How to Unrstand Gay and Lbian People: LGBT+ Allyship

do gay people want to be gay

Unrstand health ncerns for gay men and other men who have sex wh men, and learn how to promote good health.



Why are people gay? Are they gay by choice or is beg gay geic? Are they born gay? Learn about the and reasons for beg gay. * do gay people want to be gay *

In 1993, a study published the journal Science showed that fai wh two homosexual brothers were very likely to have certa geic markers on a regn of the X chromosome known as Xq28. In 1991, a study published the journal Science seemed to show that the hypothalam, which ntrols the release of sex hormon om the puary gland, gay men differs om the hypothalam straight men.


PET and MRI studi performed 2008 have shown that the two halv of the bra are more symmetril homosexual men and heterosexual women than heterosexual men and homosexual women. Today, however, we know much more about the bra than we did when homosexualy was nsired a disease that required treatment, and the amount of knowledge that we have about the bra is creasg.

If we fe beg gay as engagg homosexual behavr (the ncept of “gay” as an inty is a Wtern cultural ncept – people who have sex wh both men and women may ll themselv gay, straight or bisexual, pendg on the l of their culture or subculture), then people stop beg gay as soon as they stop engagg this behavr.


I believe that people have the right to engage any behavr that they choose, as long as their actns do not harm others, and I believe that gay sex and gay relatnships do not e harm to anyone. (Of urse, there are abive and unhealthy gay relatnships that should not be tolerated, jt as there are unhealthy heterosexual relatnships that should not be tolerated.

If sexual preference n be altered, then people who support gay rights n’t rely on the argument that gay people should be protected om discrimatn bee gay people have no choice but to be gay – an argument that seems like an apology for homosexualy, as if homosexualy is a disease for which there is no cure. Jt as gay people who are happy as they are should not be forced to change their sexual orientatn, gay people who want to be straight should have the right to change if they n – and the rrect word is “change” – not “cure”. Photo creds: Vanuver Gay Pri Para 2008 by edallaluna on Wikimedia Commons; DNA by ynse on Wikimedia Commons; Bra fMRI by views exprsed are those of the thor(s) and are not necsarily those of Scientific Amerin.

This page provis accurate rmatn for those who want to better unrstand sexual orientatn and the impact of prejudice and discrimatn on those who intify as lbian, gay, or bisexual. In the Uned Stat the most equent labels are lbians (women attracted to women), gay men (men attracted to men), and bisexual people (men or women attracted to both sex). Public opn studi over the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s routely showed that, among large segments of the public, lbian, gay, and bisexual people were the target of strongly held negative attus.


The associatn of HIV/AIDS wh gay and bisexual men and the accurate belief that some people held that all gay and bisexual men were fected served to further stigmatize lbian, gay, and bisexual people.

On an dividual level, such prejudice and discrimatn may also have negative nsequenc, pecially if lbian, gay, and bisexual people attempt to nceal or ny their sexual orientatn. Dpe the persistence of stereotyp that portray lbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several s of rearch and clil experience have led all mastream medil and mental health anizatns this untry to nclu that the orientatns reprent normal forms of human experience. Helpful rpons of a therapist treatg an dividual who is troubled about her or his same sex attractns clu helpg that person actively pe wh social prejudic agast homosexualy, succsfully rolve issu associated wh and rultg om ternal nflicts, and actively lead a happy and satisfyg life.


The phrase “g out” is ed to refer to several aspects of lbian, gay, and bisexual persons’ experienc: self-awarens of same-sex attractns; the tellg of one or a few people about the attractns; wispread disclosure of same-sex attractns; and intifitn wh the lbian, gay, and bisexual muny. Th, is not surprisg that lbians and gay men who feel they mt nceal their sexual orientatn report more equent mental health ncerns than do lbians and gay men who are more open; they may even have more physil health problems.

Lbian, gay, and bisexual youth who do well spe strs—like all adolcents who do well spe strs—tend to be those who are socially petent, who have good problem-solvg skills, who have a sense of tonomy and purpose, and who look forward to the future.

Whether the youths intify as heterosexual or as lbian, gay, or bisexual, they enunter prejudice and discrimatn based on the prumptn that they are lbian, gay, or bisexual. If they are a heterosexual relatnship, their experienc may be que siar to those of people who intify as heterosexual unls they choose to e out as bisexual; that se, they will likely face some of the same prejudice and discrimatn that lbian and gay dividuals enunter.


Although parable data are not available, many sgle lbians and gay men are also parents, and many same-sex upl are part-time parents to children whose primary rince is elsewhere. For example, are the children of lbian or gay parents more vulnerable to mental breakdown, do they have more behavr problems, or are they ls psychologilly healthy than other children? The picture that emerg om this rearch shows that children of gay and lbian parents enjoy a social life that is typil of their age group terms of volvement wh peers, parents, fay members, and iends.


What Are the Cs of Homosexualy? - The Atlantic</tle><meta name="scriptn" ntent="Homosexualy might be partly driven by a mother’s immune rponse to her male fet—which creas wh each son she has."/><meta property="kx:tle" ntent="What Are the Cs of Homosexualy? - The Atlantic"/><meta property="kx:scriptn" ntent="Homosexualy might be partly driven by a mother’s immune rponse to her male fet—which creas wh each son she has."/><lk rel="nonil" href="><lk rel="image_src" href="><meta property="article:thor" ntent="><meta name="thor" ntent="Olga Khazan"/><lk rel="ia:markup_url" href="><meta property="article:publisher" ntent="><meta property="article:opn" ntent="false"/><meta property="article:ntent_tier" ntent="metered"/><meta property="article:tag" ntent="sex"/><meta property="article:sectn" ntent="Health"/><meta property="article:published_time" ntent="2016-04-27T15:31:02Z"/><meta property="article:modified_time" ntent="2021-05-12T21:36:16Z"/><meta name="robots" ntent="x, follow, 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orientatn, human adults report, female Japane maqu, younger brothers, younger sisters, intil tws of gay sons, psychologist Rch Sav-Williams, H-Y antigens, sexual orientatn, Ray Blanchard, male mat, Atlantic ntributor Chandler Burr, strong rrelatn, thors of a mammoth new review paper, Homosexual orientatn, Part of the explanatn, Average prevalence, Y chromosome, exclive accs, homosexual feelgs, fet of her unborn son, Southern Baptists, gay people, animal kgdom, Disney films, mother’s body mounts, equal rights, support anti-gay legislatn, report thors, adoptive brothers, sexual mori, velopment of heterosexual orientatn, female sexual partners, tolerance, Homosexualy, nsistent environmental explanatns, man, people, Studi, femal, gaps, laws, populatns" emID="#keywords"/><meta name="news_keywords" ntent="groups of female Japane monkeys, intil tws of gay people, olr brothers, pany of other femal, percent chance, aternal birth orr effect, sexual partners, origs of sexual orientatn, human adults report, female Japane maqu, younger brothers, younger sisters, intil tws of gay sons, psychologist Rch Sav-Williams, H-Y antigens, sexual orientatn, Ray Blanchard, male mat, Atlantic ntributor Chandler Burr, strong rrelatn, thors of a mammoth new review paper, Homosexual orientatn, Part of the explanatn, Average prevalence, Y chromosome, exclive accs, homosexual feelgs, fet of her unborn son, Southern Baptists, gay people, animal kgdom, Disney films, mother’s body mounts, equal rights, support anti-gay legislatn, report thors, adoptive brothers, sexual mori, velopment of heterosexual orientatn, female sexual partners, tolerance, Homosexualy, nsistent environmental explanatns, man, people, Studi, femal, gaps, laws, populatns"/><meta name="" ntent="health,sex"/><meta name="" ntent="Olga Khazan"/><meta name="" ntent="2016-04-27T15:31:02Z"/><lk rel="preload" as="font" type="font/woff2" href=" crossorig=""/><lk rel="preload" as="font" type="font/woff2" href=" crossorig=""/><lk 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