OutRage! lls for tolerance over gay cisg Manchter | PkNews

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Gay men meetg for sex public plac Manchter should be tolerated, not arrted, gay rights group OutRage! has said. Cisers the nal area have been warned they may face arrt if ught.



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Gay men meetg for sex public plac Manchter should be tolerated, not arrted, gay rights group OutRage! Claims that recent msag passed on the muny by the north wt-based Gay and Lbian Foundatn are “nfg” bee there are no laws which specifilly state that havg sex a public place is illegal. The gay group believ is time for a rethk on the issue, sayg that cisg is an important part of the gay muny and nnot be ignored.

But there is que a lot of anger the gay muny about how ’s beg handled. “The [gay] muny has been victimised and sgled out. A lot of is homophobia.

“We’d like other agenci such as the police and uncil to get behd this ncept [of tolerated gay cisg areas]. Gay cisg n brg together dividuals wh related sexual preferenc and you would enjoy to go on a one. Plenty of hot statns are out there for you to travel whilst beg surround by people who have the very same sexual preferenc, so you jt need to prerve an eye on Dark Room will really feel trated when makg new gay iendships the days, but the future of appears promisg.


OutRage! lls for tolerance over gay cisg Manchter | PkNews.