Bondi Rise memorial honours victims of Sydney gay hate crim durg 1970s to 1990s - ABC News</tle><meta name="tle" ntent="Bondi Rise memorial honours victims of Sydney gay hate crim durg 1970s to 1990s - ABC News"/><meta name="scriptn" ntent="If you were a gay man Sydney durg the 1970s to 1990s, there was a chance you uld get beaten up or killed, Garry Wotherspoon says. A memorial to the victims now stands on the eastern suburbs se where many of the acts of vlence took place."/><meta name="keywords" ntent="bondi, gay hate crime"/><lk rel="nonil" href="><lk rel="in" type="image/png" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="in" type="image/svg+xml" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="mask-in" lor="black" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="apple-touch-in" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="preload" href=" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorig="anonymo"/><lk rel="preload" href=" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorig="anonymo"/><lk rel="preload" href=" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorig="anonymo"/><meta property="ABC.ContentType" ntent="Article"/><meta property="ABC.ContentSource" ntent="remedia"/><meta name="generator" ntent="PL NEWS WEB"/><meta property="ABC.Generator" ntent="PL NEWS WEB"/><meta name="ContentId" ntent="100559240"/><meta property="ABC.ContentId" ntent="100559240"/><meta name="ABC.VersnNumber" ntent="27"/><lk rel="amphtml" href="><meta property="article:thor" ntent="><meta property="article:tag" ntent="bondi"/><meta property="article:tag" ntent="gay hate crime"/><meta property="article:published_time" ntent="2021-10-22T05:56:33+00:00"/><script type="applitn/ld+json">{"@ntext":","@type":"NewsArticle","thor":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Harriet Tatham"}],"dateModified":"2021-10-22T05:56:33+00:00","datePublished":"2021-10-22T05:56:33+00:00","scriptn":"If you were a gay man Sydney durg the 1970s to 1990s, there was a chance you uld get beaten up or killed, Garry Wotherspoon says. A memorial to the victims now stands on the eastern suburbs se where many of the acts of vlence took place.","headle":"Bondi Rise memorial honours victims of Sydney gay hate crim durg 1970s to 1990s","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","height":485,"url":","width":862},"keywords":"bondi,gay hate crime","maEntyOfPage":","publisher":{"@type":"Organizatn","name":"ABC News","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","height":60,"url":","width":240}}}</script><meta property="og:url" ntent="><meta property="og:scriptn" ntent="If you were a gay man Sydney durg the 1970s to 1990s, there was a chance you uld get beaten up or killed, Garry Wotherspoon says. 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bondi gay murders wikipedia

Between 1987 and 1993 up to 20 gay men were murred across Sydney, too many dismissed at the time as suicis or aths by misadventure." name="scriptn



Rewards of $100,000 will be offered for rmatn leadg to the killers of three men on the Bondi-Tamarama headlands the 1980s, which a roner 2005 lked to a spate of "gay hate" crim." name="scriptn * bondi gay murders wikipedia *

In 2012 the New South Wal puty state roner Carmel Forb overturned the suici fdg but uld not terme how he police have formed Operatn Parrabell, a team of eight tectiv who will apply an FBI measure of hate bias – creria to terme if a crime is motivated by bias agast, for stance, sexual orientatn – to see if as many as 88 Sydney aths datg om the 1970s onward, cludg 30 unsolved s, were gay hate s were marked suici or e unknown, but past police nclns are now beg lled to qutn. A new SBS vtigatn has unvered “ser mistak” were ma the ial vtigatns, cludg the misspellg of one ad man’s Johnson tells Guardian Atralia that applyg the FBI hate bias creria is unlikely to unver gay hate crim bee the strgent checklist requir s to be solved, perpetrators to be intified and their hatred of victims to be proclaimed.

Instead, he says, a better exercise would be to pull every police file on every ath near a gay Sydney meetg place om the 1970s to about 2000 and ask: was this se properly vtigated?

The aim is to attract a natnal dience to the story, and to unver more possible gay hate crim and murrs producer, Darren Dale, says he was spired by hearg 2012 about the murr of Ahmed Ghoniem, who was found Sydney apartment wh multiple stab wounds and blunt trma juri. “I live Potts Pot [ Sydney], and I thought, if there is someone attackg and murrg gay men – more gay people livg there than I spect anywhere else Atralia – then how e ’s not any of the papers, ’s not been the news?


If you were a gay man Sydney durg the 1970s to 1990s, there was a chance you uld get beaten up or killed, Garry Wotherspoon says. A memorial to the victims now stands on the eastern suburbs se where many of the acts of vlence took place. * bondi gay murders wikipedia *

Shawn Seet, the director of the ld Canberra polil drama The Co, is at the the prent day, fictnal Detective Senr Constable Tori Ltigman, played by Yael Stone of Orange Is the New Black, her own DNA to see if match DNA found on a piece of lead pipg, which she spects may be her gay brother’s. His 1989 drowng had been rerd as a drama’s central ncerns are: Did the fictnal Kyle “Hammers” Hampton (Craig McLachlan) – a one-time member of a gay-bashg gang – play a role the men’s aths?

Photograph: Sean O'Reilly/SBSThe ‘gay ATM’It was not until 2005, 17 years after Stt Johnson’s ath, that Steve realised his beloved brother might have died vlently: he had been sent a clippg about the vlent aths of three other gay men year the NSW senr puty state roner Jacquele Milledge found that the televisn newsrear Ross Warren, 25, and barman John Rsell, 31, had been murred two separate attacks 1989, most probably thrown off a cliff at Bondi’s Marks Park, which was known as a gay beat. Photograph: Steve JohnsonSteve Johnson believ, along wh many others, that herent bias play a role both the mimal media verage of the stori and the public and police rponse to vlent crim agast gay people.


Bloodsport: The Bondi Gay Murrs: Directed by Gary Deans. Wh Rohan Brooker, Warren Lee, Fraser Stark, Matthew Starlg. In the late 1980s and early 1990s a seri of vlent murrs took place near Sydney's famo Bondi Beach. Three nocent men were attacked and thrown to their aths om a clifftop. The murrs were part of a much wir wave of vlent hate crim as gangs of youths roamed Sydney's ner suburbs randomly bashg and killg gay men for sport." data-id="ma * bondi gay murders wikipedia *

“I’m unsure what role homophobia played the 1980s, ” he says, “but certaly seemed that the police systematilly avoid vtigatg the aths of gay men, or men prumed to be gay.

His brother says this was an implsible ncln: many gay men have told his vtigatn that the area had been a popular beat sce the 1960s but gay men were often too sred to report asslts bee “police treated them like perpetrators, not victims”’s vtigatn also clud terviewg former gay-bashg gang members, who had sentially operated wh impuny bee there was still a “lot of hatred towards gays”, he says.

Olr today, and probably wiser, perhaps they've grown a nscience, or a maybe, after all the years, they will be tempted by the $100, 000 rewards announced on Tuday to dob the killers of three gay men who died separately more than 25 years ago. It giv weight to the origal police fdg that he mted report, by Detective Chief Inspector Pamela Young of the Unsolved Homici Team, also sts doubt on the epimic theory of experts, cludg the former police gay liaison Sue Thompson, who had intified up to 30 potential unsolved gay-hate murrs om the late 1970s to late 1990s. The report puts eight unsolved murrs the gay-hate Inspector Young, who had a publicised fd wh the Johnson fay, has been removed om that se at the requt of State Coroner Michael Barn, who plaed that an "unprecented" terview she gave to the ABC's Latele uld unrme public nfince her impartialy.


From the late 1980s, a wave of btal murrs swept Sydney’s clifftops. The victims were gay men; police barely bothered vtigatg." name="scriptn * bondi gay murders wikipedia *

600 objectns to Bronte RSLVio: Man bashed wh bats at BondiTHERE are men and women Bondi who have gotten away wh horrific gang members, who hunted and killed gay men as “sport” their teens, have kept silent for lol thor Dunn McNab is hopg one of them will fally speak former police officer last week released his latt book which tails shockg stori of asslts and men thrown off cliffs jt for beg homosexual.

Mr McNab, 60 says his book highlight’s our lol 80 men died or disappeared across the state om the late 70s to early 90s durg an epimic of gay hate of the btal attacks on the men happened the eastern suburbs which was a huntg ground for many gangs of young thugs such as the Bondi Boys and the Tamarama Three. The unsolved s and vtigative eptu still hnts book Gettg Away Wh Murr lifts the lid on a police culture lookg the other way, negligence and some s, outright homophobia.


* bondi gay murders wikipedia *

It is timated that only about 18 per cent of the attacks were reported bee many members of the gay muny did not believe their report would be treated fairly. In his book, Mr McNab, a Darlghurst lol, said the perpetrators of the gay-hate crim had a distctive profile: predomantly whe usian, young, sgle and unemployed mal. Their motiv for the killgs clud extreme homophobia, vlent nceptns of masculy and, for at least some of the perpetrators, an ternal battle wh their own sexualy.

” Gill Mattai, also a gay man, went missg om the same astal stretch two s after the ial police vtigatns to the three men’s aths, a roner found Mr Rsell and Mr Warren were murred and Mr Mattai probably met a siar fate. “Revtigatg the s fully is a great opportuny for the NSW police to try and heal this huge wound that still exists wh generatns of gay men who were treated rottenly, ” Mr McNab said.


John Rsell was about to leave Sydney behd for an idyllic life regnal New South Wal. He beme one of the victims of Sydney’s notor gay hate crim" name="scriptn * bondi gay murders wikipedia *

"It was part of life beg a gay man Sydney at the time, you were aware of the hate crim … uld've been me, rather than the people I know, " Mr Wotherspoon lived through the 70s to 90s, a dark chapter of the Harbour Cy's history where dozens of mal were sla btal fashn.

(ABC News: Harriet Tatham)Gay men, or people spected of beg gay, were beaten parks, hurled om cliffs or had vanished om cy's streets s barely probed by law enforcement.


"The gay newspapers were reportg hate crim but the wir thori didn't pay any attentn … was jt bshed unr the rpet, " Mr Wotherspoon said. (ABC News: Harriet Tatham)Liberal MP Shayne Mallard chaired the parliamentary mtee rponsible for remendg the legal a victim of a homophobic asslt himself, he said was time for those rponsible to be serve time.


"CIA: Crime Invtigatn Atralia" Bloodsport: The Bondi Gay Murrs (TV Episo 2009) - IMDb.