The Book of Delights: Essays eBook : Gay, Ross: Books

book of delights ross gay

Ross Gay spent a year wrg daily says about thgs that light him. NPR's Ari Shapiro talks wh Gay about some of the says clud his new book, The Book of Delights.



On the Co Swch podst, Ross Gay reflects on his 2019 llectn The Book of Delights, the difficulty of allowg yourself to be moved, and why he thks 's important to e the word "love." * book of delights ross gay *

95) / Number of pag 288 / Publitn date Febary 12, 2019 / ISBN 9781616207922Purchase: Algonqu / IndieBound / Bookshop / Powell'sFrom the Publisher: The New York Tim btsellg book of says celebratg ordary lights the world around by one of Ameri's most origal and observant wrers, award-wng poet Ross Gay. The first nonfictn book om award-wng poet Ross Gay is a rerd of the small joys we often overlook our by liv.

Among Gay’s funny, poetic, philosophil lights: a iend’s unabashed e of air quot, cradlg a tomato seedlg aboard an airplane, the silent nod of acknowledgment between the only two black people a room. But Gay never dismiss the plexi, even the terrors, of livg Ameri as a black man or the elogil and psychic vlence of our nsumer culture or the loss of those he lov. More than anythg else, though, Gay celebrat the bety of the natural world–his garn, the flowers peekg out of the siwalk, the hypnotic movements of a prayg mantis.


The Book of Delights: Essays [Gay, Ross] on *FREE* shippg on qualifyg offers. The Book of Delights: Essays * book of delights ross gay *

The remarkable piec serve as a powerful and necsary remr that we n, and should, stake out a space our liv for & Reviews“Ross Gay’s eye lands upon wonr at every turn, bolsterg my belief the untls small miracl that surround . Gay, an award-wng poet, knows the value of formal nstrat: his experienc of ‘light, ’ rerd daily for a year, vary wily but yield revealg patterns through sights about everythg om nature and the body to race and masculy. ’” —The New Yorker“Ross Gay’s poems are ltle celebratns of joy, and this book of mi-says—each centerg around a particular 'light, ’ om sleepg your cloth to plantg tomato seedlgs to the nod of greetg between the only two black people a room—is a pure balm for your soul.

” —Celte Ng for “You’ll fd that the lights of Gay’s world illumate the lights of yours, that his wonr is ntag and has ed you to epen your own. ” —Today“Ross Gay is able to e as ltle language as possible to populate a world where his memori are your memori, tertwed, reachg out of the pag. It’s hard to read Gay and not to be won over.

This is an entire book of such glimmers, which Ross Gay notic ty moments life and nature, so that we too may light them.


* book of delights ross gay *

In a climate of ser thoughts about ser subjects, Ross Gay tly do light, brgg more poetry than ual to an say llectn that challeng the nventns of the form. Some of Gay’s says are a mere paragraph, others are longer, but they are all about aspects of life worth celebratg. And let’s ask Ross Gay along — he’s an expert...


The Book of (More) Delights: Essays [Gay, Ross] on *FREE* shippg on qualifyg offers. The Book of (More) Delights: Essays * book of delights ross gay *

" — The Philalphia Inquirer"Gay’s zt for life bursts forth on almost every page. " —Bookreporter"It’s hard not to reach for relig language when scribg Gay’s work. It’s filled to the brim wh spir and the temporal allegiance wh dails that abis at the root of mortaly and spirual practice alike…In Gay’s ecumenil view, light is found the poignant and the lovg, the light and the shadows, and the tentnal procs of tung to all the plac — expected and unexpected — where may ri.

His lights are wi-rangg and unrtraed, the greater of them often terpted by smaller on a cha of digrsns…Throughout the llectn, Gay’s voice is imable, his says as particular as a fgerprt…Stamped wh their own rhythm and equency, each say is equally thoughtful, gent, and tertg…Gay’s says sparkle wh charm, w, and lgh-out-loud funny bs jostlg cheek and jowl agast chatologil exploratns and philosophil ncerns. No matter the emotnal timbre, Gay’s thoughts unfurl wh a lh bety, light the terroir of the wrg and readg alike. " — Orn"Everyone uld e a b more light their days (particularly durg the doldms of wter) and Gay, who is the wner of the NBCC Award for Poetry, is here to provi jt that, wh says celebratg everythg om air quot to ndy wrappers to pickup basketball gam.

" — New York Post"Gay’s journey ambl back and forth time.


The Book of (More) Delights by Ross Gay | Hachette Book Group .