg," he says, "each productn day lasts up to twelve hours. That means that durg the shoot, the mols and crew do practilly everythg together." That's to avoid clutterg the set wh addnal crew who might hib some of the mols. Therefore, Kristen Bjorn and his productn assistant --  who also do lightg and still photography -- handle all technil aspects. Mols are expected to pch . They help move equipment and props, pack and remove the same after the shoot. Everyone eats together and on remote lotn shoots all bunk together. The mols nap between tak, and often play like young boys to ward off boredom durg the long work day. Kristen ually spends four days per scene, and sce many productns have eight scen -- often shot on different lotns -- st and crew spend about two weeks together, sometim longer.</p><p>"Attractn between the mols ually evaporat after the first day of productn," says Bjorn. From then on, acrdg to the mols, sexual fun for the mera is hard work.</p><p>After his years Brazil, Kristen Bjorn lived for a time Miami and then Montreal before choosg Barcelona. There, he liv the Barr Góti, which he scrib as "the olst part of what was the walled Roman cy of Barco, found 2 A.D. There are some Roman s left, but most of the buildgs date om the eleventh century up to the neteenth. My apartment is on the top floor of a neteenth-century buildg on the edge of the Mederranean."</p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="306" height="204.102" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn">Kristen Bjorn Miami</figptn></figure></div><p>I wish I had heard the followg anecdote om his lips rather than via email, for whout his FM rad voice -- cultivated, ntrolled, relaxed -- I spect a loss of nuance, pecially overton of dry, ironic edy. The story begs 1986, when he returned om Brazil to San Francis on a vis. He was the hoe gut of Dennis Forb and was then that Dennis enuraged him to expand his reer by addg vio to his still photography. "To get started," Kristen said, "I rerd a mockup terview wh Dennis his study. I asked him qutns, and rerd his t, his parrot, then I panned the magaze tear sheets attached to the walls: naked men wh erectns, men on their kne wh butts stretched open. His published magaze work.</p><p>"Before returng to Brazil, I flew to New York to meet up wh Serg, my Brazilian boyiend at the time. While there I lled my mother, who lived the suburbs of Washgton, D.C. She asked me please to e and vis. Serg said, 'Let's go! I want to meet your fay.'</p><p>"So I asked, ' Can I brg a iend? ' Although I me out to my fay when I was twenty-two, seven years later my mother, and particularly my stepfather, were not fortable wh my sexualy. By the time we reached Washgton, my fay had nclud that Serg was actually a boyiend. Upon arrival, my mother told me that my stepfather was so upset he planned not to speak to me. But the next morng he apologized. Worried that Serg and I would somehow embarrass him, he cid his fears were unfound.</p><p>"To celebrate our vis, he ma a barbecue the back yard. I took out my new mrr, rewound the tape, and started to rerd my parents at the grill. Soon neighbors were peekg over the fence, sce vio meras were so unmon then. About ten neighbors me to the okout and I rerd them eatg hamburgers. Then I ved them si to watch themselv on the TV screen. Everyone lghed and shouted at the novelty of seeg themselv on televisn. My mother was eatg a hamburger onscreen when sudnly: a pan om Dennis's t and parrot to those magaze tear sheets his study -- naked men wh hard-ons, ass shots, butt cheeks. Serg said Portugue: ' Turn off! '</p><p>"Everythg moved slow motn before I uld do so. One woman screamed, 'Where was that? ' My mother replied the sternt tone, 'It wasn't this hoe! ' My stepfather was so mortified that he really did stop speakg to me.</p><p>"Serg and I took the next tra to New York and om there back to Brazil." </p><div><hr /></div><p>To this pot I've wrten about "classic" Kristen Bjorn -- that is, his work om the early eighti through the first years of the new century. Around 2010, however, everythg changed for him and for the dtry general. I asked him for a ndown, and this is his report.</p><p>"I've directed and/or produced about 200 DVDs to date. The whole ncept of porn films has changed a lot the last twelve years. It ed to be that VHS and DVD sal ma up almost one hundred percent of my e, and the webse was mostly there to sell VHS tap or DVDs via mail orr. DVD sal are now a small actn of what they once were, and the webse memberships generate most of my e. However, my e is about eighty percent ls than was 2010, and my budgets for filmg have rced even more. Up until ten years ago, I shot three films per year, and each film required six to eight weeks. Each scene was shot over four days, pl an addnal day for still photography. It was important to produce photo sets for the magaz, bee that was my source of advertisg for the films. The magaz actually stopped payg for photo sets years earlier, bee they uld get them for ee om the studs exchange for ads.</p><p>"The way people nsume porn via ter changed everythg. They don't want to watch two-hour films on their puters or smart phon. So, we began shootg dividual scen, which are later piled onto DVDs. The way we shoot now has also changed. Instead of five days to shoot a scene and do still photography, is now all done about six hours. I ed to rent big ho remote lotns to shoot and to acmodate st and crew. That also meant rentg vans and hirg a chef. Now we shoot apartments cy centers, most often Madrid and Barcelona, which is much cheaper.</p><p>"The st of makg films has also creased. Up until ten years ago, I was shootg wh analog meras. The st of the profsnal mera equipment was so expensive that was more practil to rent than to buy. Rentg two Betam meras and equipment for a six-week shoot was about $10,000. Mols were flown om other ntents and they were paid up to ten tim more than they are now. Even edg was much more expensive back then. To have the Betam tap digized for edg st thoands of dollars. The edg studs wh Betam equipment charged at least $100 per hour, and were hired for several days to ed a film. Cost did have an advantage: not everyone uld afford such filmmakg, nor did they know how to e the equipment. </p><p>"The days, profsnal digal meras are much cheaper and footage n be eded on any laptop. We now work wh about ten percent of the budget we formerly had. It's not as fancially rewardg anymore."</p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="245" height="360.82474226804123" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn">Kristen Bjorn today</figptn></figure></div><p><span>I uld fill many more Kristen Bjorn pag were not for space limatns. (I will do so future Substack postgs.) For now, I remend to fans </span><em>The Films of Kristen Bjorn</em><span>, a 145-page terview wh KB by the erotic film performer Jamoo (not a Bjorn player, however) that was published 1997 by Compann Prs California. The book is generoly illtrated wh stills om his films up to the date of publitn. Although now out of prt, pi turn up onle. Even better: to view and purchase Kristen Bjorn products, vis </span><em>, </em><span>a spectacular webse that's surely tops s genre. Among the unual featur: click "Support and More" to learn how you too n "Bee a Porn Star."</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="218" height="260.2985074626866" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><div class="ptned-button-wrap" data-attrs="{"url":"" 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href="><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__size-14--Ume6q ontend-pencraft-Text-module__le-height-20--p0dP8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__weight-semibold--LJBj3 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__font-text--QmNJR ontend-pencraft-Text-module__lor-pub-primary-text--RzL7j ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ret--dW0zZ ontend-pencraft-Text-module__body4--Pl3xY">Gee Heymont</div></a></div></div></span><a href=" rel="nofollow" native class="ment-timtamp">Feb 25</a></div><div class="ment-body"><p><span>Thanks for this, Sam. It beme obv early on that KB had a killer batn of a keen eye and masterful technique the films he created (which set his work on a much higher profsnal level than most gay photographers of the era). While much of the gay art foced on leather/macho imagery was a fairly new and radil phenomenon, the most wildly creative visns me om Jam Bidgood, whose work was remarkable nsirg his barebon budget.</span></p><div role="button" class="show-all-toggle"><div class="show-all-toggle-label">Expand full ment</div></div></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-start--_8fEd ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-top-8--VHq_j ment-actns"><span class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ratn-hover-unrle--BEYAn ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ret--dW0zZ"><a class="ontend-ma-ments-CommentActns-module__lk--yWV0t ontend-feed-TextLk-module__lk--VuuIc"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-6--lHgtr"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="var(--lor-sendary-themed)" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-msage-circle"><path d="m3 21 1.9-5.7a8.5 8.5 0 1 1 3.8 3.8z"></path></svg><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__size-11--k1e8b ontend-pencraft-Text-module__le-height-20--p0dP8 ontend-pencraft-Text-module__weight-medium--x7khA ontend-pencraft-Text-module__font-meta--U_nxy ontend-pencraft-Text-module__lor-pub-sendary-text--OzRTa ontend-pencraft-Text-module__transform-upperse--IDkUL ontend-pencraft-Text-module__ret--dW0zZ ontend-pencraft-Text-module__meta--jzHdd">Reply</div></div></a></span><button tabInx="0" type="button" id="trigger12245" aria-expand="false" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-ntrols="dialog12246" ariaLabel="View more" class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Button-module__inButton--xpBoH ontend-pencraft-Button-module__buttonBase--T0hXz ontend-pencraft-Button-module__prry_sendary-theme--YMjyc ontend-pencraft-Button-module__fill_empty--OPYgN"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-more-horizontal"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="1"></circle><circle cx="19" cy="12" r="1"></circle><circle cx="5" cy="12" r="1"></circle></svg></button></div></td></tr></table><div class="more-repli-ntaer"><a href=" class="more-repli">3 repli by Sam Staggs and others</a></div><div class="ment-list-llapser"><div class="ment-list-llapser-le"></div></div></div></div></div><a href=" class="more-ments">3 more ments...</a></div></div><div class="sgle-post-sectn"><div class="ntaer"><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-24--T7KvM"><div class="portable-archive empty-list"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-bottom-16--KVxKv"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div role="button" class="ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTab--cqGWE ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTabActive--bmZsx">Top</div><div role="button" class="ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTab--cqGWE">New</div><div role="button" class="ontend-pencraft-unstable-PillTabs-module__pillTab--cqGWE">Communy</div></div><div role="button" class="ontend-ma-home-ArchiveAdapted-module__inButton--_iQQr"><svg role="img" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke-width="1.8" stroke="#000" xmlns="><g><tle>.