Details and event dat of all major gay pri ftivals around the world. From Madrid to Sao Plo and om NYC to Amsterdam we have all gay events 2023
From a drag queen’s surprise appearance at the impeachment hearg of Print Donald Tmp to a once-proment "nversn therapist" cidg to "pursue life as a gay man, " here are 15 of our most clicked on LGBTQ news stori of anchor Meagan Fzgerald, left, announced her engagement on June 2, 2019. Nicholas Kamm / AFP - Getty ImagGay Republin group's director rigns after Tmp endorsementThe executive director of the Log Cab Republins is the latt official to rign om the nservative LGBTQ group after recently endorsed Print Donald Tmp for re-electn. 25, Man / Rters fileWould Buttigieg be the first gay print?
“I would image we’ve probably had excellent prints who were gay, we jt didn’t know which on, ” Pete Buttigieg said an terview. Petersburg, Rsia, on April Vaganov / Rters fileRsian LGBTQ activist killed after beg listed on gay-huntg seA Rsian LGBTQ activist, Yelena Grigoryeva, was fatally stabbed St. (July 23, 2019)Click for full storyDavid Mathon, a former gay nversn therapist, has e out as gay.
Courty of David MathonOnce-proment ‘nversn therapist’ will ‘pursue life as a gay man’David Mathon, a once proment Mormon “nversn therapist” who claims to have helped some gay men rema heterosexual marriag, is lookg for a boyiend. 25, DuBose / UMNS fileLGBTQ Uned Methodist lears gutted by church's anti-gay cisnThe Uned Methodist Church strengthened s ban on openly gay clergy and same-sex marriag.
GAY PRIS 2023 AND 2024
Easley / APEvangelil group wants gays removed om anti-lynchg billLiberty Counsel oppos cludg the words "sexual orientatn" and "genr inty" a feral anti-lynchg bill. 9, 2019)Click for full storyChris, left, and Melania say they were the victims of a homophobic asslt on a London FacebookFifth teen arrted attach agast lbian uple on London bThe teens allegedly mand the two women kiss "so they uld enjoy watchg" before beatg them.
Wh this md, nonprof Natnal Queer Theater is shg a spotlight on global homophobia wh plays om Egypt, Tanzania, Pakistan, Cha and others -- untri where the stori by queer playwrights would never see the light of day. HomoclimbtasticJuly 18 - July 21Fayetteville, Wt VirgiaBilled as “the world’s largt queer-iendly climbg nventn, ” the annual Homo Climbtastic is for ser adventurers seekg to nnect wh other queer-intifyg folx the great outdoors. Outdoorsy typ will bond while hikg and mpg, and of urse, get some ser hang time -- We WeekendJuly 19 - July 21Sonoma, CaliforniaIn the heart of we untry, the annual Gay We Weekend celebrat lol LGBTQ we producers the world-renowned Sonoma Valley.
Southern DenceAugt 29 - September 2New Orleans, LouisanaStarted nearly 50 years ago, Southern Dence is also lled “Gay Mardi Gras, ” and is the South’s biggt LGBTQ event every year. Book your gaytn to Greater Palm Sprgs around one of our many annual LGBTQ+ events. And Cema Diverse, an LGBTQ+ film ftival that shows the bt gay, lbian, bisexual, and transgenr film, is a mt for movie lovers.