Salvatn Army ni beg anti-gay

salvation army turns away gay couple

Would-be donors should nsir whether "dog the most good" might mean supportg one of the many other effective and reputable chari that provi for the needy whout engagg anti-gay beliefs, polici, or polil activi.



Jt time to Gay Pri month, a media relatns director for the Salvatn Army had no problem remdg and the queer journalists he was talkg to that gays should be put to ath.   * salvation army turns away gay couple *

Time and time aga, the anizatn ni havg anti-gay bias, even though the paper trail documentg anti-gay stanc go back s.

A brief history of the Salvatn Army’s alleged anti-gay csadg. In 2011, the New York Tim terviewed a man who claimed the Salvatn Army nied him and his boyiend shelter the ‘90s “unls we broke up and then left the ‘sful homosexual liftyle’ behd, ” the man, Bill Browng, said. The Tim also published the Salvatn Army’s “Posn Statement” on homosexualy, which has sce been leted om the anizatn’s webse:.

Homosexual nduct, like heterosexual nduct, requir dividual rponsibily and mt be guid by the light of scriptural teachg.


* salvation army turns away gay couple *

Many Salvatn Army shelters do help LGBTQ people — but crics say harm-rctn servic don’t make up for anti-gay lobbyg.

In his recent op-ed, Hudson explaed that even if some Salvatn Army lears are themselv anti-gay, their personal beliefs are outweighed by the servic the anizatn provis to at-risk LGBTQ people.


In other words, the Salvatn Army do provi lifavg servic, cludg food and shelter, to LGBTQ people facg homelsns, but also appears to have no problem wh s learship potentially exprsg homophobic views that help ntribute to broar discrimatn agast LGBTQ people.

The high rat of homelsns among LGBTQ youth are often due to homophobia their fai or their muni.

For s, they’ve acced Salvatnsts of nyg some servic to same-sex upl, advotg agast gay rights and adherg to a tradnal theology that nsirs gay sex sful.


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