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In a sign of risg and aggrsive homophobia, gay youths have been doed wh ure and threatened wh ax.



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Leave the term "abe" for those who serve .Iowan DissenterI jt wanted to mend you on the superb advice that you gave the lady who is worried about hidg her nephew's homosexualy om her brother.

Perhaps young nephew isn't even genr-inty challenged, he jt lik the really fun—and powerful—parts about beg a girl.Plenty of self-rpectg gay men never thought of puttg on makp and dancg to showtun.

How 'bout we add the advice of not makg assumptns about our young nephew while providg a safe space which he n work out for himself?HFPI was lighted to see Auntie Mame's letter today, bee I have been wonrg for two years whether my 6-year-old son might be gay.


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But what has surprised me is the number of our liberal, open-md, non-homophobic iends whose reactn when we mentn this is that "no one uld possibly know at age 5 what their sexual orientatn uld be." That seems wrong to me. However, this time I thk you really blew , primarily bee you remend dishonty and subterfuge.You were right on when you said that the homophobic father was endangerg his relatnship wh his son. As I once said to a homophobic mother: "Your attu toward your son is never gog to make him sorry that he is gay.


We have been followg the threats to arrt gay athlet Rsia unr the new anti-homosexual laws of the Put regime -- a threat repeated recently by a mister spe assuranc om the Internatnal Olympic Commtee. One official however suggted may be spend for the gam. Now there are reports The Put ernments alliance… * gay drink piss *

It's only gog to make him sorry that you're his mother."However, you advised Auntie Mame to do the gay stuff wh ltle Johnny on the sly. Lets go over the evince: the young nephew lik "puttg on makp, watchg and dancg along to mils wh vampy women (like Chigo), [and] playg drs-up." This don't sound so much like the child is gay, but rather that he is possibly (male-to-female) transgenred. Assumg someone is gay and not possibly transgenred when fact they are transgenred n e jt as much harm as assumg that they are straight when fact they are gay.

(I'll skip the pun.)Auntie Mame wr to ar ol' Uncle Dan about her prumably homo nephew. Auntie Mame openly adms she supports her claim on mere superficial evince, but Uncle Danny's sage wisdom attts "there's a 99 percent chance your nephew is gay"—are you fuckg kiddg? Try takg both heads out of your asshole and open somethg bis your brown eye for once, you disgrace of a gay man.


ABSTRACT: What mak a drk "gay"? Some say all tak is a name endg "ra" or "ti," while others specify the cln of chopped u and fanciful ratns. For the purpos of this experiment, the signatn and selectn of gay drks has been left to profsnals--real live bartenrs real live gay bars. HYPOTHESIS: Tt subject "Sanep" is a 37-year-old straight man who, his natural habat, enjoys Jim Beam on the rocks... * gay drink piss *

Hope so.Tongu And KissThe Girly Boy is 99 percent likely to be gay?

(The only difference between face-patg and makp is the difference we say is there.) Whatever the rate of homosexualy is (15 percent?) that's GB's chanc of beg gay. Gays (and hets) e all flavors.


And the example she sets is somethg that, gay or straight, he'll admire all his life.Auntie SaneYou are ually ad on wh your advice.

Or maybe even more likely, an uncle that wish he were an nt, who's dog everythg he n to turn the nephew gay and somehow make himself more palatable to the fay.Siblg rivalry n amok is much more likely than a cross-drsg, showtune-sgg 5-year-old.Concerned About A Kid In The MiddleI am a right-wg Bible-thumper, and I have enjoyed your lumn for many years.

She told me she loved me even if I was straight, and she had a feelg I'm gay, but she wanted me to figure out.My immediate fay still stggl wh me beg gay, but 's my life and I am livg the way I am.Thank you for the wonrful advice you gave Auntie Mame.AllenI'm wrg rponse to Auntie Mame, who thks her 5-year-old nephew is gay and his father is forbiddg "gay play," e.g. I have been able to be an out gay adult who feels secure and spirually happy due, great part, to her unndnal love and guidance. He needs and is askg for your support!San From OregonMy bt iend's 9-year-old son is gay.


Rsian Gays Forced To Drk Ure And Beaten As Part Of “Cure” By Natnalist Thugs – JONATHAN TURLEY .