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was judy garland father gay

Judy Garland was one of the most inic and regnizable movie stars of all time. She also (might have) helped kick off the gay rights movement.



'Over the Rabow' is jt the begng of Judy Garland's stat as an endurg gay in. * was judy garland father gay *

” Havg seen The Wizard of Oz as a child, Ross was further drawn towards Judy Garland his late teens, around the same time he me out as gay.

”More like this- Film’s most shockg moments- How Friends changed our ia of fay- The bt films of 2019 so farRoss is far om the only gay man to feel such strong affy wh Garland’s work and life. Gay magaze The Advote once lled her the “Elvis of homosexuals”, and a 1967 review of Garland's ncert at New York Cy’s Palace Theatre, Time Magaze observed that a “disproportnate part of her nightly claque” was gay.


Judy Garland's father was never 'out'. There were several stanc a few different ci they l * was judy garland father gay *

Two years earlier, Garland herself had been asked if at a San Francis prs nference if she md havg such a large gay followg, to which she rpond: “I uldn’t re ls.

The buzz surroundg the release, partnered wh the 2018 remake of A Star is Born – the inic showbiz drama that earned Garland an Amy Award nomatn 1954 – has brought her distctly gay legacy back to bpic Judy, Renée Zellweger plays Garland – and is a favoure for next year’s Osrs (Cred: David Hdley/ LD Entertament / Roadsi Attractns)To many gay men, Garland is the mother of all ins. Analysg her story, om upbrgg to ath, helps unrstand how and why some gay men look to famo women to help them navigate the town to Tseltown In 1922, Garland was born Franc Ethel Gumm – named after her parents Frank and Ethel – Grand Rapids, Mnota. One is not brought up gay – Richard DyerThis perd Garland’s life, which mirrored closely the story of Dorothy, has ntributed signifintly to her stat as a gay in.

In his book, Heavenly Bodi: Film Stars and Society, profsor Richard Dyer observ some gay men intify wh Garland’s rejectn of the ordars that she seemed sted for as a child. He theoris that turng out to be abnormal after beg “saturated wh the valu or ordars” is a pot where Garland and Dorothy’s stori align wh the experience of some gay men, enuragg those who perceive themselv as ‘different’ to gravate towards troubleGarland’s arrival as a major Hollywood star was plited by a seri of disastro personal relatnships, most notably wh herself. ” This physil secury is somethg that many gay men n intify wh, particular, as a mographic more likely to battle body dysmorphia, harm their bodi, attempt suici and suffer om eatg disorrs.


* was judy garland father gay *

In the book, Changg Gay Male Inti, Dr Andrew Cooper suggts that the body n be a plex battleground for many gay men: that the body be a key se for projectg a “succsful” sense of self to gay peers, but also for embodyg succs the ey of wir society. But the Osr end up gog to Grace Kelly, signallg that Garland’s Hollywood star was not gog to be reigned after this pot, the motif of Garland as a ‘survivor’ be central to her gay appeal.


The impact Garland had on her gay fans has never been up for bate. But this year, the film Judy, Garland's gay fans have fally been regnised for havg a strong impact on the sger return. * was judy garland father gay *

A Star is Born further blurred the le between her work and life, wh Richard Dyer intifyg this as the moment where Garland’s image of beg “damaged goods” be an sential part of her star persona and gay in stat. ”Some gay men fd more affy straight female stars than they do those om their own muny, a procs that queer amic José Muñoz lls “disintifitn”. As an example, Muñoz suggts that when a gay man “intified” wh Garland, he was “wrg his way to the mastream culture which his own story uld never be told.

”Gay men often reject gay cultural figur that they perceive as geared towards straight people – such as the st members of Netflix’s Queer EyeBut ntrastgly, the book How to be Gay, queer historian David Halper scrib a tensn wh the “mastream” that leads gay men to be “highly cril, if not ntemptuo, of their own artists, wrers and filmmakers”. He says that gay men often fail to warm to gay characters and celebri bee they “don’t often like the reprentatns of gay men that gay men produce. ” Halper suggts that this is bee most mastream reprentatns of gay men, om pop culture to polics, panr to “acceptable” heterosexual norms.


New bpic Judy latt maniftatn of gay, quasi-relig worship of Wizard of Oz in * was judy garland father gay *

He draws a key distctn between gay culture – where “nventnal” whe gay men are domant – and gay subculture – where women, drag queens, queer people of lour and trans people are more visible.


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